(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

yo beng's ma...hooray..
Count me+BBKayden+hb in to the hrc gathering @3pm.
Meanwhile will PM u to get yr contact as well as giving you mine....just in case...kekeke
Dont worry, wont fly u aeroplane.
Excited excited to meet all of you...kekeke
it's booked under Ms Linda,ya? my hp is 91838632

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb
23. shryn+bb+hb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child & children from the ages of 11 years & above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years & above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips & Salsa
- Mini fish & Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
my no 1 also like your no 1. always volunter to take med at home, even thou not sick. haha
must be due to the sweet tasting favor.
sorry hor.. really need to find out about this... can someone advise? Thanks ya

Check with you one thing hor.. can we start introducing stage 2 formula a few days before bb turns 6 months old? Or must it strictly be after bb turns 6months?
whoa linda,
advertise your hp no in here ah?
not afraid someone we not quite fond of sabo u meh?....hehehe

u dont know baby faiq meh?
my boy drinking 200ml now de.
if on not so good days will drink 170 or 180ml.

i started introducing stage 2 milk 1 week before he's 6 mths.
on 1st day mixed 1 scoop of stage 2 with 6 scoops of stage 1.
2nd day 2 scoops of stage 2.
the scoops increased each day until he drinks 1 full feed of stage 2 on the 7th day.
from then onwards he start drinking stage 2 fully.
credits to hazel cos she was the one who taught me this.
thanks hazel!
hmm.....Oh ok....i know i know...hehe
the beach boy...kekeke...
Waa...200ml quite alot, even 170-180ml is a pretty good volume.

Browse back still got,
missylan's handsome boy...
pretty's bigbigbig eyed girl..
Belle's xenden..

pretty & belle not going arh?

my sumo has been drinking as per normal but his growth rate slowed down already!!
2.5 weeks have passed and he didn't put on any weight! He is still 10.4kg! Measured his height also... he is 74cm liaoz...

hope he really going to slow down his growth. My mum came to singapore to visit and she carried him for one day and complain that her arm aching the whole night afterward!! haha
hi shryn, "bigbigbig eyed" princess not joinning this time round...see u all next time...hahah..

today it's her last doze of injection...fever hit 37.74 just now...sigh...given med..now still monitoring her...btw her weight = 6.9kg...so small compared to the sumo(s) here..

no cannot leh, my sumo going for injection this saturday.. sure kenna fever.. last 2 injections he also came down with fever!
if you see baby behave like ah beng, then it's jovan for sure. if baby behave like a towkay, then it will be my son. shawn got a pair of very chio dimples. you sure can find him, keke

I am going for the gathering, I can collect the items for u. Is that ok for u?


If botanist says ok, then u pass her items to me during the gathering.
dylan ma
mal enjoyed alot leh. he was an aunty killer over there!! something funny, we brought his travel yaolan along and the yaolan can yoyo by itself! keke..
that's pirates legging! chio right!? keke.. me hiao mummy, i used whole night to pack his outfit. this one got to match that one.. hb said i siao. i brought 3 pairs leggings to the cruise. tmr show you another pair. also sui!

sometimes his eyes small small nia if buay gao kun or over kun-ed. funny lor..
So anyone bringing bumbo on the 7th? any idea, got space for us to place all babies in bumbo? Then we create a World Gusiness World, bumbos at HRC. Hahaha... Never been to HRC, so wondering how is the venue? kekeke... so which is the nearest car park?
linda, i may not be able to join u gals on the 7th cos got some family matters to attend to. let me know if i need to pay u ok? my apologies!

jeelo! hehheh ya! i'm from HC too but i'm your shi jie! haha. i graduated in 94!
hi lynzi, those pple like to "disturb" my hp# hor, they nvr think that it can easily traced back to where or wat # they call from, now technology so high tech, like dat oso want to "disturb", they digging their own grave, hahaha!!

dylan mum, not going har, nvm, i always get the chance to see dylan if i go my sis hse, my sis love ur dylan deep deep now, she said he is so "ang moh" aka handsome ehehe!

pretty, ya, my leave more or less cfm, i will be on leave on 16 to 18 jun...

tub, it ok de, next time join us, ya?
sumo ma, i nt bring bumbo, but prob bringing the portable high chair (i know hrc got high chairs but hor, scared nt enuff). HRC give us a room aka LION'S DEN, so u want to shout or scream oso can, hahaa!

