(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Re: Gymboree Trial Class at Tanglin Mall

Hi mummies,

Tanglin Mall side is more strict when signing up for trial classes. They are the main franchisee here, and they laid some ground rules which they refused to bend lor. So, I'm can't get some of you into the class of your choice. The confirmed ones are as follows:

Date: 30 Aug (Sat)
Time: 3.45pm
1. Ankh

Date: 31 Aug (Sun)
Time: 12.15pm
1. Linda
2. Jane
3. Fanny

Date: 7 Sep (Sun)
Time: 12.15pm
1. Elaine - Paying
2. Cocoangel - VOUCHER [from SLIMZ]
3. Slimz - voucher CONFIRM

petrina n tub, u wanna try 14Sep class? If so, I'll let them know to reserve 2 slots for u.

By the way, pls don't tell Tanglin Mall abt the group of us attended the class at Harbourfront yesterday. Don't want to get Harbourfront side into trouble. Thanks.

fasting starts on the 1st sept. u gg on a holiday? fasting onot, my activities are as per normal lei. hehe..
hi CSI,
Yr baby is Lousia, sitting just beside Ethan, right?

hi valeriet,
so u r the one i met at Marche right? see so many babies & parents but cannot put names to faces. Me alone having to pacify Ethan to play and had no time to talk to anyone. Naughty boy also gets cranky towards the end of the class. Really envy the rest esp Malcolm & Megan.

I guess the weather was too good to sleep instead of play for him. Before the class, he had slept from 1 to 3pm. Then after class, slept until 7pm... OMG
This is the pics that I took yesterday. Din manage to get the rest of the group. Ethan seems a bit unsociable leh... only observing the rest having fun.


ya, finally can meet up with the mummies again but no time to chat, oso no chance to chat much coz had to rush off to feed megan at home with her porridge.
i can recognise the bbs more though than mummies,

csi, hee...i didnt know she would be so chubby as compared to the rest. i thk she wanted to squash mal. hee...

as u all can see, i thk megan not shy at all. after warm up, can do anything! im surprised~

re: photos of gymboree group,
wait ah, i see got time to post up in nj or here tmr. now busy with marking.. hee... thk got more of mal coz he's beside megan.
jeelo, i was using nuk latex all the while but recently i changed to pigeon coz i got fed up with the changing of the teats so many times plus mi gal used the medium 0-6 mths teat til fed up.
i realised diff batches have diff hole sizes till i had to slit the holes myself. the 6-12 mths was too big for her still.
and worse was, the latex teats aft some washes tend to change shape and the milk ended up leaking.
so in one go, i changed all to pigeon.
yah yah...Louisa was sitting next to Ethan. She also got cranky towards the end of the class...that's why towards the end, she kept blowing her own "bubbles" ("boo" her saliva). That's her sign for "I dun want anymore [whatever it is lah]". So I had to keep carrying her/holding her...to slowly calm her down. Otherwise, she'll explode ah...

maybe megan was thinking "Mal, let's see who's bigger...girl power!" hahahaha...
elaine.. yalor .. me oso cant wait for our turn..
at any one time can oni accomodate 1 parent issit huh?
hmmm.. .. will b great if both can b there leh ... booo
My boy also cranky towards the end cos he is hungry and sleepy. I also think weather too good liao, piggy needs to sleep.

The group photo he so buay song to take, keep turning his head away. Sigh~
My boy is very very interested in Hen's girl, Kaylen's...................
.shirt's ribbon.

Every opportunity he wants to pull. ~faint~

Heehee ... I was wondering who I met at Marche. I really had no clue who's who. Pai seh dare not ask.

We went to toysRus and got QJ a big bottle of non-toxic bubbles that evening cos realised that he was so thrilled by the bubbles during class. That was the only time he didn't stick to me and even crawled into the circle to catch the bubbles!
slimz... but only 3 of us on 7 sep class, hopefully not too boring
wat do you intend to let shirui wear? dunno if it will be cold~!
yeah yeah .... me also dunno what should my gal wear on tat day hahahahaha.

mayb we can only check wif mummies who will be going this weekend ya??
gabby's mum... i dunno if i should let my boy wear pants or romper with leggings.. *vain mum*

ankh, linda, fanny and jane, let us know after your trial this weekend ok
slimz.. hahah.. u shifted in to your buangkok place already??

i still haven't yet.. actually really dunno when i will shift coz still so comfortable at my mum's place.. hehe..

hen.. i think its ok if u can't get me in 7th sep class.. appreciate your help but think i will skip this one coz my girl also very cranky when she sees lots of ppl.. so will wait and see if she improves then i'll go for trial.. thanks thanks..
Btw hor...

