(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

my baby's photo


hahahaha .... CSI_fan & claire i love the way you express so funny

crystal ... same here din latch my gal since birth cos she got no patience. i try to latch her but she turn away then tat day i was changing when she s beside me she show some interest so i tot she wanna latch who know she tot they are toys & start grabbing ... sighz
gabby's mum,
hahahahahahaha...so cute. she thot they are toys. hahaha.

I'm super KS. I'ver ordered balloons, birthday banner from overseas spree liaoz. Bought coloured straws and napkins (Ikea now having sale...). BUT...I've got no venue yet. hahaha. And we haven't decided if we having 1 session or 2 sessions...coz both sides family quite big. My sister says I'm mad.
ur girl pretty leh, got xiao jie look esp with the bandana.
i'm still waiting for my girl to outgrow the boy boy look!


Trying to make her more girly by putting a clip in her hair...
siznz thing now is birthday direct no longer ships to forwarders. me kiam siap, not willing to pay extra 15% handling charge
now sourcing from ebay.
do mummies find very difficult to help bb's to wear their clothes ever since they know how to flip? bb tend to turn.. flat on their tummy while lying down...then we try to turn them back, they will get angry and cry...
claire & krist,
yr gals are so sweet & pretty!

usually i distract my son with toys and let him sit upright while i change him!!
yu ru says "thank you aunties!

i always need someone else to distract her when changing, esp whe putting on diapers. now looking back, wonder why i kept asking her when she'll start to turn
claire, yuru is girlish looking wat... not boyish at all!

krist, mine cry and scream when chahing. macham kidnapping her. every evening is a battle. toys, fans, distractions, dancing, singing, funny faces all no use.

her feeding ok loh... got 2 weeks dun feel like taking solid... lucky now back to normal. haha her wt is abt 7kg nia leh.. not very big...


i either take things to distract her or let her hold things that she have interest in. for wearing clothes, she will be sitting on my lap. it is so much easier kekeke


i already bought the things liao haha KS me... didn't buy much lah... just necessary things. oh ya i saw a shop selling some bday theme... price not so bad.. but variety not alot though. its at chinatown. think centrepoint oso have
yah lorh. Birthday Direct no longer ships to forwarders. I bought mine mainly from another BP (in the BP section) and from Birthday Express.

Some items, SG also can find lah...so no point joining sprees for those items.
Aiyo.. distract her with things also no use... she can oni stay still for few seconds wor..kekkeke... change until i pek cek... =D

crystalz.. nowadays bb sit on the lap hor...also cannot sit still... she always like to struggle machiam she wants to go on ground.. want to move around
ya lor krist, now she wants to sleep while hugging ME like a koala bear, upright. so weird leh...

U can try the spree at allboardtoy..They have birthday supplies also..I got mine from there...

Me also very kiasu, everything buy liao...even cake also ordered liao..hahah

My baby birthday in nov..But because this year alot of weddings and birthdays, so must fast fast book the venue, cakes etc lor..heheheh Even for his actual day, there's no room liao, in the end must hold it on his Chinese birthday which is 10 days eariler than his actual day..
all the babies look so lovely!

my girl also got the boy boy look.. need her hair to grow fast fast.. hehe

miracle baby.. my honeymoon was in hawaii.. i love the place really!!!! wanna go back there if i have the chance..

i'm also going holiday!! yippee! finally hubby said that his uncle closing the chinese physician shop for about 5 days.. so we going to HK in Oct.. hehehe.. so so excited!!!

reagarding birthday supplies.. i also kiasu.. bought 2nd hand from a mummy from the july 07 thread liao.. and also bought balloons from the BP.. hehe.. so so kiasu lor..

jean.. where u holding ur bb's birthday at? i still haven't booked venue leh.. cham.. dunno still got availablity or not.. coz dec is hot month for weddings leh..
ohh i see.. true also.. if late hor.. no more gd venue to book le... heehee i weird hor.. we are in dec thread i still ask u when is ur bb's birthday hahahaha blur liao... bb shld be born either in nov or dec hor... kakakkaa. paiseh..
Wow...marriot hotel...grand.
Yah this year sure alot of couples holding wedding banquet cause next year banquet price increased again.
I also must "gu la" abit to go find bb birthday venue liao. If not later end up nowhere but home.
wow! u gals booked liao ah!

i was thinking of chalet... have not discussed in detail wif the old man.

timeless! great shot!


added water to e apple n prune juice..and...she drank it...and gave me a mustardy lookg present after. i actually cld cry seeing that pile of shit. *sorry* anyway, tks for tip.

reg'd 1st bday

will b celebratg at home. since her birthday falls in e same mth as her brother's, i will combine e celebrations. will prob rent those kind of ballooned castles n get a magician sortof to entertain e kids? oh well, got to discuss w e hb first la..all these spell only one word: MONEY (no enough).

reg'd holidays

i also want. since my HK trip has gone down e drain due to e wet weather over there, i've been 'hintg' to hb abt goin to perth as well tis sept. but so far, i've been e only one talkg. =( if tis doesnt take off, then its def to HK in nov/dec. happy for all those who hv their holidays all planned out!
jeelo u trying for #2 already??

crystalz, she's catching up leh. Jr also ard 7kg nia..

