(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

both your bb in infant care? good?
i considering putting my bb there. most likely half day care cos if not difficult to work at home.
do they have program in infant care? or just leave bb in their own "cot"?
my bb sleep v little in d afternoon. she watches tv and demand to be carried v often. if not she will scream till her face turn red.
worry she go infant care the teachers and other infant will da bu lei tahan.

think start slowly lorh. start with the "safe" foods. There are 2 schools of thoughts re potential allergies. Some say it's not WHEN you start your baby on solids, but WHAT you feed your baby, that affects their system. I guess by 7 months, the system will definitely be more mature and can take a variety of foods, compared with at 6 months. My view is that, by 6 mths, the system would have been somewhat developed already, and can tahan certain foods (e.g. baby rice cereal [not barley or oat cereal], carrots, sweet potato).

But if your family has a history of allergies to certain foods, you might want to introduce those foods at a later stage, just to play safe.
keki, my girl is in infant care. no choice cos nobody to help me look after her. programs... hehheh... eat, sleep, talk, sing songs, and i think some attempts at flash cards. dun worry about programs for now. the most impt thing is that the center has experienced nannies. i think this is what's most impt at this stage. the programs will come in when they r slightly older.

at my girl's center, they dun leave bbies in their own cots all the time. my girl demands their attention (she's v kaypoh and likes being together with the nannies) so they leave her where the nannies often gather. they have sort of a communal place where the nannies feed, talk, bath the babies etc. So, my girl has her own corner there, with her mattress, pillows and toys. they also hang things up for her so she can look at them.

i think the teachers are used to such babies la... they will train them one, so dun worry about your baby being difficult. my girl's problem is with feeding. it was SO TOUGH to feed her initially but i think they're managing her rather well now. at least she's finishing her milk at the center, as compared to when she's at home.
yup. started with cereal. I started her when she's 24 weeks old. Now moved on to adding apple, carrot and sweet potato puree. So far so good and she laps it all up...I've got a greedy gal...hahahahaha.
i change to NAN cos my friend said her pd said NAN closest to BM lei.
of cos its also much cheaper than similac.

I neber take home econs in sch, did technical. I can only do simple sewing. Where do u learn to sew dresses? I want to learn leh. Then my baby girl can have pretty dresses, like yours. Or maybe I can get from u??? :p
dinut, botanist,

Kaylen these days not only flip like nobody biz, she's crawling backwards. It is sooooo difficult to change her diapers n clothes. When left on the mattress on the floor, in no time, she wld be out of the mattress on the floor. The other day, I asked my older girl to look after her on the mattress on the bed, the next moment, I heard crying. My older girl was holding on to her at the side of the bed. My older girl then told me she slided all the way to the floor before she could stop it. Luckily, she din knock her head hard on the floor. Now, I very scared to leave her alone.
Hi hen

Ya must train early... actually my mil started it when my bb abt 3 mths plus.. initially my mil bring her to the toilet then carry her to make her poo but my mil not enough strength to carry for so long sometimes 15 to 20 mins.. my baby quite heavy.. then we tried on the tam pui lor.. so now i also follow.. try to help her "ng ng" in the morning.. if no poo then try again in the afternoon.. if no then evening and night again.. sometimes my baby has "off day" hahaha she din poo for a day.. heez
my baby also flip round and round and round.. king size bed also not big enough for her to flip. my mil always remind me not to leave bb alone on the bed.. she will fall... its dangerous wor... if wan to do something and no one around.. can put her in baby cot.. its safer

ya its difficult to change diapers/clothes too.. she likes to flip around.. having hard time to get her fully dress...by the time she is fully dressed, she and i already sweating...
yah, now cannot leave baby alone liaoz. Always must have someone to look over, or must strap baby into bouncer or chair or something.

oh, I was at your area for lunch yesterday (me on MC. hahaha). You stay at T** Y* Dr*** right? I saw one lady with a Beco Carnival at the Top Seafood coffeeshop! So nice...haha.
my bb now 6 mths plus.. i only started with abit of cereal... anyway i also not sure whether my mil feed her with the cereal (cos my bb stay with my mil).

On wed hor.. duno wat happen to my bb.. when i visited her at my mil's hse at night after work, then i fed her with milk.. after drinking i put her on my shoulder to burp her then duno why.. she vomitted all the milk straight away! then we think it might be wind.. then fed her milk again abt 1 to 2 hrs later.. same thing occured! haiz.. then bring her to doc... doc said nothing wrong.. its normal... omg! wats wrong.. luckily the following morning my mil said she was fine le.. but seems like she abit feverish.... OMG!
yup, shawn's is at infant care. he upgraded to sleeping in the cot/playpen to the mattress on the floor liao. more space for him to manouver ard. sometimes on bouncer. nowadays i dunn owhat they do with him when he's awake, probably sing song, talk and play with him. i cannot go n in a take a peek anymore coz after the hfmd cases, the ctr does not allow parents to go in liao. usually when i go over during lunch time, they'll pick him up and pass over to me then i'll have some time with him.
csi fan is right...but for me personally i won't go beyond 6 mths mark especially now that my baby is showing signs that he's ready for solids like showing interest in food the adults eat...if not for PD advice to start only at the end of mth (he was born in late december) i wld've started feeding him now heehee
my son also does that but i dun knw what to call it coz he's not really crawling but he definitely can move around,initially backwards now forward also can...it's fun to see him moving,i call it 'caterpillar way of moving' hahah coz he lifts his butt up

