(2007/11) November MTBs

s@l:: muahahahaaaa! okay diapers!! too used to diapers = pampers. see how successful pampers is? hahaha.

my boy is opposite from mischa. nipple or teats he accepts readily. like you also sad to see him happily sucking but sigh no choice lah. we need our own time too. ^^

Nepia almost same price as Mamypoko. Nepia is made in Japan. What i like abt Nepia is that, the material is really soft like cloth. But now i am sticking to the cheapest diaper i could get my hands on coz my gal need to change diapers like nobody's business. Then she doesn't sleep thru the night, so no point getting those high end ones.
S@L, Cindy, Both of you still young (envy!) still can have many more little S@L's and Cindy's in the future.

plim, how old are you? I hit the the big 30 already..
Now have to do alot of maintenance already....
The Nan 1 HA doesn't seem to be cheaper than what i'm getting now leh... hehe, i think i'm getting it at $30.50 (if rem. correctly, need to check)...

yalor, dunno wat happened to the threads, need to come 'back-door' into here... haha
aiyoh, i also hit big 30 already... juz turned 32 last month... now with 2 kids even lazier and no time to do a lot of maintenance!
Hi mummies, can i just 'survey' a bit..which bby wipes are u all using? i m using Pigeon and J&J (dark pink). but i find the wipes are nt moist enough..ended up i have to clean with alot of strength to remove the poo poo hence Mischa now have diaper rash due to abrasion...

i also dare nt stock up on wipes cos still 'testing' diferent brands. for my son i stopped using wipes when he was 3mths old..hahaha..i brin him to the shower and rinse off the buttom cos by the the poo poo alot and messy moreever he on FM.nt sure if i m gonna do tt to mischa too.
im also testing the different brands of wipes. Johnsons & johnsons r good but ex, so r the pampers. just brought kodomo to try. so far ive used gaurdian brand...also quite dry. I end up finishing bb with damp cotton balls so I don't need to wipe too harshly. I think washing is the best way to clean bb but not practical all the time.

Rast...we r young at heart...tts what counts
i'm also testing out various brands of wipes...
Pigeon (this is the white and red packing one right?) - the newer one seems to be thicker and wetter
Kodomo - i find it a bit dry leh
Xiao Tao Qi - i can't rem. where i bought it but i find it wet and thick but mayb not as big as the pigeon one
Tollyjoy - you might wan to try out this one... heard from my friend that it's quite wet one... i yet to open up to try

By the way, what's ur dream that u wan to fulfil before 30?
Hi, I can bring chocolate cake if u gers are interested... I dunno if I will be bringing my boy.. depends on wat my mum says cos my mum helps me to look after him.
it seems like u gers have contacts to get the desitin cream... can I order? or anyone has 1 to let go?
S@L, I use the J&J blue packaging. Quite moist leh! Pureen also good. Yah, Pigeon not moist enough than ex too. Kodomo and Tollyjoy very dry. I have tried Angel wipes too. Very economical and moist enough. But frustrating when use, coz the wipes keep sticking together. Always end up pulling a whole bunch of them.

btw, care to share what is it that you want to fulfil before you hit 30?

plim, hahahh! you so funny. Go by back door.. hhahah! and guess what, it's not my husband who make noise if i don't "maintain"... it's actually my MOTHER!! She is the one who keeps nagging that i look quite hagard sometimes. She makes me feel conscious of myself lor! The past few days, i have been eating logcake... now feel guilty coz i know the calories will go to my butt!!! haiz!
ya s@l:: what dream? hahahas

sabrina:: not young la. my ideal was to have kids when i'm 25 ahhaha... now late by 1 yr!

