(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

nola not trying for #2 yet. just wish that when #2 comes along, i hope it's a baby girl :p

sianz.. i got fever last nite, on n off. was exceptionally tired yesterday with soreness on my legs. so today my hb sent bb to infant care while i go see doc. doc said i got viral fever, so cannot anyhow kiss baby... booohoooo

haiyo jeelo, hope u are well soon.
Don spread to shawn ya!

I'm still recovering from my flu, cough & sore gums. Caught the flu & cough bug from bb Kayden when using the nose cleaner sucking tube to clear his mucus.
Now Virus went back to him again when taking care of him....Sighz....so heartache.

Taking care of sick baby and falling sick at the same time sucks.

All Mummies try to take more vitamin C to boost your immune system. Weather bad nowadays.
PD said alot of babies got flu and cough virus.
hahha ya lor lotus root.. there was once i brought my bb to pd for jab.. then the missy hor asked wat is bb's name then hor missy said ohhhhh y not u call her lian ou (lotus)!!! then suggested that i give my bb's english name as lotus!!! i looked at hubby and *rolled* our eyes together kekekeke.. then hor more irritating.. she su ka su ka pinch pinch my bb's ba ba hands!!!
thanks missylan...
maybe hor getting supplies from birthday direct could be much cheaper.
Lets see....still got time...slowly source :p
Beng's Ma
aloha chalet very very nice!!
my colli got the pool facing terrace T11 for her dd's 1st bday party. very very nice place to celebrate!!
but almost impossible to book unless you r civil servant or has civil servant fren or relative who can help!
stuck in school today...staying overnight for yr 1 camp
wont see my girls (and hb) till tomorrow. sianz
halo halo mummies,
wahlau u all teruk lei.
i 2 days never look in here...oredi so many posts to catch up.

glad to hear that the diluted prune juice works for your bb.
i also realised after a few days of giving my boy rockmelon, it regulates his bowel movements better.

wow...all talking and planning for bday liao.
yup beng's ma, aloha gotta book damn early especially since our babies bdays all fall during school hols so its super peak period.
aloha is cheaper and better if u are a civil servant, price difference is nearly half lei.
my sis who is working in mediacorp got staff price for costa sands chalet.
hers is $15 for 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!
y never tell your sup or p that u have a young baby whom u cannot leave at hm at nite as u are still breastfeeding your baby?
its ridiculous asking teachers to stay overnite in camp when the teachers have kids below the age of 1.
i have 2 BN packs of Nepia pullups in L size.
Anyone wanna take over from me?
If anyone interested please pm me ya.
I dont use it so its going to be a real waste if i just keep it.
actually, the hod i/c did ask, but i just said i can stay since last time around, they let me not stay already. see lah, hod nice, get ppl to help out also easy...
i'm no longer totally bfing. sad news...after 1.5 days, only can pump out a misearble 3 ounces, and this is with taking fernugreek AND goat's rue.
check out my balloon offer in nj. a bit early lah, but since my shipping charge still remain steady, think can tompang some more balloons.
hello mummies,
do ur babies play in the playpen now? my gal is always wanting to stand when she's in the playpen. wondering issit good to always stand now?

claire, i m interested in the balloons.
sorry to rant out a bit ... Soooo tired, am still stuck in the office ..

yup my boy plays in the playpen & he's always standing up & attempt to climb out of his playpen
also my boy always like to stand & yest knock himself with a bruise on his head as he keeps stand & try to balance himself on the wall/cupboard but so wobbly
yah lor, rushing materials, i'm in mktg line, gotta rush collaterals out for tmr event. 1st time i work that late in office also, me just reach home only .. so tired liao. still got meetimg tmr morning .. sigh .. din get to see my boy today
krist, urgh!! u din tell the missy off?? talking abt pinch .. my HB's uncle, alwys pinch my girl's cheeks lor .. we brot her to c HB's granny who stys wif tis irritating uncle.. and he never fail to pinch my girl ={
his own DIL is preggy now..so i told my HB wen her son is born aka uncle's grandson.. i shall pop by every wkend to pinch him back HMPH!

It doesn't help to be civil servant to "grab" a chalet at Aloha. The inventory is open to both public n civil servant, so faster finger first. The only difference is the rates. The Loyang one is super popular, always full. Changi one easier to get n cheaper but its further.
hahahah no lah i didnt tell her off..
aiyo... how can always let him pinch ur gal... he also one kind

hahahah so cute.. by that time ur gal also bigger liao can also take revenge kekekekek...

do your babies cry when looking at stranger? There was once i bring my bb out taking mrt. She keep staring at a guy and the guy smile at her.. dunno y she keep staring.. stared until she started frowning... then started to cry... think she might be scared or wat.. i turned her away from the guy but she still wan to turn back and stare at that guy and wanting to cry.. then hubby and i try to distract her then she ok lor.

