(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

dini.. i'm getting tings from liverpoolfc.net.. hee.. mostly for our new hse =P
u wan any? am wondering if i shld get my UK fren get for me ...

wow today i went market to get fish for bb...my god, freaky ex okie...$23 for one big piece of fish (gor fish)...those good fish for bb...

cook porriage with broccoli, tomatoes and fish..then i use the ikan bilis water (diluted one)...wow smell very nice...yummy, bb oso likes it...then i eat the leftover...wow very nice okie...shld try...
pretty, heee.. i noe ... DIY .. jux wanna go chkout for more prints.. can subcontract to my mum =P she's better with the sewing machine .. haa...
hihi mummies,
i'm back from the jaunt to organic farms at lim chu kang.
aiyoh...went Bollywood Veggies they never sell for commercial, theirs is more of restaurant.
So i bought from another farm.

your pumpkin is with me.
how to pass to u?
tomoro i won't be at sembawang so early lei.
got to meet 1 mummy at amk hub.
sms me hor!
re: pull up pants
i have tried mamy poko! 2 thumbs up!!! keke.. will stock up this brand liao

re: sleeping on tummy
yes, my towkay also likes to sleep sideway and on tummy nowadays. he can sleep until lao nua.. chao chao!!
i washed the cubes then never sterile. used it straight away, put the puree in then freeze. so far so good ar.

today the barley cereal i tried him on, i made it more thicker, he's ok with it.. heng ar.. may be he finally accepts barley. tomolo going to start apple. probably be boiling it for awhile to make it soft to mash then feed him directly.

ya, the nua can get accumlated in btw the folds of the hands. nua + sweat = yucky and smeelly
hope your bb will recover soon...

maybe d next time u bring bb to see pd, check w pd on d amount of water? my hubby everything also follow pd (xi tao dao) so now he keep telling me must give water but don give more than 60ml lor
i think niangjia is not website, its dec mummies self created msn group.
haha, your husband so funny. but guess he is probably right! cos i think at times i am also going crazy taking care bb full time.

yr gal really kn how to pose ! she is so pretty! i got the same pirate prints but in black! my mum helped me sew into sucking pads and beanies. I bght a brother sewing machine before i got preg, planning to learn cos i know nuts abt sewing! the sewing machine is still sealed in the box! yet to kai zhang!
will u teach me. when r u going spotlight again? may i join u?
sleeping on tummy
think should be safe. my bb has been sleeping on tummy ever since her full month. she can sleep thru d night better.
but actually quite funny. seem like after bb know how to flip, those bb who have been sleeping on their back like to flip to sleep on their tummy now while my bb who has all d while been sleeping on her tummy like to flip and sleep on her back now!
ha ha. i also busy at night... busy flipping her back to tummy so that she can sleep longer.
Dinut, ya.. tt is jus an advise fm KHH... well,i m planning to ask her to do a sharing session if we are gng to have another outing..

Slimz, urs still got mattress...well, mine went on to the floor... No idea which portion he landed. i jus heard a big BANG... with LOUD scream following tt... Nearly brough him to hospital... Ya, he was overtaken by the fall i think.

oh ya, u hardcore fans..liverpool fan, i can help to get fm SG ADIDAS. Can prob get cheaper... if u need help, let me knw.

Krist, ya true lo... my boy v strong.. can lift himself up jus by holding on to the handle in the mrt. V scary... i gt him a walker, also no idea if will topple not...

Keki, true ya lo.. well, jus hope we are not bringing harm to our bb when we start early...
aLso i think bb develope at different rates.. so no worries.

Btw, Welcome to Tampines!!

Lynzi, MANU FAN HERE!! Hubby is a hardcore fan.. DIE hard one.. lol... but now he is banned fm wearing any ManU Jersey...
jeelo, wa! u try barley already! mine haven't graduated from brown rice. just tried that on her ystd and i think she prefers that to the bellamy's white rice.

re: freezing
i guess since babies are putting unknown things into their mouths now... no point sterilising every single thing la... hee

but that day i got a shock of my life when i saw an infant assistant (an aunty that comes only in the morning to help out) giving my daughter a teether that does not belong to her. i think she was trying to distract the baby when bathing her! nearly fainted cos it's so unhygienic. gosh... immediately went to buy a teether to be placed at the bath area and subtly told the infant teacher to give her that when bathing her.
hi gals, i found one organic farm in yishun. it's called green valley farm and it's certified to be organic by the biological farmers of australia.

