(2007/11) November MTBs

Hi mummies,
Its been a while to log in here and suddenly there is a no.2 bb coming up too..
congrats cindy. You definitely give me a urge to start trying now, but its not so simple when no.1 is still small and no one at home to help out too.. sigh.. need a lot of planning arh..

Hainanese Hubby:
My DH also hainanese leh.. but he cant speak hainanese, only knows how to speak cantonese and abit of hokkien.. haha.. cheong one.. tall? not tall at all.. just abt 1.73m.. handsome.. hmm.. ok ok lah.. haha

k@ye, pig, plim,
Thank you for your reccommendations for the dentist. Actually I need one closer to me, so I will prob go to east coast rd as I know there are some clinics there. Hope I wil run into a nice gentl, patient dentist. Don't know why but I hate visiting dentist. The chair, smell, tools they use freak me out!
Plumsource, hahah... U so funny... Anyway, i dun like going to the dentist too... But no choice, i spent some much $$ on my teeth (braces + jaw surgery + bridge) that i got to have a good dentist to maintain it!
K@ye did u hv it all done at the dentist in raffles place? I really want to get braces to staighten my teeth. Give me their details. Yr experience sounds really painful!
plumsource: I go to the same dentist as pig. Blk 270 Tampines, Emmanuel Dental. But i am using Dr.Teng. He did extraction for me, no pain. And he gives advises. In fact my hubby just went to him last Fri for his severe toothache. He wanted to extract his molar there and then, but Doc Teng advised him not to and observe first. Coz he still young, once he extracts the molar means no more. Gd thing he din, he is ok now. Same thing happened to me the last round.

Meanwhile, go gargle on salt water first. It'll help ease the pain. Take Care
Congrats Cindy! Take gd care ya. HB and i din really talk abt no.2 yet though we're planning for one next year. But my MIL is the one urging us to wk hard. She said to quickly pop and she can help us look after, else any later she might be too old to cope. Hmm...missing the preggy time when u can feel the little one moving inside.

Catherine: Jovan also getting more "bushy". And he is very fair.

Skye: Eagan is not fair, in fact i find him a bit tanned.
i think helium gas cannot buy one leh... they will only rent u the tank... last time the shops used to be at concourse, now i think they moved to bugis, near the temple, i heard...
Gemini, ur gal so sweet & demure! Yes, i m jealous of her hair!!!!

Langlao, my colleague told me for the ballons hor, u can get them at the place plim mentioned. They will fill it up with helium for u but u gotta collect from the shop.
hi kittybride,

ya!!! same sentiments.. when i preggie my PIL kept saying mine is a boy.. when finally confirmed it is a gal. u can see the disappointment in his face.. recently my SIL conceived.... they speculate is a gal.. turns out to be aboy... then hor.. that day i go back PIL house when the news was announced... my FIL came to open the door and u can see his face. smile so nicely leh.. then very excitedly told hb that my SIL's bb is a boy.. buay tahan.
i was quite sian to hear that. then some more my MIL told me my FIL gleaming the whole day when told my SIL's bb is a boy.. somemore kept telling my MIL that they have 'hou dai' liao...
so angry...

then my hb somemore add on.. say hope 2nd one is a boy... ask me to go read up on how to increase the chances leh.. he ever ask my gynae before when i go for my pap smear after delivery.. haiz.
Hi Mandy,

I think i can feel the pressure you are going to face when having a second one. But at least you can chid you hubby if not yr in law. Tell yr hubby la, however much he desires to have a boy, he should still spare a thought for your feeling mah.he can at least try to hide it or say otherwise in yr pil presence.

Even though we can live w/o pil's comments, still it will be good to hve our hubby stand up for us to say something when situation like tat arises.

When i had kiros, my mil started asking about the gender at week 7. I was like !@#$%^&*()_ cos i know she wants a grandson.

these old people are giving us unnecessary pressure. Mah chiam we have a control over everything.
same here, my mum said got son already, the next one boy or girl also nevermind ....I think I still prefer girl as what u said lor, girl is the one who always think of parents .....

