(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


ya, bb will lose weight if unwell. i'm sure ur bb will put on weight soon. dun worry. so long as he's feeding well & in the pink of health, the weight gain will come.

its ok for bb to be small size as long as he is healthy lah. no worries on his weight. my pd wont jab bb is unwell thou. u may wan to call up to check b4 u bring bb down. hope he recover soon
Naf, my boy was ok except little flu & cough tt time.. Doc said up to us to decide... so i went ahead to allow him to tk the jab lo.. ending up, he was sick...
keki.. ya i'll be on leave.. told my boss about it le... luckily he ok.. understand .. he said i should send my bb to KK haiz... i dun wish to send her to hospital leh.. like very poor thing
hope he recover soon cuz he is down since 1 June....heartpain when i hear him cry and no smiling face...

have the urge to be a SAHM these fewdays....
krist, his birth weight is 2.145kg...was happy when 5th mth he weighs 5.82kg...but at 6 months now, his weight dropped becuz sick...

called my mum during lunch time n she said that he din finish the 2 tablespoons of cereals...hopefully tonight he will take more when I feed him.
Jean.. i see.. so ur mum helps u to take care...

she refuse to give lor... then bb will tend to suck her thumbs la.. fingers la..my bb suck her fingers quite early... think bcos no pacifier.. soon or later she will get use without pacifier..

last time hor..did u all encounter that when bb is sleeping with their pacifier.. then if the pacifier drop bb will cry for it.. bb will not have good sleep.. bcos when they wan to suck... n found that the pacifier is not there they will cry... then mummy also fed up bcos have to.. to and fro (if doing hsework etc) picking up and put back in their mouth again and again...
wow.. 2.145kg.. mine is 2.595 about 400 grams difference... my bb last vaccination is at end of may.. my bb abt 8kg plus... but i think now she also lost weight le due to sickness...she drank milk but will vomit out together with phelgm.. then she also refuse the medicine...
naf... ya how i wish i can stay at home and look after bb... but financial wise not allowed... wat to do...

i was thinking even i take care of bb this few days then she recovers then goes back to my mil's hse.. but the nephews who are staying there still sick also no use..she will tend to fall sick again... haiz...
hey, any mummies tried cooking porridge for baby?

I was thinking, if I want to cook porridge, shd I grind the rice first then cook? or cook porridge first then mash up the porridge?

If grind first, need to wash the rice grains right? Then how to grind when wet? Just leave thr grains out to dry first?

Just wondering lah...
Thanks mommies for all ur advise. I think i better bring him to my house downstair GP before going to the PD for vaccinatn.

My boy's 1st jab was a nightmare to me. He had flu shortly after the jab then developed into bronchitis. Was on nebulizer for at least a week. I almost cried each time got to force him to smell the "smoke". Sigh... heartpain...

Krist, agree with you. Feeding of medicine is an headache. The doc gave a white syrup for opening of airway and a green color one for phelgm. My boy hate the green one most, even after i dilute it a bit with water.

I also can log-on only when free to "eat snake" at work=)

My colleague told me that she always grind her rice/brown rice 1st then cook. But me also wonder can work if we do it the other way.
hi CSI_Fan

i think if cook/boil long enough.. the porridge should be soft enough for bb to swallow. i din see my in law or mother mash the porridge oni use spoon to blend nicely... at the same time... use spoon to uhm.. how to say huh.. cut cut/chop chop nicely hahahha... duno how to elaborate.. kekekeke paiseh hor
So fast start your girl on porridge already? Haha, I'm still a wk 2 of feeding my boy cereal..

Hmm, long time din post.. what happened to the rest of the old timers? All in niang jia is it?? haha So many posts to read in niang jia.. all bz shopping haha

So many babies already started crawling? I've yet to see my boy do that .. hmm, must give him 'intensive' training now hahaha

not easy being SAHM leh... after 7 months at home.. I'm returning to work next week.. of coz will have separation anxiety but for the sake of my sanity, hubby and I decided best to work and try to strike a balance between work and baby...

how's your boy now? Read that he fell from the bed...
Like your gal, my boy used to be able to sleep on his own.. but recently, guess he doesn't like to see me leaving his cot side.. so I got to stay with him, hold him hands firmly and rest them on his bed.. then sing to him.. got to reassure him again and again then he will fall asleep.. I also hope he can sleep on his own again... But I guess it may be a phase.
u just need to hold his hands and sing? that v good lor. i need to carry her and rock her to sleep! all my fault. after her jab when she was fifth mth, i started carrying and rocking her to sleep. keep telling myself it will be the last time but i think it become worst. she pick up screaming abt 2 wks ago and now she will scream till voice hoarse. then i heart soft, give in to her again.
but already tell my hubby that will start training her to sleep on her own tonight again. i think my nightmare starting!!
can understand u must be v heartache to see bb like that. but hor your urge to be SAHM may be cos now bb sick. when u really stay at home, your may hope to go to work.
like wat phy said, for her sanity (haha) she is going back to work.
i recently have strong urge to send bb to infant care cos cant really tahan taking care myself esp when she start screaming and crying....