1st birthday:
Headache leh. Wanted chalet.. but bb's bday fall on Fri. Think alot of ppl cant come. And we dun want so many ppl in the 1st place.. lazy to entertain. :p Then hor.. dun intend to do any decor etc... lousy me hor. Haven't even got a concrete plan yet.. cham.
re: 1st birthday
i just noticed mal's 1st birthday fall on sunday and the next day is PH!!! omg really got to decide on the venue liao.. been busy with shopping until forgot abt this!!! *faint*
which day you going HK?
Me shld b leaving on 8 Oct, coming back on 12 Oct. Still thinking whether to bring didi along...
It's either the breastpump and accessories or Didi.....
anyone stocking up on those walking animal balloons for bb 1 year old bd party? Quite cute leh. I got one each for my no 1 & 2 to play. Quite ex in sin. Ard $18-$20 per pc. the overseas spree selling very cheaply. Will be quite a sight to have all those animals floating around during bday party.
OMG, size XL cannot fit into his butt?!? Wa, my #1 and #2 can share diapers leh. Yesterday I just tried on my #1, he finds it funny to be able to share diapers with didi leh. Mine still can fit into Pampers Active size L... but think soon cannot liao cos #2 is in level 3 already. My #2 got thick waistline and fatty butt. Hahhaa...

aiya!! the XL hor... wear already just nice. The waist area is actually ok and still got room BUT the butt is damn strange. Somehow the diapers look small and dun seem to cover his butt properly. So dats why Im trying to sell off this XL huggies pull ups!!

Dylan is already wearing XL pampers active!! Its very roomy for him and i prefer it cos more space for his pee pee, esp at night. He also like yr #2, got thick waistline and fatty butt.. *sigh*
i bot mine from a shop in parkway. can go back and refill for $1 per balloon. I think they shld be able to help fill the new ones at a token bah?

dunno leh, abit meh liang xin, but my hb was saying that we will have our hands full with the 2 elder kids already. How to cope with one more didi? But i will surely miss him if i dun bring him along.
CSI,botantist,claire, my girl is oso playing with my nipples nowadays lar.. pull and tug with her hands or mouth .. urgh.. so violent de..
dat time i was pumping and she jux lean forward n grab my 'free' nipple and started squeezing till milk spurt out..
claire, ur girl ok lar, not veri boi boi look..at least she got hair for clips lor..
my girl bo moh and i still put clips for her .. and dat day went out an old lady commented "aiyoh, bo hair still put clip huh!?"
birthday party:
wow read some of u mummies oredi done so much for the party prep!.. me haven even settle on the date.. been asking my HB to ask his ma wan celeb the angmoh date or the chinese date.. knowing how tradtional she is..urgh.. veri scard she will say anyting now .. and den near to the actual date she will pull pattern say wan the chinese date...
my gal has been trying to stand up! heehee...yesterday, she crawled to her bumbo chair, held on to the back of the chair, and pushed herself up to stand...hahaha. Too bad no picture
coz my sister never charge the batt of her digi cam. Chey! And I didn't manage to take out my HP coz was more concerned with watching baby in case she lets go and falls. The bumbo is a bit low, so she had to bend while holding on, balancing and attempting to stand. hahahaha...
alien, my hb say to book chalet!! we eyeing the aloha pool terrace, which come with 2 storey - 2rooms on 1st storey and 2 rooms on 2nd storey! cos he say jovan bd so qiao next day is PH liao hehe! how how, u want to join me for the chalet thingy?
i still havent the birthday party stuffs leh! u all so fast liao.

Initially me also thinking of engaging grefio services. Me think their services and pricing quite reasonable.

But then the hotel said they will take care of the deco..so me dun need to do liao..just provide the hotel the deco stuff and they will do for me..
hahhaha.. i guess my MIL has been feeding her very well.. she cries mean hungry...*feeding goes on and on...*
my mother commented that in future my bb will be very fat.. will not be slim kind.. haiz..

must be very pek cek right... put clip they also want to comment.. mummies already sad that bb has little hair... haiz.. aunties....
Yeah Jean....
Marriot should handle the deco for you too since you are also paying them for the service.
Easy for you too.

Me will go check out this party supplies...
Thks.I'll let baby have the vaccines.Like the pic u've post.Precious moment.

WoW,mummies aldy planing for bb's 1st birthday.Me still no ideas,jus chked mine falls on sunday also.