1 Bah Soon Pah Rd
Singapore 769959
Tel : 67540689
heehee thanks! but i won't be getting anymore liver stuffs in the near future
maybe if you asked your fren to help you get the shipping will be cheaper? but shipping cost worth it coz it's super duper fast! they send via dhl it takes as fast as 2 days to reach sg
yes!!! organic veg are so ex. Went to Carrefour on Fri to buy carrots to start bb on. 2 carrots that are pesticide free costs $4 (and it's not even organic certified). 2 normal carrots costs only $0.35. What a world of difference. Think next time must let our children know how fortunate they are to get to eat organic food.

Do u all serve the frozen purees at room temperature or slightly warm? How abt those commercial food jars? Need to warm them? Sorry... sounds a bit silly asking this.

I followed your method of slicing the carrots into thin slices & it's much easier to make it soft. But i steam it instead of boiling. After eating in the afternoon, he pooed in the evening. Can see some carrots in his poo... think i didn't mash it soft enough. And yesterday evening, he pooed twice. Is it normal?
eve, sometimes pesticide free doesn't mean organic. must read the labels carefully cos they tend to mix the organic and pesticide free ones together. i find that paragon and vivo have very good choices. carrefour quite limited.

ya... must let them know how fortunate they r. my mum just shoke her head and wonder why we need to buy organic. haha. m

i will thaw frozen puree in the fridge and warm it over the food warmer in my avent bottle prior to feeding. haven't tried commercial food jars tho...
keki, sometimes i think my hubby knows me better than i know myself. he says i like to romanticise about staying at home. hmmm... i think he just want to avoid dealing wif one paranoid, crazy woman. hee...
tub, he's still on HT's brown rice in school. i gave like probably more than 1/2 a box of it for the school to feed him. now, at home only left the barley... tomolo i'll bring half of what i have at home to the school. so that they can alternate the barley and brown rice. i'll ask them to add carrots in school next week.

reg. sharing of toys, i think it's common the school does that. see, now i can't even go in and spot check them like last time liao. But when i pass by the infant care ctr, i see toys being washed & aired dry outside, in shade. the teachers there oso tell me that they clean the toys twice a day. so got to trust them lor

guess it's ok. btw, i blended the carrots. that gives an even texture. this morning i saw a super dry & SOLID poo during his 1st diaper change. got a shock! then later on he pooed at about 9am what look like thicker poo than usual. just now he pooed again at 11plus. same texture as the 9am poo.

just now went to the PD coz this morning he had runny nose. doc said no phelgm, lungs are clear. just a common cold, she said.
wow.... hard stool??
now his poo really stink n more dark colour... not like last time when solely drinking bm. this morning he just had his cereal n carrot again. immediately after eating, poo real big until it flows out on my thigh. so yucky!!!

hahA... What a topic to talk on a sun morning.... haha
Usually I will buy smaller portion. Like recently bought butternut squash(pumpkin) from Australia. Cold Storage even NTUC do sells halves or ¼ portion. I will steam them, use my potato masher. Currently, he is still adapting to pumpkin, so I stored half of the 2oz baby cubes. Frozen pumpkin can last up to 2 weeks.

I heard many have constipation after taking brown rice. Got to treat runny nose well, else will turn into phlegm(cos runny nose flow downwards to the throat) and can go into lungs. =)

