(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

slimz.. yup but i guess we'v gotta smhw balance things out.. coz.. ya keeping the marriage fresh is v impt too.. n these r actually the adjusments and sacrifices which can never be covered by watever baby bonus or benefits anyone can give.. ;)

claire, paiseh...
hubby climbing mountain now
so have to wait till after hols to get from u!
<font color="aa00aa">hihi mummies!
finally, im feeling much better today.

the cheese cake was a success...hehe.
was nice and moist.
luckily it did not sink...phew!
tomoro i'm going to modify the recipe slightly..hehe.

my hubby also insisted on booking aloha poolside.
we have had several family gatherings there so he likes it.
looks like i have to be in front of the comp at 12 midnite to book it...hehe

tub, claire, phy,
HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me did not celebrate it this year.
funnily some of my ex pupils called me.
they tot im in school...hahahaha</font>
Mimeole, Slimz

Must plan for time-out with hb once in a while. I do that about once in 1 or 2 months. Just take leave and go out for nice lunch, run some errands. It is for your own sanity.

Next week we are taking leave again. This time we took 1.5 days - 0.5 day go for nice lunch on our own; then the next day we will spend with bb. It is to celebrate our pak tor anniversary. We started dating 13 years ago!
hee..finally have time to post up:
here are some of the gymboree pics last sun...

megan obsessed with the balls instead of games
M &amp; M (Mal and Megan)
our group pic
wondering whether to go down the slope
slimz, hee, her bao not so 'big bao' already, now char siew bao...thk she slimmed down coz moving ard alot. ur shirui bao so cute!!! thk she winner liao!
MummiesI really feel so sad today. No 2 threw her toy from the sofa and hit didi, who was crawling on the floor just below. The edge of the toy cut into his finger and nearly amputated his finger tip. It was attached to the rest of his finger only by abit of the flesh. There was so much blood everywhere! Good time my hb was at home then, cos i really panicked and was carrying him, half cryin and half running ard the hse, lookin for something to stop the bleeding. Took him to kk and he had to have 4 stitches to attach back the flesh. Really very heartpain.
The doc gave us 2 choices, either to stitch back or to snip away that dangling flesh and let the finger heal. But that flesh is just behind the nail and abt half the size of the nail! I hope our choice is the correct one for him.

O dear! i can imagine how traumatised u are. My heart aches even by reading your post. Hope did is ok. U really gotta take good care of did this few days cos he might feel the "after pain" after the stitching. Did must have cry quite a bit. If possible feel him a bit of "jing feng sah" cos I think the accident could have also traumatised him..
GOSH! constance, wat toy was it wor? better throw dat toy away .. it sounds veri dangerous..
poor didi.. hear le oso heartpain .. =(
Oh dear Constance. Sounds like a lot of pain for didi. Hug hug hug. Hope he recovers soon and is not too traumatised by the incident.
omg.. must be painful for him... is he better now? agree with slimz, its better to throw that toy away... take care ya.. hugz hugz

tub, thank you

pretty, wanna check with you.. for baby going to Singapore flyer is free hor? i feel like bringing baby there but also worried that she might be scared... heezzz
oh.. my baby's bottom tooth has finally appear!! but oni one... heehee.. last thur she bit my finger and its painful... hahahah

Haiz... baby is having slight cough, running nose and phelgm again... haiz.. y cant the virus jus go away...
Constance, just read abt the freak accident.. must have been a great scare! Hope didi is better now.. take gd care for his wound.

Hai... missed the gym on Sun.
But luckily, jr's diarrhoea is getting better liao. After nearly 1 wk. Poor bb. Bought him to see 2 pds altogether.. spent nearly $200. Anyway.. he's better I happy liao.

Dawn, sorry cant pass ur stuff to fanny. I pass to linda maybe over this weekend k?
pretty, i sin bring shirui to the flyer leh.. coz my HB had to wk..
end up brot her to Money No Enuf haa.. with mt parents n sister @ Bishan ..
she zzz the first 30mins, woke up KPO ard the next 30mins ... and zz the rest of the show..
slimz.. yeah.. wah.. u can bring shirui to the movies? She din cry there? If I bring jr go.. sure get kicked out by ppl. So noisy.

