(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Wow all you mummies getting so excited about the meet up
Remember to post pictures here to show the rest of us ya

Thanks for your advice
Really appreciate it.. I'm gonna wean my boy off Breastmilk and got to start introducing formula milk.. just dunno if I should start him on stage 1 or stage 2 ... by then he should be near 6 months already..

oya.. what was makeup - out of my dictionary liao, mine i declare all expired throw away liao. waiting for bobbi brown - wait longlong for sales.. i only got lip gloss now.. super auntie.. cham..
gabby's mum,
my DH is a dive master.
last tues taught some kids diving and the younger ones did snorkelling try out in a pool.
from which dive shop i'm not sure myself.
me not interested in diving ah...hehe.

my boy is not Adam lah.
that is zu's son.
mine is Faiq.
yup now he can use the quinny seat.
when we put him in the maxi cosi he don't quite like and will put up a fuss cos he wanna sit up and maxi cosi can onli lie down.
if use the quinny seat he sure happy look look around.
he sit there like F1 driver cos of the straps..haha!
Wa... you like that say alien very stress leh. hahaha...

aiyah, I don't makeup one cos I sweat alot one...
eve, fanny,
dun be sad.. some ppl really blind!
but then again if ppl offer me a seat on the mrt, i'll be more than glad to sit down. :p

all of u seem v excited abt the gathering. lol!! i cnt imagine u moms bringing in walkers, bumper mats.. and watnots!!! haha.. ppl mite think they stepped into wrong cafe? HRC become Baby Rock Cafe?! :p
I'm sad! i was out the whole day cos my folks in town and guess what happened... I lost my phone!

Constance - i dunno when i can get my sim card replaced. hopefully tmr or sat... so if you wanna collect yr stuff from me this weekend, pls drop me mail hor..
missylan/ shryn
my 3 kids go to Kids Clinic. Yup, agreed it's forever packed. So usually one adult will go and take Q no, then come home and wait for the clinic to call, which can be 3-4 hrs later.

but i really like dr lilian there.

no worries
already emailed you.

Did u call the telecommunications co to cancel your sim card? So that they are unable to use your sim card to make overseas calls
Hello mummies,
I am a new to this thread.
Can I join the fun loving mummies here?
I have a coming 6 months old baby girl.
So glad to found so many Dec 07 babies mummies here.
you boh make up also chio lah.. i stress stress liao.. shryn wants to on the lights bright bright to see me!! *sweat*

asobang CARS is double of mal's weight! you wan me die izit!? kekeke.. this sat i got alot of barang barang to bring along.. all the loots!
Normally for Singtel they can get someone to send you a replacement SIM card as soon as you lost it! I lost my hp recently too, place in the cinema, went back like 2 mins later, gone already and that idiot simply off my mobile phone. Heartache cos of my cyber shot camera and my precious contacts. Though no porno shot for them to blackmail. Hahaha

I used to go to Dr Lilian but later found out Dr Allyson is better. Way more detailed in explaination, she "looks" very fierce and unapproachable but in fact she is very nice.

Me lah, me not chio anymore. Looks like an aunty liao cos simply jeans and tees then there screaming at my #1. Waahaahahaha...
shryn will become a CID on Sat... on the lights, got tatoo stand on the left, ladies stand on the right... XD
aiyoh i din log in for a day and so many post on sat's gathering!! very excited!! so are we putting on make up? bringing the portable high chair? i haven let mine tried on the chair so dunno if he will like it or not leh...
coco, on a 2nd tot, i nt bringing the portable high chair, but bringing my pikkolo along haha!! And also i have loots to pass around too, don want my hb to lug too much stuffs over to hrc, lol!

die la, mi now like siao char bo, still on lights bright bright, mai la, don on so bright la! hehehe! make up must put thick a bit liao hahaa!

welcome sassybaby!!!
oh i will definitely bring my pikkolo de...hehehe... since got stroller then wont bring the portable high chair bah...

put make up lah cos we taking grp picture, must be mei mei

this is really a BIG event!! mummies and babies gathering + loots exchanging

btw, fanny, i will bring your food jar along and pretty/gabby's ma, i will bring the sign book too
<font color="ff0000">HOT DATES FOR HOT BABIES, MUMMIES AND DADDY TMR!!!!</font>

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child &amp; children from the ages of 11 years &amp; above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years &amp; above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips &amp; Salsa
- Mini fish &amp; Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
eve, fanny,
me too...I also still got pple offer me seats. Happened a few times liaoz. haiz. but horh...heehee...I dunno who's the more pai seh one. the nice person who offered or me. hahaha. Anyway, since they offer, I usually just take. hahaha...esp coming from Raffles Place ah, very hard to get seat in the evenings. kekekekeke. I'm so bad horh. hahaha.
today MOTHERHOOD SPEICAL (for those no read newspapers)

Softlove baby diapers - M54s limited one per person for $6 usual price is $12

Rosken Dry skin cream 375ml with free rosken dry skin wash 375ml for $10.90, usual price is $33.65

mishka &amp; maven storage box in blue or pink for $8.00, usual price is $15.00

babycraft palypen gen 2 with free mattress &amp; 1 pillow bolster set. mosquito net included for $139.00, usual price is $239.00

