(2007/11) November MTBs


Re: Desitin Cream... Nappy rash today, gone tomorrow! and i meant it. It's really that effective. If no nappy rash, helps keep the baby's bottom irritant free. I am using Desitin for my 2 kids since Day 1. They never had nappy rash.

hi all,
its been a long week. Bought bb to the doctor today and she has reflux. I also went to see the skin specialist for my prolonged rashes since giving birth.

bb wakes to feed very often, 2hourly then suddenly this week, she wants to feed like every hour. she will posset after feed and then wants somemore again. this will continue the whole morn till around 12noon. my back is breaking soon.

doc say she needs to be in a more upright position. cannot lye down straight after a feed.
i am breaking down soon.. i keep crying these 2 days.

any suggestions on how to make this better?
HI Grace

I think your baby is going thru a growth spurt, like my baby. He also wakes every hour, sometimes not even 1 hour. It is really exhausting, I can understand...don't worry as I know its just a phase and once your body gets used to the supply it needs (if baby keeps feeding), things will be better. My baby also regurgitates very often after feed, very frustrating to see the milk being wasted. I already try to feed upright position, but still like that....see if you need to burp the baby then and if that helps.
HOpe things will get better for you.

how old is your gal? Sounds like she is experiencing a growth spurt too. My gal is already 1+ month old and she still has bad reflux. I have to add a food thickener (Thick & Easy) to EBM when feeding her. Seems to help a little. If your is on FM, there are brands like Enfalac A+ AR (I have seen this at Giant and KKH pharmacy) and Friso Comfort.

yah, it's very upsetting to see the bb vomit all the time (not to mention the cleaning up / washing that we have to do!!!!) I understand how you feel. The baby basically feed, vomit, feed and more vomit right?? Very frustrating.

When my gal sleeps, she is actually inclined at abt 30-45 degrees sometimes. Prop her up with lots of soft pillows. During feed, i try to burp her after every 1 oz of EBM. When after feed, i carry her upright for abt 30 mins (till my arms feel that they are going to drop off!! :p)

Up till now, my gal gags in her sleep too as if someone is choking her! But i seem to have gotten used to all these. Just waiting for her to grow out of it, no instant cure... as parents, we just try our best.
Joey, i got ur mail

Grace, ya same here i think is quite common once a while. but if like what u described, then jus need to give smaller feed more often.

i also prop my gal up sometimes aft feed and burping her. i use the Combi swing chair which can incline. it helps a bit rather then i put her in cot aft feed. i also dun like to carry bb too long so aft feed and burp i will want to find a place to 'park' her.

I read tt bb will outgrow this problem on their own...nothing much we can do except feed more frequently and smaller amt even for solids. My mum ever took care of a neighbours gal before who also have this problem.but she is ok now. so dun worry, k?

this may sounds weird but i have a concern...

today something weird happened to my boobs. They feel full the whole day even after many sessions of pumping. It's just the full feeling (and looks swollen too... but Not painful also. When the boobs feel full, i will pump. Then empty right? but after abt 1-1.5hr... feel full again. Then i have to pump again coz they look really swollen but not painful like engorgement painful... The whole day i have been tracing back what is it that i might have eaten to coz this. All this while i pump like every 3-4 hours only. Like magic boobs leh... full, pump, empty than full again.

Breastfeeding will experience such thing as this? I am getting tired pumping and latching my gal. My gal also getting very frustrated already. I have stop pumping / latching already. but the full feeling is driving me crazy. Seems a little abnormal. And this only started today.
hi sabrina/ S@L,
thanks for sharing your views.
my girl is now 6 weeks old weighing 4.9kg.
Doc also gave me prescription to buy the milk thickener, i have bought it and will try tonite. she is still on fully breast milk. i hope it works.
how often do your babies feed at nite? mine will wake 2 hourly. doc has ask me to use my carseak to park her. I didnt buy the combi chair..my arms will break soon if i dont put her somewhere for awhile before settling her into her cot.

