(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

me also 1st time mummy lah...hahaha. after grinding, wouldn't it become the powder form? No?? I dunno. haha. Erm, then how to wash 'powder'?
oh, btw mummies...

I have 21 sample satchets of Nestle Baby Rice Cereal (Stage 1). My cousin gave to me, but I give my gal HT cereal...so wun be trying the Nestle ones. Expiry date...alamak. I forgot. Noted it down last night, but just can't remember it now...think it's a few months' time. I know it's definitely in August. Just can't remember if it's 2008 or 2009...

Anybody wants the samples? PM me lah...dun mess up this thread.
erh, no leh... :p so far, feeding bb wif babylife's acidophilous supplement (powder form) as opposed to PD's ruebefene (or something & it is in liquid form).

fellow mummies,
am letting my ger take nestle's rice cereal with milk. my bb sitter said she found it quite sweet (she tried some to test temperature while i didnt cos it didnt look appealing :p. so bad hor. :s). am wondering if there r other brands which is better than nestle's. pls advise. thks in adv.
last night i train my bb to sleep herself.
the first time, at about 6pm (my hubby not back yet). she cried and screamed. i resort to rocking her by lying beside her. i didnt pick her up. think accomplish not picking her up first.

then second time, 9pm. hubby back. i tried d same mtd. hubby v angry man! haha siad i v cruel. in d end he carried her and rocked her

hubby said at most, he will be d person to rock her to sleep in future.
sigh.... i also heart pain lah.
i bot nestle rice cereal without milk. i got heinz too. but hav not start bb on solid yet. i think several mums here r using healthy times. think HT is good. but only know about it after i bot my rice cereal...
best to cultivate the habit of reading the ingredients in the rice cereals, teething biscuit etc.

babies at this stage shld avoid sugar n salt. so hv to be v v careful abt the food stuff that we gave to our babies.
Miorei, I let my bb take the nestle without milk one, green packagin. Think not as sweet but ingredients contain sucrose though.
Bought heinz but havnt open up to try.

ya lor. u r rite. i bought them cos got samples from PD mah. i muz b extra careful then.


where can i get HT cereals? until wat age can bb b taking them huh? paiseh. i not sure. :S
i started bb w NAN2 yesterday. she seem to prefer it than similac. personally i find NAN2 smell alot better. have not taste it yet thou cos she always finsih her feed and ask for more! (this rarely happens when using similac stage 1 and 2)
now seriously considering switching her to NAN2...
but hor, the nutrionist from similac called me just now and siad NAN2 contains palm oil which is bad for bb, NAN2 is sweet (perhaps that's why bb prefer NAN?)similac is mother's choice for d past 5 years, NAN is no where close to similac blah blah blah...
my ear v soft one. now cant decide again
got both smilac and NAN samples.
can switch from one brand to another and switch and switch....
mummies pls advise esp those using NAN and similac
my PD oso gave me a few packs of nestle samples.. i'm not giving my girl .. coz PD ..haa.. din give me to let her try .. she gave me so tat on days wen we go out, can use these packs .. haa.. Food on the Go..
am feeding my girl Dumex one .. coz my mum bot de.. will be trying her on HT brown rice mabbe tis wkend

U feeding ur gal with Dumex. How is it? U got taste it? Sweet? Is it heaty to ur gal?

I'm thinking of trying the dumex rice cereal on my bb too.
HT can be found at NTUC and other shops selling organic foodstuff.
Do you need 1 box urgently? Coz I bought erm, a few boxes hehs...and I'm still at the 1st box. hahahaha. If you need urgently, I can let you have 1 box.
Otherwise, miorei, for more details on where to get HT, check out niang jia every now and then...
my girl so far ok, no constipation.
her poo was watery wen on TBF.
I mix the cereals wif BM too .. now her stools looks like mustard.
And last week we fed her HT carrot puree, her poo oso ok .. jux dat the first 2 days can c traces of carrot in her poo wich my HB reads as "her body not digesting and absorbing the carrots". But aft dat, poo is back to watery stools, so i interprete as "her body taking in carrot well" ..
i scrapped using normal spoon. but make sure it's not big pieces la...

