(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

yeah i understand how u feel.
i have been lettin my bb slp in bet hb n me these 2 nites, cos i read somewhere dat co-sleeping helps to regulate bb's breathing. not sure whether still applicable to 6 mth old bb. but no harm trying. really very worried he stop breathing or vomit. See him cough till breathless, i also very scare. hope the nebuliser works well 4 him.

any mummies tried the flu jab on ur elder kids? any side effects? Just heard abt it from my fren. thinking of lettin no 1 n 2 take, esp no 2 who is always sick n pass the flu bug to her poor didi.

carl jr on sat morn is a good idea. Can pack hb n the 2 kids off to the beach while i mit the mummies.

Jaime,ya lo.wkend also for hubby n sun at in law pl too. See next time whether can meet wkday afternoon n I try to take leave.hehe

Constance, was havin tat idea too. Been long time since I brought them to beach. Not sure abt the flu jab though some said still will get flu even aft jab. My eldr one supr sticky to bb even when he cough, tats y pass to whole family!
re frozen purees,

I batch cook and freeze, and so far, they last 1 week plus. If beyond 2 weeks, think hb and me will eat lorh. hahaha. Organic food leh. Throw away very sayang. Might as well eat it. Hehs.

I also dun sterilise the cubes and ice tray. I just pour hot water over them. My MIL saw hb do that to all the cubes and ice tray...she say we have very high standard. Hahaha. I dunno what to say...I mean, she's a nurse herself! and we're high standard? haha...ok...think she also stressed by us liaoz. Dun dare to look after baby for us. hahahaha...
re sleeping on tummy,

yah, my gal also likes to sleep on her side or tummy lately. she will roll herself over, then move her arms, such that she is flat on tummy. Yesterday, we even "caught" her with her face flat down on the mattress! But she knows how to lift herself up and adjust (all the while, the eyes are shut). So, I think shd be ok lah.

how? Your milk bags?? baby is 6 mths liao lorh...hahahaha...
Keki, I started rice cereal w breast milk for 1 wk. Last sat, i pureed carrot n add on to the cereal. Will let him eat this until fri. Intend to try pumpkin or sweet potatoes this coming sat n sun since was advised by my mum to eat fresh... No freezing.
Mummies who started brown rice. Do u start off by giving on consecutive days or alternate days. Worried of constipation.
naf,me me liverpool fan =D dini too .. intending to get stuff from their online shop .. no size? yvonne can help out if u getting their apparels i tink..
yvonne.. tanks for the offer to help =D
but hor.. haa.. i'm getting tings like mugs, cushions, clocks, mattress covers and ladies series.. u can help?
cod liver oil is gd for building up resistance. But the scotts one can only give after 1 years old..there's another brand can give earlier, but taste horrible..my elder gal rejected it the other time
I grew up on scotts cod liver oil. coz I used to get lots of coughs and colds as a kid. Till today, I still hate the taste. hahaha. yucks. My parents used to give it to me. Then when I was older, they told me to do it myself (i.e. they dun monitor me). But that's when I started to pretend. I pretended that I've taken my usual dose of cod liver oil...but actually, i didn't! hahaha...so naughty.
haiz... my mil called me... she brought my bb to the doc.. cos she see my bb still coughing and vomitting badly!!

doc said bb hv lots of phelgm...might cause infection also... haiz.. give her medicine and moniter for few days if still the same,, mus bring her to hospital le... *sob sob*
i also hate the smell of cod liver oil.. its stink! heehee whenever i smell it i almost puke! luckily my parents din ask me to drink it.. my dad always say... drink more water... good for health... even if im sick.. he will say drink more water... bcos u din drink enough water so u are sick.. think its his own logic bah...kekeke
huh? must go hosp? thot normally doc will give nebiliser first?

my boy also down with cold ..again! from his sis...hope he will recover fast, cos he is already 1 mth late for his jabs..

supposed to haf his jab this coming sat
my bb also coughing and lots of phelgm for a week already
bb currently on antibotics.

I can feel his wheezing quite bad... duno how... think by tmrw if stil not good, gotta see doc again
so u keep your pureed carrot for max a week?
but if u don freeze, how to last a week?
hee.. when u know more about the food jar, pls let me know. i will try to find out and if i know anything, will share w u
thanks for your info esp the part on what u read from book. copy what u said and save in word format. i kiasu lah..haha plus easier to refer later.
Hi steffi...
tats wat my mil told me.. she said the doc said that.. mus go hospital lor if still so chia lat.. i also duno..maybe i shld take leave from wed to fri to take care of her cos nephews still sick.. think she will not get any better staying at my mil's hse.. haiz..

baby.. the doc also gave my bb antibiotics.. doc said bb not suppose to take antibotics.. too young le.. but since the condition not so good so the doc gave her..i can hear the sound quite loudly also... think they mus be feeling very xin ku.... heart ache har...

dun worry. mi too until i told my mum tat i dun wanna tk it anymore then she stopped. :p


oh my. the cough bug is getting stronger... hope ur bb is ok.

steffi, baby & krist:

my doc didnt give my bb antibotics. she has got phelgm which we r giving her fucili (dunno wat's the spelling) to help dissolve it.
thks krist. her condition is not as bad but am puzzled y she coughs ever so often. dunno if she imitates us adult (cos we do get it on n off) or really coughing. mi 1st time mum. dunno how to diagnose n really dun wan her to tk so much medication at such a young age.. sigh...
Keki, i only prepared 6 cubes cos only intend to give until fri only. The rest, i eat i up.
i freeze since not sure if can put in lower compartment 4 so long.
I gave my #1 flu jab last year. Ok leh, both my kiddos do not have any after effects on any vaccinations. Think you got 3 kiddos, best is to give them flu jab.

