(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


could be that ur nj settings was set to receive a weekly digest of all posts/topics, instead of daily emails. Gotta go change the settings...

keki, me! I'm changing fm for bb... from similac 1 to friso 2. Now in the transition of changing.. so far so gd. I love friso, easy to dissolve, his poo now back to watery soft soft, cos previously after starting brown rice, his poo become harder. N not to mention, it's must cheaper. :p

Wah.. u all trid so many diff food with bb liao ah. Mine only tried cereals, apples, bananas. That's all. Think this weekend i'm going to make carrot puree to let him try.

Regarding avocado, can someone tell me how to select, prepare? Need to cook? I v sua ku... never buy/eat before. hehe.
just went to change the setting.. should be able to pm liao kua...
anyway, shawn has been waking up at 4.30am for the past two days. not sure if it's because i reduced the cereals during the evening feed or what.. he open his eyes big big and scream. in the end i still have to feed him at 4.30am.. aiya...
U much better than me....
My bb sitter feeds brown rice; while we tried to give him carrot last weekend. However, my bb dun want. I guessed cos its too fiberous which my MIL dun believe till my BIL told her so...
I can still see its in bit size & not puree form
So angry...always dun listen to what I said...
i am also using friso for my boy...cos its cheaper.....

have been using similac / gain for my #1..aiyo, very exp leh...tried to get her to switch to other brands, but she refused.
Is it too hot?
my bb also wake up at night...but cos he perspires alot, then wet the pillow & his clothes...so he not comfortable.
I just wake up, pat him him to sleep & put him in another sleeping area (dry), so he can continue to sleep
are u that steffi tan?
the chio mummy in tube and skirt last sat at hrc?

to choose avocado, the darker green means its ripe.
if the green is lighter shade then don't buy unless u want to keep it first for a few days before using.
usually for avocado, after washing i cut half around the seed.
throw the seed away then can steam it liao.
after steaming can scrape out the flesh n puree.
can earn pt, bur hor, still much more exp than other brand lei..

u using similac?
thanks for your reply

^5! friso 2 good? i tried friso 1 b4. not bad lei. but my friends said friso not good... don even have website.. blah blah blah... also friso 2 from 7 mth. so now 6 mth drink wat har?
keki, y ur fren say friso not gd leh? Now I dun have to worry abt his constipation. 6mths onwawrds can start switching to friso 2. I asked the lady from friso this qn b4 too. hehe.

is it go to 'preference'and make sure we DONT check d box which said don accept PM? i do that lei. but still cant pm... can pls advise?
yah lynzi...i also confused...Thought i saw steffie with a elder boy and a baby girl but this one seems the other way round....kekeke...so there's another steffi.
yup yup, that's what i did...

keke, this steffi here got a #1 gal (2 yrs) and #2 boy coming to 6 mths....
don rem exactly what they said.. but i think there's something about it does taste as nice. i wanted to find out more about friso but their website not up leh.

actually my bb started w friso 1. she was ok. aiya, but when people said not good, i just change lor.. but now think may wan to switch to either NAN or friso.

ya, i was wearing a tube n skirt tt day but i'm def not chio la..

ya, there's another Steffi here as well..confusing la..haaa..even i get confused..thot ppl were 'talkg' to me here when they actually weren't! tink there's another stephanie as well..din know this name can b so common here..
Gals...my boy also taking that expensive similac milk powder, about to change to stage 2 soon too...haiya...should not have stock up stage 2 1st so i can change to other cheaper brand. Now I'm stuck with this, so think will just carry on. That time, shop & save have promo at $31.40 each so I kiasu, grab 6 tins in advance. But think its quite a good buy.
jeelo, missylan

no, another cream also start with "D".. hehe too lazy to check now, cos dun wanna go into the room and disturb my son from sleeping! he is a super light sleeper!!


aiya my son threw tantrum today, refuse the apple+rice cereal+milk I served. yesterday he was ok with it, today he refused and kept spitting it out. Give up!! after that I tried toserve him BM + Rice cereal and he refuse also. sigh...
i steamed with the skin on lei.
don't know whether ok or not but turns out ok to me.
but that time i steamed it to make kueh n not for baby's puree.
won't try avocado first on my boy.
he seemed quite resistant to lots of food.

i can empathise with u.
i think these kids have their own mind.
some of my frens said don't give up trying on the fruits/ veggie that he doesn't seem to like cos the next day he may change his mind and like it.
haiya...now i kow how hard it is trying to bring up a child...hehe.

oh dear.
me got confuse oredi.
eh, but u reali chio lei.
2 kids and still look so slim with immaculate makeup on..steady ah!!
wow! $31.40 is really good buy!
if i know, i may stock up also keke
but now think will switch her to cheaper brand liao..

tts why u must see me w/o makeup. haaaa.... even my hb tells me i look terrible. haaa..


ya, n mil just asked me wat i intend to do w e milk. hv absolutely no idea. -_-
Wa... like that I don't know liao.

Mine upgraded to Promil since he was taking S26. Dunno why take Promil, he got diarrhoea. So now, I am giving him Isomil(soy). Will try another brand of cow's milk.
envy you can apply makeup... my cosmetics aah, very lasting one. me aah, apply liao sweat like hell. Even when I was slimmer(donkey years ago), I cannot apply makeup one. Go downstairs buy things sweat like mad.
Now is the time to change to cheaper brand, if u havent started the stage 2. I think hor if you wanna change, you need to mix a portion of the old powder with the new then slowly change to full new one. Only worry bb will reject.

Similac promo seldom have...so if have much quickly grab but still u need to look at the expiry date.

So i think since i bought the same brand stage 2 milk powder then will use back the same as well. I also worried that if switch to another brand, don know if he will reject or not, so rather stick to the same.

Next time if i see another similac promo will post here to get all to grab....kekeke

So envy Mummy who are still bf-ing their babies, they do not have this problem at all and can save lots of $$ on milk powder.

am still bathg e kids in it.


really? i found out tt some may not accept as e composite of e milk doesnt fit e requirements of bbs or somethg. but tks, i'll call to chk.


haaaaa...u're so funny. anyway, u look good e way u are. no need makeup. i seldom makeup too, only on special outings. always going out lookg like a maid. but i've gotten used to my maid-ish look. haaa.. aiya, wif kids in tow v v hard to makeup. but hey, i take abt 5 mins to makeup. chop chop type la.
I think you post to me on monday, pai sey now then reply cos been out the pass two days :p
Abt my diaper bag, the one I hve is Packabe, I like it cos can put up with alot of items inside, this is wat I usually pack - 2 milk bottles, 1 flask, milk powder, 1 set of bb's clothes, 2 diaper, few packets of wet wipes, 1 nappy rash cream, 2 hankies, my make up bag, wallet, cam
It can be carried backpack style or sling. Abt the Between, you can view it at Mother's Works Maternity @ Tanglin Mall, I have not seen it physically but have asked babetitude before, she told me quite small, probably enough to put 1 set of the bottles/diaper etc bah.. for short trip.
hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt.

I have a 400g can of NAN 2. Willing to exchange with Friso Gold 2 or Similac. If you want, please PM me. Thanks!
hi moms,

pls share w me how much water ur bb consumes a day, esp now that most of e bbs hv started off wif at least one semi-solid meal a day.

i know she's supp to b drinkg more water now but i cant seem to get her to drink fr e bottle unless i spoon feed her.


i hv the same problem!! dunno how to fix this problem. anyone have any suggestions?

dylan already rejected the bottle 100% and still struggling with the mag mag cup..... my fault actually, cos i dont make him practice using it everyday so he also refuses to drink from it.
