(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

tub.. ya sometimes too long i also throw away.. like throwing money away hahahha.. however, rather throw away than to feed her again then get sick hor...

dinut.. no use... that time i tried to call the provider and check about this (heard that if block the imei no. then the phone cannot be use, right?) .. the provider said they cant do anything... then i have to siao siao let go lor..

oh dear, losing hp very troublesome. still kept the avent bottles for you. Just PM me how we meet up for you to get them. I stay in Whampoa, am usually at Hougang area on Thursdays and Sundays
It was nice meeting you too...
Finally get to put a face to your nick. heehee...no lah, no worries abt dragging so long. You also qutie busy, with so many things happening...

Well, hope that all the bad things are gone...and from now, only good things will happen to you...
thanks ladies....hope all the bad luck will go away! really suay this 1 month+

have gotten new sim and also using back same old number and my hubby old phone...heartpain all the photos and videos of my littles ones and other datas. din take down the imei....should have jus phone n sim lock the phone ya...with imei, you mean they cant sell the phone ah?

ankh - thank you and sorry for the delay. which part of whampoa do you stay? near the market? btw, any next gathering at the cafe? do jio me....wanna take a break fr work and meet up with mummies and babies to show my little tiny shrimp...haha

Your girl is so sweet n pretty. My gal hair is short (like those durian hairstyle) n most pple who saw her wld call her boy boy.
Just came back from meeting some of the mummies at Taka. Looks like they were having lots of fun chatting away. Too bad I had to rush back to office after collecting my loot.
jeelomeelo!! really huh!? ur baby bite u wor?

hen, its ok.. my girl oso kenna called "boy" .. haa.. durian hairstyle too.. :{
oh, I have to dress my gal in skirt or dress. Otherwise, even in pink/flower rompers, pple still say "HE is so handsome". diaoz. -.-"
exactly! mine in bright pink sundress, ppl said :"so cute! boy hor?"
i replied :"no, is a girl". (best part coming....)
"really!? look like boy leh!"
hahah, my bb oso boyish look... that day went to hort park, got one security lady said "so handsome"....my god, i told her "you mean so pretty, she's a girl..heee" kena sai...

actually cant blame her too, who ask me to dress her like this...so boyish...hhahah

some ppl's eyes got stamp one.. funny sia!

ya, shawn clamp his mouth on me, then when i scream mummy painpain!!!, he smiled. he was doing that over the weekend (at almost every latch on). then monday i realised, how come got small tiny dark red marks?! no teeth yet, it should be said as gum marks!
aiyo jeelo.. wait till he have teeth then u cham ah. My boy like to bite on my fingers real hard n smile at me when I clean his tongue/gums. V funny
I also got 'clamped' by my boy's gums. He's teething (although no visible teeth yet) but I guess the gums are itchy hence he 'chews' and 'bites' a lot these days. Ouch right? Haha...
ya <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">DAMN PAINFUL!!!</font></font>

but funny he doesn't bite me as hard when i clean his gums.. what the...
my gal did that to me last mth liaoz. and same lorh. Tell her, pain!!! she just smile (like, so funny, my mummy in pain). Best part, sometimes, her daddy will walk past and then she will turn her head (away from me) to follow him....with my nipple still in her mouth!!!!

Then one day, I "OEI" loudly, she got a shock. Dropped the nipple, looked at me, then "bian zui" and cry....hahaha. but after that, so far...never bite liaoz. heehee....
I use my imagination to imagine the scenario..its so cute...

Last time I cant said bad things abt my boy...else he will bian zui..N even if he's sleeping..He sort of bochap me now...
I walked past him, he also dun be bother.

