(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

irritating children

i understand how mummies feel about those children, when my baby is still young (few months old), she kena slapped on the head when im carrying her by cousin. Tat cousin is so cunning. slapped her when im not paying attention. He went behind me and give a sudden slap... his mother (who is my sister in law) sit where she is and DID NOT stop him or scold him!!! she oni said "bu ke yi". Im so piss and heart pain... My baby still so young and fragile at that time.. can she imagaine if her children is the one who is being slap and pinch etc??? haiz...

Also... cousin like to get close to my baby even until now.. even when they are sick!! like to get close face to face... thats it.. my baby also gena their virus etc.... causing my baby sick!! Sister in law also wont stop them to get near my baby... talk about this makes my heart boilsssssss....

oh hv to clarify, My MIL is taking care of my baby. they live together with my bro/sis in law with her kids.

hi mummies

anyone wan to buy a SONY white DSC-T2
comes with tripod, extra new sony batt, 3 yrs warranty. i juz bought 3 mths ago, hardly use coz my canon one still doing well.interested, Pls pm or email me your best price.
mimeole, I have the same tots as u. Wat if my jr grow up to be a naughty child as well, despite our teachings. I also think we might spoil him unknowingly.. he's the 1st bb in his generation in the family too. N he's so naughty now.. We bring him go out always got ppl staring at us cos he cries so loud! Already v paiseh.. I cant imagine later... I ask hb to prepare cane liao.. he cane i go away. I no heart to see.
i understand wat u mean... my hubby's niece (6) and nephew (3) too... like to stick very close to my bb when we visit, almost face to face liao, so scared they will spread virus to my bb and likes to talk loudly or scream, my bb not deaf leh. i will try move my bb away first but if they persist, will signal my hubby to 'stop' or tell them.. but kids being kids, subtle warning they dun get it. and they parents also not automatic one haiz... oh and the newphew likes to pinched him 'secretly' thinking i dun see it
so heart pain leh. but since they are not my kids, i also pai sey to tell them off.
ya lor ya lor.. true.. parents are not automatic.. she shld try to protect her children (if my bb is sick i dun think she wans my bb to get close to them) or even hv to scold them if they are wrong... should not spoil them so much. We all want the best for our kids but not to spoil them like tat.

Sometimes tat "cousin" also pinch me... irritating.. secretly i pinch him back hahahah but of cos not very painful kind la... heehee he also suka suka open my bag... his mum (sil) oni say "bu ke yi" but still buttock glued on the sofa.. talk oni no action... sick n tired of it... haiz.. long long complaint etc... 100 threads of writing also not enough hahahaha... close 1 eyes la...
maybe the kid is jealous of your bb? coz ah ma no time to look after him. Attention-seeker? My cousin is soooo bossy, I really can't stand it. But sometimes my #1 also asked for it, then it's my turn to discipline my own girl.
reg irritatg children

i hv lots of bones to grind about tis..my sil's kids are perpetually sick..every 2 weeks sick one time..no kidding..can b cough/ cold/ sore throat..n they enjoy playg wif my kids. I TOTALLY HATE IT. first up, their hygiene sucks. u can see them wiping their mucus off wif their hands or sleeves or blouses and then touchg my bb/son/toys wif the same hands. last time when i was still workg, each time they fell ill, my #1 will also get sick after a few days..n despite me tellg my hb tat there shld some form of isolation, being mr nice, he din 'dare' to tell my mil/sil...NOW, tt i'm not workg, i bochup..if they r sick, i make sure my kids dun even go near them n vice versa..come on lor, i'm may seem mean but i'm e main caregiver to my kids..if they get sick, i suffer leh..not my SIL/MIL.. n ya, my sil also not e auto type..how i wish i can tell her, "hey, dun u tink u shld build up ur kids' immunity?? eatg so much med is not good.." i choose to keep quiet becz i feel she (n her hb) do not play a part at all in encouraging a healthy diet..like if u know ur child cannot take cold drinks, dun friggin' offer la..when they dun ask! grrrrrrrrr...
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum. I'm a SAHM with a baby gal Hannah. She was born in Dec 07.

I'm so glad to have found this forum where I can meet so many mummies
It's quite boring to be talking to a babe who communicates by crying.....hahaha

Can see that this is quite an active forum, can't really keep up with all the posts.....however, wld still like to join this grp & maybe make some new frens here.....hope you guys are ok with me joining in!
Claire.. thanks for the info.. i think my mum is member but she must go down personally anot? Sorry for asking many qns...

initally i believe is jealous la bcos got extra member in the family lor.. now better liao but sometimes cousin will ki siao... throw things in my baby's playpen la, gei gei pinch her la. My mil and sil also gena pinch until blue black leh!!!

steffietan.. i totally agree with you!! they are always sick and unhygenic... even sil also always sick!!! see doc liao hor also no use cos sil din feed them the medicine... even she herself sick she also din take medicine.. really duno wats shes thinking... then she like to buy titbits la, buy soft drink or sugary drink for them haiz...

