(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

jean....I order the leggings online.
1 pair 10 bucks.....don know got kena 'ker toh' or not :p I ordered 2 pairs.
1 pair brand is called miki house, the other is bblegs. I hope i spell correctly.

I find this mikihouse legging is bigger that the other. Due to bb big thighs, he cant fit into the bblegs one, this one still quite tight....faintz..

About yr EBM question, I got no idea, cant advise :p

my girl's been vomitting since yday aftnon ..jux brot her to PD (@ HG mall.. veri nice lady Dr...) says she got wind in tummy.. colicky.. (lucky no crying non-stop) ..
lucky noting serious.. tot she allergic to the solids we intro tis week .. *phew*
weigh 7.66kg, 66cm heigth @ 6mths ..
wow.. alien ur mal got slimmer thighs den my girl leh... haa.. coz the leggings forever cannot cover her upper thighs de =P
I don't think worth it cos once I being there, there aren't much to expect. Lots of insurance agents chasing after you for question, slimming centre, photo studio, a few stores. Nothing much to buy also leh. But that was like 2 years back, when I had my #1.

Scary leh, already 10.4kg. I dunno how heavy is mine leh.

Ok now, I know where is HRC liao. Hahhaa... yes yes, just next to Forum Shopping mall. kekeke... me suah ku!

You patronise PD centre? I patronise them too but the outlet in Rivervale Plaza. =) The malay PD there is friendly and approachable too.
wow slim ur girl big big leh, mine was length 66cm, weigh only 6.9kg @ 5mths 2 weeks 4 days.

leggings still can go up to upper thigh, but abit tight...so far i think the best BP i joined is this leggings and of cos, the playmat. hahah..

Thanks.. Ermm.. the mummy like has no problem in bringing back the milk hor..

I called the singapore customs, and they say its ok to bring in the milk leh. Me just email the australia custom, now aiting for their reply..
i patronise PD centre at Rivervale Plaza too.
Went there for kayden's jab and consultant matters. Yah, I find Dr Zainal quite good.
You stay in sengkang? Me toooo....keke
wahlau...wana bring bumbo to hrc?
if i have to bring then sure die wor.
cos from today onwards i'm all alone with baby.
his daddy going tioman for diving tonite.
so on sat i go hrc taking train lei...no car cos hubby driving up.
with baby plus stroller plus bumbo on mrt i can die...*gulp*

wah all the babies very cute.

alien, mal must have enjoyed the cruise.
tat time when i brought faiq to cruise he was only 3 mths old so cannot appreciate it much yet.

posting faiq's pic with his leggings.

shryn, how much the pd there charge?

ya no problem in bringing the milk. But think u need to send in rather then hand carry. If u need to pump on the plane, if i'm not wrong, its ok to bring the cooling gel. Just need to declare. And if with bb, only allowed to bring sufficient milk for bb. As what CSI say, aust should have no problem. They are really very supportive in breastfeeding.
ya the PD center @ HGmall.. i sty buangkok .. guess HG branch more assessible lor .. initially patronise SBCC @ amk.. but today the Dr on leave .. so went HG mall .. not bad.. tink can long term change PD le .. =D

i answer for missylan .. = ya ..stay SK area =P

HAAA.. mine is the female version of sumo =P
keke... Patronise them for health, my #2's vaccination jabs are all done in Rivervale Plaza NTUC medicare. Cheaper, still got assessment review... #1 all done in PD, very x. =P
Then #2 more bochap liao, bring him to GP anyway is the same kenna poke then review. =) I am living in SK, Rivervale Link. chjas lives nearest to me.

the PD consultant fee alittle ex. But guess all PD consultant are expensive.
1st time $55 then subsequence visit $35

But i find their jabs package quite attractive.
Overall there's a discount. Recently just sign up for a 1k over package for his extra jabs and future jabs till 2 yrs old, eg. pnenumo, chickenpox, flu, polio, MMR, etc.
I think most important, you are comfortable with the doc and must be professional.

Slimz...alot of mummies visit SBCC @AMK. But i find its much more expensive than the others PD leh.
shyrn.. ya... sbcc is ex .. dat's y aft the first jab.. i 'left' them and opt for polyclinic jabs =P
aft tdy tink i will switch to HGmall PD le .. coz there's a vast diff in the doc ..
SBCC: answer ur questions
HGMall: tells u everyting ..
so if sometin din cross my mind, i dun ask, i wont get advice @ sbcc..
The consultation is like $30++. I don't remember first time at $55 leh. The nurse was saying that the rental not as high as TMC's so they set at $30++ for consultation. I used to patronize Ang AI Tin but recently she got too busy that the consultation is so rushed. I felt uncomfortable and stopped going there already.