thanks for the advise.. really appreciate it. mayb i just need a break and talk abt it cos i am the only one at home looking after her. hubby works shifts..and the 2 dogs are not helping too. they are still kinda jealous and peeing everywhere.
yours also male dog? mine both males. pee everywhere.. so tired of cleaning up. could hardly get enough rest liao still have to clean up after them. hows your bb? u finish confinement rite.. that cl go home liao hor.

i hope everything will get better soon.. =(
trying to relax...
Hope the situation will improve soon..dun cry and dun be sad, if you need someone to talk to, gimme a call ok? For me, I'm kinda getting nervous today cos' CL is leaving tmr and I have to look after my boy with the hubby (he took 2 wks leave to help out) who has not got the hang of taking care of the baby yet. Praying hard for the best
hi hi,

very long did not post liao... hey.. seems like I am not the only one who have a crying baby.. i really wondered what i have done wrong leh.. alone at home really is a challenge.... i hv to seek help from my ILs and parents..

S@L: I am also interested to get the desitin creamy.. would like 4 tubes.
xie xie ni..
dont worry, i also very nervous when cl leaves. its 2 weeks plus and we are ok, jus this reflux thing really hit my nerves. last straw lah.
with the alone thing, the dogs, the post natal rash and now the reflux.

lucky u got ils and parents who are not working.
my mil and mother working... so my dad will just pop by with my lunch.
hi grace,

ah fong cream no use ah? u try use the thickener and see what happens lor..
if u need to talk to someone or need help u call me lah...

since we stay so near....
Mandy, ok noted.

Sabrina, tat sounds cool...looks like u have a lot of milk...u mean u have given up BF? when i took fish soup the other day i also experience this sudden filling up of breasts in short interval...but the more i pump the more i m addicted..hahaha...sounds even more weird right?
yah the cream very slow moving. the rash gets better bery slowly. i have finish 2 50 cent tubs size. now i have to eat medicine and have a bath oil and 2 creams and a moisturiser to apply. the medicine is safe for breastfeeding.. other wise i wont eat.. so lucky loh. already suffer so long cos scared eat medicine cannot feed. thanks dear..

no lah... still BFing... Just now don't feel like pumping coz frustrated with myself over this. My temperament worse than Empress Dowager. My husband also said how come so weird i keep pumping the whole day today.
sabrina, if u want to slow down the milk production if u think u really hv too much, then certain session jus pump enough to relieve the engorgement..dun empty....but gd la i wish i can feel tt everyday....how much can u pump 3hrly now? or rather each session?
grace:: please keep your spirits up! sms me if you can't find poissons. hehehe... my bb also getting cranky. still feeding for long hrs. next wk is the 6 weeks period. most likely will feed feed feed non stop. hope it won't make me swop to FM. at night i top up with FM to make him last longer. so he only wakes up once at night around 4 when the last feed is around 12. but other times, the feeding interval for BM is still around 2 to 2.5hours.
cheer up ok. Things will get better as u learn about ur bb's habits and routine. Can come to any of us for support. We are here for one another...my boy also just got cranky. Feed already, change diaper already, dun want to sleep even though he is yawning away. Took me 1.5 hrs just to put him to sleep. And soon he will wake up again for feeding. I also wonder how long I can keep this up.
cactusnah, glad to hear ur bb is alright now, cheer up.

re: feeding patterns
my gal also has very erratic feeding patterns, some good days, she can sleep for 2-3 hrs before waking for a feed (daytime), other days, every 1 hr, and even after feeding, still very cranky and will nap for 15-30mins before crying again... :S
very tiring...

re: burping
do you notice that sometimes after feeding, ur baby do not burp, no matter how long u try to burp them? mine will b like tat lor... and during cases like tat, when i put her down after a feeding, she will start to b cranky shortly after and regurgitate some milk... i realised tat it is only when i pick her up again and finally burped her successfully, will she drift off to dreamland again, and very soundly...

wa, how i wish i can hv tat full feeling too and also get 120-160ml for each pumping session! that is very good!
So sorry I MIA for 2 days and I gotta read thru so many inputs... hahaha...
Sabrina: I am a preschool educator and I also give PT tuition/ enrichment.
S@L: No, I am not a SAHM, I teach in a preschool now. but I itend to do PT only after my contract ends in 2008.
I wanna order 4 tubes of Desitin cream too.
rast: I did the body massage, but still look the same...
Grace: try to cheer up... I was like that for a good 2 weeks too.. almost died from the crying. Think positive: u have lovely baby, caring hubby, help is available when u call, healthy body...
Tinkabel: Think 1 is enough.. thks for letting me have 1.
It's really heartpain to know what your baby has gone thru. It's glad all checkup come out to be okay. Now, you need to rest properly as your confinement is not over yet.

