(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

CSI, i more vain.. i let him wear leggings when i bring him to my mum in the morning hahaha... otherwise no chance to wear! i bought soooooooo many leh :p

mine done the assessment wif polyclinic leh ... they do hearing test, test they know how to pick up things and change to another hand, know how to grab, know how to stand, know how to on four, know how to crawl, no stranger anxiety, take weight & length loh
ya loh shryn...very fast hor.
urs going to soon mah just tat my gal pop out earlier hahahahaha

so now headache cos got to source for caterer for her 1 yr old birthday
Oh ya.. talking abt 1st yr bday. I'm going to book chalet. Which one better.. Downtown east or pasir ris costa sands? Will be bbqing.. no need cater. kekeke
gabby's mum... i better train my boy liaoz... dunno if he can pass thing from one hand to the other leh.. never notice it

talk abt birthday party, i still dunno if gonna hold one cos hubby not keen
yaboy, veri fast 9months liao...i'm going to go for the assessment this monday (4days shy of his 9mth)

i long time never let shawn wear bblegs liao. don't know whether the pork leg would overflow the bblegs bo. anyway, he's always perspiring. go to mall, wear tee & shorts. when he sleeps, then i'll cover him with diaper cloth as blankie
I got it at Cold Storage.

personally, I prefer Pasir Ris Costa Sands. Think it's less "messy" than Downtown East. hehs.
gabby's mum, yalor... maybe for family.. if i dun hold, i know i will regret next time! and wat if we hold for #2 then he will say tat we play favours *think too much*

me tinking aranda country club cos boy's godpa can get discount keke...
elaine, dey will test if can do on all fours wor?
my girl haven master dat leh..she oni 'slide on the floor' .. and noe how to push/climb herself into a sitting position .. haa.. and everytime she does dat she will clap her hands and smile at me .. haa... showing off her skills to me =P
oh so costa sands better then downtown east ah. Hmm.. then I'll consider there. Thks! Cos I bought a voucher from here lah.. so can only choose downtown east/costa sands pasir ris.

slimz wait for my hb for the num. In his hp. keke. My boy also cant crawl on all 4s, cant stand also. Only crawl lizard style. He can pop his tutu from 1 hand to another.. turn it ard n pop in his mouth. hahaha
on four lah but din expect them to crawl on four heehee .... just wanna check if their hands are strong enough to support themself.
ya lah.. he always do all sorts of funny stuff. He use his head to support.. like almost going to somersault like that. Then he like to flatten his face onto the mattress... bump his mouth onto the floor/mattress/ppl's shoulders repeatly.. making the Ah ba ba ba ba sound. My weird bb.
Bambini @ dempsey

Went this afternoon, I don't quite like it compare to Big Splash cos it is pretty dim in the play maze. Think the best thing about bambini is they have the cafe which Frisk&Romp don't. I heard fr a mummy that Bambini @ Kallang is not as dim though.

Maybe we can organise one at Frisk&Romp, cos at $18(1 for 1 hour = 2 hours), including hourly art&craft or storytelling or games. Somemore it is very spacious for crawllers. Bambini not very crawller friendly. Suit bigger toddlers bah...

Our boys share the same birthday


Jr so cute, use head to support ... like headstand?

We are likely not holding a birthday party for QJ ... hb not keen. Probably will still do something on a small scale with family.

Anyone keen to organise a bash for all the Dec07 babies??
val.. not headstand lah.. His gymnastics not that gd yet. He'll be on his knees and hands.. then head also down on the mattress loh. Then he'll roll side way then lie down. hahaha
He will be a active boy, can forseen liao! Mine can foreseen a dancer or musician. Hahaha... he will dance to the music. Waves his hands up and down.
rachel, slimz...
ya lor... a lot of ppl comment he looks older than his age. maybe cos he has a lot of hair? actually he's very small size leh... only 8kg.

saw fr your blog... yr daughter so cute on the see saw. she's really a happy go lucky gal leh.