plim and s@l:: i bought the Avent and tollyjoy one. the tollyjoy is the bottle kind, i LOOOVE it. it's nice smelling and cleans well. Am stocking them up. Avent is those packet type i bring out to use. find them thicker but drier. Still like tollyjoy. sells as 3 circular plastic box type.
i bought 1 big roll of pureen brand cotton wool ($3.65)and roll it into small little cotton ball and damp it with water to clean my bb's bottom (after cleansing must use tissue paper to wipe it dry). i find it easy to remove the poo poo and also save the cost.so far(touch wood), my bb dun have diaper rash..
any of you ladies experience post-natal hair loss? I think i am starting to have the hair loss already.. Everytime comb, hair drop everywhere. Must rush to pharmacy to get Regaine already.
try wipes from Huggies.. thick and wet..i bought them from Taka. Since saw them at Baby'rus and Giant..more exp but i dont mind cos i dont need to use so many.
for cleaning baby's backside, I was taught to clean bulk of the mess with the wet wipes then use warm damp cotton to clean all the remnants..
His backside is still nice to date.

BTW, anyone of u interested to learn baby massage? or has someone learnt and can teach?
hi mummies...

hope u all dont mind me being e "occassional poster" mummy...

between coping with isabelle (who is 3weeks old now), and my 13mth old son, and working from home (yup, working during my maternity leave)... hard to find e "luxury" time to sit down n post...

<font color="0000ff">wet wipes</font>
S@L, maybe u can try this, everytime after u've finish using rite, put e wet wipes "upside down" (i.e. e opening below).. cos i noticed tat when i reach e "bottom" last few pieces of wet wipes, its very moist, but when e pack is full, e top pieces r always very dry.. so hv been doing tis all e time n it helps abit.
as for "saving".. im using J&J wipes, n i always "tear" it into half before using.. cos we dont utilise e whole piece anywayz..

for isabelle, think she's pretty much "settled down".. im still TBF-ing, been trying to introduce e bottle & teat but she's spitting out e milk most of e time.. luckily im experimenting with FM, else heartpain..
her feeding schedule is very frequent in e day.. between 1.5-3hrly in e day, but luckily at night she'll take 1 feed around 11/12midnite.. then 1 feed, and e next is morning ard 6+ to 8am liaoz...

gotto go.. catch up again...
wow so difficult to log in. my laptop so slow. got to change liao.

superhappymum, duno when the numb will go off. still bulging like 3-4 mths preggie. sian.

dokie, my breast still have the existing lumps but getting smaller.

for the meeting up, I tin i will not bring my son. Need to bring alot of barang barang. Ladies, so what do ur want for tea time? How abt Noel line cake? Dokie ordered before. How is it? nice? If nice i just ask them delievered straight to Tweety's place or victoria's cake?
u take nap in the afternoon? jus now my massage lady told me if take nap in the afternoon not so easy to slim down. hee... now my tummy look smaller liao. b4 massage i looked like 5mths preggie, now looks like 1 to 2mths preggie. but dun know y my weight only go down by 1kg.
rast, is it true that if nap in afternoon not easy to slim down?
oh no, i hv been napping in the afternoons and sometimes mornings! no wonder my weight hasn't gone down at all! still 6-7kg away! *sob sob*
so nepia is softer than mamy poko? Pity my boy's backside. Always wrap with diapers, so want to get somethg softer for him. Me using mamy poko now.

I remembered u were the one that has the numbness in the fingers. Is it gone yet? Gynae told me takes about 6 wks. But me already in 4th wk but numbness and stiffness still there. I went for tui na, the person told me I injured my left hand, cos when she rub for me using the same strength for both hands, I scream like mad for the left hand. Thought I may have injured my hand cos always carrying bb in left hand. Now he is getting heavier and he kicks and moves a lot when hungry.
thanks all for sharing comments on the wipes...i will get some of those mentioned to try.

Yoko, are u referring to the cake seller on BP thread now? hahha...i jus cancelled my orders. u can refer to the BP to find out why.
yes tinkabel, Nepia is very soft. Worthwhile to get from the contact that Gemini19 has given coz newborn / Small size rarely retail outside and outside retail price is abt $16.90 per pk (now should be $17+ with the GST hike).
Plim, Sabrina, cindy and all....hahaha so curious abt my comments on my dream huh....

no la actually i m nt the motherly type or house-wifey type. so being a sahm is nt my ideal kind of life. i decided to settle down married early and give birth early so tt i can focus on my career. now helping hb in his ID biz, soon i would like to be starting my own biz. though no particular trade in mind yet, but my dream is to own a biz before 30s or early 30s.