Nowadays my mother's friends want to carry or play with her, she will also cry. Now is the stage whereby they are scared of stranger? starting to recongise ppl?
they are at the stage of stranger anxiety...will get over this stage eventually..can help by exposing them to more pple outside.

my baby has this problem too! he will cry when he sees someone whom he seldom see step into the house or hear an unfamiliar voice.

But the strange thing is when we bring him out for shopping, he is ok with looking at strangers. DUH
my bb stay with my mil.. she has no time to bring her out wor.. i can oni bring her out during weekends.. i try to bring her downstairs when i visit her during weekdays. Hope tat helps

ya lor ya lor.. shopping go gai gai is ok one..happily looking here and there, wanting to touch this and that kekekekek. Then refuse to sleep :p
thanks Claire!

managed to get to play with my boy for a while this morning at my mom's place as he stays there during wkdays
Hi Mummies,

Was reading this forum few months ago hahha
just paiseh to join in...
This web was recomended by one mummy meet at Tampines mall, so nice of her and thanks to her that i found such agreat Forum in town.

Share some pic of my gal
krist.. wat i does wif my girl is wkdays aft my dinner i'll bring her along corridors, sometimes go into neighbors hse let them play wif her..bring her upstairs c a neghbor's dog..and "play" wif another bb girl (3mths smaller)..
but these activities i try not 2 do everyday, scared she take 4 granted n expect such sessions everynite..
day time my mum/dad will smetimes bring her down c other kids @ playgrd or the childcare..
dawn and the rest of the gerls,
so sorry i cannot join u gerls at hilton today.
to date, my boy has lao sai 6 times.
apparently, its the same case as jovan, he oso got stomach flu.
luckily for us he has taken the rota.
for my boy's case apparently my fil has been feeding him with God-knows-what so his poor 7mth plus tummy cannot take it.
so angry with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My boy also LS for the last 3 days + on-off fever (not high). But he is still very active. Didn't bring him to PD. Should I huh?
my gal always lost balance and fall in the playpen. i find it so 'dangerous' but she keep standing when she's in the playpen.

i try to bring my gal to shopping mall, let her see lotsa ppl. so far, she is okie with strangers.

welcome Sunshinesummer !!!!

porridge cannot keep overnight. will have 'wind' if eat overnight porridge. usually my mom will cook in the morning for my gal's lunch & dinner.
any new receipe for porridge now. so far, only tired sweet potato, potato, carrot, fish, pumpkin.
my boy also still very active...can still play, smile and laugh but lao sai at the exact same time we are feeding him milk or solids.
he is just cranky and prefers to be carried around or being hugged.
i think u should bring to doc lei...so many days oredi...
the medicine reali help cos after taking it so far he has not poo yet.
u know, his poo was getting more watery and watery...his backside very poor thing.
oh ya, if u still giving him bm or fm then it will take longer for him to recover.
now my boy temporarily on isomil, soy fm.
hi mummies, ask u ah...got mummies here print out bb pics and put into album? so far i have blog, now contemplating whether shld i develop and put in photo album....was wondering, how many album i have to buy leh...tons and tons of pics leh....how any suggestion? wat is the best way to capture moments and later when bb grows up, can view them....blog enuff?
constance, so far u got how many albums le? I oso think it's easier to see...i dun mind the $, but just wondering where to store them and by age of 3 years old, how many album will there be...hahah
brought my 2 elder kids to Kids Explorer at Downtown East today. Super fun place to go! Today is not weekend, so not crowded at all. but Friday considered peak period also, so same px as weekend px.
Why is in dangerous leh? My son fell head landed on the net. I instructed my helper that the playpen cannot lean against the wall cos net is stretchable... so might ended up useless.

Mine on Isomil and Similac. Cannot give me fully Similac ah boh will poo poo 3x per day. If I add in 3 Isomil feeds, he will poo 1 or twice per day. Dunno is it teething or Similac cannot leh. Sianz... It is good to feed soy, next time sick or diarrhea can switch back to soy and they will not reject it.

Your bb cute mah, that is why ppl tends to pinch the cheeks. Think maybe you dun like him la, that is why trivial issue activates yr anger. Wahahahaa...
gloomybear, hmmm still deciding if i shld print out...really scared i will end up with tons of albums, think really have to be very selective with the pics...shall think abt it and then see how...sigh...

I have filed 11 albums x 300 pcs to-date. My no 1 is 5 yrs old already... This is excluding those holiday trips fotos which i filed separately. Scary hor?!
