(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

me too ... sounds interesting leh .. haaa...
hee.. dat time i was BF-ing bb in (cant rem wich) BF room and a lady came in with her 8mth old.. the 8mth old refuse to BF coz there were outsiders (aka me n bb) in the room .. ..
wonder if any of our bbs will b likewise and end up crying at the event wor...

hi slimz..

oh ic.. thanks thanks..

wanna go for the breastfeeding event?

csi fan,

ur hb funny la....well, give him credit at least for trying to crack a joke.


hee, i tink e fare shld b 70% of e adult's fare if i'm not wrong..if u travel w a bb, they will normally offer u e seat which is v near e bassinet..troublesome or not ah? err..not troublesome for e airline crew la...but u got to b prepared for bb's crankiness lor..*what's new?*
pet.. heee... i tink i wont mind gg.. so long my girl can concentrate on suckling .. hee..
sounds so fun..
my fren commented she ever seen the event being held at suntec before wor .. so it shuden b the first time leh.. how come the organisers blur blur tis time round?
BFg event:

sounds like fun leh..ya..now my bb also rather plays wif e nipps rather than drink. if i go, i cfm must starve her abit before going.

who's interested in going?
hi slimz n beng'sma.. heehee we may have bumped into each othr thr.. i din stay too long too..

e breastfeeding event sounds fun.. yup.. i'v seen it in e news b4.. wld be cool to be part of it..

steffietan.. 70% of adult fare?? oh my.. it thot it was free for bbs..
aiya the bfg event not for exclusively expressing mummies hor? doesn't make sense la... else i have to bring my pump there and not baby. haha
I got nothing to contribute, just Sarah's pic!

She loves being in this position.
Like the reclining Buddha in a Thai temple i went to.
Dear Mummies,

Like chk is it a must to give our baby 'Pneumococcal Vaccination'
My boy is 7mths old.post a pic of my boy..

i am bringing my boy to japan n hk next month. i paid almost $600 for his tic + airport tax n surcharge! tic price for infant below 2yo is 10% of publish rate( full fare)! actually we plan to go new york but my pd said no cos its too far n 12 hrs time difference is no joke!! so i change to hawaii but all flights are full till oct except philipines airline which my hb said no no!! since i die die want to go somewhere in aug so we settled for japan n hk lor! where do u plan to go?
you didnt sign up for any tour with tour agency isit?
cos when i bot my no 1 to hokkaido when he was 17 mths old, we only paid around 100++ for him, excluding airport tax. We signed up with chan Bros, then the adult fare was like 2k each, so my boi's $100++ was really like a bonus to us lor.

yap ,we are going f & e cos package tour must wake up very early leh! i think d tic is almost 200+ n the tax is 200+ so total 500+, cant remember liao ! but the domestic tic for infant is free!
btw did u bring along a stroller? i guess hokkaido is more stroller friendly as compare to tokyo n osaka! still thinking should i bring along a stroller anot cos mine is quite heavy ( per perego prammette)! what do u think? i will be going to osaka/tokyo/hakone/mt fuji/hokkaido/hk.
don wan cruise cos i wan to shop leh! u taking virgo ? wow! u book so early?
told hb i still wan to go us cos us$ so low now!! hehe! r u still going LV ?

wah not going NY? so wasted.. but yah it would be very taxing on poor max. your itinerary sounds very fun! how long will u be gone??

guess what! i am goin to perth in September!! so excited now cos i really had to persuade my hubby to agree to go!! paid $180 for dylan's ticket - it was a promotional fare. No taxes were charged. Original price quoted was $425 after tax but my agent managed to snag a promotional ticket for dylan so paid less than half! Heng ah!!!

deer deer,

kiddos less than 2 years dont have a seat but still gotta pay for air fare which varies from airline to airline. U gotta call and check.

the bassinet is for bbs up to 15kg although they said the length might not be suitable for babies that are too tall. bassinet/seat near bassinet is allocated based on availability so no confirmation until your ticket is booked.


sarah looks like a little doll!!

i also very long never flash my son's pic liao. here he is now. Check out his RA shot.. hahaha


dylan is so handsome n cheerful in his RA shots! hehe!

wow! so shiok ! i like perth, so relaxing! so lucky , managed to get such good deal! which airline are u taking? how long will u be away? planning any farm stay?

we will be away for 16days! hehe! i called the airline to request for bassinet,diaper n bb food once our tickets were issued!

wow 16 days!! but that's really good cos if the trip is too short, it will end up too hectic. i'm sure u will enjoy all the food & shopping too!!

yah am so happy that we managed to get cheap tickets for dylan. Am on SIA - unfortunately my tix was much more ex!! Paid $928 plus taxes per adult. Not doing any farm stay but will be staying in a bungalow in the joondalup golf course for 7 nights so we will drive around perth from there.
plan to visit my cousin & 2 nephews who migrated there also. can't wait!!! so deprived of a holiday for such a long time!!
ya lor! me too, so deprived of a holiday for such a long time so don want to wait till oct for hawaii! die die must travel in aug!! hehe!
wow! u got such a good deal for dylan on sq! guess u r paying so much because of the high fuel surcharge! heard the bungalow at joodalup is very nice! wow! 7 nites, shiok! maybe come back with a made in perth baby!!! hehe! i like the fremantle market with lotsa quaint stuffs!
aiyo.. no lah. not trying for another one yet. furthermore, travelling with my parents!!

