(2007/11) November MTBs

Poisons: Congrats! More baby girl dust for you!

ASHM: Hope you have a smooth delivery and hope your new maid will be a better one.

Smilemum: yeah, you have to be fierce to your maid. Mine too. Treat them so nice...everything slack and can forget routine things that need to be done daily. Give them a dress-down, you can really see the different but it only lasts for a week and back to square one again.

Poissons: Dunno leh. From the last antenatal scan at 13-14 weeks, still couldn't see despite being scanned twice. 1 time by sonographer and another by gynae. For E it was like super obvious lor but not the "3rd leg" but the "mini-mountain" between his legs. haha. His daddy was so proud. Men!

My edd is brought forward to 17th March cos baby is bigger than expected. Your EDD is not too far off mine. =) Another child who can be classmates with your little one! haha.

Just to check, did you sign G up at St james instead of Maris Stella? What timeslot? Is there still space for Nursery ah? I'm still undecided about Maris Stella.

I'm officially in 2nd trimester now so tiredness is better. Dun worry, you'll get over the hurdle soon. =) Any morning sickness? I had quite bad "night" sickness/nausea with this one.
hee..then high chance that yours is GAL
good luck! hope you continue not to see the mountain or "3rd leg".

my edd is 11 May but based on last birth, i was 2 wks earlier, so gynae said this time shld be the same, so most likely will be end Apr.

G is with St James, his class is from 2.45pm to 5.45pm for Pre-N. Dun think they still have space cos' I know my colleague's son who is in the waiting list, still hasn't got a place for Nursery class..but you can try to ask again.

So far no MS *touchwood*, juz feel nausea after food cos' of the after taste but it's not bothering me. It's the tiredness that has overcome me, I can snooze at 10pm every night and have afternoon naps every weekend, which is so unlike the usual me..haha.
Poissons: I'm not keeping my hopes too high though cos a few of my colleagues say my nose has started to swell up and my tummy is very "jian". So I just hope for the best lor.

E will be with Mindchamps till 2011 then I'm undecided whether to switch him to the kindergarten system (which is just 3 hours) or let him continue with MC. What's the plan for G for the rest of the day? Is your MIL or Mom going to take care of him in the morning?

You and I can hi-5 on the afternoon naps on weekends. haha. =)How is G taking to the fact that you're expecting no. 2?
Thanks mummies! Yes time really flies and i will be popping in 3 weesk' time from now!

Poissons / Michviv - Rest more and dont get too stressed out at work ok...

Michviv - I had quite bad sickness/nausea for the first few months too, and i had shivers every evening till i must curl up in the sofa... Maybe you are expecting a girl cos it is always the opposite symptoms with the previous pregnancy

Tinkabel - I am ok for any gathering before you go back to SH. Maybe we can do lunch? Anyone keen? Weishy?

Weishy - What is the purpose of prune juice ah? I totally forgot about it....
smilemum - The problem with my new / existing helper is that she doesnt seem to understand english although she is phillipino.

Housework wise is bearable (i can close one eye cos they are doing the same thing everyday) but i just feel that she is not able to take care of Ash and she seems not very patient with him! He is in a stage now whereby he is very active and naughty so we need 'skill' to contain him by talking to him nicely or explain to him slowly. She raised her voice a few times (not sure it is her style) and i told her she cannot do that to him cos he is still very young and doesn't know what he is doing). This makes me worry cos i would need to go back to work in march next year and not sure what will happen at home when i am not around.....sigh.... and she doesnt seem to be keen in working. I have this feeling she is here to check it out... still young, only 24..

It is her 3rd week with me tomorrow.
If E is doing well in Mindchamp, you might want to let him continue there. For me, G will either be at my mum's or MIL's place during the day, hasn't come to a conclusion yet cos my MIL is still pensive about quitting her job at the cc.

