(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

can I know how many of us are c-section?

me never express.. still latching on.. but very lazy .. that is why down to 3 times max a day..
one in the early morning, one in the evening when I go home.. and one before sleep :_)

Deer Deer,

Me also C-Sect.

I wanna stop BF-ing liao cos going for holiday in Sep. so me now express 2 times a day only. Once before I go to work and the other before I sleep. Each time is about 300ml.

My Gynae says, normally after giving birth, the menses will be shorter and lesser. So nothing to worry...
I'm still b'feeding and supply still good.

I express 4x day + latch on for last feed at night. On average can freeze about 1 litre a day.

Menses also not here yet. Not complaining.


Your Faiq still not well ah? Went to the TCM already? Or saw a PD?

My boy's cold is much better but still using the nasal drop (prescription is for 1 week). Still having diarrhoea but frequency is lesser now. Fever has gone away since he saw the PD on Sat.

Now it's my turn to be sick - sore throat, cold, and lost my voice this morning!!
claire mine jux came last week.. ss dip like the shares market lor ={
but hor, i have VERY VERY bad cramps during the last 2 days of it ..
duno isit cramps or gastric pain.. coz the pain is at gastric area.. but alwys ve the urge to do big biz (in the past, b4 bb, wen my menses come, i alwys ve 2 visit toilet for big biz de..)
am gg wait till the nxt round c if ve similar problem.. if so, will prob go c doc..

missylan..veri cute rite, the way they crawl.. was expecting the one all fours kind of crawl..

bluelily, dun worry.. dey will learn or either skip that stage (i ve quite a few frens' bb skip crawling stage..)
me also c-sec ... never latch on since birth all these while my gal drink only EBM

wow val, really envy leh still got so much supply

slimz ... sian rite e ss really dip alot hor

now my ss very miserable cos waiting for mense to come & done till b4 ss go back to normal
Me also c-sec...my bb also never latch since birth.. express out lor... my MIL asked me to express out.. so tat we will know how much the bb is drinking... haiz.. but i stop expressing after feeding for 1 mth plus

so envy tat so mummies are still BF.. but very tiring hor...

mine seems to be shorter duration, but cycle definitely less than 28 days again recently. i wan comprain to the big guy (or gal?) up there - tbf also menses still (haywire) come from delivery till now. haiz... should go buy 4D hor?
Gabby's mum

It is stressful sometimes because I always run out of freezer space. And we cannot buy ice cream (cos no space to store).
my faiq seems to be better since last nite.
he coughs only occasionally and the running nose has stopped.
so hopefully the cough will go away all together by tomorrow.
will be bringing him to the tcm soon but not today cos hubby has lots of work to finish up.

oh ya, yesterday my boy has started to crawl forwards.
not a bad speed for someone so new.
he tried to crawl towards me when i walked out of his room...hahaha!!!

I usually request for baby cot n king size bed. I wld let the baby sleep in the cot (or playpen cos some hotel's version of baby cot is the playpen) whereas nbr1 sleeps on the king size bed wz us. Definitely not possible to squeeze all 4 of us on the bed lor.
ankh, buy toto! 8 mil! No need work le.. ho ho ho!

Just curious, need to top up $$ for the baby cot in hotel? All hotels will have? If top up.. roughly how much?

Re Avocado:
Thinking of letting bb try this weekend. No need to cook rite? Just cut, scope out the flesh mash n serve? then if I freeze into cubes? Can eat everyday for 1 week anot? Any adverse effects? Like too much carrot will turn orange... I dun want my bb to turn to incredible hulk. We dun eat avocados leh.. 1 dunno how to finish..
Any mummies here want to buy baby cubes? I have 2 sets... me now not freezing into cubes liao. Me asking mummies from here first...
bluelily.. my girl LOVES AVOCADO.. but must be ripe hor? too unripe taste not nice. yes mash it or puree it. I mix it with cereal. It contains alot of good fats. but I think once a week can liao. My girl take it once a week.. one avocado slice into half, she take half, the other half I spread on bread to eat. Good for us esp if bfing.
wah... can finish 1/2 avocado at one go? I'm still thinking of freezing the remaining.. like ard 2 spoonful portions. I suspect my little guy will pui all out. I not bfing liao leh. Ripe ones mean soft to touch n dark green in colour?

Most of the hotels provide baby cot for free, subject to availability. So far, I haven't come across any hotel that charges for it. They only charge for extra bed.

My bb just had her avocado for the 1st time yesterday. I mashed half a avocado n mix wz her porridge. She loves it, finished almost 1 whole bowl.
yes.. ripe is soft to touch.. try 1/4 first. avocado got a laxative effect on some people.
I think you better try 1/4 first.
I mean half for my girl.. is some in the morning meal then some in the evening meal
then I dont give her for the rest of the week .
i oso sick.. still sick. think the stomach flu now become real flu liao. cilaka... still cannot anyhow kiss shawn.. booohoooo

i'm alternating 1/4 egg yolk & avocado daily for this wk. he loves both... :p it sounds weird but i give avocado with brown rice porridge with garden peas.