i'm so excited..hahah like some deprived child also lah. lucky i not going to HK or JPN cos i will end up buying stuff for myself!! Now goin to perth, prob spend more on the baby!
wow, 16 days sounds so shiok to me!
Hokkaido is actually not stroller friendly leh. I bot a lightwt chicco stroller for the jap trip, but heng in the end didnt bring along. cos Hokkaido still those countryside, hilly area mah, lots of uneven ground and steps. A bb carrier will be better.
Ahh... holidays so nice! I'm so deprived too! Tell u hor.. even go chalet now with bb my hb also reluctant leh. Jr's 1 yr bday I'm thinking of booking chalet.. but hb say jr stay in chalet for 3days.. dunno v mafan anot. *faint* Dunno when then I can go travel liao.

for those with car seats...

are your babies on front facing already? I read somewhere that babies below 1 yr should still be rear facing? But these days, my baby will struggle whenever we try to put her into the car seat....so thot maybe coz she doesn't like rear facing...

yah must blur his boobs lah...if n ot he lose his dignity liao haha


cannot sit front yet leh... must wait until min 1 year (cos their heads too big and neck can't support well yet). my son also struggling but no choice... gotta force him to sit in the car seat. i got this big big round mirror from mothercare which can be fixed to face the baby. its quite good and sometimes when i'm alone with him, he can see me clearly in the reflection when i turn around
that helps abit...
mummies, babies can eat chicken liao mah?
my mum tried giving arielle porridge with chicken and pumpkin and she loves it ! she doesn't like fish....
wow...all the talks about hols.
yeah yeah...should try going with baby.
if u dont try u wont know but just gotta be prepared for a lot of mishaps.
the few times that we went on holiday with baby his luggage were more than ours combined...hahaha!!

i really like to see dylan laughing.
its a complete transformation from the other pic.
so cute hor!
yes, still planning to go LV but decided to postpone our trip till mal turns 1.5yo before 2yo (to avoid paying full adult fare). rem i told you starcruise kena bombard by my hb jialat jialat? the management are offering us half price for our next cruise... keke.. so we mei mei booked before their limited suite full booked.

ah bie,
let me know as soon as zoom zoom comes ok!? mal's neck long long liao keke
eh you bringing yr faiq on friday? i haben see him in person yet leh..

actually i'm sure dylan luggage will end up more than mine!! sure got to bring alot of things for him.. *faint*

yes! dylan inherited my small mouth! haha
re holiday with baby...

my cousin's experience when she went Thailand with her then 7-mth old baby...

hb and wife = 1 luggage.
baby = 3 luggages


aiyo.. think i gotta list down what to bring for my ger liao... haha somemore i gotta take 2 days supply of breastmilk to taiwan... haha haiya... if she can latch since day 1.. i wun be lugging all this things liao... sianzz.. i tried to latch her lately.. aiyo.. she see my nipple she cry haha aiyo.. like its an alien to her.. wahaha

yah i'm afraid dylan will have 3 luggages too!! thank god he latches on now 100%, so dun need to lug bottles etc. But still got to bring my pump to express milk for his cereal etc... sianzz...
Hello good morning mummies...

have all babies recover from their sickness...?

Wah so shiok man... so many mommies n babies going holiday....

Last month i went genting for 3 days... but without my baby ahhahaha... BAD mummy... kekekek
hahahaha...so cute. she see ur nipple she will cry. haha. My gal, see nipple, so excited. but she will stretch out her hand to play with it first, then decide, nah...I'm not interested at the moment. wah lau...kena rejected...hahahahaha

The car is so cute! Your gal's expression is also very cute...hehs. They can play in these kind of toys already ah? hmmm....tempting. (cham...)
wow, away for few days n all these talks abt hols...

Just came back frm Indra Maya in Bintan. Its a nice villa with private swimming pool. Kaylen loves the water, she gets so excited when she sees the pool. When she sees her big sister in the pool but she's not, she started to cry. Too bad the weather wasn't exactly sunny, so they couldn't spend a lot of time in the water.

Been travelling wz the kids since Kaylen was 3/4mths old. Its always a big luggage for Kaylen's diapers, clothings, milk powder, etc. We even brought the sterilizer along. The other luggage is for me, my hubby n my elder girl. This time forth, we not bringing sterilizer anymore. Just use boiling water or hot water to sterilize the bottles.

Botanist, Perth is nice place. I used to stay there for couple of years.
My elder girl has been going there for the past few years and she loves it. We usually there for 2-3 weeks n we wld self drive around. U travelling to outskirts? Self drive? Let me know if u need ideas of where u can visit over there.

Hope I can go to HK/China in Aug. Need to go there to help friend do some work. But got to see if hubby can take leave.

that is my nephew car leh haha


she just sit for fun nia... hehe she never been latching when she is 6 days old till now.. haha so now wanna latch her back dun think it will be easy.. haha so i gotta bring pump and milk bags liao.. no choice~~~ lucky the trip is f&e... so i can pump as and when i want
crystal ur gal v big le hor.. tt time I saw her still small small.. now grow v fast leh! Her appetite gd liao? Mine forever little jr.. he cant even sit w/o support yet. Hai...

yes pls give me some good ideas on where to visit. i actually havent planned my itinerary yet!! the whole trip was a last minute decision as we are tagging along with my parents who are there for golf. yes - we are self-driving.

Csi-fan, claire

my son also like that. see nipple = time to play. he loves to grab and pull also and stare at it for long time before he drinks. haha