We are trying to prep G for the arrival of #2..if we ask where's baby, he will point to my tummy and kiss it. But sometimes he can be quite rough and keep jumping up and down on my lap which daddy will usually scold...haha..but he's getting cuter and wiser by the day, love him to bits
ASHM:: prune juice:: i thought to take so no constipation? ehhe!! jia you! a few wks more for you!! have you decided on the name yet? and i hope your maid will be to standards soon.

michviv:: i do agree with poissons that if he has already adapted and doing well at MC, it's better to let him continue. Or perhaps you can even ask if he would like to switch an environment by then. He's a clever boy so I am sure he'll be able to tell you his preference.

poissons:: haha!! G is ready liao! did u ask if he wants a didi or a meimei?

tinkabel:: hope all is well and fine with shannon! she really raelly looks like MATT!!
we asked..and his answer is DIDI and MEIMEI! I said, hello..can only choose ONE la..then he will be cheeky and replied, DIDI....then a few secs later...MEIMEI...so I think better not ask, vomit blood..haha.
Poissons, Cindy: I really don't mind him continuing at MC cos I think he will do well in a smaller class environment plus he will be taken cared of throughout the day till I pick him up. But 1 issue is cost cos its like 5 times more expensive than kindergarten and the other is he may not be suited to a big class environment in primary schools where they should be more independent.

Of course, if we can afford it, I would like him to continue w MC. Think its better so that my MIL & Dad can focus their efforts on number 2.

Poissons: Ya. They are in a really cute phase now. Hubby & I were talking the other day abt how much we are enjoying his company and all his comments. He never fails to amaze us everyday...=) If only we could freeze time.

ASHM: Actually, I like the name Isabella too. hehehe...maybe its because I'm a Twilight fan. =P
Michviv: what's the class size at Mc? but u are right abt the costs. Hubby and I have also been asking I we want to continue with Eton for kindergarten cause by then if we were to enroll Trishelle, its double the cost, and we have to be fair to both our kids. Aiyo headache. Rising costs here and there.

Poisons: Haha! Lets see, he cannot make up his mind Haha. I hope u do get a little girl. They are so much funner to dress!
poissons: G's so funny. But u still hv lots of time to cultivate in him abt the little one. Matt's taking it very much better than I expected. Now he kisses mei mei, even want to carry mei mei. Now he knows how to say "I want to carry mei mei" in mandarin. Matt's a gd helper, clears mei mei's soiled diapers and empty milk bottles. My mum keep telling me very impt to train him cos she got a friend who's grandson will hit the mei mei.

cindy: Ya, shannon really looks like Matt, now even the hair standing up like Matt. My mum keep telling me to take more photos, I say no need la. Just use Matt's ones haha, cos really look the same, maybe a little version.

ASHM: Prune juice is to prevent constipation, which prob will kick in after delivery esp due to the heaty confinement food. But I think if u are doing C section, it's not as bad as natural delivery.

poissons/michviv: I also felt the same way as u girls when preg with Shannon. My bedtime is the same as Matt's which is before 930pm and a lot of afternoon naps during wkends. I always tell myself to wake up after Matt goes to sleep at night, but a lot of times, sleep through to the morning. I guess maybe it's also becos we are bz with our #1 as well, not sure. Lucky for me, when I was preg with Shannon, due to the economic crisis, work slowed down quite a bit, else how to have a bedtime at 930pm most nights. I remember when preg with Matt, I was even working US timing and had to do quite a bit of business trips.
Cindy: Me already started to order hair clips. Gosh, girls are funner to dress but so much more expensive... I trying to control.

Michviv: How much is MC? Ya I agree abt the rising costs. We are scouting for a school for Matt in SH as well. Gosh, they are expensive also and transport is a prob cos now my mum's stuck taking care of Shannon. I either hv to pick a place with school bus (which we are still skeptical abt a 2 year old travelling on the road without us) or have our domestic helper pick him up. Sigh...
Cindy: Its 1:5 for playgroup and 1:8 (for N1)I think but in reality, its 1:3 for his N1 class currently. So he gets the attention he needs.