I think if I cannot get a girl hor, maybe I will adopt a girl from China ...Know what before I was preggy, my hb said if we cannot have a kid hor, then we will adopt a black kid ....haaaa...seriously..that time I was thinking of adopting a black kid if I really can't get pregnant ...here is very common for ang mo to adopt black kids ...they rather adopt asian kids or black kid and never really adopt their own kind of kid ..meaning their own race ...most what I see here are adopting kids from China and africa a lot .... I don't mind adopting a baby girl if I can't have second one :p ....but got to try first lah ....My Ang mo neighbor has two little girls and last year they went to Africa to adopt 3 black kids (2 boys and 1 girl), and they are going to adopt another black girl who is also those black kids'sister soon, and then recently, I found out that the Ang Mo wife is pregnant ...so imagine 2+4 black kids+ 1preggy=7 kids altogether ...OMG!!!! My MIL never asked me whether boy or girl..I guess she has grandsons and granddaughters from her two daughters liao so doesn't matter, and my hb is the eldest, and his dad is also the eldest, and my hb wants a boy cos' it will be the zang2 zi3 di2 shun1 in the family ....and recently his brother also have a boy , so doesn't matter liao ....got two grandsons from their sons ....I was kind of pressurize also cos' if I have a girl, and if his brother wife has a son, then my girl will not be doted on liao ....I was telling my hb last month that why don't we try for a girl ...you know what he said ....yo...girl is very expensive ...got to buy this and buy that ...boy don't need to get nice nice things ...I feel like giving him two tight slap!!! He is always the one who spent on Ethan, and buy so many things for him ....also expensive what!!...even though my hb said boy girl also can hor ...in his heart, he wants boy I know ....man ah ...say say only ..,,but hor, my dad dotes on me more than my brothers ......

got recommendation for plastic surgery or not ..haaaa..... I think I need one ...lao liao haaa....

what is one LOT/CLAN?? Hainanese girl so "li hai" ah?? so good verbally ah???

yo..your girl soo pretty ...love her hair ....Ethan still botak ...envy envy
making me laugh out loud early in the morning, hee. wat plastic surgery.. if u ask any lady, i suppose, everyone wants something to be fixed here or there..

Hainanese quite close knitted in general. Till today, mine (but me no hainanese lah so cant comment on the verbal part that Kittybride comment) still got "roots" tracing back to Hainan, in fact, we made a family trip back (20+ pax) a few yrs back to Hainan island and their hometown.
whoa, shanne/lazykat... you guys are early!
Shane, I believe the your neighbour are one of those who wants lots of kids. I was just watching a show yesterday... called kids by the dozen. They have 13 kids! 2 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets! Their daily food bill was $100++ and 8 loads of laundry, 35 pcs diapers... etc. Pengsan!!! Here I a complaining that 3 kids, tak boleh tahan already... lol.

lazykat... I don't want anything changed. I love my jiggly tummy and saggy boobs.... hahahaha
Shane, heheh Jaw surgery considered as plastic surgery actually!

Kat, serious ah? Going back to Hainan island? Wow!! Btw, i think Hainan island seriously lack of girls (ST had an article on that).... So, good riddance to their biased tradition of wanting a boy to continue the family line!

Yany, u re so funny! Jiggly tummy a good description for Spare tire!
pig07: ya.. i really feel the pressure.. 1 thing my hb in front of ppl will say boy or gal also ok.. but with me alone he will state his preference very obviously... ever once he was carrying my gal and then say if we were to have planned properly we might have gotten a boy.... I was quite pissed and tell him to look at our daughter in the eye and tell her.. he loves our daughter a lot.. can see. but i think he still got his preferences lor.

my sister knows the pressure i undergoing.. she say if my next bb is a gal ask me not to try for 3rd one.. she doubt i can take the stress.

the 1st pregnancy when found out was a gal,
the comments i got from hb and see my FIL's face, i had spotting... sianz. end up kena bed rest for 2 wks.

fed up... now ask me to try for 2nd one i sure stress like mad. as much as i want my gal to have sister/brothers, next yr the stress sure v big to conceive a boy... i think i will stress till my detail scan...

part of me actually angry with him for being so traditional and i sometimes tot maybe 1 kid will do liao....
wa, so stressful leh... i read your posting i can already feel the stress that u had!
if can, try to put all these opinions out of ur mind la, after all, it's u and ur hb's kid (juz need to brain-wash him... hehe), most important is tat they are well and healthy!
plim: ya.. i trying to bochap all these things... and just concentrate on my gal right now.i told hb liao.. i will ask my gynae and then read up.. but if the next one is really a gal then that is it...

his reply is 'at least we try....as all the while i want 1 boy and 1 gal'
in my heart i was thinking if both boys he also ok.. for me is very straight forward...
healthy ok liao...i don't care boy or gal.
I also have jiggly tummy and saggy boobs now....when i shake my booty, my tummy will go jiggling like Jello.....even momo likes to slap on my tummy to see it go wobbling...........YEEKS!
mandy, i'm in the same boat as you leh. my in laws very traditional kind, in front of me say boy or gal never mind, but i know behind me, they want a boy, esp since my hubby is the eldest son. (they already have a grandson and granddaughter from the younger son)

Told my hubby, i cannot control boy or gal one, actually, to have a boy or gal is not up to the woman, more of the man. healthy can already i told my hubby (though i also tell him i prefer another gal also)
heehee langlao, i dun know how to enlarge it.

k@ye/ shane, thanks for the compliments. she's a terror when she wants things her way though... sometimes dun know wat to do with her
Gemini, i think most babies are terror when they throw tantrums or cry!