Is it you that have tried Fenugeek ? Does it really work? My ss is dropping again. I have been pumping regularly. I am going to try Fenugreek and get medicine from gynae today. No choice ! Sigh !!!
plim, was it u who suggested putting baby's pants at the crib so that baby will sleep in the night? I tried and....somehow it seems to work leh. my gal still wakes up every 2-3 hrs to latch but after that she will go back to her dreamland.. not sure if it's pure coincidence though... :p

my milk supply seems to be easily affected by stress and amt of fluid i take in. The amount that i produce is just enough to meet my gal's demand. Coz she takes abt 120ml-150ml each time. I guess it's because I'm petite so a little increase in milk supply can feel full already.

Grace, i guess we are in the same business of 'moulding the future of the nation' (whatever..:p) Are you teaching the montessorie programme? Coz i would like to find out more. PT tuition/enrichment? Very lucrative right? I have been toying with idea of being a SAHM for 2-3 yrs or till my DDs are 6 years old but give tuition to get some income.
plim..ha ha ha..not me lah..:p

sabrina, definitely pure coincidence. :p
no logic lah.
from what i know yes. increase milk supply, u need to drink fluid and affected by stress. So when u pump, u must relax and think of sth pleasant.

Superhappymum, how heavy is your baby when u let her sit on quest?
My bb was cranky all yest evening after his evening feed at 6 plus. Until midnite. Refused to sleep even though he was fed, diaper changed, carried etc. I was so frustrated. Every time, he appears to be sleeping soundly in my arms and I put him down, he wakes up and wails. Then put him on the bed, he kicks and kicks. Quite fed up, hopefully, it's just one time like that. Usually he is not so bad. Cannot imagine this happening frequently.

Sure. Will being 1 tube for u next Mon.

How's ur Matthias? U took any recent photos of him?
Gillian, ok will order and email u the details.

Superhappymum, yes i took fenugreek daily since day 4 when milk came in. from 2 weeks i started combining with blessed thistle. its works for me as i see steady inc in SS but also becos i latch all the time, tt period when bb wanted to latch every half to 1 hr i let her latch. prob tt contribute to my supply too. only recently i make it a pt to give 2btl feed a day to let her get use to btl. i also cut down on Fengreeek+blessed thistle now tt my ss is quite steady amt. but i lotsa fish soup almost ina daily basis.

did u pump regularly? it really helps as what Sabrina described, breasts 'fill' up very fast if empty.

Cindy, so u cant join us ah.....hmm...tot can see u in person ..hehehe...
dear all, i'm gg mad too. bb always wants to baobao and when he sleeps in our arms put him down he cry. My MIL says want to get yaolan but i'm really against it. But keep carrying also not the solution. Sigh, tinkabel you're not the only one lohs my monster is doing the same thing! yesterday carry whole day, night time sleep, then this morning from 8 o clock carry until now! put him down on the bed he wakes up and cary and kickkickkick. So angry. and makes all those elephant noises. REally maddening.

s@l:: yes sorry dear, i can't join you all, but how bout we have another one before the ML ends? like chinese new year or something. I really really want to go !!!
mine too...keep wanting to be rocked to sleep..worse..jus now reject btl. i fed her halfway she suddenly jus cry n cry till i latching her now....only if hb feed her btl she ok...but cant do it all the time cos he busy.
I'm soo glad that your baby is given all clear, at least the worst is over and you have piece of mind. Please join us for the cake and tea session if you feel up to it. The moral support will do you good.

