(2007/11) November MTBs

Hi Jaime, thks for the suggestion. We usually put her on our bed if she cant go to sleep after I hv rocked her for a while. Lights off only leaving the night light on. She can move ard e bed for more than an hour and still not sleep.

Michviv, me shake butt game is very silly one... If Claire makes noise or what, me/hubby will shake our butt to the tone of HAwaiian O five in front of her.... She will burst into laughter!

Plumsource, heheh... I know... U coming along rite? I proposed to do it on the Sat so that my cleaning lady can clean my pl on Sun coz she comes every Sun morn!

Dreamer, our gals got their own mind one... Claire also wont want to learn, but when she starts to learn... Wow, very fast one... And she inherited this trait of mine, not afraid of strangers!

Weishy, back liao ah... Go sleep lah.. U look so tired today!
K@ye:ya man so tired!!!!!!!see i tot my pick up time is 5:50 but actually it was 4:50 and we still went to sheng siong when u left remember????i was left with 40 mins to get ready for flt when i reach hotel :p
Thanks Michviv!

Jay, dont' feel that way. Not all parents will do flashcards and all that and doesnt mean that if you don't, your child will be disadvantaged. I think babies learn a lot more through their own exploration and experimentation. I think most important thing is that your baby feels loved. And milestones are often pre-programmed. Dont worry too much about how soon they learn it. Joseph still doesnt know how to speak either. Only say 'bababababa', whatever that means...

Joseph hates to be read too even though i try. He'll either try to eat the book or just crawl away. So I'm a bit lazy to try to read to him and I dont bother anymore. Feel bad sometimes but i'll try to do it once in awhile. I feel like a lazy mummy coz i take the easy way out and just play him the Baby Einstein videos. :p

He's been so used to always having either my mum or my maid around him that he doesnt like being alone now. He'll start screaming for attention when i go to another room or leave him alone for awhile. Jialat! Can't even do anything without dragging him around w me.
Proposed Date of XMAS Bash
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye grace OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye grace poissons OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye cindy grace michviv langlao OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv poissons langlao OK

Proposed Venue
Option 1. Plumsource pl's Clubhouse => Tg Rhu : Sharron, poissons, ueno
Option 2. Kaye's pl => Redhill (opp redhill MRT) :Sharron, Kitty, Grace, poochi, Cindy, michviv, poissons , ueno , langlao
kitty, wow cheers to you. congrats!! very brave indeed.

catherine, ashlee normally eats dinner bet 5-7pm depending what time she wakes fr her nap. I am quite surprise that the afternoon snack at the infant care only serve at 5.30pm cos lunch is ard 11.30an rite? How to petition ah? I dun mind serving snack in the early afternoon and dinner bet 5.30 to 6.30pm. I think ashlee is still not use to infant care as she's not getting enough nap thr so when she comes home she immed knocked out liao.

RE: Sleeping
We use to put ashlee in the yao lan and after she fall asleep, we will transfer her to the cot. Past 2 weeks, I let her roll abt on our bed with the lights off while i watch TV. After a while, she will fall asleep on her own. We either transfer her to the cot or let her sleep with us. My observation is if we transfer her, she will wake up in the middle of the night and shout for us and depending on the time, we either give her milk or put her in the yao lan to sleep. If she sleep with us, she usu sleep till 6 plus in the morn.
weishy, do to inform me any gd deals fr LA!!

k@ye, claire's very sweet in her dress. The weather looks fine too. I think I'll order fr eatzi too.

ueno, what is the diff bt sippy cup and straw mug? btw any receipe for pasta sauce?
Hey Jay,

after lights off I will hug the baby while lying on my side. She'll struggle a bit or try to get up, so I will just hug her back to me.
Meantime, I will talk to her, saying how good she is, how's her day, etc or maybe sing some songs softly.