jean, next time la, prob july will have another gathering hehee!
Hehe, ok feedback to me whether the service and food are gd, cos I still thinking of a venue to hold Declan's 1st year party..ahhaha

Supre Kiasu hor :p
haha, think most of the mummies here all very "zhong si" the way our babies dressed. Must sui sui and everything must be matching..hehehe

That's why hubby always say lucky declan's a boy, got no cute cute headbands, dresses etc. Else I will keep buying and buying. Haha
Aiyoh, bu ta han, mal look so cute in the matching outfit photo. I like his expression, he always have that smile smile expression, I like...

Jean, Declan also very handsome, more handsome than beckam. My boy has the same romper as him lei.

how abt barley water then??

haha, more handsome than beckam? But his hair so little leh..so sad, never grow much ever since I shave him when he is full month.. sigh..

Which romper is sama sama as yours? The blue one, his dady bought it at states from his busines trip, the white one is I purchase from babymallonline one . Bought this one becos his grandpa really spoil him!!
i tell u hor, jean, i hiao hiao mummy so my bb must be hiao hiao oso, my boy's everything must match nice nice then can go out, even hb shook head. i cannot tahan anyhow mixed..
wow, dylan's mum,
dylan's 10.4kg? wat a good weight.
how many months is he now?

its Ok..join us next time then :D
has bb princess fever subside today?

kekeke...will do will do...i try to remember..jovan aka bengz, malcolm aka towkay, shawn aka dimpleboy..kekkeke
Waa...like Mal's pic...so smiley and charming.
The leggings fit so nicely on him.

I got a bombom boy, his arm resemble 'lian ou' and his thighs are too big, wear the leggings like "bao ba zhang". Not nice on him at all.
I show some pics to you gals later.

i also wonder where should we park our car when at HRC.

oh..so Jean is Declan's mummy..hehe..
i'm kayden's mummy...
Yah loh jean, all mummies wanna 'tapan' our boyboy mei mei, so can you imagine if we got girls...haiyo...

Think the motherhood fair, I try to go on Saturday morning then after that to HRC to meet you gals. Hope still got good deals available.
wow alien, beng'sma, i tot only mummies with daughter will be hiao hiao one..hahah..must mixed and match..whenever i bring my princess out, i have to stand at my wardrobe like for an hour to mix and match...till i find the right combination...hat must match shoes, shoes must match clothes, clothes must match leggings, etc...ahhh non-stop matching till i am satisfied...haha....

enclosed a "killer shot"...to charm all of you...hhahah
Jean, my boy also not much hair. I didn't even need to shave him during his 1st month. Kekekek... cos pple think he is little botak head.

Missyian and shryn, park at forum shopping centre. It is next to HRC.
Jean, the babymallonline one. I also brought it for the same reason. Kekeke... cos his gong gong really dote on him. He can get away from murder lor.
Waa...pretty....u got a pretty girl..

Ok...here's Kayden.
Some pics to indulge..
Erh...my legging & romper combination not so matching la hor...kekeke....bleah...so ugly :p




Aiyo, me love the legging so cute!! Where u get it from ah?? Me last time got think of buying but scare he too hot leh, cos he very scare of hot.

Btw mummies, wanna ask ah, cos I thinking of going to australia ard July, but me dun intend to bring bb. So wanna ask whether customs on both sides allow to bring expressed Breast milk ah??

Else like very sayang if I express and throw leh...

SG side is a big NO when u're going out of SG. They only allow if you are accompanied by baby. So, means, no ice pack either (coz ice pack when uunfrozen will be gel mah).

Australia side, shd be ok, coz Aussie quite pro-BF. Sometimes got to depend on the country. Some countries not pro-BF one. Only Asians (no $$) then need to BF. THa'ts their mindset. But best is to call the airline company in Australia to check. Coz rules may have changed etc such that even the SG office do not know.

But I can tell u for sure abt the SG side. Coz I just went for biz trip 2 mths back. Even my colly's small toothpaste. Left very very little only. Had to throw coz tube capacity is more than 100ml. SG side is no negotiation one. Probably different story if u're 1st class? hahaha.
Perhaps also depend on the officer on duty? heehee...but then again, now with the JI leader's case, think they more vigilant. Dun give chance kind.