I PMed you my order. Did you get it? couldn't post on the spree

Nov mummies gathering
CAKE & TEA session
17th dec Mon, 12pm
Venue: Tweety's plc

1) Tweety - tweety [email protected] - sandwiches, drinks.
2) S@L - [email protected]
3) Yoko - [email protected]
4) Plim - [email protected]
5) superhappymum - [email protected]
6) Tinkabel - [email protected] (to confirm, since my boy doing jab and may get cranky)
7) Gillian - [email protected]

Dokie & Cindy cannot make it

Can I also order 2 tubes of the Destin cream... haven't tried before but sounds good. What is the calendula cream use for?
wil wait for order.PM usually slower.if not, u can email me at [email protected]. Can do ur trf at the same time also

The CB Calendula cream is quite good. Can use for face, body and diaper area. It's like a multi-purpose cream. But I think the desitin cream is still better for diaper area (as it is thicker) as I have tried both.
dokie n s@l:: i reaaallllyy pray that this carrying thing is just a passing phase. s@L:: YOUR GIRL IS CLEVER! haha. maybe when you btl feed her she is not that hungry, so can be fussy till she gets what she wants. ^^ these days feeding my boy is such a chore. have to latch, he fall asleep, put down, cry, latch again, n the whole cycle repeats. for don't know how many times.

tweety:: reallly sorry but please organise another okay?
Tweety, i use the calendula cream for the cradlecap and sooth the bites on my son's leg. so far is quite good but i have nt used it as a diaper cream cos desitin is good enough. Calendula can use as a nite cream for mummies too and has nice smell.

i ordered mine from drugstore although but there are some BPs sprees going on too.
S@L, can I also order 2 tubes of the Destin cream?

Plim, where did you get your supply for Nan 1 HA? I'll like to get it also.

Cactuanah, so glad for you that your baby is now ok. Do rest well and take care of yourself too.

I'm still experiencing a bit of numbness around the C-Section area? Any mummies also?

Tinkabel, the Calendula cream can be used on face for rashes also? Does it has a strong medicine smell?

S@L, does fishsoup really helps? with papaya right? I tried drinking but ss is still very low.

Anyone still swaddling your baby?
My baby is 5.4kg when I put her on Quest last week.

I did pump regularly but ss still drop. My body has problem "listen" to my command. Sigh. It was even worst when I had my 1st baby. Sigh Sigh.....sigh..
for CB calendula, think I paid US$7.15 per tub and probably less than S$1.50 (cant really remember) for the shipping, since taurus033 does her orders for >12 (so cheaper). So I think taurus033's one still cheaper. But I just went to the website. All the CB products have much lesser discount now. Now Calendula (for orders > 12) is US$9.32. Asked taurus033 how come got increase. She say she will post reply from LifeVigour in the forum later.
i still do feel a little numbness.
and i no longer swaddle already

dear girls, did gynae ask you all to go back for pap smear? what's the purpose? lochia still here... already 5 wks le!! lochia still present cannot do the test eh?
gemini19, my c-section area has the same numbness feeling for abt 6 weeks... now much better. did ur gynae mention when we can resume exercise like swimming??
Nov mummies gathering
CAKE & TEA session
17th dec Mon, 12pm
Venue: Tweety's plc

1) Tweety - tweety [email protected] - sandwiches, drinks.
2) S@L - [email protected] and dips (maybe fish soup)
3) Yoko - [email protected] (curry puffs?)
4) Plim - [email protected] (cheese cake)
5) superhappymum - [email protected]
6) Tinkabel - [email protected] (to confirm, since my boy doing jab and may get cranky)
7) Gillian - [email protected]
8)cactusnah - (maybe)

ladies, can bring anything you want if you want to contribute. But so far this is what we have as far as i know. Pls update if its incorrect.

Ueno, cactusnah I will PM you my address
S@L, yes. He said not safe. How can I manage him alone both elder and younger? I usually bring the elder one out secretly while he is sleeping or away.

Supperhappymum, ok then I think should be ok because my son is 4.7Kg at one month old. Now he should weigh heavier. I can use this weekend liao. Weight does matter right?
Sound silly to ask . I have never use a normal pram. I bought quinny the last time but hardly used.