She used to sleep at irregular hour, sometimes 11pm or even 12midnite. So i decided to try to make her sleep at 10.30pm everyday. I used this method for about a week and her 'struggling' time was about 10 - 15mins. but now I think she gets the drill cos she'll fall asleep within 5mins. Which to me is considered a success!

good luck!
weishy / k@ye - many thanks for the exploration set and the party wares!!
Ash not really interested in the toy yet - guess must let him play and explore a few more times!

langlao - wow Ashlee knows how to say 2 words already....
Ash only know how to blabber and sometimes i wonder what he is saying hahaha

XMAS Bash - Lets do it on Dec 14 at K@ye's house since most of us are OK with that!!

Next gathering - Mummies - shall we go for high tea at Rose Veranda in Nov? Heeheehee
Vote for Oct 31 or Nov 1? Weishy - you are back with Hayley on Oct 31 correct?

JG - Ok Lazyat and Plumsource - lets see if we can book any trial class by end of this month. Ueno - i will let you know once i manage to get a slot...thanks!

Trial Classes - Mummies - maybe we should plan a few more in Nov/Dec?
Twiggy - i totally agree with what you said - most important is that our babies feel loved!! The rest can be arranged and programmed....it is a matter of now or later
Food - I am still not very adventurous yet - Ashton is having milk, cereal, porridge with fish/pork/chicken/beef everyday. Just given him some croissant to try at botanic garden this morning. He doesnt quite like yogurt... as for fruits only let him try banana, papaya and apple but not on a daily basis. I also feel like i am not a good enough mummy!!! Will let him try the alphabet pasta soon
Hi Hi mummies,

ME HERE ME HERE. paiseh ah. went MIA..
my edd 07Dec.. not yet deliver la.

gong xi gong xi. there's 3 of us now.. so who will be number 4 to report huh?
Morning mummies,
Cailyn has sprout her 1st left bottom tooth liao.. haha..

Sushi Sashimi:
Mummies, may I know BF can eat sashimi (raw fish slice) anot?
Weishy, orrr... I tot u bought some from Maxwell mkt liao!

Sharron, no problem.. Thanks ur hubby for me, got a free ride home! Haha!

Pig, how re u now? Bz with Kiros? He very active now?

Langlao, i just realised that u din collect ur stuff from me last nite! But hor, i was not home alos... Shopping at Taka till 9pm lor!!! Bought a lot of stuff.... Tempur pillow, mops and basically home stuff! My hubby told me he swiped $1k of stuff within 1 day!
hey mambobb....

i only avoid sashimi when pregnant.....once i finished my confinement, the first food i took was sashimi.....i did that for both kiddos and so far none got the runs....so i think it's ok....
sippy cup comes with the sprout, straw mug with the straw?

pasta- creamy tuna or fish,fresh milk/cream, all purpose flour, tuna, cheddar/mozzarella cheese.
pasta with egg n chickpeas n stock.
pasta with tomatoes, beef.
pasta with minced chicken n veggies, garlic, asparagus,parsnip, butter,cream, stock
i cooked aglio olio the other day for myself n i set aside some w/o salt for L n he loves it. i used spaghetti n boiled till v soft n cut them up
Sashimi: Haha. I too only avoided during pregnancy. Then after that I didn't restrict myself but of course in moderation. =)

Ethan was teething again last night. Poor boy slept at 9pm instead of his usual 8.45pm. He already has 2 lower teeth and now 2 more are coming out! So he will have 4(top) and 4 (bottom) teeth really soon!

Poochi: I was inspired by you and introduced alphabet pasta to Ethan on Saturday. (Bought the organic one from Carrefour).Cooked it macaroni soup style with carrots, broccoli and pork & he loves it! Yay! More pasta dishes coming Ethan's way...

Cindy: How was your weekend? Any more trial classes?

JG trial class: I tried to arrange for a trial class on the 24th of Oct at Evans Rd but I haven't been able to get contact anyone there as no one picks up the phone! =( Maybe we should try emailing them?

