(2007/11) November MTBs

I think its milk rash. My boy got it too when he's 3wks old. I used evian mineral mist spray to clean his face n the rashes disappear within a wk. Its quite common.

we are in the same boat...ok we have one another shoulder to cry on..

it will happen very often after one month party because people carry mah. :p

I want to intro ebm bottle liao. any tips ? can advise?
dokie.. what tips you need? hehe. i don't do it often but my bb tends to leak so always put one hanky at the neck.
still prefer direct Latch as I find now bb can empty breasts quite fast!!

tweety:: i used avene spray.. condition also gone after 2 to 3 days.
I cant leh. I need to go out so I want to intro ebm direct feed.If not, I always have to rush home. My sis getting married in Jan . I need to go to salon to do up. Now is ah soh.
dokie:: HAHAHAH!! then can la. Bottle easy de.
But make sure bb is not lying down at leaast at 45degree angle. ^^ and hanky at the neck. You will find he'll take a long time to suckle for the first time. ^^

tinkabel:: are you SURE? no ley I heard BF cannot colour hair ley!!

Regarding e tea session, feel like joining u all but i got a problem. Never tried to bring my elder son (19mth) n my bb gal out alone. Only on weekends when my hubby is free then we go shopping. Cos my son sometimes still nids me to carry him. Anybody has this prob?
Cindy, can lah. I asked both PD and lactation consultant before. So I need to colour lor..alot of white hair liao.

Tinkabel, aunty sadiah is good. She is honest and skilful. I recommended her to my cousin liao.

Cindy, donno leh. A little nervous. I donno why. May be I am afraid rejection of either bottle or breast subsequently. Very tense..sound silly I know :p

Tweety, where are we getting our cakes on 17th Dec?
I heard some say can, some say cannot. So not sure. That's y want to check with you all. Hmm, unless I cut my hair short to get rid of the ends. Now looks quite bad cos the ends are all of a much lighter colour. Anyone ever ask gynae or PD before?
wah..ur bb quite big size huh. how old is ur bb? my bb i last weighed him on last fri is 3.79kg and now he's only 5weeks old. i think among all the mummies here, my bb is the smallest size *SOB SOB*
wah..ur bb quite big size huh. how old is ur bb? my bb i last weighed him on last fri is 3.79kg and now he's only 5weeks old. i think among all the mummies here, my bb is the smallest size *SOB SOB*
ladies, for my previous confinement, i went for cut and colour the moment the confinement ended! was giving my son EBM that time. no probs lah.

adeline, i'm like you. Elder son is 19mths older than my girl. My son is very active so there is no way i am going to go out with both kids by myself. My hubby must be there to control him! i have seen some mommies out with 2 kids by themselves and i envy them. How do they do it???
rast, S@L looking for u?
did u say poly 5 in 1 costs $290
She checked out sengkang it costs $350
I think may be because u asked clementi which is under NHG. Sengkang is under singhealth and so there is a price difference. I suspect.

Tinkabel, is ok. I asked before. :p I am trying ebm bottle feed later this afternoon so that I can go to salon this week.

Rast, don worry as long as he is healthy. By the way, I asked the aunty sadiah on your massage lady 's comment. She said normal. She touched u so all the wind passed to her. So she burped. I still find it strange and unacceptable but Mdm Sadiah looks very sane so I have to trust her. :p
tinkabel n dokie:: haha.. if can colour.. can do rebonding?

dokie.. i also afraid of rejection from breast after intro bottle but its fine. bb still loves breasts after i intro-ed the bottle of ebm at 3 wks.. ^^

adeline.. i will go visit you don't worry!! hahahas.. but wait till bb's neck is stiifier and he can play.. so fun!
cindy can lah....:p

So I am normal..hee hee..anyway I decided to do it later. I have put 1 oz in bottle getting ready to feed him when he wakes up.
dokie.. sure!! i need to do my hair too. haha. but also cannot go out too long.. later boobs very full manz. haha.
Ya reaaly envy those mummies. I will try it when my son is older now still not dare to scare they both make a fusss i cannot handle.

Will be very if u come visit me since we stay so near each other.My gal can turn her head n lift it up for awhile cos at nite i let her sleep on her stomach.Better oso wouldnt be scare so easily
Sabrina / Cindy,
I checked w my hospital nursery and like Cindy said, once expressed, must consume within 4 hrs in room temp. But once fed to baby , must finish within an hour, or throw away after.

