(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i also lost! i read alot about solid but still feel lost. think when i start bb on solid i will be asking alot of stupid questions here again and again.

glad that your bb is recovering

beng's ma
ya lor. wat lobang? can share share?
btw, r u linda? or missylan is linda?

Yo Linda,

yeap, you might as well organise full time BPs haha

I'm gonna sneak into niang jia later.. might want to order from you
teachers are like that lah. mo choice. other ppl tot teachers very free. morning session can go home after 1pm. got june and dec holidays. they didnt know there are endless of supplementary class, cca, admin work, markings and meetings to attend after school and during holidays.

but u r luckay. at least u can count on your mil
Congrats!! the next step will be crawling liao... crawl backwards.. then forward kekekek...

no worries... ur mil will take gd care or ur bb boy.. ur bb will miss u too!!
phy, hahaa, i see how leh, actually i have a few bps put up, need to on hold till next mth, this mth i cannot, cos carry thermos, tiger and gaia stuffs i can die...
i also wan to join niang jia... how do u come about having this name "niang jia".. the feeling is sooo comfortable...make me miss my mother heeheehee
beng's ma is linda... haaa
missylan is susan
i haven decide on the braun tingy.. urgh!
and oso the foto shoot (under yvonne..)
die die .. so many tings to buy.. =P

Ya hor, so many things to buy right? I die die control myself lest my savings keep going down down down.. Haha, now I'm starting work again, can bio the stuff again haha

beng's ma is linda
missylan is susan
Slimz is _______ ?

Always admire you and Kim.. FTWM and can still organise BPs!!!
Krist n keki,
Niang jia is a google group where some of us 'meet' to chat... not sure how to join though.. can't remember who's the 'master' of the house already...
will have another braun bp ah?
heng ar...i oso have not made up my mind on it.
rite now pureeing my boy's food using a new extra blender that i got for my house warming gift.
wei...this friday don't forget hor.
must update me on wat time to meet.
are we meeting at sembawang or wat?
i need to collect zu's foogo also.

at first i tried HT jars for my boy.
Also bought some EB sweet potato.
took my boy 3 feeding sessions to finish the whole HT jar.
EB jars are smaller so can finish in 1 or 2 feedings.
now i make my own puree.
this week is pumpkin and carrot.
froze them in the baby cubes.
so when i want to use i just heat 1 cube up.
scoop to bowl, stir and serve...hehe.
cannot be too ambitious to make too many veggie/ fruits ah.
can only store for 1 week.
my boy on TOTAL organic diet and toiletries...hehe.
clothes not yet ah...think not needed cos his skin seems ok with 100% normal cotton.
hahahah slimz,
sorry kind of busy din login here. probaby bellamy more blande. can see my gal push out the rice cereal and start crying. for HT she can finished 3 tablespoon with carrot puree with EBM.

puree you may want to get food jar or you want to prepare it yourself
hee hee beng's ma,

ur next braun bp i will join cos wanna stand by one at home. cos tat day prepare puree half way thru i see smoke out from e u-shape blender and it stopped. I kinda sian half way cos prepare e puree half way. :p
lynzi, take ur timeeeeeeeeeeeee to think hor...

gabby's mum, i tell u, i wanted to get braun 4000 initally then think think think and think, i go get 4050 one hahaha, the one with metal shaft, mi hiao hiao mummy!
hi all

where can i get babycubes? wat size shld i get for starters? also, preparing bb food, complicated or not? i wanna avoid using instant / ready made 1s too often. p.s. i can oni cook canned/frozen stuff so any receipe / advice wld b a life saver. m(_)m
so if we cant find niang (who holds the key to the jia) we will never be able to go jia!!
niang ah! wru?

beng's ma
since u r the lobang queen, your status must be quite high as niang. can help us to find out who's niang and check can we join pls?

mayb you check with LJP in SMH BP see if she got any spare cubes or she organising one soon. Else you can get from baby center. In fact preparing for puree not difficult.

beng's ma, so i guess 4050 more mei mei loh :p

lynzi, i bought it fro years liaoz just nice now can make full use of it cos b4 having bb at home i dun cook one :p
gabby's mum 4050 got plastic or metal shaft de, unless u do baking, 4050 is good cos it come with whisk. but really must thank tub for the lobang!!

tub!!! where r u, i sms u the other day abt allerhand!!!

i use e bb warmer to warm up e puree. Fr my mil she dun have warmer at home she used hot water and she place the cubes in e hot water.
If you need the cubes urgently, can get at mothercare at Harbourfront.. got 15% discount if you use POSB/DBS cards.. not sure if discount still on. Got mine there last week
ya phy, if i recall, mothercare sell the baby cubes for $8 (before disc). actually u can find the 15% disc mothercare coupon from motherhood mag, hehehe!!
ah! missed the deadline le?
haizzz.. tink my HB is the most happy le..
ehh.. but hor .. haaa... if still in time.. can i order the cheapest one? hee.. in case i dun use, still not so heartache =P
jialat..die oso mux buy sometin!
go get books on baby food from the bookstores.
very helpful and easy to follow recipes.

if i'm outside i will use the hot water to warm it up.
if at home i use microwave but hor must always remeber to stir when it has heated up.
then cannot serve immediately cos too hot.
gotta wait for it to cool down a bit first.
Gabby's mum,
Good, I'm gonna make fruit puree this weekend.. very excited about it
Only thing is wondering how to go about heating the food once thawed.. CSI did share with me, also using warmer.. Guess I'll follow what you gals have been doing

Beng's ma,
yeap, $8 b4 discount
Quite a good deal actually
slimz = lisa .. dun tink i've seen u b4... eh.. or did u go the HRC gathering and i missed u?? i'm the mummy .. with the pretty meaty baby girl .. haaaaaaaaaaa
beng ma,
the allerhand i wanted is not the lunch bag one lor.
i just checked again at mothercare.
its another one...cannot remember its name now.
got 2 compartments...1 for bottles and another one for diapers, wipes and extra set of clothes.
beng ma,

v v deep lor. to the extend that i cheong to grab the diaper bag during isetan pte sale. kekekeke

my pppppprecious ~ *rub allerhand diaper bag*
¼ of a 5ml teaspoon. It stated there daily.

any spagoers?

Ok, I know that... Reutefene, the probiotics normally PD will recommend that brand. 5 droplets daily.
lynzi, it slightly bigger than lunch bag right? like mini backpack izzt

got pix to show boh.

ah bie, u very jialat, actually i oso allherhand poison deep deep, want to go grab allerhand again, still thinking which one to get....