Langlao: Ashlee is really off to a fast start! So far, Ethan can only say ba-ba for "bye-bye" and "mama/mummy" once in awhile when he wants to call me. He understands more than he can mutter though. Can point things out to me in the storybook that I taught him previously. I read somewhere that boys start talking later than girls. Think its rather true...=P
Ueno: I just got through to JG and they mentioned that they are full at Forum and only have an opening at Evans Rd on the 21st of Oct, 3pm. I have signed Ethan up then cos I'll be on leave then.

Sharon,Lazykat,Plumsource & Ueno: Are you available to join then? I didn't book for you cos I'm not sure abt your availability.

Ueno: Let me know if you can make it on the 21st of Oct? Have you tried Evans Rd before? Can you PM me your address so that I can see if I can drop by to pick it up from you? Many thanks!
1st Tooth:
mummies, need some guide here.. how to clean the 1st tooth huh? if she refuses to open her mouth for me to clean, then how? Saw her 1st tooth and felt so excited abt it.. haha..

Cindy: did u enjoy the trial class yest? =p.. I know ur boy cried.. heehee.. but overall how was he?
i m using Oral B baby toothpaste. L opens his mouth for me cos i always sing this song. "this is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth. this is the way we brush our teeth all day long". He knows that he needs to brush his teeth when he wakes up n before he goes to bed. he will walk to the bathroom n take his toothbrush
Ueno, wow L is so SMART!!! HEhe, guesss me lazy mummy... I got the toothbrush for Claire but its now gathering dust!

Poissons, when's Garreth birthday party har? MAbbe i can ask my hubby... coz he needs to utilise his camera!!!
aiya.. michviv:: this sun supposed to go BJG but now think hubby very tired le. ahha so maybe move to nov or dec when i am holidaying and free everyday. HAHA!!

mambbob:: ya loh!! he cry loh!! don't know why ley! he likes playing on his own de. but when u put him into something suddenly, he cry le. sianss! and wa lao. you need to eat more la. TOO SKINNY already!!

ueno:: u really train L well. My monster only rinses his mouth and we use hanky to clean loh. And that is during bath time nia. Put our finger in is really dangerous as he will just clamp on the finger and refuse to let go, so difficult le. Is there a oral B baby toothbrush?
hehe..actually i wanted to ask you one but paisay, but since you asked..ok, we take it offline, we correspond by email ok?

Brushing teeth,
My boy loves brushing teeth too. When he sees us holding on to the toothpaste and brush, he will auto open his mouth for us. But I think hor he likes to taste the toothpaste rather than brushing his teeth..haha.
ueno: wwo.. L is smart leh.. now even I say 'ah' to cailyn to open her mouth just to take a look of her tooth also difficult liao.. dont talk about singing the song.. haha. will teach her the song and see how it goes.

So, you place the toothpaste on ur finger and clean?

Cindy: pls lor.. me where got TOO SKINNY?
there is a handle bar around my waist liao lor and sometimes cailyn can even sit on it leh..

Me signed up for slimming course with CitiSpa.. just hope to reduce that tummy before I have no.2.. before it gets worst..
PLEASE la mambobb!!! slimming course!! save that up for buffets lah!! I need man haha i do need slimming course. ahha hope after #2 out won't be so bad... gahh..

poissons and ueno:: okay! From your positive experiences, I shall go try training monster today!! haha!!
mambobb: I'm got the 3 stages toothbrush set from tollyjoy (I think?). In the set, there is a different brush for different ages (3-9 months, 9-15 months etc.) When I was using stage 1, I just used the brush alone without toothpaste but recently, I'm using first teeth toothpaste (its banana & apple flavoured) and its safe to swallow. You can get it at any guardian pharmacy for ard $13-14.

I used to brush Ethan's teeth. Now after I'm done with 1 round of brushing, I pass him the brush and he completes the job! haha. =)But I think my boy is like Garreth - likes the toothpaste more than brushing his teeth.
Poissons, no need paiseh... If he cant make it, u also got to find back up!

