(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


yup IKEA can be quite fun.. esp wif all the furniture they can try which wld most prob be out of bounds at home. ;)

jus tt arvin's in a screaming.. shouting phase.. soo loud.. sm more the aunties outside can say wah so small but soo noisy.. dunno if wanna get angry or symphatise wif them..

IS thr a age limit for going to the theatre?

Any mummies signing up for GYMBOREE @ Harbourfront?

ahem... shawn slept thru the movie (after 1/2hr staying awake) heeee. luckily got the baby carrier with me. it becomes his comfort sleeping zone whenever we go out... :D
my boy is often cranky so i was so surprised that day hahaha

hmmm when i hear those kind of comments i think i'll get angry first! sometime people really have no clue with what we're going thru as mothers or just because their children/grandchildren behave differently then they think other people's should be the same! it's ridiculous to expect babies to behave in certain ways (even adults don't!) and thoughtless to make such remarks,especially out loud.
i used to 'challenge' strangers who make such comments coz find it hard to just swallow their comments...once my boi had a meltdown episode in a cab and the driver was lecturing me! telling me that it's very bad of us to 'let' our son cry bla bla bla he thought we were not trying hard enough to stop his crying! but he doesn't take care of my son on daily basis,he doesn't even know my son and his characters.when he's having meltdown moment he absolutely wants nothing! not toys,not words of comfort,not milk...just feels like crying and screaming it out...so i told the driver off as i was very angry with him.
it was already hard enough handling my baby at that time and the driver had to make the situation worst,i feel that it was just too much
so quiet ...
i'm starting my NPL soon =D
ehh... but i'm oso on the look out for jobs ...
anyone in the hR line? can advise if the law permits me to tender resignation during NPL?
dinut.. haiz.. yup can understand.. we as parent's noe wat's best for our children. n smtimes our bbs hv a mind of their own. ;)

arvin's a premmie.. so he's 8 mths.. but jus over 6kg.. so whenver pple outside ask hw old.. n we tell.. they give this dirty look like like we lying.. then can smmore exclaim wah so small. aiyo.. i used to giv tt routine speech of he being a premm who's 2mths early n tt for tt he's of gd size bla bla.. but nwadays i jus dun bother.. let them think wat they wan la..
mimeole, my bb not premie.. but 3 wks early. 9mths only 7.2kg! So urs considered better than mine already. Nvm lah.. that it that they'll remind cute for a longer period of time. Now still look like baby instead of toddler. haha!

As long as they are healthy and growing well can already.
Last weekend, my sil brought her 2 year old son to our place. His name is 'doggie' (born in year of dog mah).

This is one kid whom I really cannot tolerate. Wherever he goes, he will wreck havoc and destroy things.

And what I hate most is that his parents do not bother to scold him or teach him at all, just, "Aiyo, why you so naughty?" They can even pass the teacup to the kid to play, and when he smashed it, they go, "Hor!! Auntie bought that from overseas leh!"

I have a water feature in the living room, and despite numerous warnings, he still throws my boy's toys into the water.

The last straw came when he emptied his can of coke into the water feature. I went ahead and smacked his hands.

That night, my husband said that I shouldn't have hit the kid. "How would you feel if somebody hit our baby?" he asked.

But how I feel is that, this kid is not an outsider. He is my husband's nephew. And I also want to use this opportunity to teach my SIL that if her son misbehaves in my house, he is going to get it from me. So she better keep an eye on him.

And personally, I have seen many kids who are hyper-active. And their parents play a very important role in teaching them against misbehaving. But if the parents just allow their kids to go about destroying other people's things and do not bother to apologise or reprimand their child, it is their own fault that the kids are viewed as terrors and they remain unpopular guests.

Any comments?

u know... as a teacher, i often wonder why some of my students behave in a particular manner... UNTIL I SEE THEIR PARENTS! then i go "now i know why..."

i can't stand misbehaving kids too, esp those on the MRT. but then again, if my nephew does irritating things, i would raise my voice but wouldn't hit cos he's not my own.
* i wish i could too. but i would really complain to my hubby and disallow him to come to my house in the future.
so sian, my menses came today after 8 months of free and ez days. no wonder i was having such a bad headache and felt nauseous in the afternoon. gave my mum a fright.
I remember reading some posts commenting/comparing baby carriers. Beco, Ergo, and some others I cannot remember. Mommies who have very good carriers to recommend, can you please PM me?

Thank you so much.
Ok noted.. but i usually give fruits 2 hrs after meal, is it all right?

Oh cannot take pix ah.. its ok thanks
But how was the class, fun? Did the babies enjoy it? Anyone sign up the package?

You brought Shirui to movies? Steady! They allow you to bring baby in? Which threatre did you do to?