Mine on soy now so poo poo not smelly. This morning, helper helped him to change and said the poo poo smell like brown rice. Yucks... cannot imagine!
i can totally understand how u feel. my nephew is only 9 days older than my bb...taken care by my mil.
last mth when i was there, my mil actually pass his teether to my bb! i almost faint on d spot. its really gross lor. i so angry. told her don let them share "toys" due to hygene. can see she not happy. so i said maybe cos its my first bb so i more kan cheong. she said all her sons and daughters didnt behave like me even when its their first child.
not only teether. she also clean my bb's mouth w my nephew's hanky when she just cleaned him a min ago, ask me to feed mei mei (my bb) bal milk from gor gor (my nephew) when my bb was crying. she said its ok for mei mei and gor gor to share milk!
she is generally a v nice lady but i really can faint on her hygene standard. from there on i know i cant count on her to take care of my bb...
u not silly lah. i wan to ask the same q as u. those commercial veg/fruit jars, we serve them warm or room temp? we cant give bb the full jar even if bb like right? cos is too much for them is it?
u start on carrot liao? can share w me how long u intro solid b4 u give bb carrot? (eg start w cereal 4 days, then brown rice 4 days, then carrot) sorry. i think i sound more silly than u.
can share w me your "history" of introd solid too? after how long of starting solid then we introd pumpkin puree?
do we need to heat up those commercial food jar b4 giving bb?
aiyo keki, quite jia lat leh... how can they share milk??? i mean toys i can understand la... from the older generation's point of view but milk is really gross. i think when it comes to baby, i dun really care if i offend people cos if bb gets sick, we'll be the ones looking after them.
actually i think she doesnt mind sharing!!
(no offence to indoneisan). she is an indoneisan and she always said bb in singaopre are too fortunate as compare to bb in indoneisa. her hygene standard lagi low. my mil complain that she can clean off her bb poo, put a new linen and continue to let bb wear d same soil diaper! after her bb throw out milk, she will clean d bb but will not change his clothes even if it is soiled.
all these i heard from my mil... never witness them myself
but one thing i know for sure she doesnt mind bb sharing teether and milk cos she said "never mind lah. can share one"
ya lor. i agree. i complain to my sis, she said older generation is like that. her mil also give milk that her daughter cant finish to her son (my sis has a twins). but i think at least they are both her children!
but no lah no lah, sibling also shdnt share milk esp when they are so young. its just not right.
really faintz man. mayb ur mil must b thinking her own std much higher than sil.

I think U better dun let ur bb outta ur sight when they carry her.
Hmm.. went there few days back but saw only local pumpkin. Butternut squash tasted like Australia or Japanese pumpkin. Local ones not as sweet though.

Faint... my Malaysian MIL also will not do that, but she got weird weird old folks tales lah... Like example when my son got startled, know what will she do? She will use some of her own SALIVA and rub on my boys' ear lobe, that portion we ladies wearing ear rings. DISGUSTING right?!?

Hmm, I will try one food purely for 2-3 weeks. His first food was brown rice, he got no problem with it and this week tried pumpkin puree. One meal brown rice another meal is pumpkin. Feel he is ok too. Cos #1 got eczema so me got to be more careful. =)
Now I don't feel so bad in starting solids later. Clara's 6mths 1wk now and she has not touched anything other than milk and water

re water. It was my confinement lady who insisted to give baby water esp when she's hiccupping and crying. I didn't want to offer the breast whenever baby cries as the nurses taught me to only breastfeed every 2-3 hrs. NOw I know better.

Dinut, thanks again for helping to get the bumbu! :)

Hi angkh, see u at the airport.

Hope to see more mommies coming too.
ya lor. nowadays my eyes follow wherever my bb is

yuck! disgusting! maybe u can tell her if it really works, use your siliva rather than hers!
i also have eczema. plus i only manage to bf bb for 6 wks. so i better be careful w bb's diet too... thanks!

so u not starting your bb w solid till 7 mths?
This was my history so far :
01-Jun Brown rice cereal (4days shy of 6mths mark)
08-Jun Carrot
11-Jun Barley cereal
15-Jun Red Apple - planning

Initially i started off brown rice with breastmilk only. then slowly i added more water to it. Then when i started off carrot, i do add them together to feed. my boi loves carrot a lot. Barley cereal oso i started off with breastmilk only then on n off i add water to it. likewise, today i thaw the milk n added it directly to his cereal, din even warm it up. but i added hot water. should be ok la, coz sometimes that's what i do previously with brown rice oso.
I was just reading up the books "what to expect -the 1st year" & "super baby food". these few nights. trying to catch up what to do /how to with solids. bought these books ages ago but din really touch them.

just to share - off the what to expect - the 1st yr :
Foods that are suitable 4-6mths
Rice cereal, barley cereal, oat cereal, apple puree, bananas, pears, peaches, peas, carrots,
green beans, sweet potato, squash

Foods that are suitable 7-8mths
Chicken, turkey, lamb, beef, avocado, egg yolk

yoghurt (whole milk), cheese, pasta, beans, tofu

btw, super baby food book says introduce cook green veg only at 9mths old and raw green veg at 10mths old. anyone for that?
Hi mummies.. finally hv the time to log on to the net... jus now has sent my baby back to my mil's hse...

