(2007/11) November MTBs

Catherine: envy...

First Teeth Toothpaste:
May I know is it cheaper to get from the BP or the os spree? It comes with something for us to put our index in and can clean the bb tooth.. is it good?

k@ye, I'm still trying to arrange the collection later. If u can be early let me know cos I dun think we will stay at my aunty's till 9pm. Anyway I'll sms u later to check if u are home before I leave Strathmore.

Catherine, Ashlee still cry when we "abandon" her in the morning, very heartpain each time she stretch out her hands. Does Jovan cry too?
Langlao, no problem... Let me know okie... Will try to be home b4 9pm... Later still need to go to tui na

Rachel:: heeh me into 19weeks now haha
hope it's a girlgirl this time!!

kaye n michviv:: no need to wait la. TONIGHT la. go go hahah!

weishy:: why no chance? hehe have de have de. hehe!!
i've just booked "hort park" function room for Arielle's 1st bd! (will hold it on 23rd Nov) I haven't been there physically... I just booked it cos there's no other available place liao... all chalets fully booked cos of school holidays!

Anyone been to the function rooms at hort park? comments?
gloomybear, I went Hort Park's fruits room recently. U can chk out my blog.

k@ye, so sorry I left my mobile in the office!!! btw can you PM me ur mobile?
Cindy: And my excuse is that my hubby was away at work last night so no chance! haha.

mambobb: How much are they selling the toothpaste on BP/os spree? the brush applicator is good if you don't have an existing toothbrush. But one drawback is that you can't get your baby to brush his/her teeth by themselves.
Gd Am, only scan thru the 2 days of post cos was on course.

michviv, think u ask abt swing.All thks to langlao she's the one who told me. Its at Bkt Purmei Park. Wah dun say I inspire u le so pai sei.. but I'm sure ur boy enjoyed it cos u made it! U run too? I use to run lots before my gal came but now cant find time to squeeze in only lunch time!

kitty, i updated the recipe in my blog liao!

Mambobb, my girl only has 1.5 teeth so i use the firstteeth rubber tooth brush to clean during her bath time. My girl like to out stuff into her mouth so she has no probs with it. I'll count while brushing her teeth & cleaning her tongue. I've not used toothpaste tho cos only 1.5 teeth ha ha..
Cindy, catherine, thanks. To all mummies trying 2nd one, just do it, don't think too much. Guess things will sort itself out.

Any mummies has any good confinement lady to recommend? These days the CL are booked like hot cakes. If yes, can I have the contact?

Below are my criteria:
1) Don't mind to cook for family members
2) don't need to do house work as I got a maid
3) cooking must be nice.

4) must be kind, patient and cleaniness also impt
5) hopefully cl don't fly aeroplane last min one.

kindly PM me. thanks.
hahaha kaye and michviv:: u all got so many excuses. only weishy got legitimate excuse. but weishy, u gg back soon le is it? heeh!!

langlao:: what's your blog ley? i try to link it to my travis's blog hehe!!

no need to envy me. if u see my panda eyes, u will laugh at me! i have to thank Jovan for giving me slim figure & super panda eyes... not enuff sleep & rest. hahhaha

Jovan doesn't cry when we leave him. infact, he just turn ard to play or eat. bochap us!
Cindy, haha... Yesterday went to the tui na, heng just pulled muscle only... but enough to kill me...

Rachel, let me dig out my CL contact no tonight if i still hv it lah.
1. She is very patient with babies (She loves them!)
2. She dun do housework.
3. Her cooking okie lah coz this one very subjective
4. Will cook for family members lah but u must tell her this hor.
5. Fly aeroplane, i dun think so lah.

gongxi gongxi... you're just 1wk behind me! who knows may end up same day delivery! ahaha...

ur gynae say u only can go for C-Sect? can't try natural??
i just told my hb last nite that probably this bb2 i will also opt for C-Sect coz dun know if i got confidence/endurance to go thru natural... scared later natural failed, still hv to go for C-Sect... waste time, energy & MONEY!!! :p

thanks for teh recipe, got it... will try out this weekend but hv to look for the kiddo pasta 1st...