Mambobb, save ur $$ lah... Me also got handlebar that my hubby & family all disturb me.. But i heck, for my case, i will wait for no 2 to be out then sign up massive slimming package!! HAHA
Hi K@ye,

Me ah.. busy selling things online la. want to clear those stuff before the 2nd one arrives..hee hee.. quite fun though.

Kiros been okay except he was down with runny nose last week. The weather been really bad.

Any latest pic of claire to show? she had her bday celebration right?
mambobb, u muz be excited seeing cailyn's first tooth!! =)
heehee. me still waiting for kaira's first tooth ... but she also no like to open her mouth for me to see!

haha, now i think left her who is still bo gay... ;p
kam sia!

wah, u going to due in 2mths time hor, time flies so fast ya! jia you!!

congrats on caitlyn's new milestone!
that makes my chloe the lone ranger with the toothless grin! ahaha... i kept trying to make her laugh over the weekend to see if there's any thing but so sad, nothing.
just hope she'll give me a big surprise when she turns 1 next month! :D

L is really a smart boy! m sure it's such a joy doing all those stuffs with him!

ashlee's vocab & is amazing! i still have prob teaching chloe how to wave bye bye! but she's super clever at raising up & down BOTH hands/arms demanding either me or daddy to go to her and be picked up!! (since she can't crawl yet) argh...

re: sleeping
seems like most of us gave in to our babies by letting them sleep with us! :D mine has a very bad temper and when she feels warm/sweaty (we switch off the aircon around midnite and turn on the fan full-blast); she will 'grumble' very loudly and turn and toss and kick her legs around! i hv to get up and find her 'pacifier' to keep her mouth shut while fanning her back to sleep... why me and not hb? well, my gal very clever, she usually slam her arms/legs at my direction... so, how to sleep, rite? :D

i only let her nap in the yao lan during the day, coz if i were to pick her up after she naps, she will wake up angry and wailing and then, wun sleep liao... so nite time is always our bed first, then when she's in deep sleep, i will transfer her to babycot.
dreamer: yes
very excited to see her 1st tooth.. heehee.. i happened to see it when I showed my angry face to her when she didnt finish her milk. She smiled and opened her mouth to me.. there goes my effort to show her my angry face when I saw her 1st tooth.. haha..

Kitty: You still have Dreamer to company you..
Pig, orrr.. Tot u too tired and resting!!! If u re on Facebook... can see the bday celebration.

Gloomybear, will check out the video back home. OFfice banned youtube!
ok, no prob, praying hard that your hubby can make it!

Me also gained weight after birth cos' I never really watch my diet..hehe. Thought of slimming after having no. 2 so as to save cost and efforts. Last Sat attended a fren's kid's birthday party, a mutual fren (not very close one), came over and told me openly that I have gained weight juz like her. I'm like..can you be more tactless than this or not?? Sigh...
poissons: actually me also thinking of slimming aft no.2 but the beautians all said that it is easier to slim and firming up the tummy if I firming up now rather than waiting aft no.2.. will need more sessions to slim down. I don't know whether how true is it lah.. Sign for 20 sessions.. so thinking go for 10sesions now and remaining 10 sessions aft I deliver no2 then go again.. haha..
Poissons, just email u my hubby's response liao...

Aiyo, ur fren so tactless... Even though, weight gain is normal after childbirth... but still no need to tell the obvious!
K@ye: Paiseh, been so busy with wk lately, no time to check posts, emails and update blog. Attended my friend's wedding in KL over the weekend and will be leaving for Melbourne tonight. No problem on the wrong colour. Can i opt for postage? I'll pay u the $ coz paisei to leave the things there at yr place for too long.

Aiyo, i went KL for 2 days, called hubby and heard my boy's voice and i cried tll very jialak. Will def b worst for my Mel trip:p

For those on facebook, add me in: [email protected]
Cactus, no need paiseh lah... I m just worried that Eagan party will be over b4 i come back from HK. U email me ur address and i send it over to you... If not urgent, u can collect from me on 27th Oct (Deepavali) coz i will be back in SG liao!

Langlao & Gillian items are still at my home! HEhee!!
