(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

I have the exact same thoughts. Anyone know where can buy 'smoke bomb' ah??? Can throw into my MIL's place before we go. The place is so filthy!

serena, ss is supply
My menses came 3 times already. Regular flow, no discomfort, but mood ULTRA foul!!! Machiam like whole world owe me something like that.... But when menses stop, things go back to normal. Whew!
you were in NY? My cousin and her family are also in NY. ok...they live in NJ, but work in NYC. Both her kids were born in NYC. So u're now back in SG?
CSI Fan, yap, me & HB were in NY for 2 years....but now we are back in SG
.....good to be back

ya, lots of pple lived in NJ but work in NYC.....we stayed in NYC itself.....
my boy also attempts to 'speak' haha.. very cute! pass 3 weeks been making 'pa pa pa pa' sound then couple days back, he was crying for me and say 'ma ma ma ma'!! dunno he anyhow ham tam but he had said tat to me on a few occassions liao.. will observe again. so happy when he 'call' me!

mummies, ask you ah... when you stop bf, does the milk supply stop completely? i hve stop bf since apr but when i bath, i will press my boobs (to test if still got supply) and milk will spray out a few times + droplets, is it normal? been abt 5 mths liao leh...also noticed tat when menses comes, it seems to be more
o man.... aiya. taiyima lai liao ar??? mine not yet wor... 1.5yrs liao... touchwood. ya, i heard when menses lai, ss would drop (for some quite drastically). at home n opit i spare padpad incase... i'm still pumping as per normal twice in opit, thinking of reducing liao. nowadays he only latches on on weekends n dun take bottle.. mayb can make yoghurt out of my stock at home

updated my blog today, with a video of shawn in school (tam jiak but cannot eat the cake the older kids were having coz he's not introduced to egg white yet)
my taiyima has MIA for more than 3 yrs liao. i.e. ever since preggie with no 2 until now, except for the lochia after birth of no 3.

I am thinking of stopping bfeeding didi soon.
Now he cant such his fav thumb, and he doesnt want the other thumb or pacifier, so i still gotta be walking pacifier for a while first.
constance.. you're my idol ar... kekeee i pray n pray my taiyima won't visit me until i preggie/deliver/breastfeed #2....yalor, i oso walking pacifier. but these few nites he's undergoing training to fall asleep by himself without the breast.. pain for my ear ar.. coz he'll cry and grumble til he fall asleep
jeelo & constance
i already cut down from 4 session to 3 session 2 weeks ago. ss dun really affected that much. i get to rest more at night because no need to wait for last pump. probably remain as it is until he turns 1yo or i get striked again. hmm...
hehe. I think my menses will come once i stop bfeeding....

any bbies allergic to anti-botics? My didi developed hives after he took the antibotic prescribed by kk doc. Whole face bcame swollen like pig head and rashes all over the body. Needed a jab to subside... another scare for us......
i am quite lazy this 2 weeks. only pump once or twice a day. once i reach home, after shower, didi will latch and latch and latch, until it's time for me to go to work again the next morning.....
alien, when u cut down to 3 sessions, is your ss affected? thinking about reducing to 3 sessions also but afraid wait not enuf for su. like that dun have to pump twice at work.
ah bie, i din drop any sessions but AF also returned. the last time i reduced from 5 to 4 pumping sessions was quite long ago. so not sure about that.
ah bie,
i had cut down my pumping from 3 sessions to 2 & stop latching. ss did drop a bit. Then recently, i'm so tired until sometimes only once a day. That's when AF came back n find me.

now my 1 day ss is only able to last him 1.5bottle. thinking if shd stop.
eve, my ger's poo also chao chao liao. last time on bm only smell nice nice one. i smell later then let u know if got acidic smell. hehheh. may b the food ur bb ate.

wah..looks like there is some element of truth in it. for my case is i didn't drop the pumping sessions but AF still return. very sianz to wedge a pad again.

is ur baby rejecting ur BM?
ah bie
no... he's not rejecting. but sometimes he seems to prefer FM than BM. Stopped latching to train him to sleep thru the night. But end up he forgets how to latch already.
cos of his finger wound, doc scare he will have an infection. hence give anti botic lor. anyway, now we know he has to avoid that med.
ber n elaine..
sometin crop up leh (HB side got some family outing...ALWYZ last minute) .. cant go gym =(
elaine, i meet u AMK pass u ur stuff some other time can?
i'll call them tmr morning to cancel .. .. paiseh gers..
Yo mummies,
Long time didn't post here
Hope everyone and every baby is well..

Talking about AF,now I only let my boy latch once a day at night.. My AF not here yet.. Mixed feelings too.. been so long liao..

Oh dear, hope didi didn't suffere much.. not fun to have rashes all over. I'm a victim of rashes at times. very itchy..

Bland food
Now my boy also doesn't take to cereals. He likes apples. Sometimes he doesn't like his porridge if it is not tasty enough. I'm kinda worried too. He'll kick up a huge fuss and refuse to eat his porridge.
speaking of bland food... dylan refuses to eat anything bland. sigh. if the food is tasty, he will eat a few more teasespoon then stop! i'm at my wits end in getting him to feed properly...

i'm back from taipei... ahz.. lucky i never really face much problem in pumping milk... haha
once i even pump milk at the fisherman wharf, using just a nursing cover and pump haha. desperate in pumping... dun care abt other things ler haha
tub & ah bie
my AF came in 2 weeks after i cut down from 4x to 3x. fast right!? ss remained still. my ss is now abt 500mls per day. need to supplement FM for mal's night feeds. this was what we did for the past few months even i have enuf supply for him. so far so good. i reckon BM dun hv enuf calcium/iron for them.

