(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

no la shryn, i did update but i think i copy and paste from another post la ahehehe, so tmr we c u there?

val, aiyo, he like to disfigure himself har

Beng ma, i want to learn to make something for my boy leh but worried i'm not up to it... is it difficult? you off on 13 & 16 huh.. i check and revert
<font color="ff0000">HOT DATES FOR HOT BABIES, MUMMIES AND DADDIES TMR!!!! </font>

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb
23. shryn+hb+bb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child &amp; children from the ages of 11 years &amp; above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years &amp; above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips &amp; Salsa
- Mini fish &amp; Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
Val, same lo.. my boy loves to hit himself when he is excited.. no matter how short i cut his nails.. he always scratch himself.. so aiyo lo...

Cocoangel, i understd how u feel when no one wan to give up seat. My hubby hand carry my boy last Sat when we went out.. He stood in the middle of the cabin with my boy in his hand. JUST no one wan to stand up to give up seat lo... i standing by the side wanted to tk a photo and send into SPH or stomp man..so irritated...
same same belle, just now only i took train from lavender to expo. zero, konok ppl gave up seat. so i stood all the way to tanah merah.

just now met a few mommies and petrina's little babe. the rest of babies stay home while the mummies go motherhood fair, sooo shiok! meanwhile, i'm back in opit working.. so sleepi now
jeelo got any gd lobang? Me also wanna zzz in opit.

deerdeer, many of us here already started on cereals. n even fruits. hehe
My boy hasn't started on cereal. Asked PD yesterday and he said start only at the end of the month, i.e when he turns 6 months.
hello me back from expo liao!!
dun intend to buy anything intially but end up buying some nestle cereal ($5 for 3 boxes), heinz fruit juice at $1 per bottle, baby sun block products from 'baby blanket' and few pcs of clothes.
not much thing to see.. only got huggies sample
yalor.. bo lang here.. niang jia oso less emails liaozz...
tink tonite wen all our shopping Queens back will update us ..
sleepy... feel like gg home
yday brot my girl c PD .. say she tummy ve wind aka colicky.. but lucky she no cry.. still can play as usual .. jux kept merlion-ing out her BM..
PD says try not to feed her rice cereals with bottles.. use spoon..coz wen use bottles, the holes bigger = take in wind .. and baby not learning to swallow..
PD asked me to stop the rice cereals for a week den continue again .. ..
niang jia email i got like 123+++mails when i got back just now... no time to read all coz oso have to work hahaaa

deerdeer, i onli started last sunday for brown rice cereal. so far so good. no funny reaction/allergy. would probably try apple this wkend
try mixing 1 teaspoon of gripe water in 1 of your girl's milk feed.
i always do that once a day so can reduce wind plus regulate bowel movements.
since giving my boy rice cereal, he will poo in the next few hours.
yesterday tried giving him the HT baby sweet peas, he don't like lei.
today i so sayang to throw it away so i mix into his rice cereal plus his milk, then he finished up the whole bowl...hehe.
oh, another way to prevent wind in the tummy is to apply telon oil after every nappy change.

u are beranice is it?
sori ah.
just now met too many of u until i cannot remember who is who.
can only recognise your faces.
btw just now me and jac lost sight of u gerls so after making our final purchases...we bought so many tins of NAN...we went straight home.
though there were not much things, i had fun shopping with u gerls.
c ya again tomoro!
so tired, din really shop much, though i have so many bags of stuffs! two belong to sporty one ahhaa, the rest all small small items. btw huggies nt tat cheap leh, think ntuc is cheaper!