yes i found nestle very sweet. HT is fine. haven't got my loot for Bellamy's yet. btw, anyone mix brown rice grain and normal white grain to cook porridge?
i have tasted HT brown rice cereal.
very nice eh.
the Bellamy rice cereal is more bland.
my boy seems to like the different kinds of rice and barley.
so every day i will switch cereal lor.
like today's lunch is HT brown rice with pumpkin.
later dinner will be HT barley with carrot.
tomorrow's lunch will be Bellamy's rice with pumpkin.
dinner will be HT barley with carrot.
once a day i will always give him barley cereal cos i find it helps in indigestion.
i oso bought Earth Best rice cereal...nice lei.
gabby's mum.. HT n bellamy, did u tasted them? any difference in taste? i oni bot HT from niangjia..haven tried on her yet.
PD said one new food a week, my mum started her with the dumex cereals, den HT carrots, tis week gg start HT brown rice (scared will constipate..)..
oh ya.. hee.. i let her tried some papaya last sunday.. coz we went morning breakfast den she like veri poor ting can oni c us eat.. so i bot a piece of papaya and let her nibble .. freshly cut papaya, not from fridge. she likes it.. hee.. sweet tooth like her mummy =P

and she is veri nottie lar..tink she got sick n tired of the carrots aft a few mouthfuls and she started blowing at the spoon wen i feed her. so end up all the carrot 'flew' off the spoon!
wow, ur boy tried all the organic cereals liao lar.. hee... beng's ma biz veri gd coz got ur full support =P
for the puree, self made or jar food? it took my girl 4feeds to finish a bottle of HT carrots leh..
I have a contact selling Nan.
12 tins in a carton (must get whole carton), Nan 2 at $284.90. Think its free delivery.

I haven't ordered from her yet as I'm still mixing stage 1 & 2.

Think she'll give us more discounts if we order in bulk? haha. Or come in as 'guarantee' customers.

k I'll remember that

I started training my boy using the 'cry it out' method in March.. Think took us 1 month for him to be able to settle himself to sleep by a bit of crying.. Then along the way, changes our method coz we don't really like him to cry to sleep...

We stick to the same routine for night sleeping.
1)Bathe/wipe him
2) change into PJ
3) Switch on Air-con & Music. Off lights, switch on dim lights.. (while carrying him around the room)
4) Talk to him and slowly show him his cot
5) Lay him down on his cot, look at hime and smile and kiss his tummy..

Now add one more step, pin his hands and legs down so he doesn't get to move them about and can't get to sleep..

I must agree sleep training is very tough. My boy got confused at one stage when my mother and mother-in-law kept carrying him to sleep. Now my MIL really follows my method so things are better.

Guess the key word is consistency and be very calm if baby cries...

Anyway, my boy got this toy which he likes and I place it near him. At times I'll use it to calm him down if he refuses to sleep.

For naps, I'll just pin his hands and legs down..

If I don't, he'll end up tucking at his shirt, suck his t-shirt, suck his toes etc etc and won't sleep

Hmm, your hubby said that har... oh dear, must agree on using same method if not bb might get confused leh...

I thought you did well the first time by not picking her up immediately.. but got to monitor the duration of crying lor... I feel it is not good to let a baby wail for long period (I did it before and hated myself for it).

Got to be consistent in your approach to train her again.. can't keep changing lest bb gets confused...
Today I sort of started work.. REally felt my heart being torn into pieces when I had to leave my boy, who was sound asleep, behind

Also got to get used to waking up at 6am during weekdays... now also face challenge of pumping and storing EBM at work... Just now breasts super engorged.. took cab home to pump.. painful siah
keki.. i think all nutrionist from diff companies will say their product is the best... i think all formula milk shld be more or less about the same.. only the price difference by alot... hahahha.. i suppose similac is the mos expensive... bcos u can see that they hv the most advertisement/commercial on TV...
sayang sayang...
i can almost feel your sadness when u said u have to leave your boy behind.
wat r u working as? teacher ah? if not why wake up so early?

agree w u. must really tok to my hubby again.
last time, my hubby is always d "heartless" one. ie don carry bb no matter how she cry. then i will be crying there.. "begging" him to let me carry. haha
didnt expect now his heart so soft...
phy... i can imagine how u feel... super pain and hard too!! bear with it... jia you oh!

