(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

daddy and son got their jerseys from liverpool online store,all the way from uk heehee and i bought 18 mths size so still very roomy
yup it's instant bumbu i helped jaime to get some...i can't cook for nuts and very lazy to cook food that require lots of ingredients (unfortunately indonesian food needs lots of spices!) ahaha

it's home jersey de...i bought 18 mths,ur shirui very small sized ha...they've got smaller sizes i think they have 3,6,9,12 and 18 mths...

according to your PD 6 mths also can't drink water?
some of us resorting to use pull up pants coz our babies getting very uncooperative during diaper time
no. he said can only start water when bb is at least 6 mth old. he told me today can give bb water already but must keep to 60 ml per day.
u start giving bb water already?
how much a day?
... did u let your bb watch tv?
oic...60 ml only? so abt 2 oz ah? coz i read a book that suggests to give between 4-6 oz,even slightly more on hot day...
i haven't started giving my son water...will start when i introduce solids to him at the end of month..

i don't let my bb watch tv,as in baby/children programme...i've heard abt baby tv though but i just think he's still too young for tv heehee
ya lor. i also find 60ml too little but that's what he said lei. he said only to increase quantity after about 9 mth

i think no mummies except me will let bb watch tv at this young age lah...
I read in the papers is not exceeding 60ml of water per feed leh not per day leh..

I occassionally let my bb watch Baby Tv from starhub. sometimes while he is watching, he will laugh out loud..haah..so cute.
jean,so it's per feed not per day?

i heard good stuffs abt baby tv so i think it's ok to let your bb watch,maybe just limit the time according to her age

If I never remember wrongly la. I remember reading it from the straits time.

Else my bb long long time already exceed the limit liao..hehhe..He's been drinking water since he is born. Everything ok leh..

Ya, i also limit my boy to 10 minutes per day only. And he dun watch tv everyday.
keki, my gal also watch tv.. i know its too young but like wat dinut said, must limit. for her its abt 20mins.
she wathes mostly Baby Einstein or the Baby Signing Time.

Pull Up Pants- I find Mamypoko and Nepia very good. Both can last thru the nite.
i read that pears also must steam lei.

u so early came back ah?
just saw linda in niangjia around 9.
maybe she busy crocheting now that she knows...hahaha.

i bought for my boy man utd jersey.
havent show my DH yet.
if he sees he will surely freak out...hahaha!!
eh, if the ready made bumbu is nice tell me yah.
i like anything that's fast and easy..hehe.
the one i send my baby to is opposite my office at CBP. it's Kidstarz. if i am not wrong they have one in AMK oso. i'm staying in Tampines st43. where r u moving to? I think Hazel had checked out Tampines ctrl NTUC infant care b4 but she din send ayden there b4. You might want to seek her opinion.

pull up pants : oooo MPPants very very good. Huggies cutting tooo small la and doesn't feel as soft oso.
hahaha this what happens in a household that support diff teams...
this time around the bumbu i'm getting are for jaime,i'm not getting any for myself,i'm getting other foodstuffs...maybe when i make trip back i hand pick several ready made bumbu and let you try
alien, tried mamy poko pull up pants, it's very good! had been using pull up pants when going out as the bb now keep moving here and there, hehee! i have yet to try goon pull up pants yet cos they don have M size but my gf whose son is using goon pull up pants commented they are good, hehee!

Lynzi, haha, i know knitting but had nt been touching crochet for very long time, lucky pretty is willing to help me, thanks gal!!
But right now i cant do the crochet or knit yet cos i need to update my lobangs first hehee!

fuzzicare, huggies size need to get one size bigger as their cutting is small.

slimz, haha! sell? cannot, nt now, unless i quit my job, then everyday i can knit and crochet.

pretty, *wink wink*, i will start tat one we mentioned tmr, hehehe!
ya huggies, like not big enuff. my boi wear M that time his stomach like bursting out from the edge of the diaper

my mat coming on sunday, haven't told hb about it yet hahaaa can't wait for my boi to roll ard it
ooo i tried HT barley, just purely the cereals. he gave me the funny look. after awhile he's ok. it's probably too liquid for him that's why he kinda refused it at first. anyway, after like 1/2hr i gave him carrot, he took every single drop of the puree.... i wonder if it has got to do with me drinking lots of carrot juice when i was preggie... :p
lynzi, ya quickly come back and make more dresses...haha bought more clothes...and hands are itchy, simply cant wait to create masterpieces...hahah...
u read from straits times? recently? can u rem which section? i must have miss out on that.
my pd said per day lei.. but will call him tom again to confirm.

