(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


I understand how u feel, me also cut my boy's finger when his is 3 mths old..Bleeding alot too, Lucky he never cry for too long.

Dun blame yourself, accidents do happen. But remember dun let her touch water when she is bathing else sure very pain. Also if possible, put mitten for her injured hand, cos now they like to put fingers into their mouth, scare later kenah salivia also pain..

lynzi, i used fresh carrot, cut small pieces then boil then blend. i tasted it it's not sour ar.. got a bit sweet taste. he was ok with it. then i oso gave him water, he gave me the kiam chai loook on his face. he doens't seem to drink water. keep trying on the magmag cup but he takes very little and let the water drool out from his mouth
hmm...maybe the fresh carrots not as sour tasting as the HT carrot.
but then hor, i will need to go the organic store to get fresh produce.
don't want to feed him on those normal veggie/ fruits from the neighbourhood market.

mich, check niangjia.
i emailed u cos i have deleted your account no.
paiseh...need u to give me the no again...hehe.
tub, ur sticker is with fairylander.

eve and baby12, no sweat, we will enjoy even more in the next gathering. The turnout is huge this time round, hehee!

dodo, ya, u try to make it for the next gathering, ok? we want to see ur twins!
The HRC bill is $1,235.85 so after divided by 42 pple, each person is to pay $29.40.

1.Linda x 2 = PAID
2.jeelomeelo x 2 = PAID
3. baby12 x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
4. bluelily x 2 = PAID
5. elaine x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
6. ankh x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
7. cocoangel x 2 = PAID
8. missylan x 1 = $29.40
9. hentang x 2 = PAID
10. fanny x 2 = PAID
11. Jaime x 2 = $58.80
12. alienx 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
13. pierce x 1 = $(20.60) - REFUNDED
14. petrina x 1 = $29.40 (+ $27.21) = $56.62
15. zu x 1 = PAID
16. lynzi X 1 = $29.40
17. fairylander x 2 = $58.80
18. bbngg x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
19. steffietan x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
20. Leehz x 2 = $58.80
21. rachel18 x 2 = $58.80
22. slimz = x 2 = PAID
23. shryn x 2 = $58.80
24. pretty x 1 = $29.40

Sorry I couldn't remember who had given me the $50 notes, this is all i can remember, pls tt ur payment to posb current 855-072-645 and pm/msn/sms me can liao. ehee!

do you know where are the organic stores that sell fresh produce? So far, I've only managed to get from Cold Storage, Carrefour and Market Place. But the range at those places is not much...so, still searching for organic fresh produce.
hi annie, will do,





Four Seasons Market
No. 1 Kim Seng Promenade
#B2-07 Great World City

Brown Rice Paradise
Tanglin Mall (#03-15/16)

Eat Organic
619H Bukit Timah Rd
(Beside Coronation Plaza)

The Organic Paradise
Store #1:
62 Temple Street
(next to Lucky Chinatown)
Store #2:
160 Orchard Rd, #B1-03/04,
Orchard Point

Nature’s Glory
315 Outram Road , #11-03 Tan
Boon Liat Bldg

Store #1:
Blk 271 Bukit Batok East Ave 4,
Store #2:
237 Upper Thomson Road

Organic Zone
Blk 85-C, Toa Payoh Lorong 4,

Camu Camu Organic and
Nature House
Block 211, Hougang Street 21,

Yong Xu Organic
Store #1:
Blk 921 Yishun Central 1 #01-257,
Store #2:
Blk 104 Yishun Ring Rd #01-29
pierced, hee... my HB woke up on sunday morning .. saying muscle aching!! haaaaa .. den i said .. who ask u carry n walk ard.. hee... lucky i carried n sat down .. ..
ya.. btw.. my HB said he saw someone's HB using a SLR cam take foto wor? can that someone post the pict here? or mayb send to niangjia.. =D
tink SLR cam is prob the oni cam which can capture all of us in the grp foto..
lynzi!.. forgot to give u sometin on sat.. urgh ..
there's was an envelop attention to "Tuas Fauzi + Istri" in the diapers bag u gave me the other time..
i think that BBnGG husband.....kekeke...

Let me compress my photos and post shortly.
Think my ah lau managed to capture all in a group but those ppls behind abit small...
Yup... I just started him on sat. Don't know why he wakes up 3 times last night 4 milk. Fed him FM at 10pm. Then woke up at 12.30am, 3am, 5am 4 milk. Screamed his lung out each time he wakes up. He wasn't so hungry in e day. Don't know why. Hopes he's not like that again tonight. Today i panda liao.
today i sick - having a very bad flu, now at home, going to c doc later, thanks to the mummies' concern, hb's fever gone, yipee!! But his wifey aka me's turn to fall sick. Hb quickly send beng to mil's hse,prob got to stay overnite as we don want my flu virus to spread to him... Ytd really crazy day for me - hb's fever, beng suddenly on grown sprut, drinking 200-220ml every 2 hrs and become very cranky and my menses came, ughhhh!
can I ask something...re maids/helpers.

