(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


Dun feel bad lah. Just during the last few days, my bb was sitting on the floor (at the edge of the playmat) n I was there wz her, she fell backwards n knonk her head on the floor twice liao. I wasn't fast enuf to catch her both times. Both times, my hb gave me that look like "why din u pay attention to her". duh...
Re dogs

i've 3 of them and they are v v v much neglected since i had kids. =(((((((( i miss spending time w them to death. =((

i always tell myself tt i'll make it up to them once e bb gets slightly bigger. till date, she cries when she sees them..oh dear, i'll really b so sad if she's gonna b scared of dogs.
Wa, 3 dogs, once I had 2 brothers JRT already buay tahan liao. Now I have a Shepherd at my FIL's shophouse... he has the whole 2nd floor all by himself. Miss bringing to East Coast for a stroll... haiz, felt so guilty about it. So we are planning to bring him over when we moved. My neighbour got a Shih Tzu, on and off I will bring sumo over and let the dog licks his feet. Hahhaa... ticklish so he will laugh and kick...
wow steffietan
THREE!!! omg... so many!!!

After my nephew was born, my brother gave away his 2 dogs... my SIL was so sad...

No time for any other things ever since bb born... busy busy busy...eat also no time... kekeke... now bb know how to flip lah, crawl lah, stand up by their own.. must have full attention to them liao.. cannot leave them alone.. too dangerous...

ya, i also hv a JRT..used to b so naughty but now tt he's older, he's mellowed down a lot. my other 2 schnauzers are from heaven. aiya, once we hv kids, they automatically get sidelined already. so sad but so true. i really really miss them. =(

btw, can someone teach me how to activate my PM? ppl cant seem to PM me. TIA.
i used to bring my dog for walks. now, no more. everything is about the baby coz when we get home, i need to prepare for his dinner. then the dog oso haiya.. very poor thing. my dog i think oso suffer from depression, she's seem to have lost weight though she's eating very well. coz no exercise less absorption of nutrients. i use to feed her barf, but now no time, so settle for kibble.. boo hooo. poor doggie...
Talking about dogs,

We too used to have 2 kings charles chavalier puppies, but ever since bb borned, we gave them away to hub's ex-colleague whose 3 teenage children loves dogs deeply.

Although i felt very sad but i find this is the best cause we really got no time for them and we can't let them run free in the house anymore. I do not want them to be caged up all the time.

Really glad that they took over and showered them with TLC. At least i know that they will not be neglected and treated bad.
hehheh, mine is a super hyper mini pin! he'll stay away from sumana tho... sigh... or worse purposely PEE infront of us to get our attention. we try to bring him to botanic gdns / east coast weekly.
mine's a hyperactive mini schnauzer, get crazy everytime after bath or home grooming ... my hb has been nagging that I have neglected him since bb is born, feel bad too.

when my boy was 2 or 3 mths old, he was scratched suddenly by my dog when I was carrying bb. had a huge swell & scratch marks on bb's forehead & head. bb was crying very badly but so lucky his eyes was missed by a few cm, otherwise, my boy' eyes may have been disfigured or what .. dat's what you mommies mentioned, suddenly my dog 'ki siao' ..

but now my dog seems to love my bb now, love to lick his feet & head
yeah, it's not cheap! I also let the kids joined as members. More worth it! I will bring them back again cos they really enjoyed it there.

It has the ball enclosure, like Ikea. And the tall tall tunnelling structures and slides. Haha, actually that reminds me of a big hamster cage.
And a minature rock climbing wall.
sigh.. my dogs got thrown into "cold palace" liaoz... last time used to sleep with me, now slp outside my room. I don't even play with them... cos lazy to wash my hand after after playing with them.

but i let baby play with dogs before bathing:



i really envy those whose babies arent afraid of dogs.. mine like will cry in fear when she spots one running around. =((

reg bellamy's order

linda, is it coming? v long already..wat reason did e supplier give u for delay? almost 2 mths already leh... =(
My dog is a mini schnauzer. She's quite good wz babies/kids. Only thing is that she tends to get very excited when someone just come into the house. After awhile, she's ok n not bother. As long as she gets to sit near n gets stroke, she'll kuai kuai sit there n sleep.

My dog seems to be doing well at my parents' place. My dad brings her down for walks twice a day (at my place, no chance lor). They also bathe her more often (cos she goes for walks so often). And lots of pple in the hse (my parents, my sis, my brother-in-law, my niece n nephew) to sayang her. She has put on weight n better behave over there than at home.

