(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

beng's ma
but I am not sure how much FM to put. Currently, my son is drinking 160ml per 3-4 hours. Do I put the same?? And how much rice powder to mix with?

When did you introduce rice powder to your baby?

si shen powder
If i'm not wrong, there's 2 kinds. 1 need to cook.. the one that stated instant on the package no need to cook. So rem to rem the instructions carefully hor. Wait lao sai...
itok, i din start with si seh brand, i started with other brands of rice cereal. Wat i usually put is 1-2 scoops of the cereal with 4-5 scoops of friso fm (he currently drinking 180-200ml every 3 hrs) and let him drink.
I do let him try si seh b4, he ok with it, u can just one tablespoon of the powder and mixed with 3-4 tablespoon of the milk and stir properly, don't do it too thick, give him with bit of watery for a start.

I started my boy on solid when he is 5mths as he had all the symptoms and my doc say it ok for him to start solid.
ya, bluelily, but usually the one is in bottle one, i did see the si seh in box but i din get a closer look cos i already got the ones in bot liao
Beng ma, I still haven't kai zhang the self-ground brown rice/barley/si shen tt my grandma made for bb! I have a feeling we'll have a hard time feeding him. hai....
jane, don say, hahha, jerrell cant finish, jovan can help to finish hahaha! i found that he prefer cereals and carrots than other food. I will be trying the pumpkin one on him once i well.
yah...mind games. aiyoh! very difficult leh.

Mine ah...tonight going to get scolding from me liaoz. (hahaha...). Just this morning, I told her, "the 11am cereal feed, no need to mix with milk or water. Just defrost the carrot puree, warm that up and mix into the cereal direct. Because the carrot puree itself...." And she can even finish the sentence for me "carrot puree itself have water in it (the carrot juice lah) so no need. Only add if it's too thick".

Then I asked her, "Can remember?" She answers, "Yes maam". Ok. done. we go my parents' place and I go to work. Then just now HB called me (he on holidays lah, so he cann keep an eye there). Asked me, cereal must put milk? I said NO. Then he told me, the maid put 30ml of FM. Now after including the carrot, it's super diluted. So now I'm fuming mad. Asked in the morning if can remember, she said YES. And she can even tell me that carrot itself have water. Then why she still add milk to the cereal?? And the FULL 30ml some more. Cannot put bit by bit to try and see the consistency ah? And she has college education some more. Want me to treat her like idiot...type out instructions to read ah? wah lau. And of course, the carrot taste is not nice lah, mixed with cereal like that. My gal dun want to eat lorh. last time can tell me my gal finished it all...finish all and still got constipation. yeah rite.
some photos in case some mums not inside nian jia... photos took last sat FOC my professional photographer cos bb was slping...



beng ma, then next time I feed jr u need to standby ur beng liao. Most of the time he cant finish! hahaha! eh.. y not u label all the mummies names on the pic? hahaha :p
You cannot tell her, you got to SHOW her. This is maid, their usual,"Yes, Mdm", "Sorry,Mdm", "I understand,Mdm". KNS... they don't understand one. Hahahaha... especially newbie.
Hi Linda,

Thanks for organsing the event. We had a good time.

Hi mummies,

I will try to upload the photos tonight if not, I will do it this weekend as my hub will be out of town so kind of busy. Sorry har. I know most of the photos are with me.
i started my twins at 4.5 months... we started on cereals first. now, they are taking about 3 - 4 tablespoon of cereal in the morning and evening, taking either porridge or pumpkin&potato puree...

ai yo.. mine quite headache cos alena takes porridge but alonzo dun like! when he smells porridge, he will keep his mouth shut and refuses to open his mouth!! i suspect he dun like the smell of meat and fish lei... haha... vegetarian la.... cos other stuff like pumpkin puree, pumpkin+potato puree or cereals, he eats very well!!
missylan...mine not really newbie leh. she ex-SIN one. had 2 employers before me some more. sianz. Maybe also coz I never really talk to her so far lah. been busy lah. So she also a bit the lonely kind...Think must SHOW and get her to REPEAT the instructions. then u know for sure if they really understand.

Dodo, wah...3 - 4 tablespoon of cereal...sounds like a lot leh. then still taking milk?
Oh ya, u said Ex-sin just now. =P

Mine still having 4 kids soup spoon(chinese type) of brown rice. Hahaha... he is getting more and more keen when feeding brown rice. "At last, sth taste different"
after reading the various post on starting solid, i am wondering if my little michelin is being overfed. mummies can enlighten?

currently, he is taking 2oz of milk with 4-5 scoops ( those FM scoop ) of rice cereals. 1 hour b4 tat , he will "da" 5oz of milk. is this too much ?
ah bie, u wonder if urs is overfed. I'm wondering if mine is UNDERfed. hahaha.

She drinks 160ml EBM, then 3 teaspoon of cereal. Sometimes with 3 teaspoon of puree, sometimes with 30ml (1 oz) of FM. Sounds like quite little compared to others. hehs...
Ah Bie,
Wow Mitchelin really can eat!!

