(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Big Poo

Why do babies have big poo? isit bcos few days din poo or ... ???

I remember during my bb's 2nd mth.. she also have big poo (very watery).. she was sleeping at the yao lan then the poo overflow... gena her back, clothes, shorts.. yao lan cloth, and mattress on the floor... aiyo so messy that i duno how to clean her...in the end bring her to shower again...

hi mummies who feed FM to your kids,
Does anyone of you want to be a member of MEad johnson, if you aren't already? I've got membership application forms for you. But in order to qualify, you have to buy Enfapro, enfagrow or enfakid. WIth the membership, you can get discount vouchers as well as quarterly newsletters containing useful articles.
Do let me know if you're interested and I'll post the form to you. THanks!
ladies, the "inside" of my baby's buttocks seem a little red. not sure whether it used to be like that or is this a recent development. could she have some sort of rash?

Got some info for the Gymboree trial classes.

Gym Class - 45min per session @ $40 for trial class
Max - 12 kids per class

Tanglin branch avail trial class:
1. Mon 1.40-2.25pm
2. Fri 12.15-1pm
They will call me back regarding can open a trial class for us on weekend.

Vivocity branch:
For weekend, they got Sat 10-10.45am

I asked them abt the trial voucher that some of u hv. They said they need to look at the voucher (where you get the voucher from) cos some of the vouchers have expired though there's no expiry date on it.

To facilitate the arrangement, maybe those who are interested can indicate your pref on the branch, weekday (M/Tu/W/Th/F) or weekend (Sat/Sun) , timing (am or pm), whether u got voucher.

1. hentang, vivo, weekend(Sat), am, No
i still have the gymboree free trial voucher that we got from buying gaia.
can still use or not hah?

my boy also can happily eat Bellamy so u are not alone, girl!

thanks for asking the Q. it's been on my mind too. :p


u have clarified my doubts. thanks.
Sounds like rash. My boy's bum gets it sometimes too. Put some nappy rash cream in that area and clean more diligently. Should go away in a day or two.
oh dear! maybe it's becos i changed her diaper cream from desitin to california baby. but i used cloth diapers at home and during the weekends leh. sigh. hope it's not painful for her.
Anyone's bb HATES carrots? I got my braun blender last week.. then happily go n puree carrots for my boy. He see got food.. happily opened his mouth. Then once he tasted the carrot... he showed me a super disgusted face! Super duper funny. Then still blur blur eat a few more mouth.. then realised it.. then start to spit EVERYTHING out... spit out till wanna vomit liao. As if he's tasted the most disgusting food in the world. I taste.. sweet leh. Hai... Tried on the 2nd day.. still the same.

carrot actually got another unique taste besides sweetness....my bb dun like it too....
but he is ok with pumpkin
First taste is often like that. I learnt my lesson, every first taste of food, I will give a few teaspoons. Cos most of the time he will reject or gave him the shivers.

Bought a beibei or baobei pumpkin, very tiny pumpkin... wa that was sweet and not as fibrous as butternut squash(gourd shape pumkin).
hi marmies,

im frm Aug thread marmie..

sorie to interput
juz wan to check any one keen on similac follow on stage 2 900g fm

im letting it go at $215 for 7 tins
or $32 for 1 tins.
exirpy on 2009 manf in ireland
bot in by Singapore Abbott

keen parties, please pm me.
try pumpkin, so much nicer! i added to his porridge. towkay seemed like it as compare to carrot. mal likes apple but when i gave him apple juice, he gave me funny look!? thot same taste?? from the same apples leh... babies are hard to please at times..

towkay likes to take photo since "young".. he really can smile too. just say someting to him and he will smile
i bought organic pumpkin. not chim lah. cut into pieces and steam it for 10mins. then scrape and blend. i hv not try sweet potatoes though.. maybe this weekend new project! keke

we paid $350 (after 20% disc with referrer) for the package which include 3x 8R and 4x 5R and photos selected in DVD. add another $200 for all softcopies returned in DVD.

