(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

For mummies who holding bash at chgalets, remember to bring mozzies repellants for babies cos there can be quite a lot of mozzies there...Experience when I attend my fren's son party last month...

mummies who went for the foto shoot:
- how many suits of clothings u brot?
- based on experience, how many set of attire shld i bring for shirui?
Bluelily, your boy very active and funny
well i hope he recover soon from his ls...
dats a nice place!
yeah, can hold up to 100 pax.
the place is very spacious and your guests can easily spill out around the pool area.

you managed to chop a place there?
cons, thanks for info.

think will book there ba. haven't managed to chop yet cos booking oni open 3 months in advance. booking starts tonight!!!
gotta chop chop fast fast
that plc is really lovely!
i went there for my colli's gal bday.
she told me she booked the min the clock strike 12.01am!
fanny, thanks =D
coz i got too many makeover ideas i wanna do for her .. haa... but my HB reminded me we prob wont ve the time for it .. and scared she not co-operative =P
anyway, how long was the entire tingy huh?
elaine, got ur tings from jas le ..
haa.. i duno if its a mistaken or wat.. hee
there's a bottle of mineral water in ur bag of loots .. heee...
jr ls 5x yest.. this morn 5am ls once again.
I'm so guilty.. shouldn't have insisted to bring him gai gai on Sun. Still let him chewed on the plastic there... Most prob caught the virus at fren's place. He drop from 7.4kg to 7.1kg le.. already so skinny liao. Hai...

Hen, if he still haven't recover, then Sun I cant go gym liao. Have to call to cancel if cant make it?
thks for all the concern! pd gave a powdery stuff for rehydration to be added to his water to drink. She din say need to change to soy leh. Only say go back to her if after 3-4days still ls. Hope he'll get well soon.. I see also heartpain. But he still v active n naughty.. though face pale.

slimz, I love shirui's ba ba!! Mine becoming bamboo soon.. sob sob.
Hi mummies,

Have u tot where to order nice cakes for yr bb's 1st birthday? Do u know where to buy/order those nice birthday decorations? And any nice catering to advise? The other time I order Neo garden and it was pretty good. so I tot I want something different this time.
Hi bluelily,

think give yr bb more carbo e.g. more porridge and less veg to stop diarrhoea if u want. And dilute his milk a little and let him drink more water to prevent dehydration if u want.
rachel.. yest give him porridge he ls 2x after tt. Now he can only drink diluted milk.. just now call to check.. he poo again. Seems like he'll poo once in every 2 milk feeds..4-6 hrs apart.
wow, the baby gals so cute! macam macam swimwear... boyboy ones are so boring.. aiy...

bluelily, learnt from the teachers that should let babies drink the porridge water as well as the water supposed to be nutritious.
bluelily, ya I also heard porridge water is good. U have to monitor to check whether his LS better e.g. lesser per time or frequency reduce then ok. if not, better bring to PD or GP.

quite worrying when little one is not well. Try to give more water is possible.
Just called pd liao. She say wait till Sat if no better then go see her again. Say normally take ard 3 days to recover. Pooed 3x today.
hi mummies...

long time din input already...paiseh...

bluelily.. that time when my baby was hospitalised and later after discharged she was lao saiing for abt 7-10 times in a day... I brought her to PD... PD said can drink porridge water, glucose and also asked me to change FM to Isomil (lactose free FM). FM will actually worsen the condition. However, Isomil has 1 kind of smell.. baby dont like.. they will vomit out after drinking... can mix the formula so that the smell and taste will not be so strong.

let baby drink plenty of water (but bit by bit)cos scared they will dehydrate.. that time my bb's ls lasted for abt 3 - 5 days..

that time i see my baby like tat also very poor thing... her lips crack.. drink too much water she will vomit.. if i dun give her water she cries...haiz... hope the info helps...

If ur baby gets no better.. try another PD or go back to the same PD again.

take good care and hope bb get well soon.
Seems like many mummies already planning for baby's 1st bday.. so envy.. I have not decided whether to have birthday party.. maybe only celebrate with family bah...

My baby going to be 9 mths le...also not teething yet... no teeth come out leh... haiz... i also duno about the 9 mth assessment thingy... still haven find time to bring baby for pneu jab wor.. maybe can bring her for assessment n jab together...

last few weeks ago she know how to say "mama" but after that she no longer repeat liao leh.. duno y... maybe now she trying on "papa" heehee
Re: Gymboree Trial Class at Tanglin Mall

As I'll be away for the next 3 wks, if you wish to register or pull out of the class, pls call them directly at this nbr: 67355290.

Have fun!
hi slimz.. im not sure wor.. bcos it was pass down by cousin.. might be off the rack bah... the hat abit tight for her le.. cannot fit fully.. too bad theres no matching short/skirt/shoes heehee..

Just came in n saw the bit abt your jr. My baby girl also like that at one time. She poo n poo but still active. I suspect teething but no sign of teething. Couple of days later, she developed some rash. Went to see dr at TMC. He said its probably virus infection but recovering stage, so no need for medication.

Dun tink its the avocado. I gave my girl avocado n no problem wz poo, even tho some say avocado got laxative effect.

Anyway, hope jr gets well soon.

I can't exactly remember how long did the ls last, but she did hv slight fever (37.5) for abt 2 days. I continue to give her the usual solids cos she still active lor.
boo...had arranged for full body massage with HB tmr .. go enjoy ourselves..
but my da yi ma came last nite lar... sianzzz
pretty, u brot nicole on sg flyer b4 rite?
was she frightened by it?
i'm tinking of bringing shirui there tis wkend...
Mimeole, Dinut
One for all and all for one! Yeah!!

Aiya, so unfortunate. Change plans ... go for a nice lunch and catch a movie or something. It's not what you do but the fact that you're spending quality time together right? Heehee ...
dinut.. Valeriet.. *xing xang* (tt's e sound of their swords clanging) haha..

hmm.. quality time.. yup yup gotta plan a date wif hb soon.. time w/o bb.. but dunno la.. w/o bb dunno if really can totally shut off n enjoy.. coz won't we miz bb n then worry if he's ok then also feel guilty tt we enjoying w/o him.. hmm..
