(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hello all
i was talking to Shawn's infant care ctr caregive today. She's telling me not to overload him with brown rice cereals coz starch would slowly build up in his body and cause constipation (scary stories that she's telling me about baby kek sai until cry big time ... so poor thing!) she advised me to slow down a bit, not to to give him like twice a day 2-3tablespoons each time. coz i did that yesterday. now i begin to worry if i had overloaded him.. aiyaya... anyway, just now when i got back i thawed the carrot puree and added 1/2 tablespoon of brown rice cereal. he walloped everything as usual. so may be morning in school he'll take brown rice cereal and then nite time i'll give him veg or fruits lor. she also said for now may be try barley/oatmeal cereal and alternate with brown rice every other day.

ladies, any comments on this?

Jeelomeelo, my PD did told me once the best thing doesnt mean its good for the babies. Everything should give at a moderation.
He told me to give brown rice only every other 3 days. the rest of the days give carrots, pumpkin, apple, pear, avocado, peas, papaya. cos right now their gastric is still not fully develop. So i listen to him and give my gal all the diff kind of fruits and vegetables rather than brown rice...
So far her poo is quite regular...
Hope this help...
ya sassy... now i think i better better control the amt i give him liao. he still pooped good so far... to me, if every 2days he pooped means it's ok. most of the time he poops big time/many times when he skips a day or 2 of poop.
Yes, did read about brown rice causing constipation. Like what sassybb said moderation for everything or anything. Me going to try pumpkin next week.
After reading the whole lot on feeding, guess I broke all "rules" abt feeding solids...
1. my bb is eating half a bowl (those small colourful bowl frm Ikea) of white rice cereal or brown rice cereal at 12noon and 6pm daily. As for pooing, she diligently poos big time every morning at 7am.
2. my bb drinks betw 90 to 150ml of milk at 8am, 12noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 2am, 4am. For the 12noon n 6pm feed, I used the milk to mix the cereal or puree, and then let her finished the rest of the milk.
3. I already started giving her Japanese sweet potato puree (I stopped after giving her one time cos I think its too sweet), sweet potato puree, baby carrot puree (made from those organic baby carrot bought from Market Place), pumpkin puree. I usually give her the puree wz some white rice cereal.

Got one question, do we give them fruits puree as one meal? Will they be full eating fruits only?
u add the brown rice cereal to carrot puree...got add milk to the cereal? Just wanted to find out how else to add cereal to vege and fruits puree...

I gave fruit puree as one meal, but normally my boy will ask for 150ml milk 1 and a half hours later, regardless whether its cereal. fruits or veg.

My boy also takes solid food twice daily. My PD was the one asking me to feed him at least 4 tablespoons of cereal each time and twice a day, in the mid morning and evening.

If I add puree to cereal, then I won't add milk or water liao, cos veg and fruits normally has high water content after u cook it, so no need lor..else too watery , bb dun like.
csi, when i started off brown ricecereal only, i added milk, then added more water instead of milk. then when carrot came, i added some water only. no milk
oh dear,
after reading all your posts now then i realised my mistake.
the other day went to add fm to his cereal plus the sweet peas puree.
no wonder its watery but luckily he finished it.

i have same questiona as hen, is puree alone enuf to consider as 1 feed?
Or do we need to give ceral as well?
wow.. c so many of u posting abt solids ... i'm totally clueless .. =P
hand over totally to my mum leh... and my girl dun seems to b drinking more milk thou we haven really started her on solids...
maybe she wanna go on diet le.. reduce her "cheeks" size...
Slimz but she chubby then cute mah. I love her cheek and your hb says he will be charging $5 for every pinch.

I am also totally clueless about feeding solid. I will only start my boy on cereal this saturday. Hopefully he likes it.

Oh ya I have email all mummies in niangjia the HRC gathering photo. So enjoy~
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wow, the mommies really had a great time at HRC. Looks so fun!!

suddenly I can't post anything on our niang jia .. so strange, said i got no permission wor ..

I wanna order CB!!
jeelo, how do you prepare shawn's food for his infant care teachers? do you give them frozen puree?
nope he's still eating single brown rice cereal at school for this wk. then at home i give him carrots in the evenings. for now la... next time the school would add pureed carrots by themselves, i just need to tell them to add that to the cereals. it's covered by the school fees liao for food. but the cereal i gave my own HT one
gals, for those of u receive boh permission from nj, just click for permission from owner something like, and i approve it straight away, weird weird
The HRC bill is $1,235.85 so after divided by 42 pple, each person is to pay $29.40.

