(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


i think my hb will belong to the same catergory as ur colleague's hb. 1 bb he oso buay tahan liao much less 2. :p

Me very curious to know who the brave mummy is. When the time is right, do share the good news with us ok?

My hubby and I will also faint if we have a 2nd one now. Like most of you, with 1 already so busy. And I think my MIL will not be able to handle another one.
hi ladies
long time didnt post here. infact i will b planning for my 3rd one next yr. me currently havg 2 kidz. My gal was born in Mar 2006 & my boy in nov 2007.
the gap bet my #1 and #2 is only 18mths..was actually quite siong at the beginning ..now more or less gotten used to it liao...but, dun think i have the courage to try for another though :p
actually hor.. the idea of being preg again, delivery n confinement really puts me off. I dun mind if it's hb who's preg. hahahaha. It'll be nice to have 2 for me.. but really sianz of the process. Dunno if I'll change my mind later on.
now is always baby baby baby... so many things to worry about...but of cos theres fun and laughter after bb arrival... but its so much different from before...
just asking
got friend pregnant when baby is 5 mth..
so anyone of us is at the danger zone
bluelily.. ya its nice to have 2 at least.. they have someone to play with.. not lonely..

i dun mind being preg again, its nice being pregnant (lots of privileges) but after delivery.. alot of things need to tend to... i almost cant take it during/after confinement...
I also dont mind pregnant. It is such a nice feeling to have baby inside us, and that feeling is only us as mother can have. Once baby is born, there is so much to do and everyone want a piece of your child.
really ar?
a dec mummy preg??

I also hope i am, but cannot lah. Now my hse very chaotic liao. must wait for at least one more year. haha
constance!! u mean u want to hv a 4th one ah? haaa..*salute* my hb keeps saying we shld hv #3 too (he adores kids) but i honestly think even if i DO hv a third, it shld b some 2 yrs later. if not #2 really 'teng bu dao', ie, cant love enough.

owell, i guess everythg has to come (pun not intended) naturally. haaa..

congrats to that mommy tho!! giving birth at yr end is ok..e weather's not tt bad. ;))
yes, sure.. one of the dec mom here.. keke.. sorry can't disclose. later kena parang after me! i dun think preg with #2 will hv same privilage as #1 liao! all attention is given to #1, who will care of ME!?? definitely everything ka ki lai.. sob
hi mummies
how much cereal should we give to our bb? i started w 1 teaspoon. now, she is taking 2 tablespoon. must still increase? till how much?
haha alien
true true!
My value also depreciate after no 1. hehe

yup yup, i want 4 kids!!!
hehe, must maximise the bb bonus mah.
I want to join....

LIST for Gymboree:

1. Beng's ma
2. Petrina
3. Lynzi
4. slimz
5. ankh
6. gabby's mum
7. CSI_Fan
8. Eve
9. hentang
10. Naf
11. dinut
12. BBnGG
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah cons! FOUR ah...
i have to think long long about number 2. dun dare to think beyond that. u r my idol!
Like Keki, I would also appreciate advice on how to increase feeding. I started with 1 tablespoon of cereal. What next? And when I introduce say sweet potato or apple purees, is that on top of the cereal feed or in place of?
think this "new dec" mum's name is revealed before....
but tats very long time ago...
I cant even remember unless search archive which is a tedious thing.
alien - who who? hm.... now shld pass the 1st trimster and can announce liao leh...

my elder and didi is abt 27months abt...think if really wants to have a 3rd one (must be girl), then have to plan when didi is abt 10months and take up the maternity insurance liao! learnt my lesson....
Yo mummies,

2nd week back at work and I'm dying

Ask you FTWM, how do you cope har? I'm not coping well at all at work leh... super depressed...

Tub, how is it for you?
you will get used to it soon. FTWM always lack of sleep. thus cant really concentrate during work lor. i sleep at 12pm-1am and need to wake up at ard 4am for night feed (towkay recently wants night feed) and again at 7am...
talkg abt getting pregnant again, actually i also dislike the whole procedure coz for me i will look very ugly for that period. However i really love to hv 3 kidz in total, tat's y die die also want to go thru this last time.
phy, i was just comprening to my husband via sms about the piles of marking on my table and missing my darling sumana. wat's worse i have to attend excel fest this fri from 1pm to 7pm. SIGH! so yes, i felt depressed for a while but have to pick myself up lor... no choice la... unless i can be sahm but hubby not for it. how's your expressing in school? ok? used to it? try not to think so much ok? u will get into the momentum of working soon.

re: sleep
i'm getting about 6 hours of sleep cos su sleeps at 8+ and wakes up at 430am. hubby and i will sleep at about 10 after finishing all the housework and my last pump. but agree with kim, it's so tiring cos have to work and take care of bb after work. fun la but it drains my energy manz...
ya.. super tired. But after a while got used to it liao. Recently my boy super cranky at night.. cry n cry.. dun wanna zzz. I whole nite dunno wake up how many times liao...
you are not the only one.. towkay also wake up nearly every 2 hours at night now.. he sleeps at 8.30-9pm+, wake up at 11-12pm, soemtimes 2am, 4am and 6-7am. once he woke up, it took us at least 30mins to pat him to sleep again....... sigh.... dunno how long me and hb can tong..we were like robot recently
alien, for maternity insurance is to cover for ectopic pregnancy, pre-eclampsia & eclampsia, disseminated intravascular coagulation or miscarriage.
ya same here alien! He wake up cry.. give milk.. drink few mouth, dun wanna drink liao. then cry n cry.. zz awhile.. 1-2 hrs later.. wake up n cry again! In the end, HB gotta carried him n zzz. Heng we got 3 ppl to rotate, my,hb n my mum.
alien, bluelily
my boi also like dat...think its due to teething? cos when i apply dentinox, he can last longer before waking up to cry again....
wow ... constance.. 4!!
i one oredi dying .. haa...
see some of ur bb waking in the middle of nite..
my girl do wake up but i jux need to latch her and she's bk to zzzland liao
cons...my CB loots with u huh? can collect ..hmm tmr nite? my bblegs with u too?
my girl still no teeth leh .. and i still having problem feeding her solids la
she see spoon she turn head
wen i put the cereal into bottle she suckle happily.. haizzz
should spoon feed her liao.. slowly.. she will learn. my son see spoon only he open mouth big big. he finished one bowl of cereals in less than 10mins. if i am too slow, he will "cry father cry mother".. he is a very impatient little guy..
We've all been there. So you're not alone. It was very tiring for me the first few weeks back at work too. But somehow, my body adjusted to the routine. I am sure you will get used to it in no time.

Bluelily / Alien
Same here. My son goes to bed between 8.30 - 9.30pm. Some nights it takes an hour or more of soothing and patting before he falls asleep. Sometimes, he will stir around midnight to feed, and then again at around 3am, 6am. On horror nights, he stirs every 1.5-2 hours!! And I don't have 3 people or even 2 people to rotate. It is ME, MYSELF and I who will wake up and soothe / feed him.
you more poor thing..sayang sayang.. at least i hv hubby to rotate.. not so cham but compare to last time he can slept thru.. now was like living in hell again
who? who?? who is that mummy???
hehe...i oso kpo.
aniwei congrats to that mummy!
when the first trimester pantang is over please announce to us hor.
wow, i cannot imagine being preggy with another baby now and giving birth in dec again..hehe