Tinkabel: MC is $1280/mth for N1 (the year they turn 3) before subsidy. I can relate to your headache about the transport. That's why we chose a CC nearby our home so I can drop/pick him up easily before and after work.
1:3 is really a good ratio, but yes you're right about them having probs adapting when they go to school that has bigger class groupings. My worry now is abt transport too, G will have to take school bus when he starts St James. I was a little hesitant but hubby said that i have to learn to let go and let him try to be independent and leave him to the good hands of the bus driver/helper and teachers. Sigh..dunno..still worrying..
poissons:: we will never worry enough!
or rather, will never stop worrying, all the way till when they get married and when they have kids! haha!!
I'm sure he'll be well taken care of. Plus, he's an independent boy. when is he starting btw?

michviv:: hmmm, travis is doing 1:4 for now, but when come noontime, after his nap and lunch, he gets to mix around with kids of other classes for a short while. So that ratio is a little off, cause they are all waiting in the same area for pickup by parents. But i can tell he prefers playing with kids who are older. I am also amazed that the kids actually know each other, or who is who even when they are in different classes most of the time! there was once I went to pick travis up and he was in the toilet having his butt washed (pooed) and this kindergarten boy asked me: what's your name? I replied: Cindy, then he asked me: Are you a mummy? I said yes. then he asked: Who's? I said : Travis's mummy. Do you know who's travis? Before he could asnwer, another girl rushed over and raised her hand:I knowwho's travis. He's the baby isn't he? Teachers say he's the youngest here, so we call him the baby. haha! I was laughing.

tinkabel:: shannon's got pretty hair, can invest in clips le. trishelle's hair was soo thin, i could only rely on headbands. now, she keeps pulling off the headbands, espeically in the car, until she becomes like 'pirate', haha so I've decided to use clips even though her hair still SO THIN!
Cindy: Ya, shannon's got quite a bit of hair but like her gor gor, hair all standing up at this time. I remember Matt's hair was a hair until about 4 mths plus. Hahaha, hv to bear with it for the time being. And hopefully she is not like Matt, who hates to put on caps and pulls everything off. Else all my investment in hairclips would be wasted.

michviv: wow then mc is not cheap. i was talking with weishy on cc. appears to us not much of a use n they dun learn much, except they do learn to b more indept. so when i go back to sh, i m looking for a 3 hrs scool kind, not a cc.
Tinkabel, my cousin's MIL who worked in a CC strongly discouraged us to put our children in CC.

She cited alot of reasons for that and she told me tat the best is to send them to pre-nursery classes (2-3hours) and being taken care by the family.

What she said is true but for working parents like us.. Its tough.
Poissons: Ha ha...G is so cute. I guess G is right to be telling u didi and mei mei coz during the first few weeks baby's genital structures are the same, regardless of whether you are ultimately going to have a boy or a girl. Try asking him again in few more weeks. :)

Michviv: Time flies and u're into yr 2nd trimester. And March 2010 seems so near, enjoy yr pregnancy and update us once gender for bb no.2 is known.

Cindy: Oh Travis is the youngest in school? Must be having so many kor kors and jie jies there to sayang him. I thot it's common for tods their age to be in CC but yet he is the youngest?

Tinkabel/ASHM: I dun mind to meet up for lunch/high tea since i still have many days leave to clear. So it has to be between 05/10 - 09/10 since ASHM is starting her ML on next Monday and Tinkabel is going bk on the 12/10.
tinkabel:: haha!
when it grows longer, it won't stand lo!

kaye:: ya loh, for working parents like us, how to? unless hubby earn loads of money ahhaha. or if we are born rich! or if can work from home. but aiyo. difficult.

cactus:: yes ah he's the youngest! there's a few who joined in his class but cause he is nov, he's the youngest ahha!! next yr he won't be le, cause be promoted to N1 and then they will be accepting new Pre-Nursery kids, which Trishelle can go when she is 18months next August 2010. How time flies. 2009 enroll Travis, 2010 enroll Trishelle haha!!
tinkabel: I guess its a balance cos with number 2 I want my MIL & Dad to focus their efforts on him/her since it was so effective with E. As for E, I'm quite particular about the curriculum and activities offered at the cc (i.e. it has to have a good balance of learning objectives as well as free play time). I'm happy w MC's curriculum on paper but I have to see for myself when E starts school.
ASHM:haiyo prune juice to assist u to poo poo during ur stay in the hospital as wel as back home cos u c sec then u know la the wound will be super painful if u dun use the binder dun talk about going poo poo ma...u hv to "gek" one mah so the prune juice will help
at least nto so " xin ku" ma

Meet ups :me fine with anyday la
btu hv to bring lucas out :p cos helper went holiday la.