hv you book the venue for jovan's bday?
i managed to get the concourse/communal hall around my blk liao, damn cheap. wahaha... now only hv to get the caterer (still shortlisting), some party wear and party bags items ready.

ur mom made the dress for claire ah?
wah... very professional leh, i thought u bought for her... then i remembered, ur mom got very good dress-making skills! lucky claire!!
michviv: my girl doesn't like me to put my finger inside her mouth.. I wonder how I am going to clean her tooth..

btw, with the toothpaste hor.. how the bb going to spit the it out? dont need to rinse one huh? haha.. paisey.. 1st time arh.. just use the rubber finger toothbrush with abit of toothpaste, that's it? dont need to rinse, wash???

FirstTeeth BP: $10.80.. cheap? can buy?
Catherine: I remembered I read from the motherhood mag and some articles from the web, it stated that if we mummies dont get enough sleep and rest, we can't slim down. In fact we will put on more weight.
Poochi: Where exactly is the Bkt Purmei park? Can advise on some simple directions/landmarks? =) I used to gym ALOT! Even ran alot before I discovered I was pregnant. Then kena nagged and nagged by my MIL & parents till I stopped exercising after I gave birth. Then after birth, want to exercise but I suffered from joint laxity as a result of the pregnancy. Now, I'm back to normal + getting fat ever since I stopped BF, so I have decided to go to the gym & start disciplining myself again. =P Going to gym tonight!
mambobb: I agree its cheaper cos I bought it for $14 I think at Guardian pharmacy. If it comes with the finger brush its even more expensive - I saw at Guardian that it costs nearly $20 leh!!! So go for it! =) As for training to brush teeth, its a little difficult at first, but you just have to distract them. I used to make my boy laugh then stick the tooth brush in. haha. But you must do this on a regular basis. Now, he's well trained liao, always brushes teeth before his bath.

Oh, dun worry, its a no rinse formula. =) Apple & banana flavour I think. Smells quite yummy! my boy likes to "eat" his tooth paste. So funny!
michviv will pm u the location.
Ha ha tell me abt it I scarificed my running time to my daughter. Ha u like me I still run, only stop after 1st tri wen I found out preggie. I wan to go back to running soon. Mayb I'll bring my daughter along ha ha !
Kitty, yup... Claire very lucky.. My Mum made blankets and clothes for her! My sis even complaint that my Mum forgotten abt making her clothes!

Mambobb, go buy the toothpaste lah.. BP definitely cheaper than outside!
i haven booked! yah the concourse area so CHEAP! only $50 for the whole day! another $20 for water & $20 for electricity for whole day as well. but HB dun like the idea of it being non-aircon & no washroom

not true for my case leh. infact i got so skinny tat my father got so worried. maybe because i BF for 9 months. i eat & eat but still got skinnier. but i inherit my mother's genes - tummy got bigger after giving birth. but it's defintely easier to carry Jovan with the spare tyre! hahaha
FirstTeeth Toothpaste:
wow.. with so many mummies recommendations, i will go and buy.. heehee.. btw is this good Lucas Papaw Ointment? Cailyn always got the mozzie bites and it turns out big and red. Saw this product BP too and seem like quite a number of buyer too.. good?

where do to stay?
mine only cost me $20 for whole day use. :p
only hope it will NOT rain on that day though got shelter; better sunny than rain, rite?
maybe u shld go and check out the WTS or WTB threads for even cheaper toothpaste? think some selling less than $10 leh.

which gym do u go? i haven't resume my membership since i stopped when i was 8 mths preggie. finding kakis to go together..
Hi kittybride,

me also thinking of going c-sect this round. will discuss with gynae tonight when i see him as i think it's about time for me to book my date and etc.