a dec bash is a good idea.
huh ? got 9mth assessment? my dont have leh.. aiyoh.. I better schedule one for her then.. my girl still cannot crawl well. and still no tooth
today she is 8mth old!!!!!
my girl took her 5-in-1 at polyclinic and the nurse reminded me to go bk @ 9mths for the assessment and she said alot of parents forgot abt it coz it doesn't coincide wif any jabs ..
and she oso told me to self update the health booklet on the milestones wich my girl can attain..
some bbs skipthe crawling stage de.. no worries =D
haa.. mabbe its a gd ting he looks more mature.. hee.. mabbe wen he goes school wont get bullied dat easily?
she is one active girl lor... wont zzz till 10+ 11..sometimes 12 oso wont zz ..
she oso does the 'headstand' tingy dat bluelily's jr does .. haa... so i can fully understand n imagine jr doing the stunts wen bluelily described them =P

a dec bash is gd .. but tink we ve to have it earlier in Nov leh ..coz some bbs here r nov bbs if i'm not wrong ...
hai missylan, ya loh. Next time I'm going to have a hard time chasing after him!

slimz.. really ah? Next time we put 2 of them together.. ask them do the headstunts together n take pic! hahaha

Btw hor... abit worried now. jr seem to be having diarrhoea. Yest poo 4x. Today early morn poo again. If later still poo.. gotta bring him go see pd liao.
If sick then cant go gym on Sun also.
bambini is so not babies friendly ah...no wonder its free for babies under 1. haha..

Btw gals...i heard 9 mths assessment at polyclinic is free de.
ah_bie.. I not sure also leh. No signs of teeth. Teething will poo so many times also ah? Anyone's bb like tt b4? He still behaving as normal.. poo still can talk n smile. I was wondering what food he ate wrongly.. weekend let him try avocodo for the 1st time.. but weekend n Mon also ok leh. Then yest din try new food also.
gabby's ma, my boy chewed on plastic sticker or wat for almost 1/2 hr then we discovered n took it out. Luckily he din swallow. ur gal too fast ah.
my mum just called n say jr eat once poo once. Though abit only. hb rush down to bring jr go see pd with my mum.. cos close at 12.30pm. I go back already closed.
Hai.. shdn't have come to work today.
mabbe he teething bah..but still bring him to doc better .. ..

elaine, she swallowed it?
dat time shirui did too but we put our fingers into her mouth n dig out the paper... she din swallow it ...
Just PM you the cheesecake recipe. Sorry for the delay.

For a period of time, my son also poos everytime he finished his milk. And when he fell sick the diarrhoea became worse. PD put him on pro-biotics to strengthen his tummy. One small bottle cost $40!! Hope your Jr's case is just due to teething.

My son also swallowed some paper that day. My hb gave him the straw paper wrapper to keep him entertained while we had our food ... a while later, the wrapper became half its original length and nothing could be found on the table or floor. ooops!

We like to think that his tummy will be strengthened by the rubbish that he eats. Hahaha...
back from pd liao. Doc give some med to drink, and told to give him diluted milk. hb told pd we gave jr avocado last weekend. pd say dun give exotic fruits like avocado n kiwi! Not going to buy liao.. anyway jr dun like. But I doubt it's the avocado.. cos weekend n Mon he still ok. pd say it could be virus. I dunno whether it's from my frens place.. last sun bring him to fren's house to play. They got 2 kiddos.. always sick after elder one sent to cc. Had stomach flu too.. but long ago n recovered liao.

Those bbs with diarrhoea b4, normally how long it takes to recover? My poor jr.. already v skinny liao. later going to take 1/2day go home.

usually for diarrhoea, pd will recommend that the baby take soya milk like isomil? did u take some sample frm the doc?
oh ya.. bluelily, dat time PD oso suggested shirui to take isomil - soy milk ... coz its more easily digested compared to BM n other FM ..
anyone been to the aloha poolside terrance?
reckon it can hold 100 pple?
thinking of holding su's birthday bash there.

su also poo-ed 5 times 2 days ago. think cos i increased her veg intake. but ystd ok liao.

brought her to GP and he said to stop breastmilk if it continues and give soy. really ah... tot can continue BF-ing.