I m lucky that my hubby has no preference for boy or gal. Like Gemini's in laws, my in laws also prefer to have a grandson coz their sons all have gals no boy even though my 2 SILs have sons.

Mandy, aiyo... Dun let ur hubby stress u too much! Ya, brainwash him and tell him abt the future benefits of hvg a gal than boy!
poor you. I am lucky as IL has 11 grandchildren.. so no stress. My parents are kinda old-fashion. So, I think my SIL stress but worse... no baby at all! I have only one brother... so my dad always complaining, no grandchildren with the same surname! He loves kids... and he loves girls more. We know as he dotes on us (me & my sis). He loves my bro too but doesn't show it. Sooo old fashion one! haiz.... I think its brainswashing from young as he is the 1st born.
k@ye: no pt one lah

gemini19: i also told him depends on him... but he knows that doing it nearer to ovulation days will increase chances lor.. with my 1st kid, we strike without timing one.. that time i supposed to start my clomid also as i got PCOS ma... he commented that if i track my ovulation we might have strike a boy lor.. sigh.. sianz .

a lot to complain one ... say liao also pek chek
got fed up studying.. so decided to make something sinful... kekeke. Then my digital weighing machine ran out of battery so in the end, have to use "eye" judgement.

Boys will love this... maltesers muffin! I think I got the measurement wrong as it was quite runny but end product nice and moist... and I double the portion of maltesers!!!

LOT/CLAN - the whole family clan! :p
actually my hainese gf family also very close knitted like wat lazykat mentioned. but very weird for my hb; he and his bunch of cousins not close; maybe coz most of them live in Msia. :D

i dun know about the other hainese women but from my fren's family clan, can really see their 'li-hai'ness... ahahhaa... voice also very loud, the whole market can hear when they wana 'fight' :D

aiyoh your hb cannot be so straight leh... if my hb like dat, he sure kena kick out of the bedroom liao. but i know deep down he oso prefer boy but now wif my gal around, i thk he changed a bit liao.

actually i print out the chart posted earlier on getting F/M babies based on month of conception & age of mommy. i showed it to my HB and he so happy, say will cheong all the way on those months wif "B"... pengz!
Yany, dun care liao... I want to eat!! Give me ur addy, i go to ur house and eat!! Hahaa... Paiseh, a bit stressed out at work... See all the port rotations at work till i buey tahan!

Kitty, i like your description about kicking ur hubby out of the bedroom!

Mandy, no stress! U tell your hubby, he is the one who will determine the gender of the baby. I read somewhere that under stress conditions, Y (boy)sperms won't make it to our eggs. Usually, the X (gal) sperms will survive!
kittybride: the chart how to read ha?
based on chinese age and chinese month?
becos in the chart hor.. it states the months in english months leh
hey yany, u're so bad...always posting food pics to tempt us....your choc muffins looks good...

today i'm working from home as momo's school has a gazetted day off.....so i prepared a Vanilla Sugar cookie dough and goign to make the cheddar cheese cookie dough later which i am goign to freeze for future use....we have alot of girly fun times baking together...the moment she could stand on a chair independently, she's been joining in whenever i bake....

where did u get yr muffin cups from...they look much sturdier than the ones i bot from ntuc.....also can u share yr muffin recipe with me? i cant seem to get good muffins when i make it from scratch....mostly i use betty crocker ready mix to save hassle of having to measure too much stuff....did u use buttermilk or jus normal milk

if you're busy with studying it's ok, can share another time

can post the chart again? you are quite right about hainanese being quite close knitted. My mum's family quite close knitted one. My aunties will call quite often and they meet up quite regularly.

I had a bad confinement lady so hubby sack her and my aunts and mum rope in to help. My aunt came everyday to shower my gal as my mum cannot shower her.

Not many people know hainanese, so we often speak to each other in hainanese if we do not want others to know. (among my friends and colleagues)
hi sowie
awwww.... bake together with momo? so nice!
My son Ryan (almost 6) will always want to bake with me. You know what he does... he will eat all the cheese and chocolates... and make a whole lot of mess.... hahahaha.