re: Porridge
i am thinking to change to a bigger bowl for mal. just wondering how much is too much?? i dun wan to overfeed him. he can eat non-stop.
jr dun like cereals now too. He only loves porridge. he'll auto stop when he's had enough... he'll tilt his head sideways.. pretend he's dead.. hahaha. Then we know he dun want liao... feed a few more mouth and he'll start spitting it out. Porridge he can finish 1 small full bowl.. but cereals only half the amt..
Mal have 2 full meals everyday rite? lunch & dinner...he got eat breakfast bo? I reckon can intro breakfast with milk, 1pc wholemeal bread with cheese, or cheerios/cooked oats with milk or something... shawn is still eating the same amount as before just, for his main lunch/dinner.. like 2-3tablespoon of uncooked grains + 1-2tablespoon of veg + pork/beef stock or yolk for porridge. 1hr b4 dinner, i'd give abit of cheese or yoghurt (alternating). depending on his daily schedule in school. now i'm thinking of intro coooked oats/milk in the morning before going to school.
ur boy very funny! hahaha....play dead. hahaha. My gal is the opposite. She just loves her cereals. She can finish up 10 tsp of cereals in 15 mins. But give her 1 bowl of porridge, she'll hardly open her mouth! I dunno how manz...

cheerios? Have u tried? Get from where? The cheerios I see at the supermarket all seem to be for older kids/adults leh...
actually he has 2x porridge at nanny's place. breakfast & lunch. dinner is cereal. my side during weekend, i give 1 tub yoghurt as breakfast, 1x porridge (lunch), 1x cereal (dinner). morning is short because he wakes up at ard 8-9am+, milk milk is given, then bath, then sleep again for 1 hour or more. like that whole morning gone liao.. so morning he eats only milk milk and yoghurt.
bluelily, ur boy so cute, will tilt his head sideways & play dead.....my girl will tilt her head, bite her lower lip & refuse to open her mouth if she doesn't want the food anymore.....sometimes i try to push a bit more food coz she eats so little, but usually with no success.....sometimes mealtimes can be a chore! :p
csi, i think got the wholewheat/meal cheerios. tink that one can give to babies. not the apple cinnamon type hor... tink it's sold under nestle. add to breastmilk lor. i've never tried. but thinking of starting sometime next month. alternatively, could give small banana for breakie (my gf does that for her son)
oh....haha. okie. Yah, I was thinking of starting on cheerios, but those I see at cold storage, I thot only for adults and older kids. hehs...hmmm...add to breastmilk? and eat like how we eat our cornflakes? hehs...wonder how that taste like manz...heehee...

yup, I've tried giving banana for breakkie...sometimes 1 tub of yoghurt (but I'm not too keen on yoghurt for breakfast coz it's cold...). Otherwise, my gal's been having oat cereal and fruit puree / mashed fruit for breakfast everyday. I think of it, I feel bored for her liaoz. hahaha.
yalor, eat like cornflakes.. except hor... make sure it's quite mushy coz baby dun have many teeth yet. so soak it 1st lor...
personally i love cheerios!

past few days,i notice my boy poop consistently during lunch and dinner.. yeap.. usually after meal la, he'll kek sai ... damn smelly le... how about your babes?
My girl is not very keen on her food...but she wants to try everything, esp if her jie jie is eating it. Milk also a problem to feed her coz she wriggles everywhere, refuse to let us put the bottle in her mouth, and always leaves 2 oz in the bottle. this morning dunno what happened, after 1 nite zzz, drank only 2 oz.

mil now training her...the whole wkend she was practising her new trick, clap hands and gong xi. hb and i training her to clap with the bday song and the cny song. sometimes she get mixed up, start correct, then halfway change to the other action
oh...hehs. my gal's usual poop time is after breakfast. So...now I dun change her diaper when she wakes up. She wake up, drink milk milk, half hour later, eat breakkie, then BIG poop. Then we change the diaper. hahaha.
Eve, my jr doesn't have metallic smell when he poo poos but I know it's smelly.

bluelily, yr bb so cute, so pretend to be dead.
Mine will make a Popeye face(short of a pipe) when he wants no more.

I read somewhere that egg can cause allergy, so if some mummies are feeding yr bb eggs need to take note.

Anyway just to share, my jr was flipping some pages of his story books on our bed and he was poking the pictures on the book as he went along with his 2 fingers. And suddenly, he took my fingers and placed it on his books and asked me to poke on the picture. And he kept on laughing whenever I poke it. I was quite surprised that he can do that.
hehee mine rolls his head left right left right indicating nononononononono or starts to eat the highchair table top... means it's time to close shop
wahhaha.. all the babies getting so funny n cute now rite. Seems like they are developing at an alarming rate now.. aquired so many new skills! Mine just leart how to stand up in his cot.. now I headache how to let him sleep safely liao. If I lower his cot anymore, I cant carry him up liao. Master bedroom not much space to put 2 mattress on the floor to zz together.. Headache.

We've been trying to teach jr to clap his hands.. he still cant. Only knows yao tou (shake head) and bye bye. And he can understand words like feng shan(fan), bird, rain and look towards the direction of the object we say. Now suddenly he's like all grown up.. where's my little baby gone to?
hey mummies,
I've got a question...

I've been feeding my gal FM for 1 feed. However, she does not use up the tin of FM within 4 weeks (recommendation is to discard tin after 4 weeks of opening). So, will usually end up with 1/3 of tin of FM...that will become hard. Why does it become hard? is it due to moisture? What shd I do? Buy smaller tins? Hmm....
<font color="aa00aa">hi mummies!

so many days never come in here.
been so busy lately.

wow..so many babies trying to speak now.

must be so nice to hear j call u mamamamama...

so good your jr has known so many words.
maybe u can try holding his hands and get him to clap after u have demo on how to do it.
i did it with the song "if u are happy and u know..."</font>
