(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


I can see Kaylen's 2 lower teeth budding out liao. Quite sharp, I got "bitten" by her a couple of times when I was cleaning her gums.
CSI_fan, slimz, keki, pretty,

We all go thru the same thing, dress our gals in pink pink dress, pple still want to say "look at the boy boy, so cute..."

Almost every other day I patronise this grocer stall at the Bt Timah Market downstairs, the auntie everytime sees me, n she wld say "ahhh... boy boy follows mummy come market liao" despite since day 1 I told her its a girl.

My nbr1 also looks like boy boy when she is a baby. So, I pretty much got used to it that pple say my babies r boy boy. Sometimes, I dun bother to correct pple anymore.
Too bad din get a chance to meet up mummies at Taka yesterday. Seems like quite an enjoyable session. Me was at Taka in the evening wz my girls, went to buy vouchers, as well as Pigeon baby food n baby biscuits for baby n toys for nbr1. Sigh... these days, I dun spent on myself anymore
hen, sumana's teeth is also quite sharp!

gals, ask u ah... my doc prescribed me with some cold med, anti-biotics and lozenges that he says are safe for breastfeeding. would u go ahead and listen to him or throw away the breast milk?
Tub-can still continue bfeed. The only time I din was when I took 2veri strong painkiller for my backpain which doc n lactation nurse said not to. So end up givin it to baby for bathin. Milk bath!

I havn try bb on fm cuz now thinkin of nan, similac n enfrapro.all also quite ex now. Me also got prob askin sample fr them. Said call me bk but din.

Ankh, hen - let me know if got gatherin at tat cafe ya. I kept missin all the gatherin
Naf.. ya all FM are quite ex.. seems like the price is going to hike up again...

Keep on BF ya... so envy of u all... still can manage to BF after going back to work
actually i was thinking of putting sumana on organic fm after i wean at one but it's SO EXPENSIVE! 1 tin of bellamy costs $50 plus!
tub, yup, the bellamy powder is very ex, tat time i asked the bellamy supplier, after disc everything, it's abt 40-45 plus, still very ex.

tub and krist, pm me, can?
krist, it's very tiring, especially when u r sick. i fell ill recently and the inertia to pump is really so huge. can't get my big bums moving.

gals, i've reduced to pumping 4 times daily. (sometimes 5 if i could squeeze in the last session b4 10pm) anyone reduced their pumping sessions already?
tub.. i can imgaine how tiring it is.. during confinement i express until duno like wat.... thinking to myself why i hv to go through all this hahahha its soooo tiring... i gave up after 1 mths plus... although i know BM is so good for bb but i dont seems to hv the motivation to continue... haiz...
tub, I'm pumping twice a day, latch on two times. Equivalent to 4 times lah....haha. I'm wondering whether to reduce session or not. hahaha...
ya lor.. i'm trying to only pump once at work if not very disruptive leh... and very stressful also, pump half way have to rush to lecture or tutorial. sianz.
hopefully now can pump once in the morning, once at work and twice when i return. or if i stay in sch longer, then twice, bopian.
I've been pumping 4x daily since I started work. My schedule is like this:
6am pump at home
11am pump in office
5pm pum in office
8.30/9pm - latch on
11pm at home
middle of the night - latch on

My boy will turn 6 months tomorrow. Yeah!!! I will be starting him on cereal.

But I heard from many of you that cereal is heaty. My boy lost his voice yesterday. Don't know if it was from too much shouting/screaming. Don't even know if he's got a sore throat or not.

Anybody's baby lost voice before?
val, mine! Cry too much! End up voice become soft soft.. wanna cry also not much sound. But after 1 wk or so... ok by himself liao
Usually it's the bottom 2 teeth pop out 1st? got ppl grow the top 2 teeth 1st? My mum says my boy could be teething... i feel.. the top feels sharper then the bottom. Though cant see any teeth yet.
Sounds funny right? My hubby and I kept laughing at his hoarse voice but last night when he cried in his sleep, our hearts melted cos we realised he must be feeling very uncomfortable (bad parents!!)

