(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

My boy not only LS and on-off fever, he's got a running nose too. His nose was so stuffed and eyes so red and watery last night. Kept waking up in the middle of the night cos nose was irritating him. So poor thing. I see already heart pain.

Am going to bring him to PD later. Hope it is nothing serious.


how many ml of prune juice did u feed alexis to get rid of constipation? now emma's turn to constipate. it's been a good 3 n half days since she had a good poo.
pretty, what abt try do some baby journal? actually i gt a free journal from library last mth... they given out free so long u re libry member/card holder. Saw last monday, they still have stock.
have a look yah

she drank up abt 60ml of it, diluted with water, slightly after her dinner. on top of that, i gave her some papaya after her lunch. she cld hv probably overdosed on e fruits but then again, her poop wasnt watery or anythg. it was soft n somewhat creamy (sorry for being so gross)..well, at least it wasnt hard n she did seem happier after her dump.

now, i make sure she has her regular intake of fruits already.
Pretty ,

I have already printed my boy's pic since he is born, filled a 300 pcs album and now started the 2nd album liao...I bought the canon sephia printer.. cos can do collage so can put a few pics in 1 , and can print at my convenience..

Also very afforable..

can consider Marriot, they do everything for u, so dun have to worry abt deco etc..
pretty, i print out selected pict oni and ve dem in a journal book wich i bot .. the one from library wich sunshinesummer mentioned i oso ve..but din use.. coz oredi bot one liaoz..
u can consider to go and do a photo journal. I know Foto Hub has such service. can just go there and get a free cd. then u just need to drag yr photos into the template provided. they will print out for u into those nice album. can choose those big ones n can put in more pics. they r printed onto the pages... so looks like wedding album except all babies pic. they hv another one which the pages are those soft type. think it's called photostory. i think i will be doing one of them for my boy.

u can go to the outlet at raffles city. they have samples there. saw 1 album where the parents put in the pics n even indicate the period the photos are taken. it's very nice
look at the way they fall.... dun noe will hurt their bones ornot. very scary... so must keep an eye on them when they play in it.
I think your bb got sensitive nose. This will happen to when I have my sensitive moment, watery eyes... Maybe you can ask yr PD about Zrytec. I don't how old can take Zrytec, you can try Parmacist and get advice from them. I understand that Zrytec is for allergies, great for sensitive nose.

Hmm... Just don't place any toy inside playpen, should be pretty safe. =)
hi mummies, tks for all the infor...i have decided to print out selected pics le...will send in for bulk printing...tks...will oso check out photo hub...tks

thanks! finally emma pooed. so happy to see her gek. last nite did feed her a bit of prune juice, mayb that helped. wah.... too much poo, i worry, too little poo, also worry......
i did scrapbooks for my boy.
so its 1 scrapbook for each year.
rite now he has 2.
1 for all his updates and sonogram pics when i was preggy with him.
2nd one is for his first year from the time i just gave birth to him in hosp till now.
i only print those nice, important ones like first time he wearing that pair of clothes...his first smile, first laugj, first flip, first tooth and just recently first successful attempt at sitting down on his own.
so his scrapbooks are divided into months...like 1 month...2 months...and so on...hehe.

my fil fed him with those cream crackers and teh o.
so angry with him.
my mil did not see wo when he's eating those things he will give it to my boy cos he said...aiyoh...i'm eating then he looked like he wants so i give him lor.
of cos any baby will look with great interest when anyone is eating in front of them but we adults should know better rite?

now my boy started having cough.
aiyoh, one after another.
his cough sounds like got so much phlegm inside.
dont know whether its becos of taking isomil which he may not be compatible to or is it because of the medicine he's taking for his lao sai.
if his cough is bad then monday have to bring him to see doc again.

u know what, to make matters worse, i myself fall sick today.
in the morning i woke to find my lips has doubled to twice its size for i have gotten an allergy to dont know what food...might be due to century egg.
i'm also having a fever so the whole of saturday i have been sleeping after taking the medicine.
luckily, my parents and sis were there to take care of my boy since last nite.
lynzi, take care ya? i also had food allergy sometime back, which resulted in a bee stung lips too.

any of your babies "talking" in baby gibbers? my girl seems to be talking but unintelligible la... dunno wat she's saying. i taught her to say "happy" - my dog's name and i tot i heard her say "hair hair". haha dunno if i'm hallucinating or not.
valeriet/ missylan
my no 3 has been prescribed zrytec by pd when he has a flus bout 2 mths back. So i guess zrytec shld be okie for our bbies bah.
hi lynzi, tks for the infor...ya i will be doing by months as well...yesterday night spent so much time selecting the pics for printing...was fun looking at those newborns pics...haizz time flies...