i really admire u. after 7 mths of taking care bb, u going back to work! u sure will miss your bb deep deep when at work. who is going to take care of your bb when u go back work? mil, maid or infant care?
phy, my gal has been on cereal for 3 weeks liaoz. so planning ahead...hehs. wondering what to do for porridge lorh. Pple tell me can grind the rice into powder form, store and then cook when needed. But I'm wondering how to grind lorh...coz need to wash the rice? Like when we cook our adult rice, we also wash mah...then wash liaoz, how to dry? coz can only grind when dry right?....hmmm...
aaarrggghhh..... went to my gynae's clinic today to get some more obimin and weighed myself on their weighing machine. the exact same machine that I weighed myself on countless times. I am confirmed heavier than pre-preg! oh feeeeeesssshhhh!! Some more me TBFing
just put my boy down for his nap.. Well, I 'pin' his hands and legs down so that he won't get to move them about and start to play.. then after a while, he gets bored and will drift off into slumberland... At times when he starts screaming, I'll have to pick him up, walk around the house, then head back to his cot.. Won't put him down immediately, will pat pat him while showing him his cot.. then after a while, put him down and 'pin' his hands and legs again..

Ya, not easy to 'train' baby to sleep.. I went through tough time too
Fought with my boy many times.. He screamed and sceamed till I broke down and cried as well

Hope your gal will be able to sleep on her own again soon
In fact, hope today is the day!!

Yeap, gonna miss him deep deep
Anyway, agreement with hubby is I'll try to see if I can work and look after bb at night.. If not, then ask for part time position next year... worse senario is no pay leave again

My MIL is going to look after my boy.. She'll come over on Sunday night and go home on Friday when either my hubby or I return from work
Really thankful for her help. Been 'training' her how to go about looking after my boy these few weeks..

Hey, ask you hor, how to go about heating fruit puree that has been stored in baby cubes? I don't have a microwave, only food warmer..

My MIL said to cook porridge for baby, don't have to grind lah, just cook with low heat (slow cooker) until super soggy then can liao

Oh ya, are you still using goons diapers on your girl?
Sama here!! I still have a few kilos to shed

Actually lost some kilos b4 my mum in law moved in during weekdays.. now she cooks for us and I get to eat more so put on again!! ARGGG!!
same here same here!!! i still have 8 more kg to shed b4 i go back pre-preg weight! u not as much as me right?

my good friend who give birth in april already go back to pre-preg weight liao. i stress man! somemore i taking care bb myself. suppose v xiong wat! sigh...
i also cried when she keeps screaming. sometimes really don know wat they wan. i know its going to be war training her to sleep on her own again.

luckily your mil is coming over to your place. if u have to ferry him everyday, i think more siong.

for your extra pounds, it sure go away when u go back work
so far u only introd cereal to your gal ah? no puree? let us know when she starts porridge k? wan to learn from u on wat to put for porridge.

Haha, I still have 5 kg to shed
Didn't restrict my diet that much coz breastfeeding so don't wish to go on diet
But of coz wish I can squeeze into my pretty clothes again lor.. now limited pieces to wear..

Maybe your gal wants to be reassured? At this stage babies will have separation anxiety too.. so gotta calm baby down when he/she starts screaming...
i just finished reading First Foods and Feed Your Child Right.
The dietitians and nutritionists said its better to grind the rice grains before making the porridge for 6 to 7 months.
8 months onwards don't need so that babies can experience different textures.
Grinding also makes the porridge cook faster.
Oh, btw there was a research finding that slow cooking porridge will result in lesser nutrients compared to normal cooking.
Keki, phy - cuz sometimes I find hard to juggle between work n bb n felt guilty tat my mum has to take care bb when he is unwell. Also my health is getting worse becuz of not enough sleep.

Felt like takin a break too aft workin in the company comin to 10yrs.
i didnt restrict my diet too but i no longer bf. i just glutton. plus i think cos i stay at home w bb most of d time, i forget about my own image. was telling my hubby that i will try to squeeze into my pre preg clothes and wear them even at home. then hor my waist will be tied and cant keep eating!!
I also boh microwave. haha. Also only have the food warmer. Sometimes I just put the cube (from fridge - I thaw it in fridge compartment overnight) into the bottle/food warmer. Dun put too much water lah. and just turn on at lowest heat for a short while only. Other times, I just put the cube in a bowl with hot water (from airpot) for a while.

Then I scoop out and put into my gal's bowl. I use those bowl that can put hot water below to warm it. Think it's called a warming bowl (?). I bought the Tollyjoy brand, has 2 sections. Like that, the base of the top layer will be heated up, and I scoop the puree out of the baby cubes, into that bowl. Then sort of spread it out around the bowl to "catch" the heat. It heats up quite well, and stays warm for quite a while too... Coz now I feed cereal and puree, but I dun mix them together. So the warming dish with compartments is good (for me)...all on 1 dish. :

I have started my gal on carrots, sweet potato and apple purees. Haven't tried pears yet though...coz never buy. hahaha.

er, my plan for the porridge...is also the same lorh. add carrot puree or sweet potato puree...hehs...

