(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Cinema dun allow bb meh? Think they might ask crying bbs to leave bah. My son and us enjoyed Kungfu Panda too. My son said that the Kungfu Panda, fat fat and likes to eat Bao. kekeke...

My allerhand sling backpack hiding one corner becoming mouldy soon. Pretty small, cos me kiasu bring out pretty alot of things. Then my thermoflask also pretty big. Got one smaller thermoflask but hot water turns cool easily. But good for traveling.

hahahaha ... i also got e carryon
gabby's mum,
in the pic i was in between fairylander and shryn.
when u came in, i was sitting with jac n zu.
remember the tiny, small gerl with baby sleeping in pikkolo?
that's me lor.

haha...so far my boy has rejected HT carrot puree, HT banana puree and HT sweet peas.
he only seemed to like rice cereal.
cos i dun dare to go cinema wif my bb :p
these few days got to handle my bb alone ... stress esp when i drive back after pick her up fm in law's place
lynzi, mine reject EB first apple, like EB first carrots, HT carrot, HT babana, HT sweet potatoes, HT brown rice cereals, Heinz and frisocrem, ok with homemade spinach puree, reject Bellamy rice cereals.
u steady ah bring baby to watch movie!!
i have not been watching movies in cinema for so long now.
but what i reali miss most are my karaoke sessions with my frens.
btw, welcome to the allerhand club.
so which colour did u get for the carryon?
i tot of buying 1 more allerhand...the one that can fit bottles and a few diapers plus wipes...don't know what its called.
beng ma should know more about this...ehehe.

beng ma,
reali leh...i tasted the HT carrot, its slightly sour.
DH tasted HT bananas also slightly sour.
me also headache liao.
any rice cereals..be it HT brown rice, EB rice cereal ir Bellamy rice cereals all he seemed to like and can finish the whole small munchkin bowl.
i oso carryon allerhand hahaa more ppl liao eh..
btw robinsons now carrying this ozzy brand with cina prints. looks like copycats of petuniapicklebottom le
gabby's ma, still the same, just today fever came to visit me, sian, plus today going to be 2 nites bo see ah beng liao, sob, missed him!!

lynzi, carryon will be a bttr choice or the sling one? since u only put bottles and a few diaper plus wipes. i even saw the biggest allerhand bag than the messenger bag, but tat got to wait if planning for #2.
For me, my bb's schedule is
7.30am - drink 150ml BM
11.00am - Cereal mixed with BM or puree with cereal
2.30pm - 150 ml BM
6pm - Cereal mixed with BM or puree with cereal
9.30pm - 150 ml
Last Feed 12 midnite - 150ml

My boy also dun like bellamy cereal if feed it alone. So now either I mixed in his milk or I mixed with home made puree, He likes leh..Just now finish 1 big bowl of cereal with pear puree within 10 minutes..hahah
u know wat's very funny.
the other day when most of u gerls have left, i was asking linda and the rest...
Me: eh, where's the new mummy named shryn? tot she said she wana come.
Them: she came n left liao...now then u wanna ask.
Me: aiyah...i didn't even get to see her.

When i saw the pic and saw the names given by linda then i realised that all the way while taking the group photo u were sitting beside me all the while...hahaha!!!
blur me...
Bellamy rice cereal got one weird taste... my hubby says taste/smells like spoil peanuts. baby rejects it too. She's very ok with Heniz organic rice cereal and Healthy Times brown rice cereal.
Baby doesn't like HT banana puree also. Have not tried the rest.
wow all the talk about feeding, i must also contribute..haha

lynzi, i hv same problem as you. son loves cereals but when it comes to purees, he's just not into it! I tried feeding him home made carrot puree (i tried leh, quite yummy) but he squish up his face and refuse to eat after 2 tries.. kept spitting out.

then i tried apple puree today, he also dun like! I thought since he dun wan carrot, apple shld be quite safe right!? But no leh, he dun like also..

In the end, I mix the apple into his cereal (with BM) and he ate 80% of it... sigh, will keep trying to feed him puree only. hopes he will get used to it soon.
btw mummies, my sumo officially stopped putting on weight already! PD says that he has reached 1 year old baby weight and probably will stablise for a while.

He has been 10.4kg for the entire month! Yay!!!
organic rice cereals dun seem to smell as nice compared to Nestum etc. when i first started little michelin on bellamy's organic rice cereals, my MIL thought the rice cereal spoil due to the smell. hahaha
haiyo lynzi...

think that day too many mummies already, u blur liao...u are sittin at the sofa when i walk over and said hi to you and even ask wats yr nick and if thats baby faiq....i don know how to pronounce his name correctly then u still tell me his name...can remember? can remember?
But that was the only conversation we had...kekeke..
oh ya dylan's mom,

u haven tell me how many month is dylan now? i asked you in earlier post. Is he same as all our dec babies?
Wow he's already 10.4kg....must say u very well done leh...thats a very very good weight..

didn't see yr post.. sometimes lost cos soo many postings to catch up on. Dylan is same as all dec babies! his b-day is 18 Dec...

he is big sized but also chubby lah (SUMO). I was abit worried that he is #1 sumo already but since he didn't put on any weight over past 4 weeks, I guess its finally time that he slow down his growth!!