However, my bb sitter commented that he dun dare to jump jump when I carried him...will guai guai stay still....whereas others carry him, he will just jump like nobody biz...
any mommies here staying in Bishan North would like to join in BP for Healthy Times cereals with me and a friend, pls PM me. We need a further $80 (or 12 boxes cereal) to qualify for 15% discount. Hope to place order ASAP. collection will be at st 23. tkx. www.healthytimes.sg
looks like i'm not the only one with bb biting the nipple problem...2 nights ago i was latching her on then she happy happy let go so i just lie on the bed with her moving around. since she dun want liao, i bochap her and talk to hb and #1, then suddenly pain so i shouted "OW!". hb jump and bb also jump...she somehow found my nipple again and bit down on it. wah lau! then she got 2 lower teeth somemore. pain sia. luckily she nvr cry but then that night no more biting. unfortunately it didnt last, last nite kena bitten again...bish bish.

i stay 15 min walk from whampoa market. my place deep deep inside whampoa

re: baby cafe
there may be one on 14th july. but hor, price up to $8 now
hi valerie,

nice meeting u too! i think u were a little stun seeing us chit chat hor.. like aunties at a coffee shop like that.. non-stop.. hahahaha

opps.. later kenna bish by the mummies liao.. hhahahah..

how was ur shopping spree? managed to get some food from The Market Place?? hehe
how was the gathering at taka today? feel like going but need to pump pump.. met petrina at isetan nursing room, so funny..
ah pet
i let towkay tasted fish cracker liao!! guess wat, he ate until the cracker RED RED!!! it was BLOOD stain!! omg, his got cut by the biscuit???? i not sure...but he enjoyed alot.. i ate 1 pc too, yummy!
u call me auntie??
bish u then u know...hehehe...
i only bought organic pears and spinach at marketplace.
the organic fresh produce there is miserable.
will probably try the bah soon pah one that tub said or the outram one that steph cheong said.
think i shopped more for myself just now...bought clothes and kate spade wallet...sigh...

hehe...yup we heard about your encounter with pet at isetan's nursing rm.
heard u made isetan cash register go la la la cos u bought so many pigeon baby biscuits...hehehe...
remembered someone shared on how to prepare barley water for bb to drink. Can someone share again? going to bring bb for jab n thinking of letting him drink to avoid fever. must drink before n on day itself?
mummies who had c-section before,

Wonder do you still having some numbness feeling on your wound? Sometimes i can still feel a bit of pain whenever i stress-up at work, walking too much or even washing the toilets. Izzit normal? It had been 6 mths since our bbs were borned.
No worries. I didn't wait too long cos I met up with Alien before that and was chatting with her for a while. I was able to run 2 places yesterday cos my boss travelling, so could skive a bit. Heehee ...

Other mummies at Breeks yesterday
Nice meeting all of you too :)
I found Dawn and Beranice familiar. Not sure if we've met before in our younger years?
how often can we give barley water?
i realise my gal poo will be soft and sometimes watery after barley water. but usually d next day or day after, the poo will be hard again.
how often u give your bb barley water?
i am keen on d similac? still available? but where to collect is important. cos not v convenient for me to go out of my house!
btw, u mean 2 @$12 or $12 each?
sometimes i had that feeling also... when press on it or strain too much... i think its normal.. cos i read some threads about this and some mummies actually asked their gynae and the doc said its normal...c-section takes longer to recover bah...
tub.. that day i checked with my mil... she has not given my bb any porridge.. haiz
... i think she too busy le.. cos she needs to tend to 2 other small kids...
krist, u can prepare the porridge and bring over? then ur bb can get to take the porridge. use shuttle chef or something more convenient.
eventhough my mum is a midwife but old skool liao so many things have changed over time...i screen her advice heehee
krist, just have to put the stuff into the shuttle chef after u've boiled them and it will cook on it's own. i plan to get one from linda (the lobang queen here) when sumana, my girl, starts taking porridge.

dinut, really ah? old skool but better than my mummy cos hers is OWN skool. i call it mum's logic. sometimes no logic also. haha. so naughty hor... dun let my mummy hear this.


my gal has been on similac from day 1 till now. so far, not much trouble wif poo-poo but oni when she dun feel like poo-ing only. for such scenario, we had to give her ducolax or suppositories cos she did tried keeping it close to 4 days. :p
