(2007/11) November MTBs


Haha, we use the same background for the blog. See mine for Matthias... http://matthias-chan.blogspot.com/. Had to start the blog so that Matt's daddy in Shanghai can be updated on Matt's growing up process these few mths.

I also dun change after every poo, cos of the batches it comes. I realise at the start, bb poos concurrently or a while after they feed. But now, find that it may take a longer time. I kena a few times by the poo and the pee already. Quite "terrified" of changing. So if my boy is still ok, I usually leave him alone. BTW, I also change PD to Dr Ngiam.

I think dun hv to be afraid. My boy takes both breast and teats well. So just try to intro a few more times. I am using Avent teats.

If I can make it on 17 Dec (depending on whether my boy will get cranky after jabs), I will go get Breadtalk green tea and red bean filling cake, one of my favourites. And I pei fu u, can bring 3 kids out at the same time.

Wow ur bb is quite big. Barely a mth and almost 5kg already? My boy also takes 90ML, but dun tink he is putting on so much, although his daddy (after seeing his blog) say he has fattened up quite a bit. Will check his weight when I visit the PD on 17 Dec. No digital weighing machine at home.

Re: Hair colour
Great, my mum has agreed to take care for me whilst I get my hair done just before the full mth celebration. Finally...

cindy, i also bought mamy poko before i was due. let Mischa try the last time (1 week old) still too big for her.. i try n see if she can fit now....

share my blog with u:

s@l:: haha thank you! usually wedding ppl have photomontage of how they met and so on ma. cause HB don't like to take photos so when we were dating... (7yrs!), we don't have much photos together, so he decided to do the cartoon type lohs. hahaha. not sweet lah.. end up the whole wedding preps was done by me.. haah his excuse was:: i need to do animation. anything you decide. So hahahas. and yes mamypoko can fit le! I bought newborn size. fits well. Gg to buy S size already le. And wow! look at the last photo in the blog page, your two kids look like your hubbbbby! and i didn't realise this before, baby mischa has BEAUTIFUL hair. really. Rich and nice!

tinkabel:: your little boy is super cute! i also try to put my boy on his tummy whenever i can but aiyas. you know la. Parents inlaw don't really like it. say too early la. everytime not even 2mins ask me flip back le. SO i don't do it often..
S@L ,

do we have time to order from the spree? I don't think it matters where we buy our cakes as long as there are some cakes..haha
BTW, just checked out your blog. You are soo skilled and nimble fingered. How do you make those beautiful accessories?? You should bring some to the cake session.
Tweety, hiaz dun think its in time for the cake from the BP. i shall jus get some snack like curry puffs and all ok?if can find nice cakes i bring along too.

oh ya good idea...i bring those jewellery along...
u like those? its my hobby...but have since stopped when i was preg....cos can get dizzy making them..LOLzz...
btw any of u delivered almost 1 mth ago still have lochia ? i still have some...dunno why this time so long cos when i delivered my elder son,my lochia cleared within 2 weeks.
There is a Chocz near me, if all else fails, then I can go down to Chocz and get some cakes. No guarantee that I will have the time to go down and get them though

Just watched the clip from your hubby's blog. Super romantic!!!! I was tearing listening to the song!!!! aahhhh....You are soo lucky that your hubby is soo romantic and sweet. The cartoon clip was soo sweet....wish my hubby is as thoughtful as yours.... he almost forgot my birthday last week!!!! *%@#**
tinkabel:: hahaha i was doing "duty" lohs. BB wakes up around 4plus usually and stays up till 530am hahaha...

tweety:: Hahah thank you lah. I'm sure your hubby must have been overwhelmed that's why almost forgot lahs. hehe.

s@l:: istill have the lochia too. it's so long don't know why. b ut now already turning to the yellow type. goodness. mine is already going to 6wks le! hope it will clear soon.
Do you use diapers all day long? With the CL around, I told her to use cloth nappies in the day and diapers in the night..no choice, my boy's usage is very high! Let me know if Dr Ngiam is better when you bring your boy for the jab on Monday k? Thanks..
Poissons, whats the brand of the diaper u using? but with the amt of poo poo and ur boy quite particular abt it, means u have lotsa nappies needs washing per day?