Robovite Kids orange flavour 2 for $14.60

ST edu world "tell me why" dvd age 3-12 for $29.95, usual price is $59.90

the above items are limited to first 100, one per customer

Nestle Gold Infacnt Cereals x 3 with dispenser for $5
- Bring along child's birth cert and parents' ic
- limited to 1 set per household
-only 50 sets available per day on first come first serve basis

Nan Pro 3 with Hppo Plush Backpack for $10.00
- Bring along child's birth cert and parents' ic
- limited to 1 set per household
-only 50 sets available per day on first come first serve basis

Pampers Active Baby
M44s - usual $24.10
L34S - usual $24.00
Now $12 per pk
Limited to 1 per customer, 80pkt per session

Sealer Diaper
Free hat with minimum purchase of 1 pkt diapers
Usual $23.50
Now $9.90-$13.90
Limited to first 500 packs, 1 per customer

Tommee Tippee 250ml
Health Check Bottle
Usual $7.60
Now $7.60
Limited to first 50 sets, one per customer

I only list out some of the items that will be of interest to us for now.. hehe!
girls, nobody offered me seats (in mr) twhen i carry my boy in pikkolo leh!! their behaviours make me sick.. i was carrying my baby and got a backpack, cant they SEE that its not light?
Beng ma, ayioh.. can 'steal' boh.. :p

Pretty, ok no prob, let me know when you wan, me not working now so maybe we can work out something and i pass to you, where do you stay and work? i stay in hougang and can meet on weekday afternoon if i go for my yoga
Last 2 days was busy cos Kaylen has a bit of running nose n super cranky, crying almost every hr she wakes up. Was so worried we can't go to HRC on Sat. Lucky lor, her running nose stopped after 1 day. She's ok, eating well though, just tend to wake up every hr n cry.

Sigh, my baby got no pretty pretty clothings to wear leh. How to attract all the leng zai out there tmr??? Some more got so many pretty baby girls out there to fight for all the handsome ones.

Me is the sort that doesn't put on make-up, only hv clothes to go market one, plus these few days never sleep bcos of baby cranky, so got panda eyes. Me sure look very out of place with so many sui sui mummies out there. So u all will know which one is me, just look for a lao auntie wz panda eyes carrying a fei mui. Haahaahaa.
hi cocoangel, i oso not working now...hahha great, we can meet up...will be meeting beng'sma in mid june, wanna join us? girls' date! no bb no hubby...heee...must pamper ourselves once in awhile...
annie, anytime bah, after lunch, or want to go for lunch? beranice ai mai?
then if my bp stuffs arrive before fri, i can pass some stuffs to the mummies in town haha! one stone kill 2 birds!
Pretty, you and linda gng to spotslight huh? when? think i should be able to meet, must see when 1st cos suppose to meet gf next week but haben cfm date
beng ma, next friday huh? i wan leh but let me check with my gf when she wan to meet 1st, she pregnant now, not easy to meet her so must give her priority heeee...
ya.. ppl are like that. they see u carrying bb in carrier, normally they don't offer. It happens a couple of times to me too. But if u carry bb on arms, usually ppl will offer.
Beng ma, what are you making?? :p

Eve, how come ppl are so inconsiderate?! when i was preggie, they already turn a blind eye now got baby to 'show' them and they still pretend!
coco, it like dat de, the other day i was using pikk to carry my boy, pple just turn blind eyes, i just stared at them, they feel paiseh.... no choice, let me have the seat.
Brought my boy for his 5-month jab (prevanar) last evening. He was brave, didn't cry. Happy to know that he finally put on a little bit of weight - 64cm, 7.29kg at 5mths 2wks. (He was at 6.9kg for the last 2 months!!)

Here's a pic to share
Hi mummies,

Please excuse me for interrupting for this commercial break:




I am from the Jul08 MTBs thread and I'm organising a BP for LBS. If I can get 10 mummies to sign up for this BP, we will enjoy the following package:

1 unlimited photo session of 30 minutes for our little precious with 3 outfit changes (own clothes). In the end we will have the following prints at <font color="0000ff">$90</font> - 1 super 8R + 4 x 5R shots (add $15 per additional person).

The current price is now $120 for the same package as shown in their rate card: www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates

If we have more than 15 in the group, we will enjoy a special price of $200 for the CD of all shots of the photo session (unedited), instead of $250

To look at their work, do check out their website or scroll up to some of the older posts:

Interested parties please PM me. I will collect deposit of $50 upon confirmation, and the remainder of $40 when the BP closes. If we don't meet the minimum number of mummies of 10 by the end of June then I will refund all deposits.

<font color="0000ff">The only restriction is that your shoots have to be scheduled between 1 July and 30 Sept 2008.</font>

Mummies participating
1. Pinkbunny
hi mummies,
i thinking of buying pikkolo lei... my hubby want lor.. as in he wants to get one of those like backpack carrier one. pikkolo is something like that izit? how much is it and is it good to use? can give some feedback? also, can oni get via internet izit? anywhere selling in spore that i can take a look first har? thanks so much!
sad la bengs ma my name not in hrc list leh....k la u don wan me to go loh....sad la
missylan, alien....i not inspecTor.....kekeke
wa u all exchanging looTs ah.....i should have come in earlier.

Did you notice the big scratch scar across his forehead? Every morning, he wakes up with different scars cos he scratches during the night. No matter how short I cut his nails, he'll still scar himself. Sigh.

Yup yup, I noticed I typed the wrong baby name that's why there was a double post - the 2nd one just said 'your boy'. Heehee ...
