(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

tonite mummies running night shift ar? my boi kong out big time today. he slept from hRC to home + another 2hrs at home (i oso slept until 8.30pm then only tapao dinner). i had to wake him up to feed cereal then after the had his last feed. then kong out again. dunno why he so tired today
i poison myself...was eyeing on all pretty mummies with pikkolo...come back, quickly ask beng'sma how to get pikkolo...i dun care le, no one can stop me from getting pikkolo...hahha
wah jeelomeelo, u stll can sleep uh? i reach home only abt 11pm. my gal still refused to sleep on the wy home.. kip babbling and playing her saliva. just KO-ed not long ago..
wah I thought most of you slept liao... heee

The diaper bag (Packabe) and sling (Be Mine) are JuJuBe brand, bought it from www.babetitude.com. Just got it during their Mother's Day promo. Actually I have another bag (Be All) and some accessories which I bought last year, then, they were having a big discount!
After that I fell in love with the products but 'she bu de' buy when no discount cos quite ex. You can go check out, they are having promo for one of its range right now but smaller version so may not be practical if you have alot to pack

Your girl very cute leh hehe.. chubby cheek :p

Oh no.. you kenna poison huh hehe... jiat lat, you gonna spend more $$ liao, like us
You also poisoned liao ah hehehe... welcome to the club

Beng's ma,
Alien wants to join pikkolo club liao lah.. so obvious :p
Beng's ma

I also think that i am a bit poisoned. My hubby stared at me when i hint him that your pikkolo is beautiful and very cool. By the way, i will trf the $8.80 tomolo.


I finally installed MSN. Please add me at [email protected]
thanks ber and annie for the pixs! hehe!

sharyn and fanny, tat time i got the pikkolo is abt usd125 from the portable baby. since there is a few of u wanting to get, maybe we can discuss how, where, who to get the pikkolo from in niang jia, ;)
wow!!! what a magnificent scene!!
so many mummies and babies!
it must be real fun.
hope i will be able to make it foor d next gathering!
my hubby saw d photos and keep saying "aiya, we should have gone for d gathering..... blah blah blah"

d phtos already look so fun. actual event sure no horse can run.
luckily dec mums have class monitress (Beng's ma) to org!
Beng's ma must org another one soon k?
oh yah. can add me to niang jia too pls....?
sometimes here v quiet. think niang jia more happening is it?
but i also scare kanna poison leh.. keke... this mth GSS. i already burst my pocket liaow.
Wow! The gathering looks quite happening. Didn't know Lions Den will be bright, didn't go because my boy doesn't like dark places.

Class monitress (aka Linda) - next gathering where and when hah? Choose a bright place then I can go too.
Hi mummies,


Sorry to interrupt.



I am from the Jul08 MTBs thread and I'm organising a BP for LBS. If I can get 10 mummies to sign up for this BP, we will enjoy the following package:

1 unlimited photo session of 30 minutes for our little precious with 3 outfit changes (own clothes). In the end we will have the following prints at <font color="0000ff">$90</font> - 1 super 8R + 4 x 5R shots (add $15 per additional person).

The current price is now $120 for the same package as shown in their rate card: www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates

If we have more than 15 in the group, we will enjoy a special price of $200 for the CD of all shots of the photo session (unedited), instead of $250

To look at their work, do check out their website or scroll up to some of the older posts:

Interested parties please PM me. I will collect deposit of $50 upon confirmation, and the remainder of $40 when the BP closes. If we don't meet the minimum number of mummies of 10 by the end of June then I will refund all deposits.

<font color="0000ff">The only restriction is that your shoots have to be scheduled between 1 July and 30 Sept 2008.</font>

Mummies participating
1. Pinkbunny
2. Sparrows
3. happydough
4. Happyhour
5. Blurmummy (deposit received)
6. Sze2 (deposit received)
7. il_feet
8. rainnerainne
9. wen_stan
haha, slimz, u got confused liao with all the bbs there, ya ur hb carried mine, he like bbs very much hor, can see from his expression. i seldom see hbs interact with bbs like that. hee... ur gal oso very sumo and cute leh, the cheeks esp.

linda, u gd la, can rem all, i try to remember the ones i meet but didnt get to mingle with everyone. now muz rem face plus name.
Lion's Den is bright leh... Will not describe as dim also. =)
Can see all mummies, daddies and bbs' face clearly.

He was awake ard 3pm+, then KO cos the first afternoon nap was like 10mins only. Some mummies are talking about his signature laughter. Hahaha...
wah, looks like you gals had fun at HRC.
I also wanna join next round.
hubby saw your photos and volunteer to take care of the 2 elder kids so that i can go for the next gathering.
Why not get your hb n 2 elder kids to join the next gathering as well? My hb n older kid were there yesterday.

As usual, my elder one was happily playing wz your son. Seems like my hb also hit off well wz your son too.

