(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi cloverluv, try try for a gal...then i can pass these dresses to you...hahha...i also wan a 2nd one...boy hopefully...hee

slimz, gian right? i can stare at the masterpieces for very long time...keep telling myself, hmm those days at home economics is really worth it...hahah

sassybaby, yes, nicole is a mixed. she got her daddy's lovely eyes. got my flat nose though...all the good features, credits go to daddy, the bad ones all from me...that's what my relatives all said...sai right? anyway, as long as she is healthy and happy, that's most impt....

my bb also has v little hair....
she has alot of hair when she was born but i shaved her on her 4th mth...
tom she 6th mth liao but still v little hair
regret shaving her hair
my gal also getting naughtier...worse, she screamed alot for the past two days.
she used to be able to fall asleep on her own but these few days she will cry and scream till i cuddle her to sleep.
my hubby said i shdnt give in to her, should let her be
but i see already heart pain
so end up always carry and rock her to sleep
hello mummies,

can share ur feeding schedules for your babies?

i started my gal on carrot porridge twice a day. seems liked her intake of milk drop. only 3 x 200ml per day. issit enough?

my gal also very little hair. hair grow verrrrry slowly. ppl tot she is ah boy.

my gal pretend to cough too... haha.... initiall i tot she got sore throat or cough.
she is learning to sit nowadays.
i think you should start her on solid soon...coz if we wait pass 6 months milk alone won't provide enough nutrients for our babies and also they might not be so willing to eat solid later on.
i read before that signs of readiness to take on solid including showing interest in food we're eating,interest in things around,able to sit with some support,good control of head and neck,doesn't push out food placed on tongue,not satisfied with milk alone,drooling a lot...you should start solid regardless of whether baby has any teeth coz some babies can start growing teeth as late as 1 year old...

btw paiseh,just remembered i haven't replied your e-mail! cldn't make it to the gathering...but i might have good news for you on the bumbu and kerupuk,though heehee will e-mail you later
my son also does that attention-seeking cough thingy! babies are quite clever i reckon...

as for the mmma mmma,after that very first time he said it now he only uses it when he's in pain/discomfort and having a good cry (partly coz of the teething i guess)...so in between his screaming and sobbing he'll sort of crying out to me mmma...mmma...so heart pain!

changing diapers and putting on clothes becoming real struggle for me these days! coz he wants to flip straightaway! he does that when he's in stroller too! and he's also getting wary of strangers...most of the time a new face will make him scream or cry straight away! headache...

yup i tried feeding him water today using the mag mag cup. he draink abit... but i'm quite relieved cos abit is better than nothing! i was already telling my hubby that we gotta force feed him if he don't wanna drink. I plan to give him water everyday now... get him used to using the mag mag cup...

dun worry abt payment.. .. whenever you can transfer. no rush.

i hv the same problem with my son too.. he screams whenever its time for diaper change or clothes change! He's getting so clever.. whenever he sees me trying to put on his shirt, he will stretch out his arm straight so i can't pull the sleeve over it!!! then he will scream and scream... really terrible.

Does yr son try to flip when latching on?? Mine even tries to flip when he is latching on for milk... crazy boy... hahaha
dylan's ma,
waaa...terrible! sometime i dun know whether to laugh or cry...change diaper/clothes also so drama with lots of screaming and crying macam got abused by mummy! i can imagine my boi running around as toddler,refusing to put on his clothes hahaha

ya ya my son also tries to flip during feeding time! flipping must be a big thing for them now judging from all these incidents haha
My son is 5mth plus now. Do u think i shld start him on solid? Wat shld i start on first? Recipes?
Can u count me in for ur future gatherings? Who usually plan the gatherings?
my bb will also go mm...mama... mm.. ma... when she is "building" up her crying...