Cindy, ya i feel ur hb is the 'sweet and caring' type...he manages the blogs for u and even made small models for ur dolls collection...how nice. My hb leaves everything to me and thinks i m a super woman. sometimes jus feel like being the 'damsel in distress'...hia.z.....
I use pampers cos' my sis bought from Japan for me and it's cheaper there. Still have 2 packs (80pcs) of NB, so better finish it off before getting new S size ones. Everyday got abt 8-10 nappies to wash.
i see...i think u can buy cheaper brands aft u finished the NB size....cos u change bb so often. so far Drypers i s quite ok. when they start using s/m size we have more choices of the brands.
s@l:: hahah cause he's the handicraft type. He was the one who suggested doing all the stuffs for my dolls. hahahas. and he enjoys it when ppl WOW at what he did. hahaha. But the drawback is too hooked onto toys. he buys Transformers i buy dolls in the end.. not much $$ left hahhaa!! differnt ma. Now we just got married only 1 yr so still sweet and caring. maybe later on got more kids and as time passes, he becomes to bochup type too. muahaha. Howhow? did you try to use the Mamypoko pants?

and yes i think we can buy cheaper brands after finishing the NB size. think i am moving up to S size le. my friend is using NTUC brand. but he says it's not so soft.. gues i won't want to use NTUC brand lah. hahaha...

my mom just came. Thinks i'm not feeding bb enough. Say i cannot use finger to test if he's hungry then feed him. OMG. almost flared up. insisted i mix breastmilk and FM in the same bottle to feed to let him feel full. How can like that!?!?!? so mad. and it's my own mother!

Do you girls feel very heavy and full wheen it's time for the next feed? these days i don't really feel that hard and rocky even when it's time for the next feed. don't know if milk SS is dropping or if body already accustomed to bb's needs and just makes enough.

dokie:: where have you been ah? missing? how's the bottle feeding?
ya, i still hv lochia leh... i also remembered for my 1st one, lochia cleared b4 1 month... juz now at gynae, i asked him, he said as i'm still breastfeeding, lochia will still continue on and off...

re: Cakes and Tea session
I dunno what to bring... i think i'll bake a cheese cake this weekend and bring it for the gathering on 17 Dec.

you want to go together for the gathering on 17 Dec since we're staying so near?
Anybody else staying in north-east?
Cindy, ya maybe lo...hb and i marrried for 5yrs le! and together total for 10yrs le...tats why no more spark la...kekeke...how old are u? u sound like a very young bubbly lady!

oh yes i tried mamy poko jus now...the poo poo reallly ended up in the poo poo pocket...and she can wear tt NB size already. going to change to S too once the stockups are almost finished. but have yet to explore S size which brand is more worth. i bouht a pack of SEALER too have nt tried...

ya i think now our breasts used to it only engorg if really very full...although feels soft at feeding, pump out can get quite alot...

my mum also the same when i had my 1st bb. now she know i have milk she didnt comment.

Plim, why BF lochia will be ard huh? maybe tt why my 1st bb lochia cleared fast cos is was 50% FM+ 50%BM.

Cake session: u still got time to bake ah? Peifu!
u will be at ur mum plc? u dun stay SK right? i dun mind but which part of SK is ur mum plc? where can we meet? cos i prob takin a cab down. i can pick u up or vice versa....lets discuss thru sms...i going out now....chio....
s@l:: wow 5 yrs! hahahas!! 10 yrs!! wow! hhaah so far me and HB together for 8 yrs hehehe. though married for only 1 yr hahaha... how old is everyone here? I'm 26 loh.. just turned 26 in nov. hoho...