I am also C-sect (3x in fact!) mummy.

Doing a combi of express during ofis hr & latching at nite for my ds. Intending to stop only after my ds turns one.
hi mummies,
do your babies sleep with pillow and bolster? I'm thinking whether to give my gal pillow and bolster to help her sleep more comfortably. For those whose babies have been using, so far has been safe?
Hi Rachel,
My girl sleep with 4 small pillows those for babies those kind.. and 2 bolsters. I find it is ok.. I only find blankets very unsafe. She get tangled with it very often. so now, I let her wear thicker and just a thin blanket. She loves all the cushioning around her wor.
rachel, my girl will smell this pillow, talk to the other bolster like all of them are her friends.. then she will yak yak yak.. then hug them and sleep.. and also.. she turns alot when she sleep. the pillows also cushion her from her night feet storming and hands banging
Lynzi & Hen,
Thanks for the input
I've not travelled with BB so kinda blur...

*sigh* not been sleeping much.. Boy keeps waking up and got to be carried to sleep.. He's teething and I wonder when I can get uninterrupted sleep from 11pm to 6am again...
Hi mummies,

I also have c-section. I also have a mini schnauzer, my bb loves to play with her. In fact,she will help to entertain him sometime.

Hi Missylan,

What are the bb cubes for?
Hee...hee... I know I owe some of the mummies pic for the HRC.
I can't seems to upload the pic as the size is too big. very sorry. How to make it smaller?
ya my bb still got no teeth, not much hair. But can crawl and sit properly. Want to kneel and stand up. So kind of busy. Knows how to wave bye bye, knock head with others.

Think now is pang sun time.
hihi rachelC...
haven't seen you for a long time eh! :p

rachel wee,
i use a flat pillow and 2 bolster. but everytime he'd end up sleeping NOT on the pillow... he'd somewhat roll off the pillow and the bolsters being kicked elsewhere
Poor you, must recover fast ya.. know how it feels not to kiss your bb... I also must carry, kiss and hug my boy daily..

Now I try to take more pictures of his bogeh smiles.. once the teeth pop, his smile will not be the same already...
I remember you share about cooking porridge using Tiger Thermal flask.. check with you har,I tried and found that I get cold porridge.. normal? Should warm it up right? Sorry har, me still blur blur when comes to cooking porridge using this method..
hen, so gd ah.. din know bb cot is free. Chalet have anot har? :p Bb 1st bday thinking of booking chalet.. but dunno where he can zzz? Btw... hb tried to book aloha.. not opened for booking yet leh.

deerdeer, thks for the advise on avocado. huh.. lazative effect ah.. then i better be careful. Cos my bb eat green vegy, either leafy or green peas.. will poo twice a day instead of once. Not diarrhoes though. I guess maybe cos he cant digest it well yet.. got vegy in his poo at 1st.

jeelo, take care ah! So fast u try egg yolk liao ah. I still dun dare. U hard boil the egg?

rachel, my boy sleeps with pillows n bolsters all ard! He dun zz on the pillow though.. the bolsters are for him to hug.. he like to cover his face with it when he zzz. So far no prob. Think they are old enough to shift it away if it's uncomfy. Wont suffocate liao.
my bb also still bogeh.. and my bb's mummy going to be bogeh soon. He keep knocking his head into my teeth! Till my lips got blood! But his head is ok! He din even cry....... Hb say he got tie tou gong. And now that he can sit, he likes to anyhow fall backwards.. expecting cushion behind. V dangerous leh. Anyone's bb like tt? This morn he did that again.. n fall onto my zzz face... with a konk. Mummy woke up with swollen lips... bb stare at me for a while.. n smile. *faint*
bluelily- same! she think that falling onto us is great fun! she will purposely sit then fall on us.. you can tell she did it on purposely.. but it is cute when we say " aiyoh , aiyoh' then she squeal with laughter.. alamak. worst, when she lie with us to watch tv, she tend to put her feet on our forehead. faint
deerdeer, hahaha.. ur gal also naughty one. Ya.. he'll fall backwards n smile. Dunno how to teach him not to do that.. gotta wait till one day he really fall till got baluku then he know. hai....
Kick hub out of bed and sleep together with baby...don need to lug your playpen and mattress along ba..
Ooops! :p
i tried avaocado last 2 weeks, mixed into mal's cereal. he seemed to accept it. i freezed the rest in few cubes and each day thawed 1 for him. this week gonna introduce baby carrot and rock melon liao.. woohoo..

jeelo and valeriet
hope you get well soon! jiayou!!
my girl can play the fall backwards like 10 times in a row........ I feel let her be lor.. it is heartening to see her soo happy. Well , bluelily, doesnt it signify that we are always there to catch them when they fall? awwwwwwwwwwww .. except that I miss that one time. HA
alien towkay had avocado everyday for 2 wks ah?

deerdeer, I scared he got brain concussion ah... :p Wait become stupid hor.. hahaa crazy me
think the bed can be moved one.
Just push it towards the wall when zzzz....
if cannot then pull the mattress down and sleep on the floor...
me sound like a terror...hahahaha