sometimes she even goes mm...mama...mm... milk!
but she didnt really wan d milk lah. haha
my pd said start bb on solid only when she turns 6 mth.
tom she will be 6th mth

so excited that i can finally starts her on solid.
but hor, alot of mummies here start their bb on solid b4 6 mth liao
keki, i am starting porriage this saturday...with fish...she will be coming to 6mths soon...and changing her to similac 2 as well...very excited...
i tried sweet potato, shawn wasn't too keen. i tot he'd like sweet stuff. in fact at first he kept his mouth shut after the 1st spoonful, needed to coax him many many times @ everytime he takes a mouthful. i mixed with his usual cereal/carrots. may be sweet potato overpowering liao.. tink i'll skip the potatoes for a wk 1st, then try barley cereal tomolo.. aiya...

rgding flipping, i have serious problem trying to keep him static for just 10seconds for me to put the diaper on but always fail to. when i say nonono, he roll his head from left to right over n over again. seems like he learnt that in school, coz they got this funny song that teaches kids to nod when it's yesyesyes and shake their head when nonono.
dylan's mom,
my boy used to refuse water too... so what i do is just put the bottle into his mouth. usually he will suck a few mouths then refuse it. slowly he starts to drink more & more. now he gets so excited when he sees the water bottle. so just be patient.... he'll drink more 1 day. Like what u said, a bit is better than nothing.

i'm also considering to switch to Nan from Similac. Gave my boy more FM feeds recently cos bm ss dropped. Also started him on rice cereal. Then 2 days ago, he didn't poo for 2 days. Yesterday pooed 4 times. Not sure if it's cos of the formula or solid or both. Wondering if there's any diff btw the 2 brands. Heard fr some saying that similac is good, while also hear that Nan is closest to BM.
haha... my boy also cannot stay still when changing diaper. will flip here and there. when pull him back to his back, he gets angry n cry.

how many solid feeds are u giving? i only start giving 1 teaspoon of rice cereal in the afternoon. shd increase the quantity first and remain just 1 feed, then slowly give 2 feeds or?? if u give 2 feeds, same food? those who are working, how do u all prepare stuff like carrrots, sweet potatoes, etc? freeze them?
sorry... seems like a lot of questions. i'm all lost how to go abt doing it. thinking how to introduce other veg when i'm at work. Need to give instructions to my mil. Told my MIL can give carrots/sweet potatoes as 1 meal, she was so shocked. Asked me if there'll be enuf nutrients.
dinut, jeelo

tell u something funny.. the ONLY time my son does not flip during diaper change is when he poop big time! Its as if he knows he is very very dirty so he will stay very still until I clean him up nicely, once he knows he is clean.. he starts to wriggle around.. hahahaha
the dresses are sooo cute!! I love the dresses esp the blue one! Nicole looks even prettier in them. Wish i paid more attn during Home Econs class. haha..

Regarding wearing Diapers-
I also hv tt prob w Sarah!! She cannot stop twisting her body! So diff to put on her diaper nowadays!
just to share... so far for the past 3days...
4.30am milk latch on (if he wakes up then i have to feed)
7.30am milk latch on
10.30am 2tablespoons of HT brown rice cereal at infant care
1pm 180-200ml
3pm 180-200ml
6pm 180-200ml
7.30pm 1/2-1tablespoon of HT cereal + 2tablespoon of carrot puree (so far)
9pm milk latch on (usually drink until he kong out)
12am milk latch on if he demands for feed otherwise, i'll just let him sleep

So far according to the infant care comm book, he seems to be on schedule in school at ard the same interval each day. his nap time oso very structured in school. but on weekends everything haywire.

i did the carrots puree over the weekend. had 2 carrot, sliced them thinly, then put water just enuff to cover them and boil for about 15-20min. after cool, put into the blender to puree. and i finally get to utilise the baby cubes i bought for freezing. each baby cube contains about 2 tablespoons of carrot. you may ration accordingly lor. btw his poop getting drier liao. cham.. he's still not drinking water. but in school the caregiver never complain about him not drinking water le.. dunno why. is it becuase he sees me means milk and refuse water?!

today for sweet potato, what my mum did was she sliced thinly then boil the potato. then i mashed it with spoon until it's smooth and then add to 1tablespoon of cereal/carrot. he didn't like it. my mum oso reminded me, sweet potato better serve it fresh on the day itself. coz got wind wor.. any other mummies, help!!! pls comment on this, i got oso no experience...