Serena.. welcome u to join us.
my hb's nephew asked mi sheepishly and cheekily if he could give my girl sweets! (not once but many times) he's not being generous lor... i think he knows he can't but is trying his luck. so i will always keep an eye on him in case if he pops a sweet into her mouth when i'm not looking.

serena WELCOME!
Krist, you mean your mil and sil also pinched your bb until blue black?!

Serena, welcome to our big family! Which date is your girl born in? My boy is born on 12 Dec
JL sale at expo ending this wkend. got lots kids clothes (bot chepo clothes for baby for daily wear - like 3 for $10 type); bot a $0.90 swimming trunk for baby; saw the coconut tree float, selling at $15.90
90cents for swimming trunks??! wow!

HI Serena! Welcome!

I need advice.
When can we start adding flavourings like salt/spice to bb's food?
thanks for the warm welcome

wow, 90cents for the trunks.....maybe shld go down to the sale.....but usually by now, the good stuff wld be gone liao :p

cocoangel, my girl was born on 6 Dec...quite close to ur boy

mimeole, some books said that shld avoid salt at least until 1 yr old, after that, also minimal salt.....
Very funny horm yr SIL like that one... My SIL and me very automatic 1. If her dd is sick, she will let me know cos I visit my mom's weekly. If my kiddos are sick, I don't go back liao. If slight cough, then still will go back just don't share toys and get too close. Stay together must be automatic la, if not others or ourselves will suffer.

Oh, I felt sth hard hard underneath Pui Pui's lower gum. Wahahahaa... tooth coming coming
haven been logging in for quite a while... dis few days has been super busy wif my ger... she been having fever for the past 2 days... temp shoot up to 39.3 degree celcius in e middle of the night. gave her supp. stat, fever manage to subside. today, finally no fever... hopefully stay throughout...

but now, rashes spreading on my ger face... wonder whether is she allergy... anyone can help?

ya, damn irritatg lor..dunno wat to say..she stocks up on junk food all e time..then use such food to bribe her kids into doing stuff..wah laooooo..dunno la..i just play my part in being a quarantine police.


can u ask ur SIL to give my SIL some automatic lessons? heng now i'm staying in my mom's place (hb overseas) wif my kids..n her kids are coughing at home. hope they will b ok when i go back end of tis week.. %^&*$%^&*$%^*


thanks for e books!!


re sick babies being together...

my BILs 2 boys also quite irritating. well, actually it's his #1 that's the worse. The boy is sick, will purposely come near my gal, and purposely cough in her face! And the parents dun do anything. At most is say (from afar), "eh, don't do that...". Like hell it helps. So angry. So, now whenever the boys are sick (funny, they tend to be quite ill quite often), hb and I will make a big action of bringing my gal away from them. And not let my gal touch their toys. And if the boys want to touch her toys, we'll also make a big action of wiping and cleaning her toys. We do it quite obviously...a few times...dun care what others think or feel...coz at the end of the day, it is HB and I who "suffer" leh...not them. So why shd we care abt them? But think through these actions, MIL saw less of her granddaughter. heehee...

Now, BIL, MIL will instruct their maids to wash all the toys with dettol before the kids play. And if the boys are sick, MIL will stop the boys from going near baby. heehee...
missy.. ur pui pui. haha. Mine san san is 9mths old today! Still san san.

steff no prob!

jr is trying to talk now. When he sees the birds on the ground.. we'll say bird bird.. then he try v hard to imitate.. turn out to be buuuuuu buuuuuu accompanied by alot of saliva. hahaha. v funny. Then u talk to him.. he'll ans hmm hmmm... Only can call Ah da da da da da, ah ba ba ba ba ba... ah ya ya ya ya ya.. now. No mamamamamammammamama.
tks for the advice. ya i had read tt smwhr too.. but haiz.. my mum keeps saying bb not eating well becoz e food no taste. then i tell her no bbs supposed to taste only the naturl flavours of diff food. but she doesn't seem to be convinced abt it.. maybe i shal get a bb diet bk frm the library n show her as proof. heheh.

my bb arvin's born on dec 28.
yup yup..bb shd avoid salt, soy sauce etc. In fact, i still do not add any seasoning to my elder gal's porridge even now, when she's already 27 mths.