Hayley's cc also hv 2 cases of HFMD so...she hv to home bound loooooo..

K@ye:will lookt hru ur spree

300k wow so much but sponsored right???
Weishy, ya her gown is sponsored.. Put that aside, its not nice lor n my Indian colleague (guy) also commented that she can't carry it!

Hahaha... today so much talk... I'm so tired now.. cos I just finished work... Getting tired more easily.. but my final trimester starts next week. My bump is still considered small.. all my friends and colligs comment that I dun look 5.5 months preggie... hahaha.. wonder if I'll suddenly expand super fast. Going for a short weekend trip to my in laws in M'sia this weekend.

I also withdrew J from Marymount kindergarten cos I've decided that he can follow me wherever I teach. And the child ratio is 1:8 for N1 (turning 3 years old) but u gers know rite, MCYS's ratio is 1:12.
BUt I can only bring him when I finish my maternity in Apr next year.. so for now, he's still at the CC.. he's happy, so I'm fine.

k@ye: not nice... but that blissful look is nice. hahahah...

tinkabel: I'm so envious... hahaha... but not trying for ger liao... stopping at two... i think sanity more impt..
Did u care for Matt @ night when u were preggie with shannon? I stopped sleeping with him @ night, only on FRi and Sat nights i do.. cos he still has night feed...
Smilemum: Ya 2 is enough, regardless of gender. Ya i still take care of Matt myself when preggie with Shannon and even now. But he's quite easy at night as he sleeps through. ONly once in a while he wakes up and hv to pat him back to sleep. He sleeps easily at night in SH, like take only 15 mins to put him to bed. Come back to Spore is mad. There are days I take 2 hrs and he still refuse to sleep. Hopefully thgs will get back to normal when we return to SH.
re: st james church kindergarten,

need some feedback regarding st james, anyone has kids or friends' kids in st james and is it so good (that's y waitlist so long) or just over-rated?
cos me still undecided if i wanna put hanns and kokomi in st james (hanns N2, kokomi Pre-N)
next yr will put hanns in japanese kindergarten for his N1 first and then local kindergarten starting from N2, my nephew will not be able to get into st james so thought that if st james is just so so, then might as well put all of them in glory kindergarten which is also nearer and easier for me to chauffeur all 3 kids.
got to decide fast. Pls help!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilemum: I've heard good things about marymount kindergarten and have fond memories of the place being an alumnus myself. =) But I guess if J is with you, it should be easier to manage.

tinkabel: Maybe you should make him "exercise" more. Bring him to the playground to expend his energy. We do the same for E and it works wonders.

happy: I have a colleague whose kid was there like 6 years ago but vouches for its good teachers etc. I've heard good things about glory kindergarten too but not first hand info, mostly from online forums or blogs. For me, its quite clear, proximity is a key factor. I won't travel all the way just for a school. Makes everyone stressed out - the kids, the parents etc.
Tinkabel, mabbe Matt not used to the envt back in SG.. that's y and also weather.... I think SH is cooler than SG for most of the time except for summer.

Smilemum, all brides are Blissful looking!
can i still join in the birthday bash??

Nov's Toddlers - 2nd Birthday Bash at Mac!

Venue: Kallang MacDonald
Dates: 1st Nov 2009
Time: 12nn - 130pm

Cost: $9/per child (No GST)
Deposit: $15 (non-refundable)
Booked under Cactusnah name, Elaine
Gift Exchange: SG$20
Deco: MacDonalds
Birthday cake: Smiling Orchid, design TBA, MissA to help collect! THanks!

1. Weishy -NUggets
2. Kaye - Nuggets
3. MissA - Nuggets
4. Grace - Nuggets
5. Mambobb - Nuggets
6. Cactusnah - Nuggets
7. ASHM - Nuggets
8. kittybride - nuggets
9. Lazykat - Nuggets
10. Poissons - Nuggets
11. yoko
12. Ueno - Nuggets
13. smilemum - Nuggets
14. Rachel18 - Nuggets
15. Plumsource - Nuggets
16. Gloomybear
17. PLim - Nuggets
18. Catherine - Nuggets
RE: 2nd Birthday Bash

Catherine, sure u can join!