Re: sick...
Constance - seems like quite a no. of bb also sick.. nowadays virus everywhere, spread here and there... My bb gena spread from my nephew... one is flu and the other cough.. haiz.. my bb has lots of phelgm... after feeding medicine or milk she will cough and vomit out the medicine/milk together with the phelgm.. can see that its very sticky lor... but glad that she vomit out the phelgm cos she will feel much better.. she also has no appetite wor... drink only 60 ml.... then she seems like so weak also.. haiz...
jeelo- did u ask the PD how to prevent stuffy nose? or isit inherited by his papa? Stuffy nose also can be inherited?

Re: sleeping on tummy...
Ya nowadays my baby also sleep on her tummy ever since she knows how to flip.. but i think it will be more comfortable as they will not be scared by sound/noise easily...feel more secure bah... i also always check on her.. whether she is breathing anot heehee... if bb know how to filp back to their back should be also quite safe le bah.... btw wat is SID huh?
hi krist,
dunno how to say this. my mum oso fell sick ard the same time. but then, he might also caught it from other kids in infant care ctr. so dunno le. my hb not sick now but he's always got sensitive nose.. aiya... got to bear and learn to cope with a more cranky baby. he keep wanting ppl to paupau him then whine here and there... sigh.. never seen him so noisy b4. and i think my mum a bit kek sim coz she come all the way here from penang, then she fell sick, then her daughter (i.e. me) said she cannot touch her grandson for a few days until she's completely ok - coz i say to her nono pau my boi until she's ok). now i paupau him oso i scared scared, coz i scare i oso fall sick and unable to take care of him le.. better be strong myself :p

SID - sudden infant death

steffietan, hb nite duty now ar? - UEFA/catch some wink then go to work the next morning. my boi sleep thru liao the past 3nites. yay yay! - may be because he's not well oso.. aiy....anyway, hb oso zzz thru when my boi asked for milk at nite previously...
Hi jeelo
aiyo... very chia lat hor when bb is sick... my bb also.. keep whining then carry like these/that also cannot... moving left and right carry until my wrist pain.. then this 2 days sleep a while wake up then sleep awhile wake up.. either coughing or nose block...then its like we also cant do anything other than feeding her medicine and carry her... haiz...

har.... then is ur mum unhappy? i think so bah.. cos cannot carry grandson.. maybe u wan to suggest using the... uhm... wat does it call huh... "kou zhao"...

better be safe lor.. if not more chia lat... cos u are the one taking care of him... if ur bb get more sick then u also more chia lat.. right anot.. for the past few days i also din sleep well.. hv to wake up n check on my bb... then she cough i also must quickly wake up jus in case she vomit or wat!! haiz... very gan chiong de... then today... me and hubby headache... haiz.. not enough slp... think my hubby sleep like a log now... hahahha
who is liverpool fan? my hubby n elder too...hubby just bought the new jersey and wants to get for my elder one...but no size...haha

my bb kena flu n on off fever again after 2 wks....haiz....bad weather n so suay recently...dunno why...

anyone wanna meet up for a gatherin at carl junior at Big Splash on a Sat morning? wan to meet up with mummies...beng ma...u free or not?

jaime - u n mel goin airport ah? too bad i'm workin le...but on leave on Mon (today)...havent got a chance to meet up with both of u

cookiemz - how's ur elder gal? better?
keki - thinking of starting at 7mths. but will monitor in meantime. if she starts to get always hungry or wakes up in the nite for milk....time to start. :p

naf - aiya you stay so near but haven't have the chance to meet up yet. we usually meet up on weekdays cos weekends are reserved for hubby hehe

steffie, night duties?
to put the pacifier in place when baby makes noise and sometimes to set up my pumps. other than that, nothing much cos su doesn't wake up at night now.

but he does a lot in the morning, esp the weekends. washing, cleaning, packing, running errands, looking after baby when i need to rest. cos it's either him or me... so no choice.