That's what I read too...and I actually went and bought organic brown rice already, preparing to grind. Then it suddenly hit me...need to wash rice grains? THen how to grind? hahahahaha. Lucky thing I haven't open the packet of brown rice yet. hehs...
Thanks ya.. guess I will use food warmer to warm up the thawed fruit puree as well

Lynzi, what are the nutrients that will be lost if use slow cooker?
its not about what is lost but there is lesser percentage of the same nutrients when compared to cooking it over the stove normally.
The findings stated that normal cooking had 24% more protein, 134% more beta-carotene, 100% more vitamin B2 and 22% more vitamin B3.
You showed your vitamins to yr PD? Best to get some assurance...

You patronise which spa? Good? I am trying out few spas... think got to wash the raw grains then dry it, after that then can grain.

I read about the Sambulcol... think not only your kiddos are taking them, alot of ppl are taking it. I dunno leh, I didn't try cos already got many supplements and vitamins like that liao. #1 is having the Nordic Natural fish oil, Childlife Essential 1st defense, Childlife Vit C/mineral and Childlife Essential Colostrum+Probiotics(scary right?). #2 is having colostrum+probiotics only.

Wa... very fast! Mine only from sitting position to crawling position yet still cannot crawl.

Last month, I bought a grinded organic brown rice from Carrefour. The grains are roasted and grinded to a very fine texture. Just simply add water to the powder. Think best to try brown rice cos more nutritious, if constipation then no choice, give white rice. You also can try mixing brown and white grains, whether can help with the constipation.
lynzi, can help me collect the thermos from linda if u collect yours too? Thanks uh.

hmm linda, u received the transfer yet onot?
i din received any reply from u lei.
Think if you are going to use slow cooker, slow cook the grains first. Later just steam yr veggies and made into puree... from there, mix into your cooked grains. Don't drop everything inside the grains, if so, your veggies will be over-cooked.
i tink sambucol is very good! boy used to fall sick very often.. as in running nose and cough. Ever since taking this, his immune system better. rarely fall sick liao. haha.. adam is also taking nordic naturals fish oil.

wats the purpose for the colostrum and probiotics anyway? u said no#2 taking tt. does it help? does he fall sick often?
i will be meeting linda on friday.
sure will collect for u also!

me did not patronise spa.
the one i went to yesterday was at ritz carlton.
got it complimentary due to the one nite stay.
i'm going to start giving colostrum to faiq tomoro.
can i know how often u give it to your 2nd one??

think i'm 1~2 kg off my pre-preg weight. but my rationale is this - b4 getting pregnant i was consciously putting on weight cos wanted to make sure i got enuff fats. then i got too fat & preggers!


how long did it take to train your baby to sleep by himself? I tried put in/put out, but end up with screaming baby and aching body.
my gf put vicks on her babe's foot and chest when she has nasal congestion. i've never tried but i was using vicks last time when i get stuffy nose. on baby vicks should be safe right?

yesterday i gave him cooked apples. today i gave him raw apples. he finished every single bit of it! tink my boi is starting to develop sweet tooth liao... :p
regarding teething biscuits, better to buy healthy times brand. they have vanilla and maple flavour. i've checked the other brands and they all contain salt or sugar lei... fyi, sucrose is also sugar which some of the teething biscuits of other brands such as Heinz, Wang Wang lists as one of their ingredients.
my kids taking PharmaCare Omega Fish oil and nature way gummy bears multi-vit. Have yet to start them on sabumcol.

i read that for sabumcol, you nid to give for 2 weeks, stop, then give again isit? Can advise me how you give?

bb vicks shld be okie on bb. i have been using for both my 2 kids since 6mth old.
i saw the baby romper online..damn cute lar.. it reads "u'll never crawl alone"
tink it will take a KOPper to understand ..
i fully understand how painful it is wen she pulls and tugs =( now i wonder if she got teeth le will get even more jialat..
no worries abt wt gain bah .. last time my small sis oso underwt .. my mum had to bring her to polyclinic every mth till she's 2yrs old..
she oso grow up healthy and energetic (school basketball team captain) .. no worries de.. =D
i duno abt cooking.. but my mum who is a sahm since my elder sis (there r 3 of us).. and she oso is a nanny for at least 5 other kids..
i seen her doing porridge for these other kids .. its the normal way our adult porridge is done.. jux dat its put to cook longer .. the pork will not b consumed and if its fish, mashed it up aft cooking and feed bb in flakes form ..
any 2ndtime mum wanna advice?
dats how my mum n i prepared my kids porridge too when they were 6 mth old. The porridge will bcome very nua once u have cooked for veri long. easier to feed bb.

Missylan, lynzi, CSI,

I always thought can grind the grain and store then wash before cook?? Is it possible?

Me blur 1st-time mommie..