We enquired abt the place quite some time ago, think the rates prob hv changed by now. Why not call them up to ask?
hehehee, jean, i will email u the contact tmr. It really depend on wat time u want to book their lion den, i quite surprised their lion den lightings is much brighter than their dine in area on the first level. I don mind holding my boy 1 yo bd party there but will have to look around for other places before deciding on HRC. The manager told us that they can even open the dine in area outside the room to cater for more pple, for eg, they will set the food outside the room, the room will be sitting/chatting/eating area. they even have a personal bar counter inside the room, nice right!!??!! If you are opting for the timing like 3pm one, they have 3 diff buffet of tea time snacks range from 20+++ to 30+++, i will email you all the details, ya?

class monitress? me? no la, i just helping to organise, hehehe! what do u all think of having the next gathering in big splash as suggested by hentang? Prob in early August - one of the sat or sun ard 2pm plus?
hentang, in the meanwhile, i will check out all the places you have suggested, and i post up here again after all the findings and of cos, we need to find sponsors!!! hahaha!!
beng ma, cocoangel
no need to poison me further, i already self poisoned by pikkolo!!! just wait patiently for upcoming designs!

thanks for the link. jialat!!
whoa...some of u poisoned by us yesterday huh?
yalah...so many of us hiao hioa wif our pikkolo...hehe.

anyone has pics of our group photo can send to me?
did not manage to take any and my hubby who's away would like to see.
beng ma,
cannot wait for the next gathering liao.
i can help u organise for the next one since i SO very free now...hahaha!!!
seems that you mummies and babies had loads of fun yesterday!!! So sad that I miss it all!!

Beng's Mum aka class monitress, quickly organise another one
not a good idea, cos no 2 too noti.
if really ask hb along with the 2 elders, i think by end of the gathering, his face will turn black black cos have to run after no 2. better i go w bb only.
wow... u gals enjoyed yourselves! i will join u at the next gathering! beng ma, my stickers with you?
wa, so happening the gathering at HRC! you gals and babies had loads of fun huh? it must be quite a sight, so many babies of the same age together!! when is the next gathering? i'll try my best to make it with my twinnies!!

i am also interested in pikkolo lei... can post the link to niang jia or not? i forgotten liaoz ;P

belle, how's your baby? ai yo, must take care lei... must buy those safety guard already!

both my babies can turn and crawl already! especially the boy! he can crawl very fast... so we are very watchful whenever they are on the bed.
really had great fun at the gathering tat day.. looking forward to the next one... hehe.. ;P thanks beng's ma for the time &amp; effort in organising such big event...

belle, ur boy got blue black? *heart pain sia*

I feel so sad and guilty now...
I cut my gal nails just now and i accidentally cut her thumb and keep bleeding non stop...
I saw the blood keep ozing out I just cant help but to burst out crying...
My HB use cotton wool to stop the bleed and now she is ok and fast asleep...
How did this happen? My god! I really cant forgive myself..
my mum kept nagging me, why freeze the puree, prepare fresh one la. i said aiya never mind one la. anyway, i started carrot puree today. shawn's so happy that he finished 1.5tablespoons of cereal + 1 tablespoon carrot puree - wasn't meant to be milk replacement yet. is that too much?! but after that he still asked for milk. now he kong out liao!

sassybaby, don't worry, baby should be fine now. just be careful next time lor. nowadays when i cut baby's nails oso have to be very quick and sharp. coz he kept fidgeting and refused me to hold his palm/fingers tight tight
oh ya one more thing, having cereals twice now is ok rite? not too much rite coz we're just at our 2nd wk of solids? coz like right now i started him on twice cereals today. morning i gave him 2tablespoons, he wolfed down then still ask for milk. then just now was cereals + carrots. but still ask for milk.
Beng Ma,
Really thank you for organising. Didn't regret going although initially a bit paiseh cos i decided to join u all last minute. Looking forward to the next one. Will transfer the money to you tmrw cos now IB transfer service down.

think i kena poisoned by yr bags... saw their website. is the Between really small? me usually just pack diaper, changing mat, blanket, bottles and a flask for hot water only? do u know anywhere has the physical stocks to see &amp; feel?

Re solids,
When we feed cereal, do we feed the same quantity of milk less the milk used to mix cereal? Or do we need to give less since the cereal will be filling enuf?
at least for now, i'm still feeding the same qty of milk (latch on - he always seem to be drinking the same amt from me on the dot of 3-4hrly). the amt tht i am feeding him doesn't seem to be good enough as meal replacements as yet. have u started yours already?

whoa...your boy can really eat huh?
i tried to give him the HT carrot but he gave me this weird not so nice face.
the 1st spoonful it was carrot puree on its own.
when i saw his face like dat, i tasted it myself.
no wonder he don't quite like.
its a bit sour.
but too bad, i oredi some of the carrot puree into his cereal plus some fm.
so today for the first time he did not manage to finish his meal.
left 1/3 of it then he turned his face away...haha!

for me i always make 200ml of milk then pour some into his cereal to mix.
after feeding him the cereal i will continue to let him drink his milk.
