(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Hazel, am eating ur cake now for my dinner. Taste nice n thk u. Me switched to A1 room at 4+pm but kinda of miss the other babies there.

My elder 1 got green light fr doc n ate biscuits, half bowl of milk, half banana n milk shortly aft. Must be hungry aft din eat for 1.5days! Haha

I super tired aft tendin to him for whole day n legs aching badly.


is your boy okay? u also must take care of yourself ah... i was so worn out taking care of my #1 during her hospital stay last wk... till now (me) still like half dead and fluish...

lynzi, i think both naf and hazel's kids are in hospital...

Reheating - i agree with you that microwave food is not good for health... not a gd method for making food hot/cooked food. its better to use the tradition way although its abit troublesome.
welcome back my dear!
hope your child and also the mummy gets well soon.

your child also in hosp?
oh dear, is there a bug going around?

hazel, naf,
hang in there gerls!!!
this is part n parcel of being a mummy i guess...all the scarifices we have to make.
i think it is spoiled lah. the smell really not right leh.. i tried one small spoon and PUI!! nearly vomit. agree with you on heating up homemade purees. it is not mafan at all lah if compare with steam/scrape/blend/store... keke.. i like doing it though..
aiyo... my sumana is sick also. got the flu bug from her daddy. no appetite to drink milk, threw away so much of mummy's milk.
now so tired, looked after her for one whole day.
Hazel bb discharged yest. Very nice of her to keep droppin by as my boy on drip. So I can't go elsewhere as most of the time I am alone.

Thx mummies for ur concern n encouragement. My no 1 sick, most likely food poisoning. Shld be able to discharged today.2nd one still down with cough for 3rd wk. Sianz. Been away for office so frequent and felt so bad.

Felt my backpain on n off n worried back problem again.so bad luck recently leh.

Sori to grumble
bellamy organic rice cereal has a plastic plastic smell. when i open up the first pack, also thought spoil. went to buy another pack, same smell! hahaha

ya, my MIL oso said the same thing. HAHAHA

despite the smell, my baby still prefers bellamy compared to heinz. kekeke
my boy surprised me last night. put him on his cot, then as usual i was doing some other stuff in the room. then I saw my boy use the support of the rails of the cot & stand up!! I have not shifted down the cot mattress yet & when he stand up, half of his body is actually above the rails. can't image if i was not around or what, he might just jump out of his cot.

today, shifted down his mattress & he also use the support of the wood to pull himself up & stand up!
bellamy's is not that baaaaaaaaaaaaad!! come on! haaa..(saying this cz i ordered 10 boxes of them).

it smells goooooood. honestly (not becz i ordered 10 boxes). muahhhaaa...
hi gals.. it has been soo long since i'm here..

hi belle.. e sets awesome.. can't wait for arvin to grow to fit in them..

read some bb's sick.. hmm.. arvin bb is sick too.. nose congestion n cough... haiz... i think he caught it fr me.. went to e pead tis morning... got meds. n she mentioned smthing abt e bb's maternal immunity is no more... haiz.. got to be more careful nw..
Wa... you got weird "tastebuds". Really smell like plastic, my hubby warned me not to give it to #2, ask me to throw away leh. Since your girl loves it, why not I give it to you? But dunno you mind or not lah... I placed inside a air tight container.
re: bellamy
my boy is ok with it.
so for now i will finish up this 1 box of bellamy.
personally, i like EB cereal better.
very fragrant.

ooohhh...didn't know microwave food is bad.
went to googled about it and its true.
so i have no longer use it to heat up my boy's food.
using the old age method of warming in hot water now...hehe.
o dear.. hope all the babies are on the road of recovery.. hang on there mommies...

i stopped sterilising milk bottles/breast pump liao. you ladies still doing it bo?

missylan, the brown rice powder can also just add onto our white rice porridge one rite?
i am still using the steriliser. Last time used to sterilise no 1 & 2 bottles until didi come (when they r 3.5 yrs and 1.5 yrs). more of a habit liao. Actually can stop when bb is 6 mth old, cos immune system shld b quite strong by then. but i think i will continue to sterilise until didi is at least 1.5 yrs old bah.

i hope your bbies get well fast. My didi also into his 2nd wk of coughing. Finally can stop nebulising him after one whole week.

wow, your bb is fast!! mine still cant really sit yeah, not to mention pulling himself up.
Me too, #1 also sterilised till he is over 1 year old. Till now, I told my helper to sterilise #1's bottle weekly. Still feel after sterilized, bottle feels cleaner. =P

I didn't know after finding out from a friend too. Then regretted buying a microwave. My kitchen is very pathetic, very small.
sumana's fever rose up to 37.4 yesterday night and subsided a little to 36.9 now. is the fever too high? i think i'll bring her to the PD tomorrow.
my pd told me b4 dat 37.5 means fever, 38.5 and above means high fever. Kids may have higher body temp compared to the adults' normal 36.9. My kids normal temperature always range bet 36.9 to 37.1. So it have to depend on little sumana's normal temp.
For me, i will usually administer fever med and monitor first. If fever persist for more than 2 days at this range, or start to have hi fever, or cold symptons appear, then i will bring to pd.
Do your babies sleep thru the nite or still wakes up for feeds?