We booked a resort @ sentosa in oct for a little getaway.. see what the clause says:

"The Resort reserves the right to evict any guests if they have caused intolerable disturbances or nuisance to its neighbours or any other guests with no refund nor discount in the room charge.

I scared we'll be kicked out! Jr's cryings sure can classified as "intolerable disturbances or nuisance"! :p
Gosh! hope didi is fine now. Luckily yr hb is with you. i'm sure you did the right thing. Just be careful on his wound. Poor didi. *Hugzz*

glad to hear that Jr is better now. as long as he gets better, it's money well spent!
ah bie,
i fed shirui yogurt + avocado yday noon ard 12plus
she sat on the potty while eating .. hmmm .. dunno isst the yogurt &amp; avo..hee... she poo-ed in the potty while makaning .. haa
just to share, my little one was having high fever, running nose and diarrhea last week. THe fever was very persistant, coming back every 4 hourly at 38.8 deg C and it lasted for 5 days. Just as his fever subsided and we were so relieved, he broke out with rashes all over his body!!

We were super worried, rushing him to the clinic but the Doc waved him home, saying that it was nothing serious. He didn't explain the diagnosis, so we were still anxious. I looked up on the internet, and found out that it is actually a very common case of Roseola.

I checked with my friends, their kids also had this when they are about 7-12 months old. SO mommies, if your little one has the same symptoms, nothing to worry about ok?
sr din ve her zz wen we left home.. so wen we go into the cinema, i placed her in a comfy position and started patting her .. and she dozed off..
wen she woke up she stared ard, i carried her facing the back and she started 'talking' to the aunties behind .. haa .. "wooo..hooo..mmaaamm.. mummmm.."
den i latch her on ... wen she full le, she went bk into her zzz ... till the end of the show

wah, that's fast! kekeke
u started shirui on potty training already? actually when is the right time to start them huh?

just bought baby yogurt but not sure when is the appropriate time to give. hahaha
shirui so guai n co-operative!

if i bring my son go movie, i think he will only let me watch the beginning part where they show the show title &amp; the ending part where they show the names of the directors n crews involved. hahahahaha
wow kudos to sr! i dun think i can bring my princess to cine...sure move around like a worm...

my princess got roseola few weeks back...fever for 4 days...then rashes came out...the advice given by doc is if rashes came out, fever should go down...but if rashes came out and fever shoot up...please go to A&amp;E immediately for blood test and further checkup...


ah bie, my mum sits sr on the potty wen she's feeding her .. haa.. else she will start crawling away =P
my mum oso puts her to potty every half hr de.. so she oni wash abt 1-2pcz of nappy a day .. hmmm been on potty since she's 4mths ..
duno wen's the rite time leh.. i let my mum handle.. her career is baby sitting .. haa.. coz she had been baby sitting for at least 10 kiddos including me n my 2 sis..

so i trust her .. haa .. i oni add my ten cents worth of BF-g knowledge coz she had nvr done any BFed bb thru'out her career =P
ah bie,

me also started potty training liao..Every morning just put my boy on the potty after his milk.

But he very strange leh, if at my mum's place, he sure poo, but with me, sit for half an hour with me "em em", still dun wanna poo, must sit jumperoo then poo! *Faint*

oic. like that gd leh... save a lot of $ since no need to rely so much on disposable nappies &amp; rewashable ones.


declan prefer jumperoo at times. kekeke
change of environment!

so far i hv not started my son on potty. now using his potty seat as a chair.let him get used to sitting on it first then eventually strip his bottom. hahaha.
Last weekend hubby and I also brought Aidan to cinema. It's his 4th trip already. So far he guai guai watch with us until he dozes off. For the 1st 3 trips, we booked corner seats, so we can escape if he make noise. Last week, we dared to book center seats liao. Lucky no mishaps! :p
My baby also having on n off rashes... come n go come n go.. especially at her buttock.. duno why also... already change to pampers diaper still the same... maybe hv to change to nappy cloth...haiz..
hope ur bb's feeling better. tk cr.. *big hugz*

gd to hear tt bb's well.

