(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


yup that's what i figured so decided to stop. as long as he is still drinking milk, i guess he's ok.

btw, he's been slowly losing weight leh!! he was 10.4kg last month and today only 10.2kg... guess he can wear his clothes for longer time since he isn't really growing as fast anymore
Check with you mummies about feeding solids.. do we do eventually substitue one milk feed with just solids? i.e. cut down one milk feed and replace with cereal/puree?
dylan's mom,

Re: Blanket
Pai seh pai seh, keep forgetting even I am near town. Will try to collect this weekend. Will sms you k.

I also feel that josh not ready for cereal yet thus stop feeding him for a few days liao.

i dun replace my gal feed with solid cos at this stage their main food source should still be milk. so she will drink her milk after her cereal. if you afraid tat ur bb dun drink after cereal then probably u feed milk b4 cereal loh

probably i will replace milk with solid when she s older.
Gabby's mum,
When do you intend to replace milk with solid?
Having some disagreement with DH about this issue leh... I still insist that our boy should be fed milk after his cereal/puree but he says when we increase his solid intake then will have to cut down on milk..
ah bie,
yah lorh. that's what I'm thinking of doing. But it's so strange lorh. milk she dun finish (means supposedly full??). But cereal, can clean up the bowl (so, means not that full afterall???).

she usually refuses to finish the milk at the 6pm feed. the feed before that is 2pm. So for today, we'll try this mthd. Reduce the amt of milk for the 2pm feed. See if she will finish up the 6pm feed or not. Afterall, the feed before 2pm is 11am (which is milk + sweet potato and carrot puree). So maybe with 2pm feed of 150ml, she's still full for 180ml at 6pm? hmmm...try lah. see how it goes today.
So every meal there's milk? Your girl is drinking 180ml? I only gave my boy 150ml leh.. haha, maybe too little for him... hmmm..

My sister shipped the piano in from States (vpost).. cute hor
It's a Schuenhut baby piano..
alot of work to do, bb still constipation, keep crying... v stress... sigh

think if introduce solid this fri, lagi not free. sigh... constipation may be worst after solid sigh sigh....

need time to clear work, so no choice, rock her to sleep sigh sigh sigh...
think bb sure v confuse since i so inconsistent

hv to trial n error ...normally when they r full, they will auto stop. n dun forget that rice cereals r filling.

maybe u can cut the amt of milk after the solid meal? or give more milk with her cereal since she is more keen in milk + cereal?
i've been looking high and low for such a piano. Cos i had one like it when i was young. Where did u buy it from? haha..looks like so many mothers are interested in it too..
ah bie,
yah lorh...seems like she knows that after milk is cereal time. and so she "cut" her milk time...just to quickly get to the cereal time. hahaha. but yah, since she seems to be more keen in milk + cereal, think i'll up her cereal intake also. hehs...

yah, every meal there's milk. I'm also wondering when to cut the milk feeds...but not sure leh. So just continue. afterall, now still 6 mths only. Dun think they will want to cut milk feeds yet. Yah lorh, she's drinking 180ml. I've cut her 2pm feed by 30ml. Like what ah bie says lorh. Have to trial and error. At first I thot of increasing milk feed. Then she auto cut back. hahaha...

yes yes...very cute...wah, how much is it to ship it in?
yah...me too. I had a similar piano when I was young...no...I had 3 (black, red and blue). wonder where my parents got them from. But nowadays, dun see such stuff anywhere liaoz.
Got it at a website. PM you the address...

My boy seems to like it alot
But he can't really play lah, just hammering on it.. but it's real fun watching him play
. My DH filmed him playing and he was looking at the video cam and hammering away like a great pianist haha

eve n melissa,

my cousin wld prefer e wrap in pink BUT she says she wants to wait till e gender of her bb is confirmed 100% (currently detailed scan says girl), ie, till her bb is born. her gynae says nothg is 100% so she's still not sure. *duh* errmm..i din want to say much to her but i guess pls sell off e wrap if u do hv sincere buyers. on my end, i guess she wants to wait till oct, when her bb is born. sorry for e trouble.


errr..is it that bad?? i thot e smell of it was heavenly. haa..esp mixing it w BM, it has a nice sweet aftertaste. my girl din hv prob w it..but since my order hasnt arrived, i resorted to feedg her w other brands.

how do u mix puree wif bellamy's? it sounds interesting. wat kind of puree goes nice w it, for those who hv already tried??
CSI and Rachel and miorei,
Just checked my vpost account. My sister shipped in 2 pianos from this website www.mrtoys.com
Total shipping cost is $201 while each piano costs US$63.86
dylan's_mom, my naughty boy also rejected cereals at one pt of time. We stop feeding solids totally for 3-4 days. After that his fine liao.

But now he dun wanna drink milk! Only wants cereals! Now my mum gives him 2 meals of cereals (5 teaspoon and half a bowl of more for another meal). But once drink milk he cry... his milk intake reduce liao leh.. Cant make him drink more also. Scared his not having enough nutrients...

as in when to replace milk with solid, probably i will ask my PD abt it. mayb you would want to check with your PD then will not argue liao hee hee.

keki, since your bb having constipation probably it is due to the milk powder. your bb might not suitable.
same case as me lorh...haha. these babies ah...so cute, their behaviour.

