(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

valerie, i'm definitely for the hugs and reassurance sch of tot. i can't bear to hear her cry lor... i guess they'll learn all the independence later. at this stage, it's comfort that they need ba.


u can opt for sterilization bags if u hv microwave in office. juz add water into the bag, throw in the parts, throw into microwave. few mins later ready for use.
Thx mums for your replies.Is it true HT cereal bland? Jus got shock when saw got sugar. Btw, my bb has red tiny dots or patches on face aft eatin nestle brown rice. Is it allergy?

Eve, can sms me your mobile cuz lost my phone on tue.
you are not alone in the baby pooing on mummy dept. latest for me was when my entire family went to robinsons sale last mth. everyone take turns to carry her, then when come to me, she poo and kena both her and me! Wah lau, she got clothes to change, I dun have. in the end have to go robinsons and buy clothes to change into.
With #1 even worse. went out dinner with my friends and brought her along w/o hb. sekali tio jackpot. She got clothes to change, both my top and skirt also kena. that time really panic, call hb to send clothes down from west coast to china sq coz so late liao, all the stores were closed.
I only sterilise my pump/parts/bottles once a day - in the night before going to bed. In the office, after use, I rinse it under the tap (with finger rubbing) and then rinse again in hot water and they're good for the next use.
naf, it's bellamy one tat is bland. i decided that i will stick to HT and Heinz cereals from now onwards.

btw, gals, the bellamy rice porridges arriving next week hor...

jamie, i am a satisfied user of Pikkolo, hehee! was tempting to get beco but then it cant face front and based on the expert advise from botanist, i decided to get pikkolo. pikkolo can face front. i think ergo can face front as well, jeelo and ankh, correct boh? How ah, i still tempting to get pikkolo but another design...
btw, anyone still keen to go gymboree trial class? or shld we organised some trial classes and go together? think hentang is the expert, ehhee!
thanks beng ma....cuz yesterday bought it from carrefour...but is bellamy nice? a lot of mummies said their babies dun like the taste...

eve - forgot to indicate i stop sterilising my pumps n bottle since baby is abt 2 months...i will rinise with hotwater before and aft using...
eve, if you want i have some microwave sterilising bag to get rid off. let me know if you need cos i'm not sterilisig in office also. :p
the barley is not powder form.
its barley rice form...
i got the ayam brand barley...can get it in ntuc or cold storage.

beng ma,
high 5!!!
i'm also a very satisfied useer of pikkolo.
very comfy and lurveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the prints...ehehe.
oit linda, u don't poison me to get another design hor!

re: gym trial class
i'm keen to go if we can form a group.
saw nov mummies going for JWTgym trial class.
Cheap Active Pampers at Carrefour!
4 packs for only $55!
it's actually a set of 2 in 1 box. 2 Box for $55 only.
Saw many people grabbing... i bought 6 boxes and helped my sister in law grab 4 box. Heeee...
hi ankh,

how much are you selling it? how does it look? and still in good condition?

I've never worn it before. Can I try it 1st? perhaps meet up somewhere? thanks!
ooi.. suddenly this thread got all the old bird come back already ah.. hahaha..

beng ma.. our gym class hor... postpone until no news liao.. we still going or not ah?

LIST for Gymboree:

1. Beng's ma
2. Petrina
3. Lynzi

anyone else?? hehe..

talking about lynzi.. oei.. that day really so funny hor.. saw u at bugis.. i got a shock actually when i went to get hot water then sudden;y got a voice from behind the partition.. "is that petrina??'

haah.. i thought cannot be so heng right? met u on wed then thurs met u again.. different shopping centre some more.. haha
thank u so much for the very insightful article.
i feel so much better after reading it knowing that i have not been "spoiling" him all this while.

hehe...yalor...the other day at bugis was interesting.
such coincidence.
should have bought 4D that day.
surely will win...ehehehe...
ergo can carry baby in front, but baby face our body, hugging us. baby not supposed to face forward when using ergo

ooo today i tried the tiger thermal jar, put in some rice grains. voila! 2hrs later got porridge!!! can't wait to start him on rice porridge liao. Thanks to mummies who swear by tiger stuff (you know who you are!), but i think i'll wait til 8mths old
my bb often poos big time on us too. He is still wearing cloth nappies, so when he poos, most of the time it will get onto his clothes and our clothes.

Once we were out at restaurant eating, maid was carrying him and walking up and down while waiting for me and hb to finish eating, his poo dropped on the restaurant entrance and that was quite a big puddle even thou he was wearing disposables then. so paiseh.

thanks for the article. It makes me feel less guilty abt picking him up everytime he cries. In fact, i have been indulging my kids even thou my colleagues tell me otherwise.

mummies, anyone can advise how to increase milk supply besides pumping more often and taking fenugreek/ more milkplus?
We are bringing no 1 & 2 for a 6 day trip early oct and leaving no 3 with my mum in sin. Gotta start building up my supply soon. Now i only got 2 days supply in my fridge.

