(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i think all add together the mummies here have the whole collection of allerhand retails in Singapore, from bottle warmer/lunchbag/carryon/sling backpack/big backpack/messenger bag.. did i miss out anything?!

i have tried true spa before.
not bad eh..

beng's ma,
haha...no wonder he is a rabbit.
wait ah...i try to find pic of it n send to u.
me going 100% organic too (in terms of baby's food)...at least for the 1st year lah. My pocket cannot sustain so long. Expensive manz...

I'm also using the U-like blender. I love it...very good to use. it's not bulky (the blender and 1 container alone).

Jovan is rabbit coz he likes carrots...hahahaha.
Pigs eat anything one leh.
True Spa! Tt time the call me for a free trial.. i saw some bad reviews on forum.. in the end din go...

Then my bb is wat? He everything also dun wanna eat. ............
jeelo, the dual milk bottle bag!! seem all of us don have that one as well as lunch bag and the other mini backpack hehehe!

csi, dono this fella, like carrots more than others, ehhee!
looks like everyone having a good time feeding their babies! :) dylan has been rejecting everything i feed him so i have stopped solids completely for these few days. Hopefully he will start eating again when i try in a weeks time. Anyone else with this problem?
Dunno why leh, suddenly my boy's appetite increases tremendously leh. Now he can finish 1 big bowl of cereal with puree and ask for 160ml of milk barely 2 hrs later! In between, he still got eat snacks like biscuits leh! Or he can finish 1 jar of the HT baby food in 1 feed leh..

My mum so afraid of over feeding him cos he say my boy always give her the "gong gong" look after eating.. hahha
Think true spa is the same company as true yoga? Those bigger spas, I have tried Helio Asia Comfort Space, the Amrita Spa and House at dempsey.
i only tried true spa once.
maybe after that then they used the dirty trick.
but hor, they were quite insistent in asking me to sign up for the package.

they always say sometimes it will take 10 tries before a baby accepts new food.
don't give up hor!

i want that canetons high chair!!!!!!
been googling it and jane highchair since last week in the hopes that someone is selling.
so far all were old postings.
today then heard of someone selling it...yea!

i think i will try to put him on organic diet until 2 years old.
if my pocket BIG BIG hole then will give him until 1 yr old onli...hehehe...
ya.. i also biao-ing allerhand. too bad the allerhand lobang fell through for me. think i'll buy from mothercare la...

beng's ma... regarding your sms, i'm ok la. please go ahead. ;) was in a FULL day meeting from 8 to 6pm. can die... so neber return your sms.

phy, WELCOME BACK to teaching!
i dread the 5am wakie wakie too.
can u express in school? they should allow u to becos MOE is always talkg about being pro family. can store in your staff lounge's fridge? then use fridge to go to transport home?
Slimz aka Lisa,

Nay, I couldn't go HRC gathering.. Celebrated my mum and brother-in-law Bird day that day. Hope to go to the next gathering!!
Thanks!! Hope I can take it!! My school got a small room for mummies who wish to express. I got the key today and went in to take a look. Not bad
And I'm gonna store EBM in the fridge in the staff lounge

Still wondering if I can find time to express or not..

Oh ya, check with you hor, how many times you pump in school? Duration per pump? I must learn to master how to pump and work at the same time

My schedule is rather erratic leh.. next week got meetings and workshops every day!!! Yet to receive my time table as well..

How's your little Su? Did you send her to infant care during the hols?
Gave my girl her very 1st taste of cereal just now using Nestle (bought it long ago). Gave her some milk 1st and then a tsp. She absolutely loved it!!

Took about 5 full spoons of it. What I didn't expect is that she refused her milk after that. Cried for more cereal. But can't give her more right? So she cried & cried & started kicking her legs too.

Think its the sweetness of Nestle. So yummy compared to bland Nan i guess. I'll try Bellamy tomorrow, but not for long term cos its so expensive!

Is Healthy Times expensive? Think I saw it at NTUC marine parade.

HT price @ ntuc marine parade is slight more ex compared to bellamy.

u can check out the range at carrefour. they hv an extensive range of HT product there.
har beng ma? nonono i dun want to do! aiyo... think u get mi wrong. dun have time to do la... preeeease go ahead! u want the contact i can also forward u. hee.
phy, u have to quickly get hold of your timetable and plan when to pump between the breaks! that's what i do lor... learn to dash here and there in school. i still cannot pump and work at the same time leh. like that bo neh one... haha

as for meetings... i was in a long and smelly meeting today. will last till friday. no choice... just tell the ic i have to pump lor... every session is about 20-25 mins, excluding washing and sterilising. so in all about 40 mins max. i pump every 5 hourly now.

susu is ok la... noti ah... learnt to crawl liao and got one little geh coming out i think. i sent her to infant care during the hols cos afraid she'll cry if i keep her at home and send oni after the hols. but i tried to keep the timing shorter la... send later and pick her up earlier.