I dunno how long I can tahan. My gal feeding schedule is horrible at nite.

12noon + cereal/puree
6pm + cereal/puree
9pm... zzz time

I usually give the kids panadol only if their temp hit 37.5 n go to doctor when their temp hit 38. I was told by nurses at TMC that if got temp, give them panadol every 4hrly (even thru the nite) for 2 consecutive days. If after 2 days, still temp doesn't subside, then must see doctor immediately.

By tight they should only have 3 to 4 feedings of milk once start cereal.. Ermm as Gabby's mum said, maybe should increase feed..

try increasing the milk intake in the day time. then lengthen the time in btwn feed. give one last dream feed b4 12 midnight.
hen and constance, thanks for the info.
sumana's fever subsided but she still refuses milk from the bottle. hubby and i bopian so tried spoon feeding and it works miraculously! dunno why she's so averse towards the bottle.

hen, can increase amt of milk in the morning?
or try to give more prior to last feed?
some people have added cereal to their last feed. feedback from these mummies is that it will last longer. your girl wants more milk, for mine, i've a phobia when it comes to feeding time cos she just doesn't want milk. when she was younger, she rejected the breast, now she doesn't want the bottle. so strange...
jean, i read that we shouldn't decrease milk feeds even if starting cereal cos cereal should be supplementary and milk should be the main source where their nutrients come from.

Your baby's feed never decrease at all??

For my case, my boy now drinks about 5 feeds per day and 2 feed of solid food instead of his 6 to 7 feeds when he is not on solids yet. But now his milk feed increases from 130ml to 160ml. In between, got snacks like baby biscuits or fruits.
All of us in the family cant stand Bellamy at all!!

Baby Clara gave a disgusting look. So both me & husband tried...taste & smell like cardboard!

Anyone wants it? Only use 2 tsp of it.

Can meet at Parkway parade during weekdays afternoon.
agree with u on the hp issue...haiz. the thing is, my parents' maid also have hp. Yah, my parents allow. Then my this one everyday go to my parents' place mah...so think she see liaoz, she also want.
let sumana drink some barley water lah to help lower down the temperature.

wah...your gerl's feeding schedule very siong ah.
my boy only feed once at nite.
his last dream feed will be around 11 plus...the next time he wakes up its oredi 7 in the morning.
the mummies are rite.
maybe u can increase her milk intake.
how many ml is she drinking now?
my boy is drinking 210 now.
if after solid feeding he will drink 180ml of water.
btw, her solid intake also can increase slowly.
currently my boy is eating 2 tbsp of cereal plus 1 oz of veggie/ fruit puree.
Your gerl must either be hungry or she is having a growth spurt.
any mummies let their bb use walker liao?

expereince mums (constance, missylan etc)
can i know at wat age can bb start using walker?
Hmm... I started using one when he was over 5th mth old cos he got pretty strong back and neck support. The most important thing is you got to make sure that yr kiddo isn't tiptoeing when in the walker.

Sumo's first taste of biscuit
mislan, how come sumo give tat kind of expression? he dun like e biscuit??

keki, my gal also started to walk ard using walker. in fact she s running hahahaha

ya agree wif missylan make sure r bb not tiptoe or their leg are bend.

today i tried giving her mash potato ... she love it
His first taste's expression everytime very ultimate one. Will not fail to show me this expression so me got the chance to snap shot.
haha, you gave sumo bitter biscuits isit? His expression so bitter.

yup the mummies r rite. so long as can stand up with support, neck got strength n dun tiptoe, can Kaizhang ur walker already. Mine already movin around in walker.
missylan, ur sumo is so cute la...
classic expression!

lynzi, wow 210?????? haha maybe su will be 2 when she drinks 210. hehheh. for barley, see how first cos her fever has subsided.

jean, my girl's intake is one of a kind one. she's only drinking 130ml ebm every 3 hourly. cannot decrease anymore intake or she'll really drink very little. she never really cries for milk and is very tough to feed.