1.Linda x 2 = PAID
2.jeelomeelo x 2 = PAID
3. baby12 x 2 = PAID
4. bluelily x 2 = PAID
5. elaine x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
6. ankh x 2 = PAID
7. cocoangel x 2 = PAID
8. missylan x 1 = PAID
9. hentang x 2 = PAID
10. fanny x 2 = PAID
11. Jaime x 2 = PAID
12. alienx 2 = PAID
13. pierce x 1 = $(20.60) - REFUNDED
14. petrina x 1 = $29.40 (+ $27.21) = $56.62
15. zu x 1 = PAID
16. lynzi X 1 = $29.40
17. fairylander x 2 = PAID
18. bbngg x 2 = PAID
19. steffietan x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
20. Leehz x 2 = PAID
21. rachel18 x 2 = $58.80 $46.00 = $12.80
22. slimz = x 2 = PAID
23. shryn x 2 = PAID
24. pretty x 1 = to refund $20.60

Sorry I couldn't remember who had given me the $50 notes, this is all i can remember, pls tt ur payment to posb current 855-072-645 and pm/msn/sms me can liao. ehee!
jeelo, tat's good! do they provide organic food or normal ones? i think i need to ask su's infant care if they provide these.
hen and lynzi,

My gal just only eat fruit or vegetable on it owns abt 11am. Then 12pm I give her half of her milk. For cereal, I usually add in one milk scope into her evening feed. So far no complaint from her...
me too ... just now reset password then can login. now cannot again hahahaha.
mummies who can login pls help to add my name to e committee list
no wonder nj so quiet today.
all u mummies cannot post in it.
maybe its overloaded cos the last few days too may posts liao...hehe.
and please don't tell me we have to migrate again?!
really cannot rely totally on technology.

gabby's mum,
are u the mummy whose baby gerl was asleep in the pram when u came?
sori ah...me trying to remember who is who.

beng ma,
this friday onz or not?
if on ah i need to call my mil to take care of my boy...hehe!!
Hmmm, after reading regarding feeding solids, I'm getting really confused.. Can you ladies share the feeding schedule of your child? I've started feeding my boy cereals and not added in puree yet... when is a good time to start?

His feeding is such :

8am - latch on
12pm - 2 teaspoon of cereal + latch on
4pm - latch on
7pm - latch on
10pm - latch on

Thanks ya
below is mine .... I also hv yet started on puree

8.30am - 210ml EBM
12.30pm - 3 tablespoon cereal + 180ml EBM
4.30pm - 3 tablespoon cereal + 180ml EBM
8.30pm - 240ml FM
10.30pm - 180ml FM (if she didn't KO at 8.30pm)
non organic la.. where got so high class wan hahaaa .anyway, i dun mind la. but the cereeal i'm bringing my own coz they give friso/nestle.
jeelo, hehheh...i tot maybe can choose but pay more... i tried giving sumana carrot puree. she sort of likes it at first but din take more than 5 mini-spoonfuls b4 she gave mi the yucks look.
your schedule sounds good. think i'll give her cereal in the morning and puree in the evening.

i bot e allerhand already - your model. hee..


i did somethg outrageous today. brought e 2 kids to watch kungfu panda with my mom. timed e bb's nap time to be just before e show started n guess wat?? she slept throughout e whole show!!! she woke up a few times here n there due to e loud sounds but lucky i covered her ears really tightly n she was able to drift back to zzzz while i enjoyed e show tremendously. haaaa... wat a feat!
Steffietan, u bgt the carry-on? hehee, welcome to allerhand club, :p

I also like that carry-on. The backpack is for hb to carry, i prefer to take the carry-on, hahaa!

csi fan,

i just carried her in leh..they din even qn me..i was half expectg they wld tho..i went to plaza sing btw..


is tt called e carry-on? haaa..ya..now my diaper bag is neat finally..not like my previous bag..got to dig n dig just to fish out my wet wipes..haaa..yea..i carried it w me today..walk also got a bit more 'seh'..haaa..