My boy will take half a bowl of cereal or pumpkin, then 1 and a half hours later "da" 5 oz of milk..

our babies r opposite! besides gender.. kekeke


Ya....horror sia... the scary part is he is taking 2 solid meals a day. *gulp*
beng ma,

ah beng got high metabolism rate? kekeke

mine can see the layers on his tummy when he sit in his bath tub. like staircase..hahaha
ah bie, dono, but his daddy think he got high metabolism rate. hehee, actually i can see his fatty layers on his tummy too when he sit oin his bath tub, :p
hahahaha ... beng ma after tat day gathering my hb conclude our gal not sumo lah. jac's gal is bb gal champion :p

he keep on telling me jac's gal so cute
csi fan,
ya... about half to an hour after that, we feed abt 90ml of milk, normally also can "da" one....

ah bie,
yes, boys eat more than girls... cos my alonzo is eating 1 tablespoon more than alena lei...
ah bie,
wow...really michelin ah!!
2 feed a day of 3 tablespoons??
that is a lot.
my boy always drink 200-210ml of fm nowadays but he only eats once a day of 1.5 tablespoon of cereal.
is mine underfed??
huh.. mine is boy leh. Only drink 140ml of milk.. sometimes cant finish. Then morning n evening 1 TEAspoon add in milk, lunch 5 TEAspoon of cereals + 140ml of milk.. but takes forever to finish. Hai... I'm so happy today he finally hit 7kg! Dunno weighing machine got error anot.. cos last weekend he still on milk strike...
1 tablespoon = 2 teaspoons

Hi mummies,
This is how i starting to feed my gal...
I feed my ger 1st 4 days 1 teaspoon, then next 4 day 2 teaspoons, then next 3 teaspoons, then now she is actually taking 5 teaspoons le... Then rest for abt 1 hour will give her half of her milk intake...
This is how the books by Gina Ford taught me...
My 2 cents worth of comment... hehe...

ya lor. sometimes he can go up to 5 FM scoops of rice cereals. nowadays he dun even wan to wake up for his dream feed. he juz play chess with uncle zhou all the way till morning. marathon chess session in his lala land HAHAHAHAHA
is it? feed milk after the cereals ah? Thot Gina Ford book mentions to feed the milk first then cereal, coz not meant to be meal replacement...hmm. Maybe I read wrongly ba...
I find feeding them, a bit tiresome. Coz they take a loooong time to eat, vs drink. hahaha.

tink muz lim guni finish first then can feed solid. i did the opposite once. end up the milk ended in the sewage. heartpain. sob
csi fan... Hehe... Sorry sorry...
Yaya... I check... is lim guni 1st...ah bie is right... But my gal so funny... She drink guni liao dun wanna my solid...
Which is y I switch around to feed... Then she kwai kwai finish and go to sleep after that...
ur gal so funny. haha. makan solid then will guai guai lim guni...heehee...maybe to her, the guni is like to wash down the solids? heehee...
csi fan... ya lor... If i give her guni 1st then she will cry cry cry say not enough then give solid she not interested then just keep crying crying...
Then i give her soild then milk she happy...
hey ladies,
i oso started off drink guni first then feed but my girl dun want to eat... so i also switch ard, then she kwai kwai eat lor... hehe...

every baby is different... just do what works for yours!

btw, do u know where i can get Nestle Gold cereals? seems like it is not found in all NTUC outlets??
Hahahha... STAIRway to heaven. Mine tummy no more staircases liao but the sides still have quite a few. Hahaha

how did sumo manage to get rid of his staircase at the tummy area? kekekeke

besides stairway heaven, its oso stairway to another bigger step at the neck area. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
The HRC bill is $1,235.85 so after divided by 42 pple, each person is to pay $29.40.

1.Linda x 2 = PAID
2.jeelomeelo x 2 = PAID
3. baby12 x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
4. bluelily x 2 = PAID
5. elaine x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
6. ankh x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
7. cocoangel x 2 = PAID
8. missylan x 1 = PAID
9. hentang x 2 = PAID
10. fanny x 2 = PAID
11. Jaime x 2 = PAID
12. alienx 2 = PAID
13. pierce x 1 = $(20.60) - REFUNDED
14. petrina x 1 = $29.40 (+ $27.21) = $56.62
15. zu x 1 = PAID
16. lynzi X 1 = $29.40
17. fairylander x 2 = PAID
18. bbngg x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
19. steffietan x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
20. Leehz x 2 = $58.80
21. rachel18 x 2 = $58.80
22. slimz = x 2 = PAID
23. shryn x 2 = PAID
24. pretty x 1 = to refund $20.60

Sorry I couldn't remember who had given me the $50 notes, this is all i can remember, pls tt ur payment to posb current 855-072-645 and pm/msn/sms me can liao. ehee!
i screamed at her lor. She has been with me for ard 8 mths, but that was the first time i screamed at her. Really shook her up. Told her that the 2nd time i screamed at her, I will tell her to pack up to go back to agent.

I fed bb abit of milk first, then cereal, and latch. In this way, no milk wasted.
I also have alot of problems with my maid...
Missylan, u are right... nvr be too FRIEND with the maid. Have been too nice to her... Sigh~
Now it seems like I am the maid and she is the Mdm.
Imagine ur maid teaching u what to do... And imagine she cut a piece of promfret fish into 2 part and me eating the fish head she eat the body...
What has this world come to man... MAIDS nowaday doesnt seem to understand the meaning of "MAID".
aiyo sassybaby
how come you let her cut?
you shld do the distributing yourself leh,
They are supposed to eat what we give them, not the other way round.
Walao aah! She dares to treat me that way, I ask her to pack and go. Your maid still with you?

Hahaha... the first time I screamed at her was she ate my expensive cake without my permission. Glutton but now dare not liao.

Constance, the fish mongo cut one and she bring home she cook and she serve me the fish head and leave herself the fish body.
Then i see already I go to the kitchen and confront her immediately. She only know how to reply sorry mdm... Sianz... really dui nui tan qing...

missylan... Ya she is still here... Gues what she ate my expensive Royce chocolate without my permission thats y i go really ANGRY and FUME man so I planning to send her back once another maid is approve.

I scolded her... ALL U KNOW IS EAT AND SLEEP...