Ya the pooppoo really lovely isn't it? I like it ahahah especially the watery stools will end inside. somemore can see from outside if it's soiled. Love it!

really! good to hear. cause now it's like still feel very soft don't know if still got milk or not. hahaha so you also feel the same eh? that's relief on my end. ^^ my mom really hard nut to crack. didn't want to say further so just kept quiet. sians.

plim and s@l:: i also heard bcause of BF, it'll take longer to clear but don't know why ley!

cake session:: I am gg to buy cookies/brownies this wkend, amos cookies, is that okay with everyone? However there may be some changes as my cousin is hmm critically ill in hospice now and may go any moment, so if anything happens these few days, i might not be able to go... is that okay dears? though i really wish to!
I'm using Huggies size S now, and I find them pretty good. They are rated no 2 after pampers in the UK. I didn't realise that they are much cheaper in singapore. The NB are $6.00!! I'm using sze S, 44pcs at $15.40. But after I finish this batch I think I have to use size M, my son has such a fat belly.

You can make your own cheese cake? Thats great! I used to make my own, but now I have no time. No bake ones. looking forward to it

Anymore mummies baking ??

Hope the weather improves, would be nice to have some sun.
poissons, cindy:

I also use mamy poko. Quite satisfied with it, other than the pampers Glen E uses (although much more expensive). Tried a few pieces of huggies that I receive for trial. Not bad also. I tried using cloth nappies, but the poo poo is really hard to clean. And my MIL washes for me now as she insisted I cannot touch too much water. So I told her to forget it, just use disposable throughout. Paiseh to keep asking her to wash my son's poo poo. Think the S size one much cheaper than the newborn...

Think my hubby also same as your hubby. Think I can handle everythg myself. This time, I actually came back alone 1 mth before my EDD to wait for Matt to arrive. Now, he's back in SH. But I think also partly due to my character. I a a control freak. So need to know what is happening.
S@L, Cindy,
Dunno why BF takes longer for lochia to end leh... sianz...

Cake & Tea Session:
i used to bake before my 1st one came along, now only can do it occasionally...
just hope that the cheese cake turns out well :p

I stay in Sengkang jus across the road of your block
but daytime i'm at my mother's place which is in Hougang (near to IMH, so it's just down the road from our place)... sure, we can share a cab, mayb you can pick me up on the way... otherwise, if i get to use the car, i will go pick you up :D

the mamy poko diapers that u all are refering to sounds interesting... got poo pocket some more! wat does that mean ah? it's mamy poko NB diapers is it?
So far, I'm using Drypers and occasionally Pampers...
Cindy, wah u so young! i m 27+ going 28 in another month+ time! hahah...old hag liao...
ya the mamy poko poo poo pocket is kinda cute...but very exp...cannot tahan. Will still use it for longer hours outside.

Today went for 2nd dose Hep B and Dr. commented Mischa's bottom abit reddish.hahah...me cho lo mummy use alot of force when cleaning her buttocks till red red although i apply alot of Desitin....hiaz....

Tinkabel, ya ya i also same as u...control freak...or rather dun trust him doing things so always want to have a say in the end he give up rather let me do everything...so we deserve it right?

Plim, oh i see..i got it mixed up so u stay in SK...great we can meet more often then! U going bk to work aft 3 mth ML?me jus quarrel wth hb cos he eagerly wants me to pass bb to my mum so tt i can start 'working' for him..sianz....i told him i need to establish the routine and my BM ss first...he jus dun get it..
Ok will arrange nearer the date who picks who ok? U drive often? heee..i haven been driving since i got preg with mischa...hb asked me to start driving again..i so dread it ...prefer to be passenger..heehe...

ya the diaper is mamy poko NB....i think other sizes dun have this feature....right Cindy?

Tweety/ mummies, i will be bringing along Nacho chips w/ cheese dip and salsa....yummy...i ordered from the BP. Looking at the 'menu of the day', we are all sinful mummies.....heee...got a funny idea though....maybe i make some Fish and papaya soup for BF mummies? anyone keen ? hehehee.....
Cindy, S@L, I don like avent leh. the teat very hard. Also my elder son drinks very little with avent bottles at birth. So I switched to pigeon during that time.

Managed to train him bottle feed since Monday. But he doesnt enjoy it.

He poos on average 8-10 times a day. every feed has poos. I only change him just before feeding.
occasionally in between feeds.