Haahaa, yesterday u came to my place here for lunch n guess where were I? I was all the way in the east, at Tampines Mall. After coming to 2 yrs, I decided to go back to my ex company to visit my ex colleagues. Went there to meet them for lunch, n then went up to the office for awhile to chat. Nice to see n chat wz some of my ex colleagues. Makes me miss working there...

I brought my elder one n baby there. We took bus to Bt Batok n then change to MRT. When we got onto the train, it was quite crowded. And nobody gave up their seats for us. Imagine we were standing for half of the journey. It was only when my baby decided that she is bored inside the baby carrier, started making noises that someone finally stood up n offer me the seat.
helo dinut/Jamie/ Keki,

my gf who works as a dietian at KKH told me tt now their new ADVISE for mums is to start feeding onli on 7months onwards. This is the prevent any form of allergy & overfeeding.

She scolded me for for feeding my boy when he is at 5mths....
Krist, got to be careful... my boy jus flipped off the bed onto the ground last sun...

He turns 2 around at 1 time... will roll off the bed
hi jaime, m interested for meeting up coming Thur (19 Jun), 3pm at Airport, T3, Coffee Club (think it's Level 1).

1) Jaime
2) Mel
3) Vally
4) Ange
5) ankh
feeding solids:
my mum started my girl with HT carrot puree yday.. she oni managed to finish 1/4 of the btl wor.. aft that she drank only 60mls of EBM ..
tink my girl seriously tinking of dieting leh ..
ooo i see...wow there's always new development,very hard to keep up (n confusing sometime)!

wah admire you...i bring out one baby already find it troublesome...you can bring 2,using public trans some more
my girl oso fell off the bed last nite..but we were lucky coz we ve a thick mattress on the floor.. i quickly picked her up and started whispering into her ears to calm her down in case she's overtaken by the feeling of the fall from height..
bo leh .. still toothless.. tink maybe she's jux ahving itchy ears .. haaaa
ya ya .. me liverpool fan .. but i cant wear my jersey le ={ veri tight @ the top..

new jersey..hee... mabbe its time i get a new one so dat i can fit .. haaaa =P lemme go c on their webby..

these days too caught up with EURO 08..no time to KOP..
i also shave my gal's hair when she turns 4th mth.
her hair now also short and little... in fact from behind, she looks "botak" cos no hair behind! ha ha
Belle_08.. they can be very fast hor.. jus seconds then they will flip to the edge of the bed le ... even if put them at bouncer with safety belt i also dun feel safe cos now they are able to turn left and right... scared they will topple with the bouncer...amazed by their strength too!! i jus cant wait for them to walk and climb down the bed by themselves. but by that time we have more things to worried le heez...
hahahah.. no choice lor.. have to wait patiently for their hair to grow longer.. hopefully durin next chinese new year can have long hair.. but i doublt so la huh...

Strangers always said my bb is a boy even though i dress her up all in pink haiz....
i so blur.
my gal actually finish all the 6 in 1 jab liao so today don need to go. but since i was there, my gal took her 3rd dose of pneumo.
my PD said now can start drinking water liao (FINALLY!) but at max 60ml per day. (like v little hor?)

pd said similac and nan are the same in terms of nutritious level. in fact he said all FM the same cos they are all cow milk base. only difference is some bb prefer certain taste and of cos PRICE is different. kekeke...

the nurse/receptionist v nice. she gave me 1 tin of similac follow on and 2 tins of NAN 2. she said to let bb take similac first cos she has jab today. so don switch powder so soon in case allergies.

pd said as long as bb don show discomfort, its normal for their poo pattern to change cos they are still v young. so their pattern will keep changing
ya lor!!! really don understand these people. i think their eyes got stamps!
there are a few cases when my gal in in all pink dress and people can still ask "boy or gal har"
when tell them gal, they can still steel teeth, said "oh, but look like boy hor"
?>#@* i so angry!
my hubby also said the same thing. he said his friends from KKH said so too. so he wan me to start late. but my mil and mum keep pestering us to start.
anyway, since she has jab today, so i not starting her on solid yet.
maybe will start her when 6 mth 2 wk.
cos hor i scare if start too late she has not enough nutrients.