I feel bad neglecting her n I miss her. Then again, unlike before, I really has less time for her.
hi steffietan,

you wan e bellamy rice but oredi opened. if you dun mind i can give it to you cos my gal dun like to eat & i dun wan to waste it
Re dogs:
Dunno if my bb will cry when he sees dogs.. I doubt so. He likes to talk to the birds, cats downstairs. BUT i know for sure my bb's mummy will screeeeeeeeeam when she sees dogs coming her direction. *shy*
i was there at the same time!
i saw a mummy w 2 gals there, mayb that was u? heehee...i was sitting in frt of the mega play structure nursing my boy while my hb n sis were chasing my gal inside.
i was with my hubby, elder boi & dotter. Dun remember seeing anyone nursing bb thou? Did you bring your boi to the ballzone as well?
deerdeer, mine loh! Coming to 8mths next week loh. No worries.. He just learnt how to sit w/o support last wk. haha. Now can only roll ard to reach his destination. Lift buttocks v high.. but cant move.. flatten his face only.. nose already v flat liao. haha. Seee.... so flat nose.

aiyoh.. then I dont feel so bad.. hahahahaha. do you train your boy? my mom always put her on the mattress on her tummy, but she so lazy.
I din train leh.. We just put him in his cot... then he'll roll ard... wriggle ard the whole cot like a worm. Can turn 360 degrees. Floor harder he dun dare to wriggle as much. hahaha
deerdeer.. my girl jux graduated from crawling last nite .. she's born 6dec..
no nid train her de i tink .. coz she jux out of sudden, surprise us last nite...
we alwys place her on a thin mattress on the floor and she will do wat bluelily's jr does (see above) ..
den last nite i put her on mattress, placed my handphone out of reach.. and she jux wriggled and creeped towards it..
aft dat we place her on the floor..and she crawled even faster.. tink by the end of the nite she got the hang of it le.. and was crawling all over le... ...

Nothing to worry la, my boy 8mths plus liao, also dunno how to crawl. But he likes to walk with us holding him, can walk very big steps somemore..hahah

My mum say most probably he will skipped the crawling part..
steffietan ... i'm staying at amk

gal ... my gal also oredi 8mth plus liaos still dunno how to crawl only manage to wriggle ard nia
any bfing mums have the same experience?
my period came back for the 1st time 25 june...so according to my old cycle, shd be 25 july. Now already 30th, still no sign, but test 2x already also no jackpot. will bfing affect the length of cycle?? I so happy, thot kena liao...hb say where got so zun, only 1-2x nia then strike. looks like he was right
celica and csifan
thx for sharing, will keep monitoring. hope it either comes soon, or come after NDP. going taipei over the ndp wkend, dun want to have to deal with 2 kids and my period/swings at the same time :S
hehe, say say only lah, not hardcore trying. If that's the case, every other day will be very busy
as it is, our girls sleep in the same room with us, we hardly sleep together on the same bed. usually 1 sleeps on the flr with #1, 1 on the bed with #2. But recently both migrate to tilam on the flr liao
hi ladies,
For those who have travelled with your little ones, may I ask where your little ones sleep in Hotels? Baby cot?
are ur babies very active at this stage.
mine is 8 months old, she can't keep still. always crawling, moving around in the walker, standing in the playpen. so tiring to take care now.... i salute to my mother!

i m planning to put my girl sleep with us in the hotel. cos abit troublesome to bring so many stuff.
my baby very very active!! aiyoh! Every night, I'm half asleep liaoz, she's still so full of energy! haiz...I think I'm gonna "mutate" to panda for good liaoz.
Mine started crawling last weekend. i cannot say that he can crawl, he seems like dragging himself, kicking and pulling... so funny!
hihi mummies,
just drop in awhile since there's my sis and dad to help look after my boy.
yesterday nite was so siong cos he was sick.
today looks like he's better so i'm crossing my fingers and toes and praying hard.
if not, tomoro morning i have to bring him to pd.

i let my boy sleep on the bed with us but i requested for king size everytime.
then i lay down those thin mattress like bedding with the attached bolsters at the sides and dressed him in his dreambag.
clarie.. I am also still bfing about 2 - 3 time a day. My menses also haywire one.. sometime 20 days sometimes 35... so .. .think it is norm?
my menses haven come yet altho i reduced the number of express sessions but i noticed a slight dip in supply. not sure when menses will come.

got 2 princesses, though sometimes more like 2 monsters...

My menses abt the same length, but the heavy days are less. 2 instead of 3.

now express also very disheartening, yesterday only 1oz
Then my friend who's girl is 1.5mth older express and got 1 full bottle. sigh.