I think shd be ok ba....hehs...thanks for the link!

i also keen on the piano, hehe can u post in nj and update us on how much u paid for shipping etc? maybe we share and order... :p
valeriet (valeriet), i also went to True Spa with my sis tt day... but we onli go there to enjoy the free spa...

not move via their packages...

the lady who massage me power sia.... shiok

For me, I just add a few spoonful of the HT times puree into the bellamy cereal until its smooth and creamy lor..Any puree, my boy also like heheh....
posted in NJ liao

Ya, 1 toy piano costs about $200 with shipment.. It's rather heavy lor, about 8kg so shipment is not cheap...
My son has been tugging and scratching behind his ears that now his skin behind his ears are very raw and broken!!!

Why har? Is it a sign of teething or ear infections? He only does it when he's frustrated i.e. bored, want to drink milk or want to sleep...

My brother-in-law said that a doctor told him such signs point to asthma in future.. true or not har
i read in the books can heat baby food in microwave BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT must always scoop out to bowl and stir stir evenly until all the heat bubbles are broken.
Leave it to cool down for a while then serve.
Cannot serve immediately.

can see from the pic that ur boy is enoying the piano...heheee...

never hear b4 leh.. how can they can judge by this only... weird... maybe not true la.. dun worry..
re: bellamy cereal
my towkay doesnt like it at all. it smells spoiled leh. anyway, i thrown away liao
towkay only like HT, he can finished one big bowl now!

weekend is coming! new food gonna introducing to my towkay. am planning to let him try banana and also fish porridge. can't wait!
Wow, away since last Fri n so many pages to read... Just came back from KL/Malacca.

Last Fri, was at Paragon n decided to buy some baby food for my gal for the trip. I bought HT, Bellamy n another organic food brand which I can't remember. I got carrot puree, peas puree n apple puree. Sigh... my gal din like any of them at all!!! When I gave her, she showed a face n then started crying. When I gave her plain rice cereal, she was happily finishing it. Ended up threw away most of the organic food. Heart pain...

Back at home, I prepared carrot puree, apple puree n pumpkin puree. She's ok. Think she prepare homemade ones rather than those in bottles.
Oops, was trying to say my gal prefers homemade purees rather than those ready ones in bottles. Me still stoning after the trip...
my beng like HT jars and cereals, heinz cereals and fruit juice, but he is nt keen on Bellamy rice cereal and EB jars except EB first carrots. He also like homemade purees very much, hehee, cant wait to get my blender next week!

The other day my mil feed him porridge with spinach, he like it very much and finish 2 small bowls!
just want to rant...

my maid very the smart. hahaha.
today is pay day. first thing this morning, she tells me, "now i have some money. can I get a prepaid SIM card. I want the Starhub one."

I'm like...wah...this thing can remember. my instructions cannot remember, and not much initiative when handling baby's things. hahaha
your maid very smart hor!
better be careful.
i had rather get those don't know anything worldly than get those street smart ones.
so much easier to handle though they may be gong gong when u give instructions.
yah lorh. aiyah, dunno which is better also. gong gong one...talk to them also can vomit blood. then you also worry if they can handle baby or not, since so gong.

street smart ones...well, challenging lah. hahaha. gives me chance to learn from them also. to be sharper...hahaha.

Either one, at the end of the day, it's cannot 100% let go and relax. Still must monitor, control a bit. My hb tends to think can just relax and let maid handle everything. Haiz. He ah...haiz. Then when she does something wrong, he'll grumble so much, say how come she never use brain one. But to me it's like, you never give instructions properly mah. If you dun want much mistakes, then u better write down a schedule for her to follow lorh. But to do up schedule, to my hb, it's like, then get maid for what? Still must worry abt the schedule. hahahahaha. Aiyoh...MEN. tak boleh tahan lah
yah maid must have schedule one.
last time when my mum had maids, we would always do duty roster for them.
like monday at wat time must mop house, was clothes, etc.
then since monday has mop house, tuesday she won't mop but just sweep and wipe all the tables, etc...
must have schedule if not they won't know what to do and at the end of the day the maid will say, but sir and ma'am never told me to do mah.
if got schedule can pinpoint to her...nah here it is...has been written.
of cos we do have to give her some rest time ah.
wah..it's actually a real piano, with weighted keys? no wonder so ex..

CSI fan,
You had 3 pianos? Your parents must have wanted you to be a pianist. hehe..

Baby food:
I was told the the food in the jars aren't nice to eat, so homemade is still better. Have you actually tried the food in the jars? I think they've a smell.
I think it's worth spending some time making the purees.

Anything NEW in his diet? Might be infection or allergy.

Please don't let them have hp... since simple instruction she cannot remember or obey, no point giving her the priviledge. Later on, she will hide away to sms... keep going to the toilet to reply sms. Then you will have more problem.

Beng's ma/alien,
Walao aah, the Bellamy damn smelly leh. Anyone bb take Bellamy, I can give it away. Throw away a bit sayang leh. Used 3 spoonfuls only!

Reheating of frozen puree
I am using the old traditional method. Bring out to thaw. Dip into hot water. I use a bigger stainless steel cup and dip the babycube in it. Within 10 mins can makan liao(after thaw). Sometimes, forgot to bring out to thaw, same just dip into hot water. Change a new hot water after 10mins and open up to stir the puree. Within 15mins can makan liao. Microwave food is never good.