Tweety, I have tentatively placed orders for 2 half kgs for monday gathering. Is it too many? I cant decide one or two.
Gals what do your think?

I am going out today and mum house...:p
Reply q tonight.
hi dokie, fussiecat,
thx for info - i try to let her be but CL still feed her water whenever she hears BB hiccup very loudly. past 2 days my BB merlioned quite badly... so pity her; coz usually she only spit out a bit of milk but now, sigh... not sure why.

RE: Yao Lan
any1 using it for bb during the day?
my MIL kept nagging bb's head is flat on both sides every time she comes over; and some more say my bb spoilt liao coz need to be rocked to sleep! sigh...
any recommendation and where is best place to get it?
How old is ur bb? Try letting ur bb sleep on tummy? Can prevent flat head and less need to pat/rock bb to sleep. My bb is going to be 1 mth this Sat and he just learnt to sleep on the tummy these 2 days. I find that he sleeps better. but of course, in the start, u must watch ur bb in case he is unable to turn his head from side to side. My bb slept well for the prev few nights without me hvg to pat him. In fact, he was sleeping beyond his normal feed for 4 hrs before waking up for next feed.
S@L, Cindy,
Wa, both of u so young... think most of you in this forum are pretty young, i might b one of the older ones in this forum

Oh, talking abt jab for 1st month, i'm bringing my bb to her jab this sat... hopefully she dun develop fever or get cranky, else i might not be able to join the gathering on monday...

i think might hv to 'take stock' of wat we have on monday, else might end up with too much food! hehe...

kittybride, for 'yao lan', i bought mine from kiddy palace (but i believe got cheaper ones elsewhere bah), i din buy the stand, just the accessories and the cloth and i hv a hook at my parents' place ceiling to hang it....
However, so far hv not used it for this one yet, my 1st one din wan to sleep in it...
s@l, plim :: s@l, not young lahs. you also abt there when you had your son ma! yes only mamypoko got the poopoo pocket to collect t he shit. actually i also like pampers cause they have this strip ibdicator that tells you wet diaper, time to changge hahaha...

kittybride:: my mom also keep asking me to use yaolan but i refuse. later will get addicted de. like what tinkabel suggested, can out him to sleep on his tummy?

dokie:: you gg out whole day today? bringing bb along or pump along?
I think one cake is efficient seeing its a 1kg!!!

I was the oldest mother at our first gathering...(just turned 34...sob...sob)
I've been married 11yrs now! Time flies when there are children and the husband will reach a comfort zone where they think its ok to forget anniversaries and birthdays!!!
My hubby is much older than me and NOT romantic at all..however he made up for it because when he is romantic you can knock me over with a feather!! I'm usually speechless with shock and feel that aliens have abducted my hubby and replace him with a clone....hehe
Dokie Avent teat is hard for a reason. cos i read tt when bb suck on harder teat they wont get milk so easily hence when they can transit btwn latch and btl. softer teat they will get milk easier and will reject the nipple cos more difficult to get milk.

Kittybride, from what i know, if can PLEASE dun start using yaolan. cos ALL or MOST yaolan bb are fussy and cannot fall asleep if no yaolan. one of my fren have to rush home most of the time for her bb to sleep cos she even refuse to even sleep in pram. like what other mummies suggested, let bb sleep on tummy during daytime if u are worried at night u have to keep checking on bb.

Plim/tinkabel, if ur bb taking Hep B at 1 mth dun worry wont get fever/cranky according to the Dr. at polyclinic. so u can come for the gathering with peace of mind.

Tweety/plim, if confirm have cheese cake then Dokie jus need to get 1 more cake i suppose? i need to sms her to confirm cos she prob ordering the cake today and cant check the forum.

so what we have for now:
1)drinks (tweety)
2)sandwiches (tweety)
3)cheese cake (Plim)
4)cake (Dokie)
5)Cheese dip & nachos (S@L)
*maybe fish soup if i can cope
any mummies experiencing their litle ones crying before bedtime?

not sure why my gal turns cranky this week before bed time though we fed her about 10pm daily. She will demand another feed close to 12 pm before resting for the night. Driving my husband and myself nuts as she cries really hard.