Slimz.. ur bb's really accomodating.. haiz.. can't imagine bringing arvin to the movies anytime soon.. TT day we brought hi, to IKEA n he was screaming the place dwn.

woohoo! 13yrs.. congrats! Yes we'r trying to mk time for ourselves.. diff but yup impt. u enjoy urselves..
wa! higgledy and slimz! u gals are number 1! can sit through a movie. i think if i bring sumana there, she'll tear the house down b4 the advertisements end.

sigh... so TIRED these few days cos hubby is away mountain climbing. have to look after su myself cos infant care closed today for teachers' day. enjoyable but really tired cos she's SUPER ACTIVE. now attempting to crawl to the edge of the bed and trying to stand up. no peace at all except when she's sleeping. scream and move about all day long.

one more thing, mummies when u r giving fruits, please make sure it's either 2 hours prior to a meal or 4 hours after a meal. if given straight after a meal, the body can't absorb the nutrients and the fruits may rot in our bodies.
btw, su can finish half an avocado. reckon it's too much?
krist, try bum wear. sumana is wearing them. i like them a lot but initial investment quite heavy.
went to watch wall-E on friday nite. shawn was watching it for good first 1/2hr plus some trailer. then he started to make noise coz wanted to zzz. had quickly latch him on in the cinema then he oso zzz all the way until we reach home. also heng heng can sit thru the whole movie....

paiseh leh, never get to take photos of the gymboree class. The teacher @ tanglin mall says that only members have the privelige of taking photos.
i brought my boi to ikea recently and i cldn't believe he lasted there for close to 5 hours...hahaha
he actually had lots of fun coz i let him climb on the sofa,stand on the day bed,etc etc he even enjoyed playing with those 'activity posts' that exist around the store to keep children occupied...he was giggling out so loudly when playing at these posts :D
tub, i fed shirui half an avocado plus yogurt tat day .. she seems ok .. haaa.. other than poo-ed on the spot into her potty =P
jeelomeelo, higgledy..
heee.. guess our kiddos gg b TV addicts .. haa .. coz oni dey can last thru 2-3hrs of movie ..
i myself is one big addict..haa.. so if shirui becomes one i wont b surprised =P
I feel so sian now. This morning, my maid just told my hb, that she's been thinking abt it for a long time. She feels our standard is too high and she cannot meet the standards. She wants to go back. But I still haven't found a suitable replacement (she didn't know we already had plans to send her back to agent lah). Today she did more things. My baby was still sleeping, but she didn't mop floor or prepare stuff in case my baby wakes up hungry. She just sits there (at my parent's place) waiting for my father's maid to mop the floor. But father's maid was busy with other housework first. So tried to reason with her, that if other maid is busy, u can help mop up the floor. At least the floor area where baby will crawl and play at. So that when baby is awake, the floor is already cleaned. She showed black face and attitude and walked off without replying my hb. She just walked off when he was talking to her. (rude right?)

So now I really dunno how. No replacement and she has voiced out her wanting to go. haiz.


oh dear, your maid sounds like she already 'heart not here' and that's why noh chup you when you ask her to do stuff. Terrible leh. Maybe you tell her that you agree to send her back but need to her to put in more effort until she leaves?? hopefully she not thinking of leaving immediately or something!

jeelo, slimz - wow can't believe sr and shawn and sit through a movie. unbelievable...
i dont think dylan can do it.

tub - yes, its super tiring now... baby climbing everywhere and wanting to stand. i also tired leh, no more time to login during the day because i'm too busy chasing after dylan now. really wonder how to have another kid, i think i'll be very very tired liaozz..