Rast, my baby's even smaller than yours. Now 3 weeks old and last weighed, was only 2.75kg. So sad and can't wait to get him to put on more weight.
u r rite, sengkang and clementi polyclinic they're under different management that's y price is different. furthermore, singhealth they only have 5-in-i jab.
My baby is now about 2.8kg or so and drinks 70-80ml every 2-3 hrs. That seems very little. And he sometimes cries one after after his feed. Does that mean I need to increase his feeding volume?
Try to come to tea session if you can handle it. There will be other mommies to help out. I think it would be good practice to try to take the kids out on your own. I have been taking my 3 out on my own for the past week. So far no major problems.

Cake & tea session.

Can mommies bring some cakes?? I will getting 2 platters of sandwiches and tea & coffee. So far we haven't ordered anything or organised anything on the cake front. I thought it would be good idea and fairer for mommies to bring a small cake to share. Maybe theres a brand that you like and would like to share with rest of us. Please indicate on your name if you are bringing cakes.

Nov mummies gathering
CAKE & TEA session
17th dec Mon, 12pm
Venue: Tweety's plc

1) Tweety - tweety [email protected] - sandwiches, drinks.
2) S@L - [email protected]
3) Yoko - [email protected]
4) Cindy [email protected]
5) Plim - [email protected]
6) superhappymum - [email protected]
7) Tinkabel - [email protected] (to confirm, since my boy doing jab and may get cranky)
8) Gillian - [email protected]
9) [email protected]
twiggy:: but once warmed and fed, cannot rewarm right?

adeline.. yup. my bb also can lift his head upright on his own hehe.. will be fun for sure!
i went to clementi polyclinic, they're under NHG. only NHG have 6-in-1 and 5-in-1 pkg, but singhealth only have 5-in-1, cos last time i called to check with both clinics. where u stay? NHG they have a few branches : ang mo kio, bukit batok, choa chu kang, clementi, hougang, jurong, toa payoh, woodlands and yishun. or u can also go to their website: www.nhgp.com.sg
rast/Dokie, ya i jus saw ur posting aft i posted mine. indeed Singhealth charges are more expensive..so i m going to hougang branch which is under NHG
That's right. I think once it's fed, you may be introducing germs into the bottle and must be finished within the hour or discarded. Cannot be rewarmed and refed. I wish it could.
Sometimes feel so heartache to see my BM being discarded.
i would love to come but i am in melbourne now, brought my baby for a vacation..not sure if i will be back in sin this week, will let u know if i am able to make it.
Re: cranky babies
seems like its a stage they will go thru cos sinc yday my gal also wants to be carried and slept little in the daytime..nt like first few weeks....maybe she tuning her US timing to Spore timing liao...heehehe....

Dokie, u didnt intro btl for ur elder son? why so tense? hhehee...i already intro a few btl esp these few days cos she kept falling asleep when suckle and wake again to be fed..i cant do my things and cant pump /empty breasts properly....

but still prefer her to latch at night and when going out cos no need to bring so many barang...so far she is ok with btl and latch...but can see she still prefer to latch cos sometimes will cry for a while with btl in her mouth...but one opposite to some babies here, Mischa can drink quite fast with btl ard 5min she can finish her 100ml.
s@l:: wow!!! 5min to finish 100mL!! my bb empty breasts faster than empty bottle. goodness! hehehe..

twiggy:: yea loh that time i wasted 50mL so heartache. next time must partition out into different bottles then not wasted.
Cindy, my bb empty my breasts in stages...hiaz....super sian....then my mum tot i dun hv milk becos i kept feeding...until i pump n showed her then she kept quiet....
hi mummies... anyone still taking the milk tea? I have one box left over. Can give it to nov mummies here for free if you can self collect at Pasir Ris
Just pm me. i should be home most of the time.
Wow S@L so envy u, my gal drink super slow. she takes 30 to 45mins to finish her 110ml of FM.
I totally stop bm feeding liao. Cannot cope with my son n gal both needing my attention gg crazy. N my bm not enough for her oso.

Can i confirm wth u again need to discuss with my hubby.