Go-Go Bambini at Dempsey got promo, but its ending soon.
Holiday Special: Kids under 2 years FREE until 31 August.

But from the hours & fee section, it says;
Adults & babies under 1 year FREE leh.
This applies to kallang branch also leh.


Maybe we can all have a gathering there before bb turns 1...hehehe...
Our Organizer leh har? :p
ber,elaine.. me oso duno wat to let shirui wear ..
cant poss wear dresses rite elaine ?? heee
but her leggings.. haaa.. all will c her thighs one coz she got thunderous thighs =P
pet.. me intending to shift 2nd week of sept ..
i long ago ask my HB go ask MIL she wan to chkout wen we shld shift..
now den she come say can oni shift on the 1st or 15th of the mth .. lucky the 15th is a sunday.. else my ah lao gg say he cant take leave blar blar blar.. den hafta wait till Oct le ={
slimz, hee... mi megan got thuder thighs too, only covered up that day at gym coz cold. haha...she cant wear leggings one, i cant find a size for her.
haa... i can imagine ur feelings.. coz my shirui's leggings alwys expose her big thighs too .. cant pull all the way up de ..
slimz, keke, stuck at the knees there, cant go further up.

gabby mum, ya, that's what everyone says, like very juicy and nice to bite. haha!
haaa... ya ya ... jacq.. stuck at the knees.. den i will still force it up her thighs =P
haa.. like bao ba zhang ..
dat day brot her to PD with leggings.. PD said "oh baby, wat did ur mummy let u wear wor..so tight!" haaaaaa
speaking of dempsey.. i like tat place.. any chance we can gather there sometime?? hehe..

slimz/pierced.. both of your girls are very chubby! pinch pinch!!

slimz, must be excited to shift into new hse yah.. 15th of 8th mth (my anniversary!) is quite fast lah... happy packing
slimz/pierced.. though my boy dun hve thunder thighs but not slim either, so sometimes when i let him wear leggings, some ppl may comment tat it looks tight hehe.. like i am 'torturing' him :p
and.. best, they asked me why i let him wear stockings!! aiyoh...
Gals....my boy too..
Cannot wear leggies especially the Baby Leg brand....so tight and can't even pull up and cover properly...All Overflow...
The mikki brand still alright but still very tight and will have the elastic mark if wore for too long.
haaa... yahor ... if asian bbs wear tight.. the ang moh bbs how to fit wor? tot the leggings were frm ang moh cty ...
the fotos of those bbs on babyleg webby all look so fitting de their leggings .. =P

ya..veri headache abt moving hse leh.. haven go find house mover to move my big bed.. initially tot MIL wan to sublet our old room out .. den dat day she change mind (as usual.. so flickle) say we can leave the bed in the room coz she dun wan sublet le .. faintz... alwys last min one... now oso duno where 2 find mover.. any lobangs girls?
that day at Gymboree class, I put on BL leggings for my gal. It was tight lah (as usual), but I still eh eh pull it up for her (coz weather cold mah...). Well, (1) It can't go all the way up (things too fat?); (2) after class, remove the leggings, hmmm...got one round of elastic mark on both thighs - I kena scolding from hb "see lah, so vain lah..."
slimz.. tks for the info on the yoplait.

CSI_Fan.. whr did u get ur baby yoplait?

well mummies..
e gymboree sounds like such fun. hubby refused to drive us in the torrential rain jus to see see.. haiz.. well maybe at another gathering..
gabby's mum,
so how is the assessment result? wat do they check? where did do the assessment? mine is due soon.. appointment at polyclinic.. dunno whether to change to PD boh.. but i called up dr ek ong's clinic just now, they said optional to do the assessment, in fact, no need if nothing wrong with baby wor~

Waa...gabby...So fast 9 mth liao wor...
Going 1 years old soon...

Hi5! My ah boy weight also 9.3kg too...
He just went for his 2nd pneumo jab last Sat.