anyway, now my intention is to introduce flavor and test for allergy, not trying to replace his milk feeds as yet. i ever ask my PD just few days back, she said babies can take 4-6ounces of cereals/mix as meal replacement. she recommended 2times of it a day. i tink i'll not start this schedule on him yet. from the looks of it, he's still drinking the same amount of milk even b4 i introduced the solids. perhaps, i would consider meal replacement sometime next month or so...
eve, i read that we should not replace any milk feeds at this point in time. all the "solid" meals should be supplementary. so you dun have to worry about solids not providing all the nutrients at this point in time. my girl takes 6 feeds a day (only 120-140ml each time). she takes 1 meal of cereal (1.5 tbspn) + 1 tb carrot puree + some bm mixed in it in the afternoon at her infant care.

jeelo, my mum also said that sweet potato causes wind and poo. actually she told me not to feed her sweet potato now. but the ang mo books i read said sweet potatoes are the best to start wif. so i'm in a dilemma now too.
its like that one la, mother-in-law always will say not enough one la..They will think they know best.

My PD recommend that we start from 1 teaspoon if we first introduce food and keeps to the 4 days rule to see if they are allergy to the food. Gradually increase the feed. They should take about 3 to 4 tablespoon of cereal by now.

Anyway, I have been feeding my son 2 meals a day, 1 in the late morning and the other in the late afternoon.For me, I feed him different stuff for his 2 meals now. Sometimes i add cereal in his milk and that is also consider as 1 meal. Usually after eating, he will ask for milk 1 to 2 hrs later after his meal. Occassionally, I will give him some snacks like RUSK or egg yolk in between.

As for the storage of puree, I normally cook, blend and freeze them in the baby cubes.
hahaha...dylan's ma,he's so clever!

besides flipping my son also likes to pull open his diaper tape rite after i've secured it! often he does that while flashing his cheeky smile at me :D

some of us here read the super baby food and first foods book....i find them very useful for me
Hi keki

hahah.. when my little gal was born she already has short n little hair... but still during 4th month i shaved her hair... hoping to see nicer and more hair growing out.. seems like the process is very slow... still as short as before heezz...
hahaha..same here! my gal also didnt poo for two days then the next day she poo 4 times!!
exactly like yours! it has been like that for the past few days. going to ask pd today. will let u know later what pd say.
but for my case, i didnt start her on solid yet...planning to start today thou cos she is 6 mth old today!!!

i heard exactly the same thing as u regarding similac and NAN..haha. so many conincidence.

i just given her NAN first time today. luckily she ok lei. finsih her feed as usual. never give any funny expression

do u think i shd start her solid today? worry maybe too much "things' for her today.
she is taking her 6 in 1 jab today,switch FM, take solid...
i not changing my bb to similac 2 lah. i changing from similac to NAN

so envy u. starting porridage already.
must be real fun and exciting.
i hoping to starther solid today since she is 6 mth today. i also v excited.
already stock up different brands and taste of cereals, brown rice, puree, juice and even biscuits!!! haha cant resist buying lah. and the best part is i wan to do puree and juice myself yet i still stock up those!!

btw, your gal really pretty lei. she is just like your name..PRETTY.
your sundresses also v nice...if u have intention to make and sell, must let me know.
i order from u now!!!
sorry. miss out your post.
i didnt manage to join the DEc mums for any gathering yet.
cos i taking care of my bb myself plus i work from home.
so time is v tight for me.
but i must make sure i can make it the next gathering.
then we go together ok?
we will be two new birds to them... ha ha ha
think if u do your own juice, have to boil it first. THat's what I read lah. not sure though, coz i haven't let my gal drink juice. heehee...

when do we start to reduce our baby's milk intake? My gal is having this weird habit. Coz I feed the milk first, followed by solids. The past few days, she'll drink and leave behind about 1 oz (like she knows how much is 1 oz lorh), and refuse to drink. But she's not full, coz immediately after that, we feed her the cereal (4 tsp) and apple puree (about 3 tsp), she finish everything! Dunno why she refuses to finish her milk leh.
zu and tub, heee, i think i really enjoyed those sewing days during HE, but i think i didnt pay attention during cooking lesson, my cooking skills are bad...heee, my hubby can cook better than me...

