(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i tink its raining islandwide ? amk is oso raining .. .. hee.. i put my girl to bed .. let her zzz now .. ltr den got more energy to meet all the leng zais =P
Beng's Ma,
Javis is down w runny nose.. not dropping by le..
better dun infect e rest of e bbies thr...

*sigh.. hope can make it for e nex one.. sounds so fun..
cloverluv, no prob de, ya, intend to do another gathering after our HRC gathering today, no worries.

thanks hentang for the suggested venue for our next gathering, hehee!
Wahahahaa... everyone still at HRC aah? Very tired... in fact, I was a bit sick... got a bit of swollen lids, dunno why everytime sick will have swollen lids. ZzzZzz...

Nice to be able to meet up with mummies =)
me back liao hehe.see ur sumo i buay tahan so cute.

nice meeting u all had a very great afternoon.looking 4ward to nx gathering.
back liao, busy playing with my new toy ahha, i boh tong nian! :p

btw, the bill is $1,235.85 so after divided by 42 pple, each person is to pay $29.40.

1.Linda x 2 = $58.80 - PAID
2.jeelomeelo x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
3. baby12 x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
4. bluelily x 2 = $58.80
5. elaine x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
6. ankh x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
7. cocoangel x 2 = $58.80 - PAID
8. missylan x 1 = $29.40
9. hentang x 2 = $58.80 - PAID
10. fanny x 2 = $58.80
11. Jaime x 2 = $58.80
12. alienx 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
13. pierce x 1 = 29.40 - $50 = $(20.60) to refund
14. petrina x 1 = $29.40 (+ $27.21) = $56.62
15. zu x 1 = $29.40 - PAID
16. lynzi X 1 = $29.40
17. fairylander x 2 = $58.80
18. bbngg x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
19. steffietan x 2 = $58.80 - $50 = $8.80
20. Leehz x 2 = $58.80
21. rachel18 x 2 = $58.80
22. slimz = x 2 = $58.80
23. shryn x 2 = $58.80
24. pretty x 1 = $29.40

Sorry I couldn't remember who had given me the $50 notes, this is all i can remember and also paiseh, each pax shld be $29.40 not $23.00 as I forgotten that I had paid the deposit in advance, hence I recalculated again. So for those who had had $23.00 for each pax, just top up the balance and tt to me can liao.

Just tt the $$ you have to tt to my ocbc current account 581-481728-001 or posb current account 855-072645. PM me after u have done the transfer, thank you!

I need to go to la la land liao, will talk here tmr...
yeah.. we oso back liaozz..
enjoyed myself too.. hee.. but i ve a hard time with names! haa .. till now .. some mummies i still cant put a name to face.. paiseh wor =P
the group foto wich my HB took with my cam .. not clear leh..not wide angle one.. so cant capture every1..
any1 ve nicer quality one? post post =D
here's one my girl took with her fren .. ehh.. tink its fanny's girl? paiseh if i'm wrong.. haaa

tt le beng's ma .. heee... u'r so sotong .. u need an acctant? employ me pls... hee.. den i can sack my boz .. =P
ur ah beng so guai .. whole time quiet quiet ..
yaya .. missylan.. heee... my HB jux told me .. ur darling is really heavy .. haa.. he now saying his muscle aching .. haaa.....
Too bad I din see your sumo awake leh.. slept like an angel
so chubby hor!!

To all mummies who turned up at HRC just now, nice meeting you all, its good to put a face to the nicks here (tough i cant remember all liao hehe), hope to see more of you again - soon!!

Linda, thanks for organising this meet-up, you did a GREAT job! mucks mucks!!
slimz, hhahaa, it ok la, cos i think i was tired too, rush to hrc after work (my turn to work this morning), :p

slimz and coco, don worry, next gathering coming up, need to fix a date and venue, and then i c if we can have some stuffs/ideas for the next gathering. Abt the stuffs i sms to u gals, we talk in niang jia, hehe!

I supposed to be in la la land liao, but my boy notty don want to sleep, want to carry.
Slimz, he is nt as guai as u think hor... ehehhee!
hi mummies, i really enjoyed myself...i must say that this gathering is really good...impt of all, i get to see many adorable and "sumo" babies...heee...

my dear maid oso didnt take a "group" photo...those mummies and babies standing behind really cant see some of them...sigh
these are the few shots i got:



still got a few pics with my princess' friends:


(princess eyeing on gor gor's paci)