btw, any of ur bb got this issue? my bb already know how to recog pple le...when see relatives, will cry when they try to carry her or peep-a-boo at her...how to prevent tat huh? so paisay lor...i already try to bring her out on every sunday to the crowds but still...any suggestions?
hope u n faiq are better now. get well soon. btw, where do you buy the s.booking albums? do u use normal photoalbums or you buy those bounded albums specially for scrapbooking? in the past i was using normal photo albums coz i dun do 3d scrapbooking. haven't done anything for shawn yet, not at all...

i haven't been printing many photos either. was thinking of signing up with snapfish (for convinience sake).
does anyone know of any better deals elswhere? thanks!
mine talk gibberish.. dunno what's he talking about. at home when i say out my dog's name he'd look down on the floor looking for her. anyway, when we sing twinkle twinkle little stars when he's lying on his back, he would raise both of his hands up; open and close his palms, and he also raise his legs up at the same time... look really funni
my SIL taught him hi5 and shake hand. he can differentiate the difference and do the right thing most of the time. then when he doesn't want to please us anymore, he'd wave his hand pushing ours away.

teeth #2 is out, he has been cranky and biting me these few days.. pain like mad

try baby yoplait. does wonders for shawn. poo 1/2day after he no poo for 2-3days.
good luck.
i experiment for about 5days frozen porridge. first i ground brown rice grain. then cook it for about 10min. then separate them into different containers to freeze. coz it's ground n cooked, the porridge looks/feel rubbery. when i am going to serve them, pop them out from the freezer, steam the porridge n pureed carrot/brocolli. thankfully, he's ok with it.

what i was doing past few days was to cook brown rice grain porridge. not grounded at all but cook until nua. tiger thermal jar does wonderful job!!!
my gal also talking gibberish. So far, she has managed to say "yah yah yah yah yah" and "ba ba ba". Yesterday she went "da da da da da"...which made my hb sooooo happy. Then he saw my face, he reminded my gal that mummy's been doing a lot for her, so must say "ma ma ma" too. hahahahaha...

Now, apart from standing up and waving, she knows how to clap her hands! hahaha. Just tell her "say Hello", she'll wave her arms. "Clap hands" and she'll clap her hands. so cute. But when tell her to "say Bye", she'll turn her palms to face her and wave. hahaha. so funny. THink it's coz that's how she views it when pple wave bye bye to her...

Aiyoh, now that she knows how to stand up, I have to lower the playpen bassinet liaoz.

Re cooking porridge using thermal jar...have to put boiling water in right?
wah lynzi, must take care of urself too, then can take care of bb. Hope both of u get well soon.

Ur bb all so advanced already ah. Mine just learnt how to sit w/o support last week. I'm so happy. haha. He only know how to do "Yao tou yao tou" (shakes head), and bye bye only when he feels like tt. But most of the time he heck care u. Hai.. :p
my girl oni waves bye bye wen she's out of hse.. i.e. wen we are gg out without her, she wont wave bye bye .. but wen she's out of hse .. den she willing to wave bye to anyone else still in hse =P
my girl today fell from the bed hit the corner of our side table and arise to a blue black with a bump. I have observe her for 1 feed and she still play well . HOw??
anyone with similar thing?
mummies.. thanks for your advise. Will try to bring my baby out more often. Cheers

lynzi, you and your bb ok already?

tub, jeelomeelo
mine talk gibberish also.. dunno what's she is talking about. Yest I brought bb to my friend's hse. They have a dog... my bb keep staring at the dog and started blah blah blah hahahah she like talking to dog??? hahahahha

wow babies know how to clap and wave.. thats good!! my bb is now trying to stand on her own in her playpen...
My bb loves to "talk" n scream. Dunno whats she saying tho. My elder one said she knows how to say oval. The other day I thot I heard she said "mum mum" (food) when she saw bread.

My elder girl taught her to do hi-5. She still doesn't know how to clap hands or wave. She's always after our hair or my dog's fur.

Whenever pple talked to her, she wld turn shy n bury her head against my chest. She wld cry if anyone tries to touch or carry her. She doesn't like to be alone, so once we put her down on the playmat or inside the playpen, she wld cry real bad. So different frm nbr1, nbr1 can play on her own in the playpen.