if not becos i am not a fulltime SAHM, I will definitely make some dresses for mummies with bb girls...

missylan, no embroidery lah, but i do hope to get those sewing machines that can do embroidery one. then i can start my next Sweetie Pie's Collection? for 1 year birthday? for CNY? heee...
I heard its better to start solids when baby is 7mths. Give their digestive sys time to fully develope and risk having allergies.
Nowadays she refuses to finish her 150ml bottle. Sometimes only finishes 80ml or so. And can tahan for at least 3 hrs.
That's why I thought of starting solids later. Hmm maybe at 6 half mths then :)
Hi mommies,

Some of us are meeting up coming Thur (19 Jun), 3pm at Airport, T3, Coffee Club (think it's Level 1).

Anyone interested?

1) Jaime
2) Mel
3) Vally
4) Ange
keki, i oradi start her on rice cereals, brown rice, puree fruits and carrots puree...this sat i am starting porriage with fish...excited!

btw, why change to NAN? cos of price or cos NAN is better? i know u mentioned before NAN is closer to BM, but i heard similac is good, so just continue stage 2. sigh, actually i oso duno wat to give. just follow crowd...heee
Hi mummies

Did u all try to train ur babies using tam pui for pooing?

Can be quite good. cos my baby will poo on the tam pui instead of diaper everyday... but u must help ur baby to make the "ng ng" sound.. sometimes when she refuse to poo she will straighten her leg and wanting to stand up or cry. then try again maybe in 1 to 2 hours time. eventually she will get use to poo on the tam pui.
Jeelo/tub/jean, Thks 4 sharing. my mum also says sweet potatoes n pumpkin causes wind. Better to eat fresh that day n don't freeze. When u all mention feed cereal n puree, mix the 2 together n feed or feed separately?
Haha... Me also got all e food jars n yet still want to make own puree. Will try making the carrot puree according to Jeelomeelo's method tmrw. Think u may want to give solid 1 or 2 days later cos bb getting jab n may get fever n affects appetite.

good idea! was already thinking of getting the pull up pants type for my son to try. but i still have 5 packs of diapers not used leh.. hahahah

thankfully dylan has not mastered the skill of removing the tape!! yr son really good! hahah
dylan's ma,
i use both the conventional type with tapes and the pants depending on whether i'm able to put on the diapers for my son with minimum struggle hahah but when out and about i definitely need the pants type :D
i think dylan will be able to remove the tape soon heehee more reason to use the pants diaper!
yup maybe 6.5 then heehee i,on the other hands very itchy olredi...counting down 2 more weeks to start my son on solid haha very tempting leh!

pretty.. i love the dresses!!!! reallly admire u for having time to do them.. its so so pretty..

u should bring nicole for a bb photoshoot leh.. get yvonne's friend to shoot.. she'll be so so pretty!

i can only drool.. haha..
Wah, so fast toilet train liao? I tried lor, but my gal just won't sit, like u say, will straighten her leg n want to stand up or cry. Heehee... I gave up after a couple of days. For the last few weeks, she poo at 7am every morning. I shd hv continue trying then. Since yesterday, she din poo everyday again. It'll tough to catch her poo now.
oh! thanks! luckily u tell me. i don know anything about boiling. did u give your bb juice? those bottle tye? i read those Henize juice label, it said alreaday diluted. so we don have to dilute further right?
i tot we can start solid on 6th mth... i planning to start today lei cos she turn 6 today. must still wait till 7th mth ah? your bb past 6 mth liao?
some mummies also said cant start later than 6 mth cos bb need the extra nutrients...
aiyo, how now? shd start or not?
any adivice?

heehee...no probs. That's what I read lah. And those bottled type, have to check that they are pasturized juice. I haven't given my baby any juice, so not sure about the dilution bit. heehee...I can't decide whether to make own juice or to buy. Hmmm....plus I'm a FTWM. So dunno where I have the time to do puree and boil juice also. hahahaha.

any mummies have any idea re the diluting of the juice? That question did pop into my head...