Gillian, i organise Desitin cream sprees. if u dun need it urgently, i have an order coming in. i can spare u a tube then.
S@L, ic
pardon my ignorance... but what is ID biz? :p

u organise Desitin cream sprees? From drugstore.com? When r u organising again? Only Desitin cream? (SO MANY QUESTIONS...) Pls alert me k... coz if drugstore spree i would like to order some Hylands products. Thanks!
hahaha s@l:: wow, lofty aspirations! my dream same as sabrina, be a taitai!! but impossible. then again, i do love my job. hahaa....

sabrina, okay! i'm gg to buy one pack nepia try try. NTUC have sell ma?
Cindy, the problem is NTUC doesn't sell Newborn or Small size. Only Medium onwards. So must order from the supplier. Another alternative is to get from MEIDI-YA or BHG (at Bugis Juction).

Where do you live?
i'm from NAFA too. u're from which batch? i dun know him, he is my senior. last time he ever came to my class a few times (can't remember 4 what reason he came into my class). So u r interior designer too?
Rast, i think i m 9th batch...graduated 2000. wahahahaha....was telling my hb....he say how come u can remember him? he has such a 'forgettable' face....maybe he knows u...kekeke....

ya i m 'stuck' in this trade..bo bian....u?
yes, S@L, can u spare me a tube? U r going for the meeting on 17th right? If so, I can pass u the $$ then. Wat drugstore spree?? Can provide link?

Aspiration.... I wanted to own a children education centre, but now, decided to look after kids and do part time teaching.. Not so much of aspiration ya?? Hahaha...

I might be the younger ones around, i think.. I am 24 this year.

A bit sad cos my hubby left for business trip for 1 week today. He hasnt left since I got preggie. so I am feeling a bit weird although my mum is with me.. I am using mummypoko for diapers; i prefer that to drypers.

rast: I still have 8kgs to lose before I reach my pre-preg weight.. also feeling slightly affected cos all pants and clothes cant be worn, altho my hubby brought me to buy some clothes to tide over this period... but imagine, all the size is LLLLLLL.... so sian when I have to take L...
Gillian, i dun have it now..have to wait for the batch coming in. I jus sold 2 tubes i have on hand to Poissons. unless u check with her if she can let u have it first? She paid me already though.

alot of things to buy from drugstore.


wah u another young mummy....i think youngest here is Rachel (missyladee).
hmmm... can i suggest something? Maybe there can be a spreadsheet on the details of the mummies in this thread? E.g email address, occupation, estate/area lived etc.. so that it's easier when we want to share any resources and can know more abt the mummies in here (since our kids will be "growing up together" anyway

just a suggestion....
Koh Gillian,
i think yours is water retention too. mus do body massage to get rid of all the water. jia you!!!

no lah, we dun know each other. i saw him a few times bcos he came to my classroom. of course not only he came to our class alone lah, there's another girl (top student)always follow him to our classroom. but that girl i know her, cos ever seek some advice for my projects.
i'm also "stuck" in this trade. i graduated 1995.
rast, i dun nap in afternoon. but i woke up 11am. cos i have nite shift til 3-4am. dan wake up interval during my boss cries. my weight also going down very slowly.

tinkerbelle, now my fingers getting better. now not even 6 weeks. so wait for few more days dan see how.

gillian, same same, go shopping. sales girl will pass me m size to L. so dispointing. sianzzzz.

if u r interested, I hv 2 on hand. Do u need both? u can hv it 1st, cos i just ordered a few early this wk. can pass to u durig the gathering.

wow so many young gals...I thot nowadays, women tend to marry n hv kids later. Me 29 this yr, although married for 4.5 years now, Matt's the 1st kid. Too focused on career n annual travelling to hv kids earlier. Now with matt, i just wondered y i took so long to decide to hv kids...