I feel that i wont hve energy to push and might end up emergency c-sect also. the last experience really frightens me till today. I can still remember vividly.

The only concern i hve for c-sect is the recovery process.
Poissons: Used to be one of those gym hoppers who go around on trial at various gyms at Raffles Place. Was actually going to sign for planet fitness or fitness first, then I got pregnant. so decided to shelve the idea. Now I'm glad I didn't cos my new workplace is so ulu so I just go to my condo gym. Not as wide a selection of machines but there's no monthly fee so guess I can't complain. =P I'm trying to get into the habit of going to the gym 1-2 times a wk after Ethan goes to bed at 8pm. Which gym do you go to?
kittybride:: he never give me option ley haha but i think i just opt csect la. fast and quick and no complications. AHHAHA!!!

Me is a lazy mom. hahaha i don't like exerciseeee!! ahha!
Hi Pig07 - i had elective c-section last Nov and I was on GA - totally knocked out. My threshold for pain is low so I opted for elective and was so glad that I chose it. As for recovery process - i can walk slowly after one week and in the second week I was doing my stomach binding already. But of course I told the lady I had c-section so she did not bind too tight for me

I will still go for the same for my second baby....still trying hee hee
JG Trial in Nov - Mummies, any preferred day or anyday is OK for you as long as there are slots for us? I called the Forum branch yesterday and the lady told me that we can walk in every Mon 11am for the trial class. They are curently very full in all classes and suggested me to check it out with the Evans outlet. So are you ok with the Evans branch? Its near to Botanic Garden.
Gym - I am with Fitness First One Geroge and the last visit was in May or June this year....I am so lazy to even drag myself there. I think another way of making your way there is to pay for personal training sessions. In this case you die die also will go because you already paid for it!! Hahaha...
travis case is emergency; so bo pian

anyway, u gonna choose date for bb2?
exercise? i tot we had quite a bit everyday since we hv to take care our babies. and that oredi takes up a lot of time n energy! hiak hiak hiak....

recovery depending on individual body lor.
mine was pretty fast; the wound/scar healed pretty well except towards the later part, i thk i itchy mouth go n eat prawn or sotong, so got a bit of keloids but not very big/bulging looking. still ok lor.
most impt is 'bu' our bodies during confinement. i m determined to EAT the ginger this time round coz last round, i pick every single piece of the them out of my dish! ahahaa... dats y still got a bloated tummy (lots of wind!!) ehee
sharron: I have ordered from one mummy for the toothpaste with postage $8.30 only wor~.. i help u to ask her still got stock anot.. u want? any color preference?
hi mambobb - yes please -if have, please order 2 pink col for me. Let me know the payment details please - if she still has. Thanks my dear!
mambobb:I think you can only edit your post in the first 20 minutes upon posting it. Thereafter, if you want to make any changes, you need to email the moderator. Think its [email protected]

Sharron: Good luck for number 2! =)I'm ok with either outlet but I've heard that Evan's outlet is more spacious as compared to Forum. Will let you know more once I try it out next week.
michviv.. thanks.. haha.. i didnt notice of the 2 icons at the side of the thread.. ohoh..

sharron: the email i send you is ready stock @ $8.30 each. Have asked her and she still have 2 sets Pink. Can email her liao.. heehee.. =p
K@ye, fortunately I didnt meet u if not I will peng sang. I went to several places today. Dead tired. Then tonight still got dinner appointment..haiz..very chime
remit u via atm by tomo am at TMC. i will sms u.
Pig, I also have C-sect like Kittybride. Recovery rate quite ok. 1st week, walk very slow...but second week was quite normal already. Btw, mine is not the GA C-sect cos I heard the recovery is slower but then that depend on indivdual. Cos I don't want to wake up feeling giddy. lolz!

I'm with PF, signed less than 2 mths and kena pregnant liao. Stopped during 1st tri but 2nd tri resumed and walked on treadmill, cycle..etc..cos' felt so FAT. If you ever join PF, let me know lah..