Btw Slimz/Gabby mum, I'm afraid I cant go to the gym this sunday leh cos Kyrell has mild bronchitis.. getting slightly better but dun think can recover in time.. see how.. so very much wans to go leh
any of your babies still bo gey? (toothless)
My baby already 9 months still no sign of teeth. Those 3 gu 6 po around keep saying that he lack calcium. Not true right?? He seems perfectly healthy leh.
yah, think she no heart to work here liaoz.
I did something very bad...I actually peeped at her letter which she asked me to post for her back to philippines. Well, some were in english, some were in their language. She was writing to her boyfriend. There was one line which I can roughly guess (most likely I guess correct), where she says she misses her boyfriend more than her daughter. She finds herself thinking of him more than thinking of her daughter. (what kind of mother is that? I dunno...) Hmmm, maybe that's why she no heart to work anymore....

Re children's behaviour...my family encountered this:-

My parents live in a HDB point block. We're at level 12. WHole block is 25 storeys. Neighbour directly above us came down to complain...

Neighbour: yesterday afternoon, I think one of your family members was smoking ah...
Us: Oh, nobody in our family smokes.
Neighbour: Oh, nobody smokes ah? But we found some cigarette butts at our window, you know. It came from upstairs...
Us: (wow,, we're the only "upstairs")...... there are 13 other storeys above us...
Neighbour: er....okay. But sometimes I do smell smoke you know.
Us: (like smoke travels UPWARDS...??) Oh is it? but nobody in our family smoke leh.
Neighbour: oh ok.

So presumptious yah?

Then a few weeks later (on Sunday that just passed), we bumped into that family in the lift. That family had 2 adults and 2 young children. Plus us, 5 adults and 1 baby. All were making their way into the lift at ground floor. Neighbour's DD was holding the door open. As we were moving into the lift, the little gal kept saying "tsk, tsk. Hiyoh! Tsk tsk." Then when the door closed, that little gal said "hiyoh! so squeezy!" (actually, it wasn't THAT squeezy lah). Guess what the parents did? NOTHING. They just kept quiet.

We couldn't help but think: No wonder the kids are like that lah...(with ref to the earlier episode with the kid's father...)
Oops. I meant to say "Neighbour directly BELOW us came UP to complain". sheesh. what's with me today? Must be the flu med...

Tell those san gu liu po that it is alrite that baby have no teeth at 9 mths. Def. not lack of calcium.

My nephew only have his 1st tooth at 15 mths.
those irritating women just love to compare babies. My SIL's baby had his 1st tooth at 3 months, another cousin's baby at 5 months. So they feel I may be 'undernourishing' my prince lor!
Higgledy, my boy also boh geh.. coming to 9ths liao. My ah ma says.. so early come out for wat (refering to his teeth), come out early.. decay also earlier.. kekeke
higgledy, mine still bo geh too...everyday i will stick my finger into her mouth to check...haha...actually i oso quite worried how come still bo geh leh..tat day saw a mummy (cant rem who le) posted her bb got 8 teeth leh...wow...

i prepared the tooth chart long time back, tot can record...up to now still no updates...sigh...guess we cant rush such things...just hv to wait patiently...
My #1 got his first tooth when he is in his 13th mth, imagine 1st birthday still bo gua. Now #2 (9th mth old)also toothless. My ah mah also said tooth come out early, decay early too. Think tooth come out early not good especially when they are so young and unstable, fall down will tear their lips etc.

Think got a few bah, think one of them is Etelle's. =)
Yes missylan, my mum also say have teeth early, decay also early. True lor, my cousin trip and fall and her front tooth cut her lip. Ouch~ I see already also heartpain.
Funny thing is, my boy being bo gey, loves 'brushing teeth'! We use the 1st teeth toothpaste with the finger brush to rub his gums and he loves it!

Whenever he sees us with the finger brush he will quickly crawl over and open his mouth big big. Very cute!
<font color="aa00aa">afternoon ladies!!!

how's didi?
hope he is recovering well.

my boy has 1 tooth full grown on his lower gums.
1 more next to it and 2 front teeth on the upper gums still in the process of growing.
i think its nonsense of those people to think that its undernourishment that cause the tooth to not grow yet.
all babies develop and progress and different rate.
as long as they are happy and healthy then we as parents are alredi thankful enuf.</font>
coco, it's 2 hours b4 meal and 4 hours after meal hehheh...

aiya... my fren's daughter won the tooth fairy race. she had 2 lower teeth since BIRTH! (she's 6 this year) so like that very li-hai is it? dun bother about those san gu liu po la...
jeelomeelo.. i can believe u ..
haaa... u noe y
coz i oso ve milk teeth...hee.. ya .. teeth
aka > 1 tooth .. haaaaa ..
i got 4 of them .. =P lost one recently aft birth =(
dentist did xray for me n say i got no adult teeth below the milk teeth, so if i lose them, i wont get replacement teeth ....
so now i got hole
ah!!! tub, at birth got 2 teeth le?!!
hee.. my daddy oso say early out early decay .. haaaa .. duno how true ... aiyah dun care those 3gu 6 po lar..
yeah! her daughter has 2 teeth the moment she was born so cannot latch lor... if not will bite.

anyway gals, have u decided where to celebrate baby's 1st birthday and where to order the cake?