I got 1 n half box left of e milk tea. Anyone need it i giving out free. and a almost full can of friso gold(free).
S@L, Cindy, mission failed. He rejected bottle of ebm. So sad! How I go out?
I am using nuk glass bottle leh . Now trying pigeon and see whether he likes.
Adeline, ya but i scared soon she will nt wan to latch cos she get milk slower than from the btl.

Dokie, i using Avent and no problem le. she only pushed out with her tongue a few times for the 1st few times i intro btl..but eventually will suckle the teat.
Avent is said to be the closest to mummies nipples le...i tried for my son also he took btl quite well.

u need to try a few times la cos u have nt intro btl till now he definately dun like. but i advise must try lo otherwise u really no life.
tt day luckily i put aside a btl in the fridge and my hb helped me to feed ...cos i was busy in the toilet (hahaha) and i took real long to come out...otherwise bb would have starved..

Re: mothers milk tea
my fren swore by it but it seems alot mummies here dun find it useful. i m still taking it as a hot beverage although also dun see the incr in BM. maybe i didnt follow 3bags a day i only took as and when i feel like it. perhaps only suitable for some mummies.

A&J, my gal also have the milia spots on the forehead and can see some cradle cap on her eye brows (hopefully it doesnt spread to the scalp) i apply the calendula cream on the cradle cap and aloe vera on the milia. hope they go off soon...cos she nt pretty liao...
yes dokie:: i also used the avent one, initially will push out but later on no problem le. Why don't you try this one if the Pigeon one doens't work too?

those on TBF, how many poos do you get a day?
my boy is on TBF.
he poos in batches, i need to change his diapers ard 6x a day. most of the time, he can really poo ALOT.
he's 26 days old, ard 5kg and he can take 90-110ml of EBM.
cindy, cant really count cos everytime open diaper sure got poo poo....i dun change immediately she poo cos tried before she also poo in batches...once change new one poo again. so i usually feel her diaper a bit wet then change.but at least change 6-8times a day.
if you dun change your gal immediately when she poos, she dun make noise? My boy gets very irritated when he poos, even if its only a small amt..so gotta change, cannot wait..unless wanna hear him scream and yell.
poissons, nope she ok unless really very dirty/ wet cos once i was out and tot will be rushing home soon so didnt change her outside she cried and cried i tot she wanna latch..until i changed her..
cat:: wow! your little boy is growing so fast! not yet 1 month already 5kg. hehe. good goood!

cat and s@l:: and yes mine also poos in batches but i also change him immediately as by carrying him it's like squishing all the shit all over the place if i don't change immediately ley. I hate to clean up messy mess. Just now i just wasted 2 diapers just because the poo came in 2 batches. Yucks.

s@l:: yes i have for bb only lah. You?
Cindy, share ur blog la. i have started mine abt half a yr liao.

my gal poo ok la nt tt messy....in fact BF bb poo easier to clean..nt smelly too.i use drypers at home cos cheaper...go out sometimes will use pampers. but actually no need to use so expensive ones cos change so often no need diaper to be too lasting unless ur bb buttom is sensitve then need better ones.

Poissons, i have additonal tuibes of desitin. can mail to u first cos i ordered frm drugstore already. u can sms me ur add again? i send to u./
s@l:: i use mamypoko pants cause got the poo poo pocket. hahaha.... and ya BF stools easier to clean but if on FM also won't poo so many times eh? ahhahas. okay the blog is maintained by hubby ah not me hahaha.. www.travisten.blogspot.com

I also waiting for more tubes of desitin to come. it's REALLY very very good.
Thanks, I will msg you shortly, do let me know how much to tt you including postage ok? 3 tubes right?

Saw your blog and I'm keen to get the pillow too. My boy has been sleeping on the right side too much and we are afraid that his head will go whye whye..where to get the pillow huh?

hahaa poissons:: i got the pillow from centrepoint's robinsons. The new toys and infant department at the topmost level. It's by babysafe. and i also got the positioner too, for use when he learns how to turn. but for now the pillow is really good. ahahha. And he sleeps better and longer with it I feel. ^^ My boy also sleeps to one side too much and i akready can see a bit flatter on that side. Maybe i'm imagining things hahaha. but didn't want to wait longer and didn't want to put him in sarong so i gave him the pillow, plus each time though i put him on the side he didn't want to sleep on, he'll turn back.