Your boy's voice took 1 week to come back? Did you try to feed him anything to make him feel better?
no leh.. I so heart-pain. So poor thing leh.. I just let him drink more water.. forgot my mum got give him barley drink anot. N... try not to let him cry/scream too much loh.
Hey mummies,

Ask u hor, do u think its ok to let babies cry n cry, sometimes to the extend that their voice become hoarse? The reason I'm asking is bcos my gal sticks to me like crazy, sometimes I can't even go n prepare her milk/meals, get diapers, do housework while she still can sees me, even go toilet! Also, I hope my mum could help me wz the baby but she wldn't even let grandma carry her. She just won't let anyone carry her. Even doesn't want her daddy to carry sometimes, always crying for me. Yesterday, I left her wz my mum for abt half an hr to go n fetch my elder one from tuition, she was crying so hard when I came back. Heart pain lor.

There r 2 schools of thots as usual, one say shouldn't let babies cry while the other says its ok. I dunno how. I hope to be able to "train" my gal to play on her own at times so that I can do some work or at least can let my mum helps to take care of her if I need to go out for a short while. But I can't bear to let her cry leh.
old question but once again pls...

verdict for beco, ergo, combi and pikkolo

- easy to use?
- gets warm? my baby sweats so easily
- comfortable?
- can wear for a long time? no backache or shoulder strain?
- can use till toddler age?

thanks so much...sarong sling giving me bad shoulder ache even with tiny baby at 6.5kg. Tried lascal...verdict is no good. v tiring after just less than half hour of usage
hihi all

shawn cries until no voice oso when his diaper is full/poo or when he's super hot => when i alone at home n got no time to attend to him. well, i can only station on his highchair for 20-30min while i quickly do things in the kitchen/ard the house. coz anything longer than that he's sweats like mad. fan is full blast on his back oso he sweats. bo pian, sometimes i'll let him cry lor.. or i'll walk up to reassure him that hey, i'm still at home.. not going anywhere, just wait for me to pick u up later ok?!

shawn sleep schedule was yoyo. before i got back to work months ago, he's sleeping thru. then on n off since 1-2months back, he wakes up in the middle of the nite, screaming LOUD, doesn't wan the pacifier, knuckle, only want the breast. so had to latch him on & it's super tiring the next day. i think probably it's comfort suckle coz of his gums or whatever la. anyway i tok to 2 of my colgs, babies who sleep 7 to 7 EVERYDAY. never wake up.

so 3 nites ago, i decided, enough is enough. i let him cry all he want. but just pat pat and reassured him it's ok, mum n dad is just next to you. i felt a bit bad coz in the process of crying 3nites ago, he cry until like very drama mama, he turned to my side, tugged my hair, my neck, my shirt, whatever he can tug on me.. din even bother to turn to my hubby's side. just wanted mummy... :p it took him 45min to finally give up and stop screaming and sleep on his own. 2nites ago, he din wake up at all. last nite, he din wake up at all oso, in fact this morning i woke him up for milk. and he woke up happy. not the usual morning wake up cry for milk. it took me encouragement to do it and hubby had to obey to say okok dun pick him up, just let him cry. took me courage to do that.

on pumping milk :
this is my schedule now :
7am Latch & tandem pump
11am pump in opit
4pm pump in opit
9pm latch & pump leftoever if any

my bb is like urs as well. she wants only me..esp so in e nites..if she wakes up n doesnt see my face, tat's it. she'll scream her lungs out. no one can help me in that sense. =( wrt crying, i try not to let her over-cry la..my mil says wind will get into her body..for me, its just too heartbreaking. tts why even how tired i am, i will tear myself away fr e bed n just carry her up. i mean..at their age, they need only comfort n reassurance n i feel i shldnt deny her of these v simple needs.
errr...try not to let them cry too much coz it will affect their voice.

i hv seen 2 real life cases of crying too much during baby days. end up, their voice become coarse. its an irreversible thing. hv to be careful.

