(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

keki.. i think try to give ur bb some fluid... if always hv hard stool.. they tend to hv phobia whenever they need to poo.. cos its painful for them...

i change to stage 2 seems like quite alright. do u mix the formula with stage 1 and 2 when switching milk? or change to stage 2 straight away?

haha. my hb's coughing still so bb's current bout of cough might b fr him. :p


ya, monitoring. sigh. juz dun wish to feed her so much medication le. btw my bb's scare of heat. alittle bit will perspire liao. :p
Gabby's mum:

thks for the info. for all stages of similac? any idea how much is it for stage 2? thks in adv.
the normal price for 1 tin of 900g similac is $34.10 right? so its only cheap by 20cents and 1 tin of gain.

later i shall go ntuc and check it out kekeke

haiz.. my bb too... i think thanks to the tonic when we took during our pregnancy... now they are like too "bu" already... when feeding milk.. her hair will be all wet... hehehe..

if use fan... we scared their stomach will gena wind... dilemma har dilemma!!
oh paiseh heehee cos Gabby's mum was saying about the promo for similac at ntuc.. the promo is abt 68 dollars.. so we save 20 cents and in addition.. we get 1 tin of Gain for free... heehee
hihi mummies,
FINALLY today i made good use of my baby cubes.
i pureed pumpkin, carrots and apples.
all bought from the organic farm in lim chu kang.
not bad eh the price.
5 carrots for $3plus...they go by weight.
the pumpkin cost me $3plus also.

will try the bah soon pah road one this weekend then..hehe.
me now on the search for more organic farms.

Today is my wedding anniversary.
So the whole day my boy has not been with me.
my hubby said wanna give me some rest so send him to mil's place.
now me having a leisure time at ritz carlton suite so got time to check email.
going to have spa and massage later...hiak hiak hiak!
WOW!!! envy leh lynzi .. spa spa .. massage ..
enjoy urselves wor .. hee.. careful dun hit bull's eye .. unless u all plan to hit =P
don't worry.
i trust yasmin...wahaha!!

just saw your post on the hard stools.
try giving water lei.
barley water also good cos maybe its heaty.
gabby's mum/miorei/krist
if your bb taking similac, u may wan to check out a clinic in hg. selling 7 tins at $204. got to know from an earlier post. tel:62807262
ya. i give her more water after her poo.
bb can drink barley water? even when they have not started on solid?
where u get the colostrum probiotics from? vitakids? wanted to give to sarah but unsure if she can take it yet onot? does it work on yr boy? Sarah oways have cough and running nose, and its very frequent. I oways self medicate. Dun like to give her to many meds la.

Happy anniversary!!! wah! so shiok.. sounds so relaxing! spa and massage. i also want! :p

i gave sarah barley water too. the ayam brand. just put a scoop in thermos flask, pour boiling water. let it stand abt 10mins then give her. Dun put any sugar. My MIL taught me.
thanks keki for e info, cos tat day my bb milk powder running low so no choice got to go ntuc to get then realise they are having promo. mayb will get from e clinic if cheaper.

miorei, i getting the follow on for my gal. wonedr if it s stage 2 u referring to. tat day i saw they having promo for the follow on plus the GAIN. not sure ant others
i bought sambucol for my elder kids leh, but haven try yet. you tried before?

yeah, i think i gotta bring my 2 elder kids for the jab. heard it will be effective for a year rite?

envy manz
i also long time neber spa liao. :p
tried apples today. yay... shawn responded well to apples... what i did was a boiled the thinly sliced apples for about 10min. then mashed them. i started off with barley cereal 2 tbspoon then gave his about a qtr of a small royal gala apple.
hehheh so happy. sumana can "crawl" quite a distance and i also notice a tooth cutting through her gum. woohoo!
hihi mummies,
thanks for all the wishes.
had a great break and time yesterday.
so long never get to rejuvenate myself until yesterday...hehe.
today i've got an interview.
don't know how it will go.
hopefully i won't embarrass myself.

wow your sumana is fast.
just like pet's DD.
i think gerls all progress faster than boys at this age.

hapi anniversary!! :) so shiok le.


thks. :) it's a gd deal but hg v far for me le... the savings might well b my cab fare to n fro. :p

gabby's mum,

i've yet to visit ntuc ytday. got off work late. am referring to stage 2. :)

wow, so fast ur babies can crawl liao. mine's lazy. she wld headbutt her way to her destination... :p
my boi also still dun know how to crawl...in fact he only started flipping recently......jialat, got to postpone his jab again (down with flu)..he is already 1 mth late!!!
hee hee ... my gal can crawl backward down my bed
faintz. her teeth also protruding out. she bite ny nipples today when i try to latch her again. ouch
my bb knows how to crawl alittle oni...then likes to lift her butt high up....and shake keekekeke

my bb gets no better... think should turn to PD for help le...
heehee...our babies are moving on to the next stage liaoz - crawling. Mine not crawling, but more like, dragging her tum tum across the floor, plus rolling around. And so far, she can only flip on one side...not both sides yet. Hmmmm....
haha! my girl also know how to flip only about a mth ago.

my girl also don know how to crawl. she doesnt really know how to 'headbutt' too. her favourite is to rotate 360 degree.. go round and round. haha
my girl can flip on both sides but she doesnt know how to drag her tummy around. ;) different babay really develop differently. but they are all soooo cute
mine already learning crawling forward these few days, start with back crawl, now crawling forward in progress. Ytd mil give beng carrot with porridge to eat, he almost finish the whole bowl!!!

lynzi, can get from u this fri, ur thermos coming....

pretty, sui!!!!!
i think the texture of the floor / mattress does affect their crawling. For my #1, she was able to crawl easily and fast when placed on those straw mattresses.
Gabby's mum
that must really be a loud OUCH! but i still envy u. i really miss the feeling of my girl latching on

happy 6 mth old to your little princess!
Beng's ma
er...flipping both side mean back to tummy and tummy to back ah? pie seh pie seh. that means my girl don know lah! when i said both side i mean flip from left and right! haha. she only knows how to flip from tummy to back. not the other way.keke...

what is hazel's nick?
hi all mummies whose bb on similac follow on,

I've just called up the clinic to check on the similac follow on ordering.
The lady said they will take down our order and they will order from supplier and will call us to pick up once its here.

Yes the price is $204 for 7 tins.
Worth to buy cause only $29plus per tin.
The clinic is at Hougang Ave 1, Lorong Ah Soo area.
Oh but i 4get to ask about the expiry date but think it should be alright cause they don't stock them up and only order when someone wants.

Interested can call to order....hehe.

Keki...think u no need to change formula la...got good deal now.

Think i will order later cause still have 3-4 tins unopened yet. Hope there's still stock later.

oh dear. hope ur boy recovers soon.


mine oso does the same thing. think they r learning to crawl.


hope ur bb recovers soon.
ya hor. what u said make sense!! i so stupid. my bb is always on my bed. bed is usually quite spongy and soft.. so that mean more difficult for her to crawl right?