Baby sleeping by their own...
night time my mil always put my bb in her bb cot then leave her alone... she will cry first for attention but my mil ignore her (unless she cries very badly, sometimes can be she wants to burp etc). then slowly bb kept quiet and play by herself.. after awhile, my mil go and see her in the room... she already sleeping on her tummy... think tats the way she train her. last time i use to rock her to sleep also but after my mil take over... she train her... sleep la... poo in tam pui.. for my bb's sleeping pattern is morning/afternoon nap she will sleep in her yao lan then at night will be bb cot (at my mil's hse) or bed (my house).
u on leave today right?
your bb w u?
my pd also said all FM is the same lah, just different brands and taste.
your bb taking similac right? any hard stool?

puree means mashed food/fruit.
u go supermarket, bb section, they have those food/fruit in little jars... u can make it yourself too
most mummies here make it themselves.
my pd gives me 1 similac and 2 NAN but didnt give me any cereals lei...
aiyo..u take a mth to train him...
my gal crying is v loud... and worse, she learnt screaming recently...
i think i going to have a hard time training her

juz saw ur post. i've a tin of tat too. too kiasu n bought a few tins of nestle's w/o checking the ingredients' list. lessons learnt. :S will get those w/o sucrose n sugar.


thks. will chk out cold storage if possible but most likely during wknds. :p


i noe how u feel. when i 1st returned to work, i kept thinking abt my ger but it does feels gd to b away fr a bawling bb for a while. at least i get some personal time even though it's at work. mi bad hor... :p
that's very cheap. i interested to find out more. can give me her contact? or if wan buy in bulk, i also keen to join.
btw, is it maufactured in switzerland for nestle singapore?
ya on leave till fri.. my bb very guai.. she is sleeping now.. tat's y got time to log in and check the threads... ya my bb also similac.. her stool quite alright leh... no hard stool but now her stool is not those watery kind le... like mustard bah..

i sooo happy... morning i fed her milk twice... first time she vomit out alittle.. then 2nd time vomit out more but on her 3rd and 4th feed.. she ok leh... she din vomit le... her 4th feed i fed her 80ml.. but she not enough then i fed another 80ml again.. she finished all!!! and she din vomit.. finally theres intake of milk already!! im relief... but still have to monitor her...hopefully gets better soon.
PHEWWWWW, finally can sneak in here for a chat!!! i think i might as well quit my job and do full time lobang queen ahhaa!

oh ya, my boy started to take porridge on mon, mil mixed carrots with porridge and feed him, jovan finish all! now his feeding routine is 1 day porridge then followed by 2nd day on cereals, i simply cant understand y my boy loves carrot so much!!!
If it is carrot, he will finish all for us, irregardless whether it is puree or fresh mashed carrots, :p, if others, he will take a longer time to finish.....
u not bad lah. i lagi worse. have the flexibility of taking care of her and working at home yet thinking of sending her to infant care... i then bad lor.

i bot a few tins of nestle too....

any mummies using these 2 brands? any feedback?
bb has hard stool?

my bb has been taking stage 2 milk for 5 days already. except for the first day, she has been having hard stool. see d way she "cake sai" and cry so heartache.
wow...Beng'sMa wat lobang u have? share share leh... food stuff? clothings? hahahha

its so good that ur boy loves carrot... good for eyesight hor.. i haven started anything yet.. that time b4 bb sick only abit of cereal.. im lost when come to preparing food... duno wats going on also.. haiz.. maybe really hv to find sometime to borrow books and read more abt it..
beng's ma
what d difference btw puree and mash carrots? tot they are the same?
oh btw, my bb flip both sides yesterday!
was still telling u my gal can only flip from tummy to back, then last night, she flipped from back to tummy! keke...

Yeap, who else but teachers got to wake up so early? Haha
.. How's your girl's nap today? Just now I told my MIL to pretend I'm not home so she has to take care of my boy all by herself
At least now I'm more assured she can look after him well

Keki & Krist,
Next week I start work officially... Goodness, gonna be harder coz looking at my schedule, I won't be able to leave school before 5pm
Somemore gotta lug back work..

Yeap, I kept thinking of my boy just now.. For the past months, first thing I did every morning was to breastfeed my boy.. Kinda miss that too.. But I know he's in good hands (my mum in law) and I have to get away though I have the option to be SAHM for a few years...