Rivervale Mall's Kids Clinic is forever packed too!
Ok, I know which part liao. kekeke... Used to be so confused when comes to SK area... so messy! I got to know where is Compassvale when visited chjas. Hahaha...
Don't worry about yellow urine. My boys have yeloow urine, in fact unless you drink a lot of water, most of the time should be yellow one which is normal leh. If very dark yellow then not good already. If you want cooling effect, try china barley. Bring the water to boil, add me china barley and boiled them for less than 10 mins. Off the fire and cover it. You want cooling effect, we cannot boil the china barley till they opened up(soft).
Jean, good...if SG customs say ok. heehee...bringing back usually not much prob. it's the going out of SG. but since they are ok with it, then go ahead! perhaps standby with copy of bb's BC just in case.
u seeing dr tay huh? me too! yep, dats v accessible to our new hse..
she's really vvvv gd,, i switched to her after javis first mth.. initially seeing another doc but e difference is v great!

mummies, any good confinement lady to recommend?
helping a fren to look for one... my CL switched lines liao.. now a bus driver.. =p
Yah...missylan, very agreed.

Rivervale Mall's Kids Clinic is forever packed.
I stay near there and once, wanna bring bb there to see doc but they asked me to go down and register 1st then come down when its yr turn.
Argh...if alone with bb still to bring bb down and go back home and wait meh...chey..
Their waiting time is 2-3 hours loh...how to wait down there. :S
oh lynzi, ur hb dive also ar? leisure or to teach?
from which dive shop ar? my hb also dive lah but now he teach diving as well.
HRC called me again, these few days they been calling me hahaha! more excited than me for this event! ok there is baby diaper changing in ladies on the first floor, (we are on the 2nd floor, so u shout oso nobody chap) hahaa! but hte baby diaper changing one is those moulded on the wall if i nt wrong. then hor max. no of high chair they will give us is 3 due to the weekend crowd. so anyone got portable high chair from theportablebaby, u know wat u shld do liao. but hor i don think our bbs will sit on the high chair lor, cfm we will be carrying them around de hhaahah!
kekeke....beng's ma...

Maybe hor forget about the highchair, someone can volunteer to bring a big pc of playmat and we can all let the babies sit or crawl on it. Too bad i only have ABC puzzle mat.

So fun...can take bb group pictures somemore...

but if the place too dark also no used, later cant find bb..:p
Pretty - I always smile when I see your baby girl. She's sooooo sweet. So fun to dress her up.

Do you realise that all the shops everywhere sell many more girl clothes than boys' stuff? I always lament to my hb that there's nothing to buy for our boy.
valeriet, yah loh...because girls beside skirts & dresses, they can also wear different kind of clothes even pants & jeans.
But boy can only limit to pants, jeans, shorts & shirts.
So definitely they are little choices.
Volunteer playmat?!? <font size="+2">KIM</font>.... XD

Think I am bringing bumbo la... mine still cannot sit very well, abit wobbly still. Damn spacious? maybe I can bring walker.

mummies attending HRC,
Time to put on some makeup! Hahahahaa...
wahh..all gettg excited for e meetup..heee..i'm gettg excited fr readg all e postgs as well.

yea, pack their stuff swee swee n we can all hv a good time there. lookg fwd to seeing everyone!
missylan, sabo arh :p kekeke...whose kim whose kim? dont blame me hor...hehe
think hor if place too dark 4get it la...if not cannot find bb later...

Waa seh...still got walker arh...imagine u park at forum then u carry the walker to HRC...haha...

Ha...still need makeup arh...chio bu seah!
aiyo....envy envy....can't go to gathering cuz both elder n bb sick!!!

poor bb down with flu, cough and fever...KK A&amp;E doc said that he caught a very bad one...

must take pics and post in thread ya
naf.. sounds bad leh ur bb's flu .. mux b the weather .. ultra bad ... today's sky veri hazey too ..

haa.. yalor ... HGmall confirm nearer than SBCC AMK .. and no Q at HGmall .. SBCC alwys many many pple .. mabbe dat's y dr alwys dun tok alot ..
sumo ma, bumbo hor, mmmmm, but nt as flexi as the portable high chair... i see if his daddy want to bring along or nt, cos sat oso have some loots to put inside the car....

make up??? hehehee, time to use my bobbi brown make up liao hehehe
wow! i saw my name <font size="+2">BIG BIG!!</font> the mat so exp how can anyhow put on the dirty floor! got to show some respect to LG and Parklon leh, kekeke..

yeah! it's time to ban leng leng liao! wow think i need to prepare very early lor cos need to dress up mal mal handsome handsome too leh..
went to the motherhood fair...disappointed...nothing much there...sigh...then went to JL sales, oso nothing much...sian...tomorrow is spotlight day...going to get more yarns (for making booties) and cloth for making SUNDRESSES...yeah
haiyo...so disappointed to hear from pretty there's nothing much at the motherhood fair.
Got diapers deal or not har, Pretty?
If nothing good then will give it a miss....boringz...

haha..alien...i think so too...so must get them to on the light bright bright to see clearly...kekeke