I'm feeding her 120ml 3 hourly and she weighs 5.2 kg at week 4. (now at week 6)

For diapers, I'm using Nepia which I order directly from Nepia and they do delivery. Prices are cheaper than the supermarkets (if supermkts not having sales)They have the strip indicator also.

For formula, I'm using Nan 1 HA. Order from distributor is cheaper also.

S@L, I'm also still having lochia though I deliverd more than1 month ago. My gynae tried the pap smears last sat and failed

After weeks of trying, I still do not have much BM. Quite upsetting
Sounds like a good idea to put our bbs on the tummy to sleep! When you placed him on the tummy do you need to pat him on the backside to make him sleep? My boy still wakes up at 2 hrs interval at night to have his feeds (although feeding him with FM),very tiring leh..

Btw, my boy has some red pimplish dots on his cheeks, guess it's some rashes, what shld I apply to get rid of them?

Last evening was so pissed with my CL, she slept from 4-7pm, leaving me to take care of the bb alone..I have to wake her up at 7pm to cook dinner! Urrghh...
Can you share the contacts to get cheaper Nepia diapers and Nans?

Mine kinda subsided since yday (nearing 4 wks), but still wearing panty liners juz in case.
Gemini, my gal dun really cry alot, but she wants to be carried/ rocked to sleep at night. daytime she can fall asleep herself...jus tt the last feed before bedtime she wants to 'play/ talk' and then rocked to sleep. i m also exhausted.

u try taking any suplement? i personally find fish soup does wonders. these few days been boiling my own fish bone soup and it really boost the BM ss alot. i also take fenugreek occasionally but initially i take 6 caps a day now BM kinda establish i reduce my intake. lastly if still doesnt work, can ask gynae to prescribe the Domperidome or Metaproclomide (forgot spelling)

Poissons, PD advise jus leave the spots alone. could be milk rash or js skin sensitive. but can wipe his face more often. i jus use warm water to clean.

BTW do join us for the gathering. if u going then i pass the desitin to u instead and refund u the postage. let me know ok?
I discovered that he gets comforted easily when I put him lying on his tummy on me (Me either sitting or lying down). I used to pat him to calm him down to sleep (most of the time, quite effective even if he is hungry, so I can drag his feeding time a bit longer). These few days, I put him on his tummy. No need to pat to sleep, in fact, last 2 nights, he slept throughout like that, only wake up when hungry (at times he sleep so much better, that he sleep past his feeding time). Matt now, can turn his head from one side to the other even when sleeping, although he still cries (for help) if he doesn't have enough strength to turn the other side. So for a start, do this only in the day time, as we might get too sound asleep at night to hear his cries, so might be dangerous.

As for the spots on the face, matt also has it. it's bb acne caused by the milk. Think someone mentioned can use evian spray. I just bought yest, going to try. If not, clean bb's face with warm water after each feed. Try not to apply too much cream. I just put a bit of aloe vera gel to help the healing. Matt likes to put his hands (+mittens) near to mouth, so always kena milk. Then he rubs his face, so that's why he gets the spots.

So sad, I just discovered my bb got a reddish spot on the backside. Think due to diaper rash. Now really must change diapers more frequently.
Oh yah, maybe u can try doing ur last feed around midnight and give him a bit more milk to last longer. I also tried this and Matt can drag his feed to 3.5 hours. Looks like I am doing a lot of trial and error. Maybe if i combine this with sleeping on tummy, he might sleep throughout the night haha. Prob try it tonight.
poissons.. yea, i did what tinkabel did. last feed ard 12am, i let him latch on first, then i upped with 20 to 39mL of FM. the next time he gets up is abt 4am
i hv the same problems with my gal at night. very fussy and difficult to get her to sleep, she can be asking for feed 1 hr after her feed at ard 9 or 10pm, even after tat it takes a while to get her to sleep. i just hope it's a phase they are going through...

could you share the contact for Nan distributor?

when u put ur bb to sleep on the tummy, means the whole tummy is flat on the bed and then the head turns sideways is it? i tried it once (i was beside her all the time) and she slept so soundly... i think it's a good method but hv to be very cautious in case they dunno how to turn their head if their head facing down on the bed.
Thanks for the tips! I juz tried putting my boy on the side and patted a few times on his backside to sleep, he has since drifted off to lala land. Probably after his next feed and he feels sleepy, will put him on the tummy and see if he can sleep better. Usually when he wants to sleep, he will get a little cranky and I have to pick him up from his playpen, carry him in my arms and pat him to sleep while I'm seated down...very tiring. Hubby said it's not a good practice, but I can't think of anything else.