my baby does scream at the top of his voice at times. normally i will tell him " NO!" in a stern voice n he will stop. then i will proceed to distract him with other stuff.
i use ergo USD92+international shipping. there's a local distributor i think. Ankh bought locally at metro - can't remember how much did she buy that for. shawn sweats like mad too, but so far he's ok with it. Ergo dun have pretty prints, if you're looking for prints then get beco/pikkolo. btw, there're a lot of beco/pikkolo mummies here; ergo is rare :p the longest i carried him on me was 3hrs while shopping. shoulders was ok, except my legs were killing me. Weight test wise, i think ergo had done test on petite adult b4. yup, can use up to tod's age, 'backpack' the kid, hipchick the kid. Just note, Ergo is not supposed to be used for front carry.
check out the webbie : http://www.ergobabycarrier.com/
that time when my bb was sick.. she also cried until no voice... when she cried.. aiyo so heart pain.. no voice coming out... so scared that she will lose her voice.. mus try not to let her cry so much...

Thanks for sharing. So it seems like got to bite the bullet n let them cry. I think Kaylen wakes up every 2hrly in the nite bcos she's looking for reassurance that I'm there wz her. Problem is all of us sleeps in the same room, if I let her cries, it wakes daddy n her big sis up. Daddy needs to work n big sis needs to go sch the next day. My hubby can't tahan baby cry or scream. His temper will fare up lor. Aye... its so difficult for me
tub - no worries la....i was like tat when i bfeed my elder one then

krist - ya lo...so me got to see what FM lobang before I decide when I give FM to my baby...so meanwhile, still struggling with my bmilk!

i jus went to carrefour to grab healthy times barley and brown rice cereal....now then realise barley got sugar one ah?
Actually, I also ve the same problem but only @ night...
My MIL said its cos bb sleeping with me & I always hug him...tats y so glued to me...
Whenever he wants to sleep, its me...
I tried to let him cry...n my ILs pacifying him...its still useless...
Whenever they removed him from me, he will starts crying...
however, if I put him to bed, N I slept on the other mattress but in the same room...He is ok.
mummies using HT cereals, can tell me 1 pack will last how long?

I havent started my bb on porridge cuz intend to let him take cereals first till probably when 2 more wks to 7th mth then start porridge for him since he so super tiny...scare his tummy later kena digest the food well...

out of the carriers u mentioned, pls don't get combi. surprisingly quite crap for such a good brand. it has no waist support so baby's full weight goes onto your shoulders. i got my ergo for $170 from metro. it was after 10% discount. i also got pikkolo, but waiting for jasmine to confirm if she wants. if she doesn't, u want?

i just bot the book the baby whisperer for toddlers by tracy hogg. seems to have a lot of useful info about dealing with babies. maybe u wan give it a read?

baby cafe
there's one on monday 14 july. can call 63976716 to check &/or register.
talking about babies crying...
my boy just cried for the past 1 and half hours.
no matter what we did, he still cried.
put him in the jumperoo also he cried.
he's sleepy but refused to sleep.
the moment we start walking to the room he knows and will cry even louder.
now then i can get some rest.
old people say baby boy cannot let them cry for too long cos they easier to cry cry until get fits or fever.

my HT cereal nearly 1 month still haven't finish lei.
first opened them up on 6th june.
now left half but maybe that is also because i rotate his cereals, HT brown rice afternoon, HT barley evening, next day Bellamy rice afternoon, HT barley evening.
all those cereals are accompanied by either veggie/ fruit puree.

so sorry i missed your question.
barley water cannot give every day because its cooling.
if give every day may cause phlegm.
i give on alternate days or twice a week now.
the barley u r talking abt is in powder form? jus add water n can drink already? where to get it?

i also intend to give porridge later... maybe 2 mths later when he's 8mths old. now giving him the ht brown rice n bellamy rice cereal + fruits/veg puree.