This morning I put her on the potty n she pee-d on it. I'm so happy... now going to try to put her on the potty everytime I change diapers.
deer deer, me! me! my Sumana konked her head a few weeks back when i slipped and fell. we were so worried and brought her to the PD. u have to monitor for drowsiness, lethargy, vomitting and if she's acting her usual self. PD asked us to monitor for 48 hours. if she's ok and acting normal, can "forget that she had a fall". suggest that u see PD and let her check. Sumana cried for about a minute, but had no bumps. she could smile once she stopped crying.
hen, cos i think ur bb is used to u being always around her. when nbr 1 was a bb, u were working right? maybe that's why she's not as sticky. it's ok la... sumana is also very gluey and i'm not even looking after her full time!
krist, so cute... ur girl talks to the dog! sumana is so farnie... i think it dawned on her one fine day that there's a dog in the house. she stared at my dog, then stared more intently, then frowned, then bian zui and CRIED! aiyo... maybe it's becos my dog doesn't stay wif us all the time. he stays at my FIL's plc. but their relationship is getting better. *i hope. both always fighting for attention.
your gal so cute...talk to the dog! hahaha. maybe she feels that the dog might understand her better than the adults. haha.
I have 2 box Promil Gold 200g to give away, exp Oct 08.

Lynzi - I think I saw you 2 or 3 wks back in Vivo City...Walked past you then later realised but you have walk away...hehe
i just got back from the clinic.
now faiq having bad cough and running nose.
his lungs got slight wheeze but no cause for worry yet.
hopefully he will recover with the med given and wont need to use the nebuliser.

initially when i first started i only did 1 piece of scrapbooking then frame it up.
then, i bought the scarpbooking album.
after awhile i felt that the album is not nice enuf and constricts u if u wana do 3D ones.
so i will buy those scrapbooking papers and use those instead.
more colours, designs and varieties.
when the whole batch is complete...like the one i did from the 1st month i was preggy till the day i gave birth...i went to bind it...so can even do nice, personalised cover page...hehe..
i love to go to this scarpbook shop at plaza sing.
last time used to even go for their scarpbooking workshops.
very fun!

i think that person might be me cos i went to sentosa few weeks back then dropped by vivo to shop.
furthermore i was wearing pikkolo...the trademark of our dec 07 mummies...hehe.
TUb.... my girl got a huge bump ... and blueblack.. soooo poor thing.. but she still play drink .. and still her usual self.. ya lor gotta observe her.. so heartache.

Hope Faiq gets well soon.

I brought my son to PD on Sat - diagnosed with (1) food contemination, hence the diarrhoea (2) flu (caught the airborne bug from somewhere). After a few doses of the medication, he is better. But this morning he woke up with a cough and it sounded like there's phlegm.

Despite being unwell, he is still very active. Was jabbering and singing whole weekend + the whining ... almost lost his voice again - he was sounding husky last night.

Sigh. Hope he gets well soon too.
deerdeer, it's ok one. as long as she's acting her usual self and no vomitting. i know how it feels. i nearly wanted to strangle my husband becos he mopped the floor and din tell me. so baby and i fell.
Tub, CSI_Fan
Im also quite surprise by her reaction hahahah.. the dog is not a small dog leh.. its golden retreiver!! oh man.. im so worried that the dog will get near her.. its too big for her to play...
thanks jeelomeelo, i not really successful with feeding baby porridge... I never grind the grains.. just cook till nua nua.. fish she don't like, but she like chicken alot. can feed chicken liao mah ar?

RE: baby yoghurt... baby yoplait seems to be sold out everywhere! anyone of u know where to buy?
deerdeer.. my girl oso fell sometime back... and guess wat... tis bad bad mummy... let her zz on bed last sunday n she fell off again ={
but was lucky, she ended on her bums.. she oni cried awhile .. mabbe shocked oni..
what's the name of the shop? i haven't been to Plaza sing for ages!

gloomybear, i always buy b.yoplait from tamp ctrl ntuc, parkway parade cold storage oso got sell. i tot it's easy to find... :p

i haven't started any meat stuff yet. probably sometime 9th month onwards. the school let shawn try white rice porridge liao today (1wk shy from the 8th month mark)

i don't mean to scare u but just becareful even though it's a goldie - veri nice temper breed. mine's a cocker and so far i only let my dog sniff baby feet and hands with me carrying the baby. i don't dare to let shawn grab the dog's ears/fur. coz you'd never know how tight the baby grip could be and how the dog would react. just be more cautious lo. onli let him use the back of his hands to touch the body. anyway, my dog usually siam away when she sees me carrying the baby towards her....
ya true also.. wat if the dog ki siao, how hor.. i think the dog can swallow bb down their throat... eeeeeeee.....have to be very very careful lah... kekekeke
Yeah, was working when nbr1 was born. Now fulltime taking care of the kids.

For the past few months, my dog spent most of her time at my parents' place cos we have been going away for short break. So my bb doesn't have much chance to grab her fur or talk to the dog. We all miss my dog, probably gonna bring her back this weekend.


Brought the kids to Explorer Kids last mth. Its big but find the fee quite expensive. Anyway, joined as member so as to enjoy lower fee. Not sure if we gonna be back there often though.