I juz found a bottle of Evian spray but already expired..haha..guess will go buy it tmr.

So happy, going to attend my company's D&D tonight..finally "Prison Break"!
poissons, wah so nice...good food. then u intend to pump? i really dread the days when i need to follow the clock and lug a pump ard....

Be very cautious when letting baby sleep on their tummy. It has been known that sleeping on their tummies can result in cot death

How are you going to transport the fish soup to the gathering??
"In the study, 54 of the 325 babies who died from cot death died during the day. Doctors noticed that there were some similarities in the way these babies had been sleeping:

75 per cent of them had been sleeping in a room without an adult in it

61 per cent had been placed on their side or tummies to sleep

They also noticed that babies who had been sleeping alone when they died were more than twice as likely to be found with bedclothes over their head than babies who died when a parent or carer was in the same room.

It is difficult to say from this whether it was the babies sleeping position that was the problem or the fact they were not being watched. However, it is clear that putting your baby to sleep on her back and keeping her in the same room as you for all her sleeps will reduce the risk of cot death. "


Sorry to be soo morbid, but safer to know these things.
I'm not there for the food leh, cos confinement not over yet..going there to show "face" cos' many big bosses flew here to attend a meeting and this dinner. Yah, will be pumping before attending the event.
tweety, ya SIDS is a common problem hence we suggest only daytime n with supervision.

if i do cook the fish soup i will place in a take-away container maybe can reheat at ur plc.....no promise though cos nt sure if i have time to simmer the soup in the morning.

Poissons, oh i see...i tot u can eat the food there.hahah...
plim, poissons:
That's right. And u are also righ. Have to b very catious cos bb also want to turn head to the other side when tired. So try it only in the daytime, where you are around to check on bb.

For those going for cake session, you intend to bring EBM or latch? I am thinking bringing EBM is too much trouble cos got to bring a lot of barang barang. But I also dislike the messiness of latching... Sigh...
Yah my bb unlatches at times, then the milk start dripping every where. So it gets very messy each time I try to latch matt on, so I just give up and express 100% now. Although I like the time alone with bb. U have any good idea to correct this?
hi S@L, Plim

Nan contact : Sin Hoe 67555511. I got the Nan 1 HA at $189.45 for 6 cans (the min order). They do delivery to CCK and woodlands. Others, you might need to go down and buy.

Nepia : 6226 2650
Need to buy min 4 packs and they do delivery. Cost is $15 each, regardless of sizes.

Yes, I hope its a phrase too. Very tiring at night just trying to make her sleep.
tinkabel:: me also same prob. I use tissue to stop milk out flowing when travis unlatches suddenly. haha. Just press 4 a few sec can le. if not mine also messy leak and drip onto bra n clothes. yucks.

gemini and rest:: is the nepia pampers good?
maybe i can try too hehe.

tinkabel, sometimes Mischa does tt too...when i sense my letdown coming usually will get ready the other hand and to pull up my bra if she does tt...cos there is a breasts pad in my bra, can catch the milk. alternatively get a hanky ready at all feeding times...whn ur bb unlatches, quickyly cover urself. lill 2 birds with 1 stone cos for modesty sake and for cathing the milk.

ya i also love the bonding. although i intro btl to Mischa occasionally abt 1-2 times a day. beginning of btl feed she will wail and struggle cos dun like the teat. sometimes i feel so sad to see tt cos she latch on for milk no problem will be happily suckin away. but i need to start btl somehow cos i need to be away sometimes thus full latchin is nt possible...