sigh... i have TONNES of essays to mark!!!!!!! arrrrghhhhhhhhh! so painful.
beng's ma... why u scold mi!?????

eh... that time u were asking about an extra shuttle chef. still got or not ah?
think carrefour selling HT cereals cheaper than NTUC? Think it is going at $6.25...tmr will go there to see during lunch time...

btw, how does HT brown rice or barley cereal taste like?
My #2 often will have the yucky expression, I will feed him till he has the shivers. Hahhaa... now he can finish 2oz of pumpkin puree.
bellamy's rice cereal smell YUCKY! I tried on him once and he dislikes it after 1 try. I smell liao also scared... My helper even said that the rice cereal spoilt already.

thanks for the advice, wil try again soon


heh so cute, your #2 shivering while u feed. my one wil close mouth tightly and scream! that's why i decided to stop... actualy at the beginning he was ok, stil finsh his cereal, now... he hates it. wont even take abit.. sigh
True Spa also called up to offer me free back massage for 2 ... very persistent, called a few times. In the end, I just tell them to stop calling.

There's no free lunch in this world.
challenging horh....feeding our babies. hahaha.

My gal, now she refuses her milk!! only want her cereals and puree. Waste my precious gold. But dunno whether she getting enough nutrients or not, since she refusing her milk. I was told, at yesterday's dinner, out of 180ml, she drank only 80ml!! and that was before her solids some more. after 80ml, clam her mouth and refuse to open. turn head away. So helper sat her down in her bumbo, and she finished all her cereal and puree. In between tried to feed her the remaining milk, she dun want to drink.

Wonder if helper is telling me the correct thing. Sekali it's she dunno how to feed. hahahaha
beng's ma,

got coupon meh? i've mothercare card. can still get discount?


ya, i better get some books to refer.


ya, tat's the 1. it got so hard to give to my ger nearing to the end tat i got fed up n switched to babylife cos it's powder form. heehee

luckily i didnt buy the bellamy's rice cereal. was thinking of getting it at ntuc's last nite but stopped cos i remembered i've in all 4 tins of nestle cereals. bought them cos on sale mah. greedy me. :p
wow.. ur baby fully organic wor.. veri shiong on pocket...
when u bring the frozen puree outdoors like go shopping.. u keep them frozen state in coolbag? else how to maintain its coolness?
dat time during ante natal class at TMC, Mrs BB Wong mentioned dun use microwave to heat up bb food.. cant use bottle warmer?
gabby's mum.. so Bellamys more blande.. and looks like some of the other mummies' bbs here oso find it not as tasty as HT ..
shall let bb try HT tis wkend and if she likes it .. wont consider Bellamys..
my gal's still coughing leh. am wondering how come. might've to bring her bk to PD again tonight. haiz.

a question to all mummies here, nestle's rice cereal wif milk will cause phlegm build up or not? my bb sitter says it might do so.
bb is taking it only once a day. was thinking of finishing it b4 i switch. :p
slimz ... i think ur gal will love HT as misslan mentioned bellamy rice cereal got one kind of smell. probably will bring it to my in law's place so that she can add puree into e cereal

my gal also love e baby bites biscuit ...
yah lorh. told my maid to add it to the cereals. actually...heehee...I finally have some stock of frozen milk. hahaha. coz all along, my supply is only just nice for my gal. Then now she like that, plus 10pm feed starting to cut back, I have a little bit of milk to start freezing. hahahaha. siao liaoz.

ah bie,
yah...we feed the milk first. but she seems to know when to stop. at the 100ml mark. then wait a while, try to feed, still dun want. then mix into cereal, but will still have some more (coz 100ml leh...). then try to feed that to her in between mouthfuls of cereal, she also dun want. but the cereal, she'll eat, and she'll finish it in record time (4 tsp of cereal and 1oz baby cube of apple puree in 10mins). oh well, at least she's getting the milk from the cereal.

ya, most impt thing is she is getting the milk.

perhaps per feed of 100ml is the max that she can take right now? u can reduce the amt of milk that u r giving her thru bottle feed first. when she finish every drop then u up the amt so that it won't waste ur "blood" .
Dylan's mom,

Me, me, me... my josh dun like cereal and dun like milk. Sigh~ I wonder what else he like.

He will give me his 'want to vomit and cough' look when I feed him his cereal. He has not gone past 1 teaspoon yet. Sigh~


yah, my son even made gagging noises when i tried to feed him *faint*. last week, he actually finished 3 table spoon of cereal, but the next day and following days.. he just refused to eat anymore. Strange lor...

maybe our babies are not ready yet... that's why i decided to stop lor. Since they got short term memory, if I stop for one week and start again, maybe its all new to him again?

btw, when u coming to collect your blankets huh? keke
