(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hmmmm jean....nv bother with the food that day leh...kekeke....but hor think its enough for all of us cause no one complaint....erh, btw they charge by per head one leh, think its buffet menu bah...

HRC gathering principal, right boh aH?
the poo-ing in the bath tub, i experienced twice for no 3.

no smell, but so yucky rite.

for citric acid, you can also get from mothercare. Not avent brand, it's mothercare brand, but can still use for avent steriliser

well done! I also wanna be your dd.
my boi's first teeth coming out (2 lower central incisors)...i think teeth will emerge slowly.my PD has told me more than a month ago when we last visited her that my son might be teething coz he kept pulling his ears but i only noticed 3 days ago that they're really coming out coz it's more visible.

and he had said mmma mmma but i can't remember when was the first time ahahaha he's 5.5 months now should be when he just turned 5 months
my boy has 6 tooth le..the first 2 came out when he is 4.5 mths old...

and he seem to be calling mama...haha he is 6 mths and 2 wks old.
steffi n shryn,
according to my PD yup, it's one of the signs of teething...my boi's teething process seems to be a very uncomfortable one for him...poor thing
wow... 6 tooth... oh my...!
dats so fast...

pretty.. u'r so gd w yr hands...
u make me wanna try for a bb gal... haaa...

anyone tried switching stage 2 to another brand?
is it advisable?
drinking water:

thanks moms for advice. she drank quite a fair bit fr e bottle today (miraculously). perhaps i used a small bottle instead of e usual avent size. fits her hands i guess. dawn, better let him drink more water..if he really rejects bottle, use syringe or spoon.

oops, i still owe u $$$. so sorry. i'll get my hb to do it tonite. sooo sorry.
think my gal also teething soon .... cos she able to bite off the apple when my il pass e apple for her to suck. so dangerous

yesterday din sleep cos every alternate hr she keep wake up & cry
AH?? pull ear = teething? my girl has been doing dat for like a mth le wor.. she either pull ear or kept scratching hair/ear area ...
i m thinking of switching brand.
my bb is on similac right now...thinking of switching her to NAN or Friso but still cant decide.
scare bb not suitable
but i think if don switch now, it would be harder to switch later
could be...my boi had been doing that (pulling ears/scratching ears area) forever before i finaly saw 2 teeth about to 'burst' out of his gums hee

gabby's mum,
whoa...bite apple!
ehh.. nursing mummies with teething bb.. are ur little ones biting u wen latched on huh? i'm not sure if i'll b able to tahan if my girl do bite me..
yeah lor fast got 6 teeth le hor haha..mil said grow so fast wait hor drop fast too :p he can also sit on his own and start luggin himself around already, must really watch over carefully...

the dresses are really nice. you eally have the gift of making things le...can start ur own online biz selling girly sweeetie stuff le
my boy had been drooling a lot lately, think his bibs and clothings need to change at least 3-4 sets a day according to my mil, and ya, he also been pulling his ears, and sometime he become very cranky out of sudden and always want me to carry him for comfort. I guess he have the signs of teething, so now i waiting for him to become little bunny with 2 lower front teeth, heehe!
hi all mummies..

can i ask anyone using pigeon steriliser?

How to clean away the dirt on the metal plate huh... using lemon does it helps? or must use citric acid?
krist, i have a pigeon steriliser in the office. usually, i'll add 40ml of vinegar with 80ml of water for it to boil for about 2 mins, then leave it to stand for 30 mins. after which, i'll wipe the stains away, and run a full cycle with clean water. hope this helps. and i do this weekly or fortnightly.
shawn clamps me then tug. ouch. lucky no teeth yet. he's been pulling his ears for 2months liao. no sign of anything yet. when he clamp me then i pinch him nose and say no. but anyway he still does it
mine 6.5 months also bogeh but can pretend to cough to get attention. so farnie. krist, the smell is bearable cos u have to rinse with water prior to running the full cycle.
Krist, you can use lemon juice instead.

Use half a lemon and leave it to stand for 15mins then rub the metal plate with soft cloth. You will be able to remove the stain/dirt. Rinse with water after cleansing.
mine 6++ mths also bogeh..cant sit on his own n less then 7kg nia. almost 2 mths din put on much weight liao...

Only getting naughtier n naughtier.. my mum says in hokkien.. Eh lao buay dua...
i also indecisive, but will prob do e switch by mixing e formula first..

i also use vinegar.. dilute same as tub... ok la, not dat bad smell... i will run e cycle until rid e smell. =p
so cute hor these babies... sigh... i think babies are all manipulators lor... they know that mummies and daddies sayang them so that's why they have a lot of pattern at home.
my baby gal also bogeh... but she keep twisting her tougue.. like flip left and right... and also tougue move to left n right side of the gums my mother in law said maybe teeth is coming out... my bb din pull her ears leh....

My little gal has little hair too... so sad...
Just came back from 6 in 1. Sigh...
She is only 6.4 kg
Nvr put on weight for the last 2 months...
I see so many babies here all I think at least 8 kg or more... but mine really pathetic...
saassybaby, dun worry i guess our bb grows at different rates... esp when some parents are smaller size/ bigger size...

well, at long as they are healthy tt gd enuff...
Krist, nope the PD nvr say anything. But he say keep a look out of her weight must at least hit triple of her birth weight when she is 1 yr old...
BUt still compared to other babies here... she is really the lightest I think...

Dun get too worried abt the weight thing. Besides, she is a girl girl, its only natural that she is lighter than the boys cos most of the babies here are boy boy ma..

As long as healthy can liao..

My boy now prefers solid food over his mummy's milk..just now also refuse to drink milk, so no choice but to make puree plus cereal for him and he can finish 1 big bowl! Dunno how leh

Hi Dinut, I haven't started Clara on semi-solids yet and she just passed her 6mth. Thought since she can still go without milk for 3-4 hrs and sleeping thru the nite, she might not be ready yet then. And still toothless :)