i was checking out the cc near my home and safra yishun. like the latter's env but have to get their caterer leh. prob is we are getting vegetarian food and the menu they propose sucks cos it's all mock stuff! cc is ok but looks a bit more LC hehheh... I also called up grassroots club at YCK but they say all weekends book liao. also tot of aloha but fully booked too and think will be inconvenient for guests la... esp most frens now have young kids liao.

any suggestions?
ya.. i got 4 .. dey r not in front .. all hidden ..
2 top 2 bottom ..
the top n bottom same position.. so if i were to lose them one fine day.. i prob cant chew liao.. haaaaaaa..
dentist suggest i pull them out n do dentures ..
i brot shirui to Bishan GV .. think can bring de lar.. dey wont discriminate u .. jux dat if bb makes noise inside, guess as parents we would ve to b more reasonable and bring dem out .. so dat wont disturb others....
dat time i oso told my HB's niece off..
shirui still small tink 1mth plus. I jux finished bathing her and was changing her in the room on my bed.
The niece jumped onto my bed (as usual..) and started touching EVERYTING on the bed, from shirui to the towel, nappy..
i was veri fustrated le..coz wen i was bathing shirui she was oso playing with the water in the tub, shampoo etc.. and shirui was not in the goodest mood.. crying for milk le..
And when i wan to put powder for shirui, the niece was happily playing with the powder puff.. so i glared at her and said in chinese "who say u can touch tis?" -- no reply..
i repeated same qn -- she replied "dat day hor, my kor kor .. blah blah..."
i repeated my qn again ... and she jumped off the bed.. and went out sobbing ..
aft dat i told my HB .. he said .. "aiyah, its ok de lar.. my fault, i shld ve been there 2 help u wif shirui.."
duno shld i b angry with the niece or not.. she's 3yrs tis yr.. considered small n ignorant? can forgive?
aiyo slimz, mine worse...

my hb's youngest nephew is 6 and guess wat he did to sumana at the hospital? he blew wind onto the newborn baby, thinking that she could be hot???!!! and touched her face la... body la... hands la... aiyo... i nearly fainted!
sometimes it's tough with little kids coz they may not have been brought up in the way we expect them to. 3yrs can start to dong shi liao, but if she's the youngest at home, she won't know what to do with younger kids.
My cousin is already P1 but when she was younger (4yrs) my #1 not yet 1 yr old, she really really pissed me off. So whenever I went over, I'd lock the door I was bfing in, changing bb, etc and just let her knock outside. Heck care. Now she's older, she's better but still irritates the hell out of me at times.
JTS If you're NTUC members, can get sg flyer tix for $16.50 each, and for every 2 adults, a third ticket can be used for 2 children (3-12yr) entry. max 6 tickets

Also, they are selling shaw movie vouchers at $7.10 each, valid any show any time any day (except those special ones like premiere, marathon, gold class). min 4 vouchers, max 60 vouchers.

Today chiong down to ntuc ctr at marina blvd to get coz the phone staff said was running low on the flyer tix. When there then found out abt the movie vouchers. So happy with the purchases
Especially after made 2 rounds round shenton way and padang/esplanade coz missed the carpark the first time round. :p
ber.. haaa.. i oso duno can anot.. jux bring her in lor .. and asked for the aisle seats .. in case i need to walk in n out to calm her down..
but if u'r boy is ok abt loud sounds n dark place.. shld b ok de i feel ..
my best bet was tat i can easily calm her down by offering her my boobs.. haa..she ultra attached to dem =P
Irritating children

I also absolutely hate irritating kids. They tend to be the talkative type, yak non stop about anything, jump around like monkeys, touch everything in sight.

Usually their parents do not give a damn that their kids are being a nuisance to others. Like parents like children.
yes it is e parents responsibility to upbring the child well.. but i am really scared tt although watever we do there may be a chance tt he grows up to be unruly.. like tt day at IKEA.. its not tt we were not being firm with him n were not trying to calm him dwn.. but he barely listened.. wat if later on he grows up n he starts to throw a tantrum despite us disciplining him?

well i am vey concerned and am v on abt tis whole upbringing n discilpining them frm young. arvin's e first bb in e family.. no cousins.. no bb's of our fens too..

so we r very worried tt we may spoil him w/o us realising.. we have been strict abt his food.. bed time.. currently he is doing well.. but wat abt ltr? it is so scary seeing hw kids behave nwadays.. when they grow older it's even worse.. haiz..

well i'v gotten the SUPERNANNY bk.. jus to get some pointers which we may miss along the way. ;)
On irritating children

I do agree that most of the times, how the children behaves, is a reflection of how their parents behave! Take for example, boarding the mrt, if you see children rushing in without waiting for ppl to get out, chances are, you can see/hear their parents (or grandparents) telling them to "quick quick, go in and grab a seat!"
I find it disgusting that the adults are 'teaching' them the wrong things!

claire_liu - regarding the purchase of singapore flyer ticket, must be ntuc member then can buy har? Its a very good deal hor... i need 1 ticket too... but not ntuc member.