my bb also laugh out loud when she watches tv. she likes to go "wu...." mouth like an "O" when the characters in the tv talks!
i know must limit the time.
but i v bad lah.
sometimes will let her watch as long an hour in one go.....its only during this time i can do my work.
is your bb infant care good? how much they charge per mth?
i just sold my flat. if i cant get a new house in tampines in time, will shift to my sis place in st 32.

hihi. what do u think of the ntuc infant care?
keki, mine is carpe diem at yishun. charges $750 monthly after the working mum's subsidy. i quite like that center.

Cannot remember liao leh...THink its 1 or 2 mths back...By the way i am curious if drink too much water then wat will happen har cos my son loves to drink water..
wow $750! its more costly than a maid!
i think i better clean my buttock clean clean and continue to manage bb and work
not sure lei. think something to do w water intoxication...actually i prefer bb to drink more water too cos i drink alot of water myself!
hi fairylander, unless u r using different email to log in, ur email is hotmail de right, i think google can only recognize the first email u log in.
pretty where u got that pirates from wor...
i've one silk material which was bot from japan last yr .. the moment i put my shirui's head.. her hands are there to pull them down .. =P
wow... cant catch up with all of u...

keki.. yest night i only give her 2 teaspoon of water hahahah... my hubby dun wan me to give so much haiz even bb is 6 mths plus le.... think my hubby will not approve on giving bb 60ml per day .... haiz...

So sad and worried... my baby is down with cough, flu... feverish... haiz.. seems like her teeth is popping out... she must be feeling terrible cos always making the "woo woo" sound.. she cant sleep also...nose blocked haiz... so heart pain...

Wat is niang jia? A website?
beng ma,
it says,
You cannot view the group's content or participate in the group because you are not currently a member. Members must be approved before joining.
mine's always having stuffy sticky nose and i get to see crusty stuff in his nose everytime.. yucks but he's ok. last wk when see PD, she said it's normal. then said to my hb, "ya la because of you he got stuffy nose, just like papa!"
quick question, your babies prefer to sleep on their tummies nowadays after they learn to flip? mine does n he sleeps better & longer. everytime i put him back on his back he'd wake up n cry. sigh... i am still paranoid about SID even though he has passed his 6mth old mark. wat are ur tots?
jeelo, mine sometime will sleep on tummy too, like u, i oso paranoid abt SID. But it shld be ok right since ours passed 6mth old mark? cos i read somewhere that bb who is able to flip have no problem if they sleep on tummy since they are able to turn or flip on their own.
jeelo & beng's ma,

mine also sleep on tummy everyday ... ya they seems know how to adjust themselves. but i will still check on her every now and then

i have e same problem,
1. you must sign in, they will prob you saying you cannot access
2. you go to sign in again click on "I cannot access my account" then there is "Google Accounts" on the left.
3. click on Google Accounts then they will direct you to nj.
wah finally my laptop allows me to type!! yes yes tats it, nice
wat did your hubby say? heee...
the boys will surely look 'sud' with the pirates one!!
keki, ya expensive. no choice lor... unless i become sahm but my hubby is against it leh... he says i'll grow crazy cos i can get quite paranoid.


ladies, do u batch cook your puree and freeze? how long can we freeze?

i freeze some in the mothercare version of baby cubes and some in the ice cube tray. din sterilise the latter, just pour some hot water for peace of mind. after they are frozen, will transfer them to a lock lock. can share how u gals freeze?

btw, started sumana on carrot and trying sweet potato soon. my gosh! 3 organic sweet potatoes cost me $10!!!! FAINT.
fairylander, where do u stay?

beng ma, oni for a week ah? wa... discard i heartpain leh... think i keep for 2 weeks should be safe ba

cocoangel, yes, so simple to do, just sides and then okie liao...do at night somemore...seams not very straight though...keep 2 pieces for ur boy and ah beng...my ang says i crazy, i think he prefers her girl to be sweet sweet, demure demure type...next week i go spotlight buy those girl girl one and make for her...

ya missylan, i oso prefer to use the hats i made...look prettier...hahah..i made 2 more dresses for her...load the pics and show u tonight...comes with headband one okie...

slimz, this one is sew one hor...not buy from counter ah...got many pirates one...very nice... but think shirui would prefer sweetie ones...heee..