Lynzi har, tmr hor u got more faces to recognise hahaa, so excited!!! tmr is the day liao!!!
hi..can check whether u bot NAN 2 or NAN HA 2. d lady there told me if bb is on total bm, then take NAN HA2. if bb has already taken fm, shd take NAN 2. is it?
btw, is the NAN really good buy? cos my bb is on similac now. but thinking of switching to cheaper brand.
missylan, should ask him in the first place if he wana watch mah.. i asked my boy, he said, 'no thanks! He's ugly!' haha.. save me some money!
if u scared your baby is sensitive then better get the HA one.
me using NAN 2 cos baby has been on fm since 2 mths old.
NAN HA 2 now selling for $30 for 900g tin.
NAN 2 Pro bio (the new one) is selling for $26 for 900g tin.
i think its a gd buy lei cos my doc said its closest to bm and easy on my pocket too...haha!!

don't forget to bring the name stickers hor!
if not we have to go around introducing ourselves again...hahaha!!!
thanks for your info
my bb also been on fm since 2 mth old.
is your bb taking NAN all d while? don know can just switch d brand or not hor? feel like stocking up since is much cheaper than outside (should be much cheaper right?)will go buy at least on tom!
wow u girls stil dun wan zz wor! wait tmr ve panda eyes .. haaa .. linda getting us name tags huh ..
tink i seriously need dem .. coz i've by far oni met a few (less than 5) of u mummies ..
lynzi, will bring along.

shryn, haha, no choice, cos tmr we have a big group.

fairylander, stroller shldnt be a prob, bumbo seat up to u gals ya, i nt bringing cos i have 2 big loots to bring along.

slimz, hehhee, i can reco. ur hb only hehee
ya boy, tomolo i buffet from brunch to tea time. going my cuz ROM brunch, then 3pm eat again!
bring stroller and carrier .. tink no one else using blue ergo except me... cannot go wrong recognising me haha

can't wait to see you ppl there!
beng ma, i am coming tomorrow ah...little princess bo fever and ang says can go...remember to put my name hor...

tmr busy day leh, first go PIL's place for lunch, then chong to HRC...bb first time out for so long...wait cranky cranky...tmr is a really a challenge for me ah...

cocoangel, i am coming, can bring the book for me? tks...
you gals have fun tomorrow!
Tomorrow such a hot date for gathering/ wedding.
Me gotta go jb attend wedding lunch, then back to sin for wedding dinner.
7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb
23. shryn+hb+bb
24. pretty+hb+bb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child &amp; children from the ages of 11 years &amp; above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years &amp; above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips &amp; Salsa
- Mini fish &amp; Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
Yes i am beranice
you girls bought the NAN 2 yesterday huh.. me still thinking whether to buy or not. i also had fun shopping with your girls, get to see a few more mummies liao!

ok sure, will bring along the book, so glad tat you are gng cos i wanna see your pretty girl!

Beng's ma,
are you making stickers with our names on it? or is it baby's name?

finally the DAY is just a few hours away, cant wait!!
beranice, i tell u hor, i cant rem the whole lot of bb's names!! but mummies' names i can rem haha, but still i make the stickers with our nicks - will be bttr but i really know all the names of the mummies going hehee!

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. Leehz+bb+hb (KIV)
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb
23. shryn+hb+bb
24. pretty+hb+bb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child &amp; children from the ages of 11 years &amp; above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years &amp; above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips &amp; Salsa
- Mini fish &amp; Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
cocoangel, yup we bought the nan yest. cheaper so buy one carton. den i bo hands carry liao so the guy help me and lynzi carry to car. haha!
I am very terrible in remembering names! Think made for mummies too. Hahaha...

Yesterday night not sleeping well cos one moment shivers one moment warm. Boring... But don't worry I am not sick so will not passed germs to you all. =P
hee...suddenly so many mummies to meet.ya we just fill in bb name can liao

i still considering whether to bring the stroller, thk just bring pik can liao, ah boh gotta carry up by myself, hei hei chuan
Still got few more hours to our gathering. Remember to bring umbrellas too. From my home, can see that is raining at orchard.

beng ma, hee, essp u got other loots to carry as well rite...

ya, i do hope it will stop raining..

haha, missylan, we on 2 floor rite, later walker go tumbling down ah..