On the cake, from Smiling orchid.. I think the below is the best coz most generic. Which option, fresh cream ($50/kg) or butter cream ($45/kg) & how heavy?

Hi K@ye,
i think she cant carry that $300k gown la.. i like her tea time cheongsam colour though..

Hi smilemum,
i took care of kiros and wake up to make milk for him till the day before I deliver Kicia. Probably cos he will go back sleep immediately after milk so the whole matter is less than 20minutes.. plus i do not have to wake up early the next day made it easier.

Hi Tinkabel,
it could be the lousy weather..or maybe hong1 sim1 liao... maybe more people and play too much during the day?

I was just thinking to myself that Poissons, youself and myself delivered our 3 little pigs on 15nov07.. now our second one of different animals. one rat, one cow, and tiger..

this morning kiros was counting his 5 fingers.. thumb is daddy, index is me, middle is him, fourth is kicia.. and the best part he showed me his little finger and told me that is 'di di'.. i almost fainted.
Hi Mummies,

i found a contact for jelly cake. delivery is like $10. ejelly...
let me know if want more information. no online catalouge. but she emailed me the pictures.
Pig, hehe... I tot i was the only one who thinks her $300k gown is UGLY! :p

Dun faints... mabbe Kiros just wan another didi coz he is surrounded by boys (ur nephews)!!!!
shall we have the #2 as the shape for the cake? Dunno which type of cream taste better..maybe other mummies can advise.

guess i'm the slowest one..haha..but that gives the whole 'animal farm' more variety
Poissons, i no problem one... coz i find their designs.. either too gal or too boy that's y i proposed that one... :p

Pig, i know what u mean...
Poissons, u mean take this design & tell them tt we want no 2?


Weishy, same price and its 2kg min... Fresh cream-$140, butter cream - $130...

IMO, Fresh cream will be lighter but cant last for long as compared to butter cream.

If everyone okie with the design, i will just ask MissA to order for us?
RE: Cakes Poll for 2nd Nov Babies Birthday Bash

1. Balloons (Butter cream - $45/kg, Fresh cream - $50/kg)


2. Shape in no 2 (Min 2kg: Butter cream - $130, Fresh cream - $140)


3. Numbers & train (Min 2kg: Butter cream - $110, Fresh cream - $120)


wondering if any one is interested in taking over a class(18months to 3 years old) at amk hub on sat 945am to 1045am on this sat,3rd of october?can treat it as a trial class,$26.75,thanks a lot,i signed up for 1 term but cant take it on this sat,if interested,please pm me
Hi all mummies,

So sorry I can't attend the birthday bash. Cos Jordan birthday falls on the 2 Nov so have to celebrate on sunday 1st nov.

Nov's Toddlers - 2nd Birthday Bash at Mac!

Venue: Kallang MacDonald
Dates: 1st Nov 2009
Time: 12nn - 130pm

Cost: $9/per child (No GST)
Deposit: $15 (non-refundable)
Booked under Cactusnah name, Elaine
Gift Exchange: SG$20
Deco: MacDonalds
Birthday cake: Smiling Orchid, design TBA, MissA to help collect! THanks!

1. Weishy -NUggets
2. Kaye - Nuggets
3. MissA - Nuggets
4. Grace - Nuggets
5. Mambobb - Nuggets
6. Cactusnah - Nuggets
7. ASHM - Nuggets
8. kittybride - nuggets
9. Lazykat - Nuggets
10. Poissons - Nuggets
11. Ueno - Nuggets
12. smilemum - Nuggets
13. Rachel18 - Nuggets
14. Plumsource - Nuggets
15. Gloomybear
16. PLim - Nuggets
17. Catherine - Nuggets
RE: 2nd Nov Babies Birthday Bash

1. Pls make $20 payment to my POSB savings account ac no 062-23570-5.

2. Pls select the choice of your cake preference.