I opened my mailbox on Sunday (coz fri and sat never open). And was shocked to find a letter address to my maid. She's only been here for 2 weeks! So, it was like, how come got letter for her? She gave our address to other people...

I dunno how to handle leh. coz 1st time having a maid...what to do ah? I still haven't given her her letter yet. Don't intend to open it though, coz privacy. But just not sure what to say to her when I hand it over to her.
Thanks mummies for the concerns...
Really feel at least someone is there for me...
My HB just shake his head and look at me when incident happen...
By the way what is niang jia?
aiyoh..now u sick.
that time i was sick 1 whole week cannot hold faiq.
so sad and really missed touching him.
btw, if c doc, send my regards to Dr Liau...hehe!

about the organic store,
so far i have only been to the one near thomson plaza.
since there is 1 at yishun will go there instead cos its nearer so if i wanna lug lots of fruits n veggie home won't be a prob...hehe!
sassybaby, dun worry, you are not alone. Cos I also cut my boy when I was cutting his fingernails. I feel very bad about injuring my boy but I didn't do it purposely. And I rather cut myself than to injure him lor.

My boy is those type who don't cry when in pain one. But my heart very very pain lor. Hb's heart also pain but cannot say me cos I didn't mean to injure him. So now I take extra care when cutting his nails and I only cut when he is asleep.

beng ma and lynzi, i went to the one at yishun central but the vege they sell do not have the certified organic stamp. think based on trust cos the owner will tell u it's from US, Aussie, Thailand etc. I mean, the vege all look the same and it's in their own packaging. I'm not comfortable wif that so would rather get from cold storage or NTuc.
You got to limit her mails. Where is she from? Philippines? Transfer maid? You know, from the start, you shall not treat your maid like a FRIEND... you must know her character first. Let her know that she is here to work not for leisure. Then slowly we can change our behaviour towards them, then you want to treat her like sista also can. Hahahaa... I scold my maid when only needed, I don't nag. MIL loves to nag. Before you post out any mail, she cannot seal them up. I do not read her letters(I also don't understand Malayu la), but I want to make sure that nothing of mine(money etc) is posted out to her family or friends. So far, she has being with me for 8 or 9 months, she posted out 2 letters only. I told her she is allowed to mail 1 letter to her family monthly.
So now is a very good opportunity to make things clear for your helper. Limit her mails, if she is from Indo, do not allow her to have cash, want to buy ANYTHING get money from you or you buy for her.
hmmm...yah. thanks for ur tips...

She's from Phil. Ex-Singapore. HB and I just stunned lorh. Suddenly got 1 mail for her. Like, from who? So now other pple know our address? yah, at first we thinking of being a bit strict, and straight talk (not so fren fren kind) to her. But then we also worry...coz she's looking after baby (although at parent's place, but she's the one looking after). Aiyoh...headache when u have a smart maid. haiz.
its ok de.
i guessed that letter was an old one.
just throw it away can?

where u staying that u can go to the yishun one?
since u say like dat then i will have to go other stores.
then i go try organic zone at toa payoh.
its still considered quite near.
lynzi.. ok .. noted.. haaa.. paiseh .. sat bz toking .. carrying other pple's bb =P

sassybaby..dun worry.. will get well de.. dun feel bad.. me veri scared to cut even till now.. left it to my mum =P
I was also stucked btw choosing a Filipino or an Indo. Filipino is too smart, plays mind game with employer but communication will not be an issue. Indo is too stupid, employers can vomit blood. Yesterday just reprimanded her. After learning and given instructions(repeatedly), she can forget, forget and forget. I was damn angry already, is it difficult to remember to place bbleg into the diaper bag? We went to Giant Hypermart, it is freezing there. Then I got to listen to "Oh, I forget!" again. Luckily, my car got gorgor's jacket. Then after purchasing the groceries, my hubby is going to start his car. Walao aah, she stands behind the car where the exhasut is. Stupid or not? Not the first time liao... she knew that if my hubby were to start the car, my bb will startled. &*%$%^$) her inside the car. I asked her,"Are you a robot?" Do I have to tell you,"Siti, go straight, Siti, turn right, Siti, sit down?" Can I tell you,"Oh, Siti, I forget that you have to makan? Oh, I forget you to sleep?" I asked her,"You don't like right?" Damn angry leh. Followed me for 8 mths liao leh. Still like a WOOD!
I miss out all the fun on Fri n Sat gathering! Sob sob. Beng mama, quick organise another one leh. Was lookin forward to meet on Fri but last min ended up workin fr home when I was on leave.Anyway down with bad cough tat I caught fr my 2 babies n whole family started coughin.