Don't think babies can pretend to cough, think they are too young to know how to pretend. When they reaches 8th month old, then I believe they will. You can look for vitamins for immune system. Currently, me giving ChildLife Essential's Colostrum with Probiotics. It is suitable for newborn above 6th mth old. Meant for immune system and disgestive system. =)
is the flu jab effective? still contemplating whether to give that to my #1.....will be placing her in childcare next mth
hi miorei

Oh ya sometimes bb know how to imitates adult's coughing.. im also first time mum... hope everything will be fine for her.... *fingers cross*

medication is not gd for bb... but no choice...haiz...
Don't know leh. Gave him flu jab due to traveling to Japan. So far that period, he got no cough or flu issue, so maybe it did help. Think pneumococcal and flu jab are equally important for kids/babies going to childcare.

That I don't know... Best to consult PD.
mummies u making me worried... my gal oso having slight flu .. got from my ma i tink ..
she's been coughing and sometimes looks like wan to vomit .. but her cough .. like fake one leh.. she dun cough till face red red
damn sian. my bb also keeps coughg despite me feedg her e med. then hv occasional fever somemore. tink its teethg n all but her cough has been ard for so long already. e phlegm doesnt seem to get out fr her system. arrgghh..so vexed. i've nvr fed her so much med b4 n it feels terrible. =(

hope all e unwell bbs recover soon.
im going to give my bb pneumococcal jab on her 7th month. tats wat doc said.

Think give flu jab le also will gena flu bug kekeke.. my mother went for flu jab i think few months ago.. now she also gena flu... hahhaha...nowadays the virus is too strong.. even for me.. tat time im having flu for abt 3 weeks.. see 3 times doc then gets better...

ic. am giving her tis supplement from GNC. http://www.herbsmd.com/detail/babylife-10322.htm. this is to improve her digestive system lor else she wont poo-poo for days. :S now, her poo-poo is pretty regular except on days when she goes on strike. :p


hi-5! ya lor. i suspect mine does imitate cos her dad's coughing lately... :p hope our babes will b better soon.
one more thing. my babe sleeps wif us in aircon room. does it worsen her cough? shld i let her sleep in non-aircon?
oh no. so many babiess are unwell. its must be just as tough on mothers as babies. hope all your babies recovered soon

if u can afford d leave, better take. think more difficult for bb to recover if there's another sick person in the same house.
any of your bbs have hard stool after changing to stage 2 milk?
my bb scream alot recently and poo very irregularly these few days.
today, she poo 4 times and all 4 times only 1 hard dot hanging at her buttock.
just now she poo again and keep crying. then hor, a long long hard poo come out slowly!d long poo is so hard that i can hold it (using wet tissue lah) without breaking it!
she cry throughout the whole poo. so heartache. now she sleeps like a log. didnt know poo can be so tiring

any bbs constipate due to change in FM? how ah? give barley water is it? i have not even started her on solid yet. think must delay again.
my boi has been having hard stool ever since he switch to FM from BM....somemore he only poos once in abt 2-3 days (he does spent a lot on energy on pooing then)...recently, he has been getting softer poos..think its due to teething..
i show my hubby the supplement u give your bb.
he said better check w pd first b4 giving
i only seeing pd three mths later for bb assessment.
sigh... he v si tao nao... everything must check w pd. don understand how i feel when i see bb in distress when poo-ing. so poor gal.
did u give your boy anything that helps in softening d stool?
my gal all s while poo once a day, poo ok.
i think her hard stool is due to changing to stage 2 FM. stage 2 FM has more iron, so harder stool.

cant give her more water also cos pd said max 60ml per day leh.

i think stage 2 FM has more iron hence increasing the risk of constipation. am using similac stage 2 n was warned of this by the nutritionist who gave me the sample. :p

ur hb oso like mine. muz verify verify then can give. scare we do harm to bb lor. faintz...
i din bring my girl to doc leh .. my HB say so small dun alwys take medicine.. let her body build up her own antibiotics wor ..
or shld i eat more vitamins since i'm still BF-ing her ?
no leh, i just feed with water on-off and make sure that he does poo every 2-3 days..otherwise, off to see pd for remedy :p

my hb oso said same thing but best to let bb recover 1st then slowly build up resistance. my personal opinion la. end up, hb wld let me bring bb to doc's. :p

u can get duphalac fr PD. it helps to soften the stool. better than use suppositories.
slimz, my hb oso got same mentality as your hb.... anyway we feed bb minimally, doc say 3 times we do 2times

hope all babies are recovering soon!
ya lor. of course its better to check w pd first but must also be flexible mah. i wont harm my own bb wat...

hee.. my husband also same again. said eat so much medicine v "san" for bb. so should let them recover on their own if its not v serious.

but then hor, if that's d case then why everything must ask pd right? pd sure said sick, come and see me (then i can earn $$$)
really har? i am using similac 2 too! maybe there's why her stool so hard. but my sample finsihing soon. so may switch to nan. got 3 nan samples at home. better make good use.

Gabby's mum
u know how much similac selling at ntuc? if very good buy, then maybe i go buy.

die! v confuse! till now still cant decide to use similac or nan. Sigh....
miorei, jeelomeelo, keki..
opz.. our HBs all sama sama mentality .. now i'm wondering did my girl got her runny nose frm him .. coz my HB has sensitive nose, sinus etc.. scared its inherited from him .. his genes.. =P

i think if bb is sick its better they sleep in non aircon room... i think they can breathe better in room temperature bcos sometimes aircon can be quite cooling and their nose will hurts while breathing.