Tks for ur information. Anyway, do u think tat HT is better than nestle? Wat type of food did u start ur baby when u first introduce solid?
my super tiny demonstrated to me his froggy crawl this 2 days...quite fast and dangerous cuz cant leave him on the bed and also on thin mattress on the floor liao...am wondering whether i shld get the bumper mat but hubby dun allow....sob sob...
hi ladies,

i was surfing the web to look for an eco friendly diaper and this is what i found:


our diapers are contributing to landfills and i was thinking if this is a good alternative. each piece is quite expensive and cost about 63c but to save the env...

anyone wants to join me to request for free samples?
i just requested for free sample liao.

wow! your super tiny is very fast sia! can crawl already. yeah, bumpermat is very good in cushioning their fall.
hi pet, ya ya, i think since hfmd long gone liao, nw we can start to do some gai gai planning for our little ones, ok, we will start with gymboree trial class, ya? I think coco also interested, hehee. I try to find out from gymboree the available dates and let u gals know? give me until tuesday ya?

hi jeelo, hahaha, constance and i swear by that food jar!!! I nvr go to office w/o it! hahaa!

For me, everytime my supply strats to decrease, I will start eating the straw mushroom , u know those jin zhen gu?

It really works for me cos normally by the next day, the milk starts coming in..
I'm on for this! was supposed to go some months back, but then got HFMD...so never go. Oh, need to pay for trial?

LIST for Gymboree:

1. Beng's ma
2. Petrina
3. Lynzi
4. slimz
5. ankh
6. gabby's mum
7. CSI_Fan

Tks.Do u start by adding into the milk or give directly? Anyway, do u have any other recipies to share with me? I really have no idea how to start my baby and wat to feed him as my two older ones drank only milk when they they were babies.
i like mal's pics at the outdoor session.
very nice poses...hehe..

its better to start giving solids durectly so baby will get used to the spoon faster.
heard that adding into milk will sometimes cause choking.
get the book "First Foods".
its really helpful with lots of easy to follow recipes...full proof ones somemore..
i agree with lynzi, to play safe, i didn't try to add it into his milk bottle. when introduced solids, the 1st few spoons were just milk. then after that i gave him cereals. at first he was kinda rejecting the spoon by thrusting his tongue out. then 3rd day onwards he's ok. what some ppl do is use their clean fingers to put the cereal on the lips first, baby would smack the lips and then taste the cereal.
I'm interested in the trial class too. btw, r u all going for the free session or pay for it one?

LIST for Gymboree:

1. Beng's ma
2. Petrina
3. Lynzi
4. slimz
5. ankh
6. gabby's mum
7. CSI_Fan
8. Eve

Oh... seems like a lot of babies poo big time until kena all over clothes. Since the other time, i always on a look out when i can feel him pooing... to avoid another such mess. but sometimes really silent one.

On sterilising... think i just have to rinse with hot water in office since don't feel so comfortable with the sterilising tablets but don't have any microwave in office. hehe... after knowing so many ppl didnt sterilise... think i must be the super kiasi one.

Think my boy is the only gong gong one who eats his bellamy rice cereal with happiness... haha... so far i think he doesnt really like pumpkin cos he gave the yucky look when i feed him.

my boy also crawling around liao... cannot never leave him on the bed. cos in just a few seconds, he's at the corner of the bed already. n he's so fond of crawling, then throw himself forward. so scared one day he'll be superman n fly onto the floor. And when put him in his own cot, he'll try to "stand up" by holding on to the railings. sometimes he can kneel n hold on to the rail looking at what we are doing. think it's time to lower the cot down already.

i also wanted to get the mat but house too small to put one. now i let him sit in his walker. n he goes all around the house touching n pulling things. ai yo... one sentence only... "cannot leave him around alone"
Beng's ma,

These few days been bad for me, going crazy liao. Now then got time to go thru thread. Aiyo, u see me up up, I where got expert??? I haven't try Gymboree trial class before, only been to The Little Gym in Forum.

Anyway, I'm interested in the trial class too. I'll see if I can organise something.

LIST for Gymboree:

1. Beng's ma
2. Petrina
3. Lynzi
4. slimz
5. ankh
6. gabby's mum
7. CSI_Fan
8. Eve
9. hentang
yes, get back all softcopy. "tomato" is asking permission to use some of the mal's photos for his biz use wor, keke..

lynzi & emma ma
me & hb prefers indoor leh.. outdoor like face black black, boh ang ge ang ge (rossy cheek) leh..
I also want to join the trial!

LIST for Gymboree:

1. Beng's ma
2. Petrina
3. Lynzi
4. slimz
5. ankh
6. gabby's mum
7. CSI_Fan
8. Eve
9. hentang
10. Naf

constance, eve - ya lo...so fast then cant leave him alone liao...scare cuz my elder one fell from bed to floor n nose bled then..also his weight gain will even be minimum since now he starts to "exercise" more but still eat or drink so little!

beng ma - u mean the rice will be "cooked" within 2 hrs in the Tiger Thermos ah?
Mal's one good looker and poser. His pics are all very nice. His smiles can melt you.

Gymboree trial class
Will it be on a weekday or weekend? I am keen but can only make it on weekends.
Started on cereal ... finally
I made my boy's first cereal 'meal' too watery (added too much milk) ... he was very eager to eat from the spoon but did not really know how to mangage the cereal once it gets into the mouth. Kept thrusting it out with his tongue. 2nd day, I got the cereal in the right consistency. Same thing, he kept thrusting it out. I guess got to keep at it for a few more days to get him used to eating from a spoon.

My boy is doing the 'frog thing' (as my hubby puts it) ... he is trying to crawl but can only move backwards. Oh and he is moving all over his cot. Will have to lower the mattress soon as I think he will start 'climbing' out in no time.