guess what CSI said true. must be careful w what we introd.
cereal should be safe bah.
i call up 2 centres near my place and so zun, they are all newly set up. one of them only has 3 bb and the bb are already 16-18 mths. don know they experience to take care young bb or not. ask them charges they said i must go now personally then can reveal (got such thing one meh?)

is it convenient to reveal your infant care name? what is their charges? if best, their contact number...keke
but i stay in sengkang now. shifting to tampines soon....
wow.. so many bbs know how to flip and flip real well and fast!
my bb only start flipping when she was 5 mth 1 week old.
till now she only manage to flip successful occasionally. most of the time she still cry for our help to flip her cos she sleep facing down.
she only know how to flip from tummy to back. cant do the reverse. so cant roll too

heizzz.... mummies are like that.
they flip we worry they fall.
they don flip we also worry why they don know how to flip.
cannot keep up with all the posts here and in niang jia. wow!

just received a mailer from jshoppers that regardless of amt spent, free shipping and handling! only until 16june, so if mummies wanna get anything, can get now

my bb has been having running nose and phlegmy cough for about a month already, brought to GP and lately pd but still not ok. then she's refusing fm, only take bm, but my supply is dropping like siao. solids she also not v keen, i'm worried coz like yesterday she had only 2 bottles (150mleach), and a little bit of solid and nothing else. dunno if i shd resort to pediasure...how to increase supply?? help!
hahahha ya lor.. irritating...

btw ur bb how many months le?

Do we have to wait for PD to say bb can drink water then can give? I remember i saw in the news i think last month? about bb drinking water.. they said can cause duno wat leh.. posionous or wat.. dangerous... luckily i din let my bb drink water.. bcos my parents insist of giving water to my bb.. then my hubby get so fed up that they so persistent... now my bb 6 mths plus le.. shld be able to drink le hor...
hi Claire

do you let ur bb latch on or express out?

If express out... will expressing out more often will help to increase the supply... vice versa.. cos when we drag the time and reduce the no. of times pump.. the amount of supply will drop and eventually stop... but if u pump more often.. will it increase?
mummies from the north,
please email me thru niang jia if u gerls wana tompang me any veggie/ fruits as i'm going down to some organic farms tomoro.

where did u manage to get the bumbu from?
my SIL made nice mi bakso.
i still cannot achieve the same taste ah.
re: pull up pants
i hv tried huggies, not only leak but also can't last for long. the most is 2-3 hours. bought goo.n but haben try it out yet.. any other good brand to recommend?? am start to stocking up pull up pants liao
me paiseh to tompang. anyway i haben decide which puree to make this coming weekend, keke.. i hv tried apple and spinach. anyone tried honeydew or rockmelon yet?
whoa...u so advance ah wana stock up on pull up pants oredi.
my boy has not know how to pull up the tape diaper yet so i guess i will stick to goon.
tried huggies from the samples we got from the expo last week.
i don't like ah.
no indicator of whether baby has pee or not, unlike goon and nepia, and the material is heavier than goon.

kim, aiyoh don't paiseh paiseh wif me ah.
all of us know each other mah.
me wanna buy pumpkin (other half giving linda), spinach, sweet potato, apples and pears.
i heard those organic pears are nice.
i used mamy poko pants...very good...i'm mamy poko fan heehee

got bumbu from my kampunglah heehee you want some? i also dunno how to make bakso...let alone a nice one haha...e-mail me if you want to get anything
wahlau...so may l'pool fans here.
got any man utd fans or not???

my DH bought for my boy everton jersey lei.
can fit him now.
but i don't know whether its authentic or not.
he bought from mustafa centre.
BUT i so don't like everton...wahaha.

bumbu from kampung?
ready made ah?
i tried bakso so many times.
the nicest i have tasted was at bandung.
i want to try ayam kremes...is that same as ayam penyet?
aH!!.. toddler sized.. haa.. HOME jersey?
if i buy ve to get HOME lar.. coz by the time my girl grow big enuf hor.. its mabbe 2 seasons passed by liao.. the AWAY jersey change le..
my bb is 6 mth today

since birth my pd said don give water to bb cos they r not ready.then news also said don give.
today she turn 6 mth so i ask pd can give and give how much.
your bb already 6 mth plus. can give water le.
Pull up Pants
hi hi...is d pull up pants for boys only? or gals also wear? i tot bb only wear pull up pants when they r about 2 yrs? now also wear?

petrina, i wanted to send her for photoshoot, i will wait till she can sit on her own then go...like that can have more poses...heee and obviously she will be wearing those clothes tat i made for her for the shoot...hahhahah

hen, no order lah, i can teach u np...just like today i gave crochet lesson...hahah...i dun mind sharing what i know...then mummies can go back and do it themselves...will be fun...but as i mentioned, i only temp SAHM, so these few weeks will try to make many DIY stuff, then my pretty princess can model it for u all to see...hahhaha