He belong to the sumo club (missylan + etelle's bbs). Here he is...

hi mummies,
i went to PD today. coz saw a small little 'lumpy' looking thing on shawn's chest for the past few days. it has some light red outline ard it. it does looks a little like mosquito bite. anyway, pd said it's enzcema. then i went like oooooooooo, din know enzcema like that one. actually it's more like a cluster of enzcema that it looks and felt lumpy. it should go away in a while... heng ar.. make me worried only

i also ask the PD again about his 20cents size botak spot on the head. the doc said if it doesn't get lumpy and grows hair, then it's ok. but if it does, then it might be cancerous and that needs to be removed if that's the case. lucky his botak spot now growing hair liao, means got hair follicles and it doesn't feel lumpy. so meanwhile, we just got to observe

tink tomolo i'll start him on apples liao. he graduated 4days from carrot already...
thanks sassybaby, i am much bttr now

I missed dylan, i shld go over and see him again! this coming weekend if i can!!!

Ya for the bellamy rice cereals, my mil also commented it smell funny, :p hopefully my boy will like the bellamy rice porridge, my mil intend to feed him porridge next mth.

not thinking mode lah. 'stoning' while sucking thumb mode!

my dylan also kenna some form of heat rash/ecezma. PD said its a result of the heat - there was a red patch, had some bubbles and some discharge from the bubbles. PD mentioned it got infected thats why got bubbles/discharge and gave some cream... the cream v.good, apply liao the patch disappear!! wish i went to PD earlier..

beng's ma,

hehe i still got my HT stuff with u right?
yah hope that the bellamy porridge is nice,... hope no funny smell!
waa dylan mum...
dylan so cute...yah i think he's thinking of doing something naughty...hehe...
u really something leh..thought my boy already so bombom already....now i see an even heavier one...10.4kg leh...somemore he's few days younger than kayden...wowowowow...kayden bday is 11 dec and he's almost 9kg. This Sat will know the exact one cause going for his pneumo jab...ouch..

btw...kayden also got heat rash ard the armpit area...several small red spots....sigh...i need to get cream from PD this sat too...

yah, at first PD said he overweight but now, PD said no more overweight..told me that he wont be putting on weight liao! I was sooo happy!
he's been outgrowing his clothes soo fast!

yr kayden also very good leh!! 9kg is a very good weight
Yah 9kg also good weight..but then he's a shortie leh :p His length is only 65cm as of 10 May unlike the rest of the dec babies who are much more taller. Btw, wats dylan length?
I see dylan had 'lian ou' on his arm too like kayden.....kekeke

haha yes my son has 'lian ou' on his arms!! he is just very big. He is already 73/74cm tall. Looks pretty much like 1 year old bb already... very scary!
not red dots le, that one i've seen b4. mine is like floaty/lumpy like mosquito bite - dunno how else to describe. is it desovan cream(??spelling) that your PD gave u? think most enzcema cream got a bit of steroid. missylan would know best on this. she posted something on these way back months ago.

anyone tried avocado liao? can't wait to try this coz i think it's supposed to be very nutritious & good for babies

testest - this is jeelomeelo
So cute!!! Looks at his arms! Super... Mine on milk strike again. Hahaha... Will try to weigh him soon. Think he is slowing down already, 5-6 hrs 180ml.

Tried Bellamy white rice today, YUCK! He totally rejects it. Cos mine tasted brown rice first, so yummy then tasted this white rice cereal, he shivers after few mouthful

Desowen. =)
any mummies switching FM brand when bb turns 6 mth?
my bb is now on similac. thinking of switching her to NAN 2 when she turn 6 mth cos much cheaper. any mummies switching too?
is there anything we should look out for? must switch slowly, eg 2 similac and 1 NAN or can switch immediately?
or not advisable to switch ah?
very indecisive on to switch or not... she is turning 6 mth this fri liao...
any adivse plssss...
i rem u and some other mummies (don know who le) here bot cartons of NAN 2 during the motherhood fair.
can check whether your bb is all d while taking NAN or u switch brand too?
i rem u said your PD said NAN is closer to BM right?
any feedback on NAN 2?
some of my friends ask me not to switch leh.
they said similac most powerful wow...
but i think money more powerful...
similac costs abt $6 more than NAN. feel like if continue similac, i am paying $6 for Zoe Tay face...
hi hi.
why u reg under another name?
can u pm using your new id since it is "new member"?
cos i v new here.. status "new member"
sometime look at bp v itchy to join but cant pm lei... is it cos i new member?
I'm also thinking of trying avocado. Will probably puree it this weekend lah. I bought pumpkin yesterday. Will start to puree that soon, too...
ladies, if u r trying avocado, do monitor. my fren's colleague tried avo on her son and he was allergic to it.
our babies has been on NAN 1 before.
that was why we just continued with it since my boy seems to poo ok lei.
if u want to switch fm maybe u can ask your pd on how to go about doing it.
if u intending to change to nan, u can also call the nestle hotline and ask how to go about if u want to swtich from another fm to theirs.

wat happen eh?
why u go register new nick?
<font color="aa00aa">Kindermusik Village Class (8 lessons) - SIGH UP</font>
hi, i'm from Jan-08 thread and is organising a Sunday 10am Kindermusik Village Class for babies. Kindermusik Village is for newborns till 18 months old. A term of 8 lessons and Fees = S$23.80 x 8 lessons, + materials + gst = S$271.14

If you are interested to sign up (min 10 babies to form a class), please PM me (as I don't frequent this thread). Thanks.
haven't tried PM yet. dunno why my old nick cannot use PM le. last time use for spree then the seller tell me my nick cannot use for PM.