Today on mc too! Coughin non stop till tears roll down.

Belle, sassy, hope your babies r fine. I know how you feel cuz tis happen to my elder one when 6mths old. I cried then cuz was so heartpain. Dun be upset cuz we r here for u
lynzi, i stay in yishun... been an yishuner all my life. hehheh...

the organic store in yishun central has a lot of varieties of organic food. if you think you could trust the owner, then can buy cos the vege here looks fresh. it's just me la... i am a sucker for stamps and certifications. i even asked the lady if the vege are certified organic and she gave me one blank look. also, if you go to ntuc, u'll realise that the thailand produce is cheaper. personally, if i'm already paying so much for organic, would rather go for aussie, nz or US certified ones. just my 2 cents worth la.
linda, have good rest & get well soon!

last nite i watched garfield on tv. there's this shot where the boxer dog growled. my boi flatten his mouth then burst into tears!!! he was actually not facing the tv n in fact about 5-6metres away from the tv le. we were all stunned. when my dog barks loudly and scolds my neighbours, he bo hiu. then when the TV dog growled he cried le! wahlau.. after i picked him up no problem liao. can smile.. dunno why like that
Oh...BBnGG..Hmm...i thought i saw a black & rather looKalike SLR camera your hub is holding.
Is not arh? maybe i recognize the wrong husband...oops :p

These are all i have...indulge!
Think he didnt really manage to capture all ppl inside. Beng's ma is missing or either
the lady on the right is cut :p





Wah so many photos up le. I haven't upload those that we took yet. hehe. Nice meeting all the mummies, daddies n babies on Sat. Btw, I'm another one of those blur, cant-put-faces-to-names kind. Soooo... dun scold me if I forgot who's who the next time we met hor! I'm super bad with faces n names. :p
Haha, so cute your boy. Its like that la. My boy even worse, look at the baby pictures printed on his "BUMBO" box, cry like dunno wat..hahah

Babies are real funny...

Anyone who's babies now like to "ah boo, ah boo" till salivia all flying ah?? My boy been doing this for the past 2 weeks leh. INTENSIVELY somemore, sometimes drink milk also like that, then BOO all the milk out *faint*
my indo maid is very smart. Know how to act when we r around. once i caught her using my "peel nose" wrap!! Maid too smart also headache manz/

aiyo, see the gathering photos i really think i miss out so much fun. Must go the next round!
jean, mine like ur boy, flying salivia!

thanks all mummies, will try to get well soon!!

btw, tub and lynzi, i used to go one organic veg farm in neo tiew rd to get the organic veg, tat farm really grow fresh organic veggies, nt tat ivy singh one, just along neo tiew road...
dear mummies,

I need some advice here. My son was born in late Jan 08 hence, should be around 1 month younger than your babies in this thread.

1. Loose stools
For the past 2 weeks, he has been having loose stools. A bit like curry type texture. This was different from his usual stools which is softer like toothpaste texture. Please pardon my language here coz I donno how to describe in a nice way :p My boy has been on total FM since birth. Anyone's baby had similar symptons? I donno if it is due to teething coz he drools sometimes but it has been going on for 2 weeks.

2. Si Shen Mi Hu
Anyone of you started solids for your babies before 6 months? My PD told me CANNOT start on solids before 6 months. My boy seems to get hungrier faster nowadays- cannot last 4 hours.

Anyone heard of Si Shen Mi Hu? Can teach me how to cook? I only heard of the one from Nestle but because I want him to continue with Similac brand milk, so I may have to cook myself.

Thanks in advance for all your sharing and advices.
shyrn.. heee.. i'm the "lady on the rite" u toking abt huh? first row ..wear specs.. =P
paiseh huh.. haa.. who's dat in the foto with u n pet? back row i oni recog bluelily n zu .. haaa
hehe...i know u....chubby cheek bb mummy...
yah u are also kena 'chop'...paisei...
but hor u very lucky its only 1 pic.

I refer to the one standing and being 'chop off' on the right on my last 3 pics....so kelian...paisei hor :p I also cannot remember her name....chiam :p

errrhhh slimz....don like that test me leh..
die la...i also 4get the name :p don scold me hor...pretty mama...:p
Slimz and Linda,

Hearing ur babies are the same, can "pang sim" liao. Babies really cute hor..

Think its ok to have loose stools sometimes. My boy also ahve that for abt 2 weks last mth, but he ok liao. Me just think he is teething.But my boy on total BM. If u are still worried, bring him to the doc.

My boy last week also never poo for 9 days, but i never bring him to doc cos his stomach soft soft not hard hard, so not constipation, so me wait and wait till he poo poo lor..hahha

When he finally poo, I tell u, POWER ah, alot and sooo smelly. But now he also never poo everyday liao..Initially worried, but now, i just wait and see lor..