Sarah using Bumwear for daytime. To me quite good. But some ppl has said tt it leak. Not bad but the troublesome part is that it need to be washed. If leave it in water or just like dat in the toilet overnite very stinko! Safe $$ and gd for the environment too! :p
my colleague's 2 kids also use bumwear. Her review also very good. But for me, i am still using those traditional cloth nappies. Much cheaper. Hehe.
re: red buttock crack line

i washed sumana's buttocks ystd and applied the diaper rash cream generously and the redness subsided. think i'd better remind the trs in infant care to take note later. ._.

re: bumwear

really good ah zu and constance! i'll pop by novena later to take a look. they've a store there. cons, actually i'm also use the traditional cloth nappies at home (in the evenings and during the weekends) but i'm thinking of using bum wear when she's at infant care. cannot use the traditional type la... the trs won't have time to change. zu, how often do u change the inserts and pockets? and how many pockets and inserts will i need to buy? can we use bum wear at night? need to change? sorry to bombard u wif so many questions!
you may wanna check with the teachers in infant care whether can use bumwear for your bb first, cos my colleague tried to do so, but her kid's teacher say can only use disposables in sch!
To them, bumwear and cloth nappies works the same way.
I'm using bumwear on my gal during the day too. It works well for us...
If it leaks, it's coz of the way it was washed. Probably some softener has gotten onto it, creating some layer that prevents the water from being absorbed by the fleece...

I guess infant care centres prefer disposables coz it's easier for them also lah...

oh, my gal can crawl! hahaha. she crawled to her ball yesterday, and very fast...we put her ball and other toys in a row in front of her...she chop chop scooted over to the ball to grab it. hahaha. dunno why she likes balls. my brother says next time she'll be soccer player. (me not soccer fan leh)
csi, how long can each insert last? how long can each change tahan? i read from some threads can tahan 3 hours or so if bb doesn't poo?
sometimes it can tahan 6hrs.
actually really depends on how much he urines lah...

I bought bumwear but only used twice..
so jialat hor...cos my bb sitter dunno how to use
keeps saying its very big for my bb...
wow... that's good. so infant care shouldn't have a problem using la... cos the only problem is if they need to change her every hour. if can tahan for about 3 hours or more, should be fine as they are changing her every 3-4 hourly for her disposable diapers.
tub, can tahan 6 hours, depending on how much urine. I usually check by feeling the insert. If wet wet (not too wet), then change the insert. Then I use the same outer cover (the fleece one) twice (i.e. 1 change of insert). I dun use the outer layer more than that...coz by then would have amonia smell (stink stink...haha)

hazel, too big for your bb? heehee...mine, seems big too, but when u try to fasten the bumwear, it's like...small. hahaha. too tight like that. so gotta move out to the buttons on the ends...

are you??
deer deer, r u?

csi & cons, thanks for the info.
i'll go novena to check out and also confirm wif su's infant trs.
There was a news article the other day which cited a KKHS study. It says that the best interval between 2 kids is 2 years. Any earlier, the mother's body do not have enough time to recpuerate. Any later, the kids are too far apart.

So deer deer, are you?
(hahah ... all of us very kaypo)
2 years apart between kid#1 and kid#2
that means, must conceive when kid#1 is past 1 year old ... plus 9mths ... then kid#2 will just right be about 2 years younger than lao da

i also cannot imagine being pregnant now ... too soon!
i'd like to go for the trial class as well pleaze...

LIST for Gymboree:

1. Beng's ma
2. Petrina
3. Lynzi
4. slimz
5. ankh
6. gabby's mum
7. CSI_Fan
8. Eve
9. hentang
10. Naf
11. dinut
krist, my hubby told me if i'm pregnant now, HE will faint. he says he's a nan (male) nu (slave) now. if 2nd one comes, he'll quit to be SAHD. siao lang.
i know someone is preg and edd is this DEC! one yr 2 babies woohoo... both DEC!! but since she din announce here so i also must zipped! keke..
hahaha so cutezz..i remembered my colleague telling me if she pregnant (2nd child) now her husband is gonna jump off at mrt... commit suicide kekeke..

i think some husband dun really play an role as father lor.. sometimes they dun really help out lor. irritating
wow... alien who who? Make me curious.

My hb will also faint if we have 2nd one. My 1 super naughty boy scared everyone off.. my mum say if got 2nd one.. she dun wanna look after for me liao. Ask me go find helper. Then my MIL say ppl bb guai guai.. can take care 2 or 3 also no prob. Ours..... 1 is enough liao. Hai..