I bought the muffin cups from Sunlik, a baking speciality shop!

The muffins for this recepy should use buttermilk but I use normal milk since I didn't have buttermilk. Here's the recipe.

Maltesers Muffins


130 gm. cake flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. Bicarbonate of soda
60 gm. butter
110 gm. sugar
60 gm. dark chocolate - melted
2 large eggs (70 gm. each with shell)
a pinch of salt
120 ml. fresh milk or buttermilk
1/2 tsp. of vanilla essence
1 cup of maltesers


(1) Line muffin pan with paper cups.
(2) Sift cake flour with baking powder and bicarbonate of soda.
(3) Cream butter and sugar until light.
(4) Add in melted chocolate and eggs.
(5) Fold in sifted flour and salt alternately with milk.
(6) Fold in maltesers lightly and scoop mixture into prepared paper cups.
(7) Bake at 175C for about 25 mins.

Have fun!

I'm at Bt. Batok.. so come on over!!!

Ladies on the Mega Birthday bash hor, i propose we set a deadline to get the dates settled! Coz i think nearer to yr end, we will have headache finding venue etcc.

Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion! (To confirm by 15th August 2008)

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy
8. Teng_Family
9. Gemini19

15th Nov 08
1. Mambobb
2. Kaye
3. Queenaire
4. weishy(TBC but really loved 2,hv 2 wait til nov roster out :p )
Hi Mummies,

not sure if my chart and kitty's the same. below for your reference. Mine i have been using our corrected age (not lunar).. coincidentally, whether lunar or not, its the same B/G for my both pregnancies. So you may check back yrs and determine.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

chart.zip (7.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>

most chart says lunar age, but hor i been counting backward for friends using their corrected (not lunar) age, and like almost 90% accurate.

Hi mummies,

there is a pampers sale at Giant fair. for 2 packs, its going at $34.99....per piece is $0.51.

jus last week i bought 12 packs from fairprice as it was at $54 for 3 packs... per piece is $0.53

today i saw at cold storage 2 packs at $39.90.. per piece at $0.58
Hi Yany

Thanks for sharing yr recipe so quickly even tho you're bz studying..thanks!

Ai ya, girl or boy same one la...still will mess up more instead of helping....but i guess girls are more manageable and not as frisky.....

haha Ryan reminds me of momo when she was 2 plus...i tasked her to put a raisin in the centre of each flower cookie....next thing i heard was loads of giggling...the rascal was biting into each raisin before putting the uneaten half onto the cookie...end up i had to redo the raisins...

What difference will buttermilk make to muffin instead of using fresh milk......u know when i was living in aus, the suaku me bot buttermilk once thinking that it's an ultra creamy milk....i took a sip and had to spit out..i din know sour one lei....thot i bot spoilt milk....

oh yes my fren used yoghurt mixed with fresh milk...said it works like butter milk but i dare not try...haaaa

my muffins always turn out too dense.....guess it's becos i din beat the mixture with electric mixer.....
I think buttermilk is like yoghurt.... lol. I too tried once and thought its spoilt milk! I don't know as this is the 1st time I'm making these muffins
But with pancakes... the taste seems to be more dense and more flavourful

As I am a novice baker... cannot comment much. Even if you don't use electric mixer, I think you have to cream the butter till it turns white!
pig: one question, the age is to count after birthday or just general age? eg: if I am Jun bb, then next year jan I am still 31. Should I look into 31 Jan or 32 Jan? haha...
the chart is from pig07 bah.
i just forwarded it to my SIL in msia.
she n my bro TTC-ing now, hope they get a baby soon!

i thk pig07 has given the perfect answer.
hope you get your wish as well :p
hey yany..

yr standard not novice la..from the quality of the stuff u have been churning not, quite prof already...

maybe that's why my muffin like huat kueh...cos i din cream butter....wat i did was add in vege oil instead of butter...at times when i add in butter, it's melted butter.....everything jus stir....

i'm the anyhow whack type of baker....and i've got bad habit of tweaking recipes after trying it for first time....maybe i shld jus stay with betty croc's ready mixes...as they are idiot proof....

oh ya thanks for yr cheddar biscuits recipe...i jus made 2 batches of them to store in freezer..it's convenient as i can bake them anytime i want....momo calls them salty cookies and wans me to bake a batch to share with her school mates..

Langlao, Claire going to use XL soon... She inherited my thunder thighs! Heng, i stocked up on Pampers Active XL during Giant sale last round!

Wow, i saw the chart.. That means if want a boy i die die must strike during Jan-Apr09.