Read somewhere that bb's stomach and organs are still not ready for too much salt. Also, to give them seasonings so early may make them picky eaters in future.
irritating kids

mummies... i think we encounter the same situation with sil/mil/nephews/cousin hahahah... no choice la... heezzz

steffietan.. lol you so funny... kekeke i think we can ask missylan's sil to give our sils automatic lesson liao... kekeke

my baby jus pass 9 mths and heehee... she born on 4 dec... at mount A.
claire.. thanks for the info. Have called up liao... shld be going down next wk... but hv to call them again to check whether theres tickets anot....
mimeole.. u stil not so bad lor... is ur own mum...
my MIL is the one who's giving my girl porridge with soy sauce ..
hee... but lucky my girl dun take..HAAA...
she prefers her cereals n fruits .. bwahhhh!
my MIL was here for abt a mth then went back... whew!!

but really smtimes wif own mum also more diff.. because they will use e tactic tt they did the same wif me n i turned out fine.. n emotionally blackmail u ovr alot of things
mimeole, my mum will attempt such blackmails too but i stuck to my decision lor... like she will suggest that we add marmite, salt, ikan bilis now but i said no to them lor...

i also cook all her porridge and puree myself so she can't add her own stuff. haha HAHA
My niece also got Roseola also known as fake measles. This come after a high fever... That is why these 3 weeks I don't dare to go back to my mom's. #1 got the measles vaccination but Pui Pui not yet. Do you think it is safe to go visit my mom's liao? Hahahaa...

Give me your SIL's particulars, I help her to do "refresh course". Wa, your hubby still not back aah... seems to have gone 2-3 weeks liao right?

Pui Pui stagnant liao loh...

I avoid salt for both my kiddos UNLESS you are talking about biscuits/baby bites etc. Those are lightly salted. Cannot find any bakery without salt! My mom often said "what they were doing in the past cannot compare with what we should do in the present, because more R&D are done". Hahaha, my mom pretty modern compared to my MIL. They are just difference of 5 years old.
missy.. my san san decrease in wt due to ls. worse!

Just found this to share

Teething Biscuit Recipes - Eggless Baby Cereal Cookies
<font color="119911">1 cup flour
1 cup dry infant rice cereal with bananas (or other flavored or
unflavored infant cereal)
3 tablespoons cooking oil
ice water

Preheat oven 425F
Mix flour and cereal.
Gradually stir in oil. Mix a little ice water at a time (start with 1/4 cup) until dough begins to form a ball and pull away from the bowl.
Roll out to the thickness of a cracker on a floured surface and cut into desired shapes.
Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet 10-12 min. or until lightly brown. Cool completely.

Store in an airtight container. (you may want to try 1/2 plain and 1/2 flavoured baby cereal as the taste when using full flavoured baby cereal is very strong!)

hb's been gone for abt a week now..but feels way longer than that..haha..heng i hide in my mom's place..at least my days pass faster..

aiya, refresher course or not, it ain't goin to change anythg la..i just got to care for my own kids..bo pian.

ya, try not to introduce salt or sugar so early...now my #1 readily eats bland food and says they r good n also refuses sweets/ice-cream..wat a gem!

dun b like my SIL..she puts lots of soy sauce in her dd's rice..n now w/o flavouring, her dd wont eat! tts scary!
slimz, we were in New York for a while so my girl was born in New York

mimeolo, my girl also doesn't really feed well with solids....she prefers breastmilk! :p.....but she is getting better these days.....think she is still trying to get used to porridge &amp; stuff...but she likes her cereals though
hi mummies. just checking if any of ya babies dun like to drink milk now? my 8mths old gal now seems dislike milk, at most morning drink 1 time, then afternoon and night she refuse milk. (did give her porridge for lunch and dinner). Really headache... Dunno is it she dun like the FM. I just switch her from Similac to Mamil abt 2mths already. Maybe I should change FM?
valerie &amp; jeelo
thot of telling you this, my AF came liao! dunno should i happy or sad. really not used to it and realised i dun hv pad pad at home! faint... one thing strange my ss dun really drop. still maintain at normal level
mine too... me also had mixed feeling... both happy n sad. my ss also remains. but my menses only last 3 days n is very very light. Is this normal?
alien and eve, mine too...
AF came
but good thing ss remains.

my menses also very very light but prior to that, i suffered from headache and fatigue.

so sian now have to buy pad.
Alien, tub &amp; eve,

U gals r soooo lucky!! My boobs went on semi-strike when AF came. %$#%^*(&amp;)(&amp;#%@(*^%#)*&amp;
oh yes talking abt mense... i hv stop bf many months liao.. i realise that almost every month when mense is about to come or mense ends i will have headache leh... somemore headache that lead to vomitting.. thats bad wor... i hate it.. b4 pregnancy all ok one.. no headache one.. now hor i also got phobia liao so scared got headache.. have asked my gynae he said its normal ok wor... tell me to eat panadol before headache attacks! i cant be panadol every month right...sianz
3 weeks liao, should be ok le bah... Sometimes, I imagine whether can use a smoke bomb(contain disinfectant type) and throw into my mom's house. Hahahaa...

My boy also likes naturally sweetness, I use meat/bone to brew natural sweetness. I tried adding in certain artificial flavourings, he dun like it. But still, he likes his candy and ice-cream, I avoid due to his teeth. =) AH boh, alamak 1 hole $60 to the dentist!

er, sorry for my ignorance....wat is ss huh? is it milk supply?.....

my AF also juz came...at first was worried abt supply.....but supply seems ok