(fanny carrying my princess)
aiyoh.. paiseh.. i got it wrong le.. haaa.. bad bad mummy .. hee.. the baby my HB carried not missylan's sumo .. haaa.. its jacq's darling =P
slimz, jac's princess har! i love carry her, u know hehee! one day u shld really carry my beng. i find it a bliss when i carried jac's dotter and alien's son cos they are bah bah unlike my boy who is heavy boned!
haaa.. i din wan to carry him, scared will muscle ache.. my own girl i oredi hardly carry her unless necessary le .. all the rest of the time i let her sit down n play .. haaaaaa
cant imagine a few more weeks from now she's gg b dat heavy .. urgh... hope she faster learn to walk .. (haa.. veri lazy mummy)
aiya, too bad, i had to leave early. It's nice seeing new faces and the old faces again!
hope to join the next gathering!!! linda, thanks for organising!
When I read yr posting, I went "???"... no leh, no one carried my slimmed down sumo leh. Hahaha.. wrong baby! keke...

beng's ma,
Their mini fish and chips beri nice, tasted like very fresh seabass. I will transfer tomorrow ok, lazy... plus tired, just came back from Kungfu Panda.

Hi mummies,
Tell you hah... think if I happen to see you all outside, I might might forget your nick/name sometimes even face! =P
I am not howlian... I can be very very forgetful! I met one of the daddy while going to Forum carpark, eyes met with his then that split second wondering who is he, think he looks familiar then recalled he is slimz's hubby(is it slimz's hubby?) Me super blur! Did I bring back the correct baby home? Wahahahaa....
missylan, no prob de, tt on mon oso can hehee! i like their mini burgers and mini fish fillet!!! i feedback to hrc staff abt the food, hehe!

hey, good idea to organize one yr old bd party there hor! i had a check with the mgr, he said can go up to 80-100 pax sitting w/o tables that is, min to get their room is 30pax. if anyone need the contact person from hrc, do let me know, i will forward the 2 HRC ladies' contact to you.

btw, the 2nd floor of HRC lightings very good and bright unlike the 1st floor's lightings so dim.
AHHHH!!! guess wat.. he rem u!! haa.. he even rem u came back to get bumbo car!!!! jialat .. his memory better than us
bengma, i will tsf the balance tmr or monday. towkay boh bak bak cannot be towkay liao, keke..

sumo ma, i din get to carry sumo.. he has been slepping away right? sayang.. if not, all of us might have chance to see how he can laugh like the video clip you took earlier, keke..

slimz, you and your hb keep bio-ing my towkay hor!? wan to find your princess a bf izit? keke

jeelo, thanks for the toothbrush! shawn looked very comfy inside your blue ergo. it looks nice too!!

cocoangel, wat's you diaper bag brand liao huh? i go see see look look.. keke.. kena poisoned.. but hor, will hb look sissy of he carries?
alien...mal really got towkay look, think grown up sure is a towkay....cute....kekeke

missylan, think i also cannot remember so many of the mummies name...kekeke
errrh....jac is who arh :p

Linda, I fund u on monday..
haaa.... .. mux fang more dian mah.. c which boy will b interested mah .. tink she more interested in .. cocoangel's boy .. (did i get it wrong...cant rem.. but my ah lao confirmed its cocoangel..) haaa... ...

ehh... cocoangel.. the sling bag and diaper bag matching one hor.. issit MTM one?

paiseh jeelo, cant rem u.. haa.. until the toothbrush came into my mind .. haaaaaa
shryn, jac is pierced. *die, i seriously can rem all the mummies' names, was telling pretty now i must try to rem all the babies' names*

mal ma, really har, mal can recongnised me hor, good good hehhehee!
btw hor...i kena poisoned with the mummies pokoli or poliko or poloko carrier leh...(erh, don know wats the brand name)...droool...
anyone got cheap lobanG? :p
shyrn i noe jacq! .. sumo princess! .. haaa.. my HB carried her for quite a while .. haaa
she's in the pict pretty posted.. back row .. hmm.. nxt to someone's maid ..
correct me if i'm wrong.. haaaaa
shryn .. were u the one who asked me abt the toothbrush got from where de?? ?? we got it from our niang jia.. haa...
haa... beng ma.. i was abt to ask her to contact u for niang jia details ...
shryn.. u gg be posioned deep deeeeeepppp... haaa...its a "no bottom hole" haaa

slimz, no leh...kekeke....didnt even know u all bought toothbrush...

jac's sumo girl is the one with a stylo spikey hair one arh...
hey, nice meeting everybody just now!! sorie uh, din interact much w everyone.. just limited to that corner.. lol!! must see boy also.. he oways up to mischief wor! cnt let mummy rest..
slimz...most likely i will...chiam...but then leh i don mind la...kekeke....
Got good lobang, must share share mah...
oooo had i not mentioned, dunno whether to curse or to swear or both... when i got back today, i realised power tripped!!! then i remembered, my 1-2months worth of supply of MILK in the freezer!!!! think it must have been the lightning coz when we left home it's raining cats n dogs and got lightning! i dunno how long the milk was in there without electricity. the bags still teng teng la.. i reckon it's ok to drink kua.. come monday, i'll better start to shift them to shawn's infant care ctr liao.