the most disgusting thing just happen to me n baby just now. bb pooed n i wanted to wait a while more for him to clear all his bowels before changing diaper. think i didn't realise it's a big poo time. wah.... his poo leaks upwards to his back. his whole back all full of shit!!!! n his t-shirt also kena stained big time!! took me a long time to change him in a sitting position. had to throw the tshirt away since it's really dirty. haiz... how i wish my hubby is around to help me. now he's all awake. don't what time he wants to sleep tonight.
Happy for you. Yes, it does take lots of courage to let baby cry it out and go to sleep on their own. We tried doing it when baby was 1-2 months. HB and I just watch quietly at his bedroom door but after a while, we could not take it, picked him up. These days he will fall asleep in my arms before I put him to bed.

I am also torn between the 2 schools of thought - let baby cry it out and learn to be independent versus give him all the love and comfort (like what Steffietan said).
It has happened to me a few times already ... and mostly in the mornings, just when we are about to leave the house. Once, the shit even got onto my work clothes!!!
aiya.. my bb cosleep with us. we put him there by himself to sleep on his own. if wait for him to fall asleep we don't need to do anything else liao. i'm sure you heard your baby cry when going to sleep or during midnite wakings, cry until like very very chek ak one hor...

naf, ya same like lynzi, i oso rotate the cereals. sometimes even mix two cereals + carrots or whatever add ons. coz he's at infant care, so i leave half the brown rice & barley cereal so that they can mix n match for him as well. I add like rojak oso he eat. just 2days ago, point i added one tbspoon of barley, 1/2 tbspoon of brown rice (very very last table spoon of my 1st box), 1/2 tbspoon of oatmeal & 1 tbspoon carrots. he finished everything & the next day, the caregiver at infant care told me he poo BIG time!

HT= healthy times brand. can get from NTUC/cold storage)
mummies who pump in office,
do u all use the sterilising tablets? i've been using it for some time. wondering if the chemical smell is harmful to baby in the long run n since the instructions say no rinse. also realised that my avent petal piece (sorry... dont know what it is called) is always coated with a layer of oily coating after i put in the sterilising solutions. Definitely not milk cos i wash thoroughly with detergent.

Before this, i was soaking my pump in hot water. but not sure if the Lock & Lock container can withstand daily soaking in hot water. so decided not to take the risk n used the tablets instead. N realised that my Medela funnel seems to be abit melted.

Aiyo... don't know which is a better method. sometimes wonder if it's ok not to sterilise in office. just wash only can or not?
i STOPPED sterilising in office for almost 1month (since he hit 6mths old) already. and noe i somemore wash with water only...

sometimes i don't even wash the funnels/bott for 2days at a go - mind u i pump 2times aday in office & i pop the parts into my locknlock and fridge them!!! At home when i pump only once in the morning, i'll pop the parts into the fridge and the longest i ever tried was not wash for 3days!!! then i start to feel guilty n wash the pump parts... terrible mummie...
Hi mummies,

Regarding the Combi stroller that I'm letting go, here r some details n pic here for ref. Almost brand new condition cos hardly used.

Color: yellow / orange
Lightweight: Approx. 4.2kg
Vari-level: 3 adjustable reclining levels up to 160 degrees (almost flat for comfortable sleep)
Wheels: Front swivel wheels with lock option, rear wheels with lock brakes
Material: MESH seat for better air ventilation for baby
Shade: Large canopy with top window
Seat: Wide spacious seat for baby, detachable and washable for hygiene



My gal poo big time dunno how many times liao. Kenna her own clothes, the bedsheets, changing mat, my clothes, ... I got used to her big time pooing liao.

eve, i'm the other extreme kiasi type.
i started using hot water and lock lock in the office and realised that the lock lock was somehow dented. so i bought a pigeon steriliser for my office. i'll wash after each pump and still sterilise them.

mummies, i had a big scare just now. nearly got block ducts again. then kept putting hot towel and even got hubby to massage the block ducts. then pump and pump. nowadays my dd dun want to latch anymore so can't clear ducts as effectively. luckily after a few hours the ducts cleared. phew. so scared i'll kenna fever like the last time.
